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?? 【中断】すでに 69 曲で 10141 箇所以上見つかりました。もっと検索語を詳しく絞ってください。
#曲番号タイトル⇒再生検 出 箇 所
1783537らいちゃんの雷井戸 / らいちゃんuid,3855 + time,"2024/11/24 Sun 13:02:13" + filename,783537-h7t9 + div,9 + title,らいちゃんの雷井戸 + title,らいちゃんの雷井戸 + title,らいちゃんの雷井戸 + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,25 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,25 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,25 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:inst,25 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.39" + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:inst,25 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:highest,74 + 7:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_pivl4x.har + 7:inst,25 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_pivl4x.har + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 8:highest,74 + 9:inst,25 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 4:noteseq,"p-0.5 おg'0.5 ばg'1.5 ばd'0.25 がe'0.25 ふd'0.5 たe'0.5 おd'0.5 しe'1.0 めf'0.5 たe'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'1.5 ばe'0.5 ばfis'1.5 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 ふd'0.5 たe'0.5 おd'0.5 あd'1.0 けg'0.5 ろg'0.5 っg'0.5 っg'1.5 こb'0.5 こc''1.5 かc''1.0 らc''0.5 だc''1.5 せe'3.0 おe'0.5 ばg'1.5 ばd'1.0 わe'0.5 しd'0.5 らe'1.0 んf'0.5 かe'1.0 おc''1.5 " + 6:noteseq,"p-0.5 おg'0.25 ばg'0.25 あa'1.25 さa'0.25 んa'0.25 こg'0.25 こa'0.25 かa'0.25 らa'0.5 だa'0.5 しg'0.75 てg'0.25 くg'0.5 だgisis'0.25 さa'0.25 いg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'1.5 おg'0.25 まgisis'0.25 えa'1.25 わa'0.25 いa'0.25 つg'0.25 もf'0.25 わe'0.25 るf'0.25 さe'0.25 おd'0.25 しc'0.25 てd'0.75 かd'0.25 みe'0.5 なf'0.25 りe'0.25 おd'0.25 なc'0.25 らd'0.5 すd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.25 もd'0.5 おg'1.5 しg'0.25 なgisis'0.25 いa'0.25 のa'0.25 なa'0.5 らa'0.5 あa'1.0 けb'0.5 てc''0.25 やb'0.25 るc''0.25 っc''0.25 っc''1.5 ごc''0.5 めd''1.5 んd''0.25 なc''0.25 さd''0.5 いc''0.5 もb'0.5 おc''1.0 しb'0.5 まc''0.5 せd''0.5 んd''1.5 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 かa'0.25 みb'0.25 なcis''0.25 りb'0.25 のcis''0.25 こb'0.5 わcis''0.25 くcis''0.25 もb'0.25 のcis''0.25 うb'0.25 えcis''0.25 にcisis''0.5 かd''0.25 えcis''0.25 っcis''0.75 てcis''0.25 いcis''0.25 っd''0.5 たcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''1.5 そcis''0.25 れd''0.25 かcis''0.5 らcis''0.25 わcis''0.75 かb'0.25 みcis''0.25 なcis''0.5 りb'0.25 がcis''0.5 なb'0.25 るcis''0.25 とcis''3.75 くcis''0.25 わd''0.25 ばd''0.5 らd''0.25 くd''0.75 わd''0.25 ばd''0.25 らd''0.5 とcis''0.25 ゆb'0.75 うcis''0.25 とcis''3.75 かcis''0.25 みd''0.25 なd''0.5 りcis''0.25 がb'0.5 どcis''0.25 こb'0.25 かcis''0.25 にcis''0.25 いcis''0.25 っd''0.25 てcis''0.5 しb'0.25 まcis''0.25 うcis''3.75 "
2783518継ぐもの / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/11/23 Sat 20:25:40" + filename,783518-GAcw + div,17 + mainid,783517-94ke + title,継ぐもの + title,継ぐもの + title,継ぐもの + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,18 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,76 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,77 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,25 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:second_voice,21 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,69 + 4:highest,70 + 4:inst,25 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:second_voice,66 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,24 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 7:second_highest,77 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,24 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 7:second_voice,65 + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_nt7iye.har + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,25 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_8utyli.har + 10:inst,0 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 11:second_highest,75 + 11:highest,72 + 11:inst,0 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.42" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,0 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk2.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,61 + 13:second_highest,73 + 13:highest,73 + 13:inst,0 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 13:second_voice,88 + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,0 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,0 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + 16:voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:second_highest,71 + 16:highest,74 + 16:inst,0 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 16:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:mode,inst + 17:voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:second_highest,71 + 17:highest,74 + 17:inst,25 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 17:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"p0.5 つa'0.5 ぎbes'0.5 たa'1.0 いa'0.25 とa'0.25 っd'0.5 おcisis'1.0 もeis'1.0 おcisis'0.25 がe'0.75 なf'0.5 んe'0.5 おe'0.5 つe'0.5 いf'0.25 だg'0.25 らf'0.5 っa'1.0 いa'0.75 いg'0.25 のf'0.25 かf'0.75 あa'0.5 のbes'0.5 へa'0.5 あbes'0.5 すa'0.25 たg'0.25 いeis'0.5 るeis'0.75 にeis'0.25 っeis'0.75 しeis'0.25 よais'0.25 おa'0.75 わa'0.5 たbes'0.5 しc''0.5 にd''0.5 もc''0.25 っgisis'0.25 にa'0.5 あbes'0.75 いc''0.25 そd''0.75 おc''0.25 だeis'0.25 しf'0.25 " + 4:noteseq,"ざa'1.5 いg'0.5 おg'0.25 つf'0.5 ぐg'0.25 っa'0.5 けbes'0.5 んa'0.5 りa'0.75 わg'0.75 とf'1.5 おg'0.5 ぜg'0.25 んg'0.5 っg'0.25 なg'0.5 いf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.75 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 ほa'1.5 かbes'0.5 のa'0.25 もg'0.5 のa'0.25 っg'0.5 だf'1.0 っf'0.75 てf'0.75 つf'1.5 ぐg'0.5 ひg'0.25 つa'0.5 よais'0.25 おbes'0.5 っa'0.5 もbes'0.5 なa'0.75 いf'0.75 " + 7:noteseq,"やd'0.75 っe'0.75 ぱf'0.5 りd'0.25 っd'0.5 へf'0.25 あg'0.75 すa'0.75 たbes'0.5 いa'0.5 るg'0.25 にf'0.25 きe'0.5 がf'0.25 るg'0.75 だa'0.5 しg'0.25 っg'0.25 だc''0.25 れbes'0.25 にa'0.5 もa'0.25 わg'0.75 かa'0.5 らbes'0.5 なa'0.25 いf'0.25 がf'0.5 いd''0.25 けd''0.75 んd''0.5 ぐc''0.25 らbes'0.5 いa'0.25 わg'0.75 っg'0.75 じg'0.5 ゆa'0.5 うg'0.25 だa'0.25 なas'0.5 かces''0.25 みces''0.75 わas'0.5 っces''0.25 ぜces''0.25 んd''0.25 ぜeses''0.25 んd''0.75 ちcis''0.75 がd''0.5 うcis''0.5 けb'0.25 どa'0.25 " + 11:noteseq,"ごes'0.5 かg'0.25 いc''0.75 でf'0.5 もes'0.25 っes'0.5 かes'0.25 まfis'0.5 わg'0.25 なfis'0.75 いfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 せfis'0.5 えbes'0.25 かc''0.75 いc''0.5 がa'0.25 っg'0.25 すa'0.25 べg'0.25 てg'0.5 でas'0.25 わg'0.5 なas'0.25 いg'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 たb'0.5 しe'0.25 かe'0.75 にd'0.5 すe'0.25 でd'0.5 にbis0.25 っc'0.5 つc'0.25 いd'0.75 でe'0.5 いc'0.5 たc'0.5 しc'0.5 んes'0.25 えf'0.5 んf'0.25 にg'0.5 ちf'0.25 かg'0.25 ずf'0.25 くes'0.25 すf'0.5 べes'0.25 おf'0.5 っfisis'0.25 ひg'0.5 とas'0.5 わg'0.5 " + 13:noteseq,"ごf'1.5 かg'0.5 いas'0.5 でbes'0.25 もas'0.25 っf'0.5 かf'0.5 まfisis'0.5 わg'0.5 なeis'0.5 いf'0.5 せf'1.0 えfisis'0.5 かg'0.5 いas'0.5 がg'0.25 っas'0.25 すbes'0.5 べf'0.25 てe'0.25 でf'0.5 わe'0.5 なf'0.5 いe'0.5 たg'1.0 しdisis'0.5 かe'0.5 にe'0.5 すg'0.25 でeis'0.25 にf'0.5 っf'0.25 つf'0.25 いa'0.5 でa'0.5 いg'0.5 たa'0.5 しf'0.75 んas'0.25 えbes'0.5 んbes'0.5 にbes'0.5 ちas'0.25 かbes'0.25 ずf'0.5 くe'0.25 すf'0.25 べe'0.5 おe'0.25 っc''0.25 ひc''0.25 とdes''0.25 わc''0.5 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p0.5 つd''0.5 ぎf''0.5 たf''1.0 いf''0.25 っf''0.25 っd''0.5 っcisis''1.0 っeis''1.0 っcisis''0.25 っe''0.75 なd''0.5 んe''0.5 おe''0.5 つe''0.5 いd''0.25 だe''0.25 らf''0.5 っf''1.0 っf''0.75 っes''0.25 っes''0.25 っd''0.75 あd''0.5 のe''0.5 へd''0.5 あf''0.5 すf''0.25 たe''0.25 いcisis''0.5 るeis''0.75 にd''0.25 っcisis''0.75 っeis''0.25 っeis''0.25 っcisis''0.25 e''0.5 わe''0.5 たf''0.5 しe''0.5 にf''0.5 もe''0.25 っe''0.25 にe''0.5 あf''0.75 いf''0.25 っf''0.75 っes''0.25 っes''0.25 っf''0.25 " + 11:second_noteseq,"っg'0.5 っg'0.25 ごes'0.75 かg'0.5 いg'0.25 でas'0.5 もg'0.25 っbes'0.5 かc''0.25 まcisis''0.75 わd''0.5 なbis'0.5 いc''0.5 っc''0.5 っc''0.25 せa'0.75 えg'0.5 かfis'0.25 いg'0.25 がfis'0.25 っa'0.25 すc''0.5 べb'0.25 てb'0.5 でb'0.25 わg'0.5 なas'0.5 いg'0.5 たb'0.5 しgis'0.25 かgis'0.75 にgis'0.5 すb'0.25 でe'0.5 にe'0.25 っe'0.5 つe'0.25 いf'0.75 でe'0.5 いe'0.5 たf'0.5 しf'0.5 んbes'0.25 えc''0.5 んcisis''0.25 にd''0.5 ちb'0.25 かces''0.25 ずces''0.25 くbes'0.25 すb'0.5 べg'0.25 おb'0.5 っb'0.25 ひb'0.5 とc''0.5 わb'0.5 " + 13:second_noteseq,"ごas'1.5 かc''0.5 っc''0.5 っc''0.25 っc''0.25 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 わb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 せb'1.0 っc''0.5 かb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 すbes'0.5 っbis'0.25 っc''0.25 っc''0.5 わbes'0.5 っc''0.5 っbes'0.5 たcis''1.0 っbes'0.5 かa'0.5 っa'0.5 っcis''0.25 っa'0.25 にa'0.5 っa'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.5 でf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 しf'0.75 っf'0.25 っf'0.5 んg'0.5 っas'0.5 っbes'0.25 っdes''0.25 ずc''0.5 っbes'0.25 っc''0.25 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っc''0.25 っbes'0.25 っc''0.5 "
3783340らいちゃんの耳成芳一 / らいちゃんuid,3855 + time,"2024/11/19 Tue 13:27:13" + filename,783340-Hm1f + div,12 + title,らいちゃんの耳成芳一 + title,らいちゃんの耳成芳一 + title,らいちゃんの耳成芳一 + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,25 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_9is5rb.har + 2:inst,25 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 2:highest,74 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_9is5rb.har + 3:inst,25 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_9is5rb.har + 4:inst,25 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:highest,74 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_pivl4x.har + 6:inst,25 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_pivl4x.har + 7:inst,25 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 7:highest,74 + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 8:highest,74 + 9:inst,25 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 9:highest,74 + 10:inst,25 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:inst,25 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:highest,74 + 12:inst,25 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 5:noteseq,"p-0.5 ほg'0.25 おa'0.25 いa'1.25 ちa'0.25 がg'0.25 げg'0.25 んa'0.25 ぺa'0.25 えa'0.5 かa'0.5 っg'0.75 せg'0.25 んg'0.5 おg'0.25 ぎg'0.25 んa'0.25 じb'0.25 たc''0.5 っc''0.25 っc''0.75 ひc''0.25 とd''0.25 びc''1.25 とc''0.25 わcisis''0.25 かd''0.25 んc''0.25 にc''0.25 たb'0.25 えc''0.25 ずa'0.5 なg'0.75 げa'0.25 きb'0.5 かc''0.25 なd''0.25 しd''0.25 んc''0.25 だd''0.5 っd''0.25 っd''0.5 っd''0.25 そb'0.5 れc''1.5 わc''1.0 っc''0.5 っc''1.5 っc''1.5 っc''1.5 まc''0.5 いd''1.5 よd''0.5 まd''0.5 いf'0.5 よe'0.5 つd'1.0 ずg'0.5 いg'1.0 たg'1.5 " + 7:noteseq,"p-0.5 おd''0.25 しょcis''0.25 おcis''0.5 わcis''0.25 あb'0.75 やcis''0.25 しcis''0.75 んb'0.25 だcis''0.75 っcis''0.25 っcis''3.75 ほb'0.5 おcis''1.75 いcis''1.75 ちcis''0.25 がcis''3.75 おcis''0.25 にd''0.25 びcis''0.75 のcis''0.75 もb'0.25 えcis''0.75 るcis''0.25 ぼcis''0.75 ちb'0.25 でcis''3.75 びcis''0.25 わb'0.25 おcis''1.5 ひcis''0.25 いd''1.0 てcis''0.75 いb'0.25 るcis''3.75 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 ほcis'0.25 おd'0.25 いd'0.5 ちe'0.25 がd'0.5 へe'0.25 えd'0.25 けd'0.25 のd'0.5 ぼc'0.25 おd'0.5 れd'0.25 えd'0.25 にc'3.75 みc'0.25 いd'0.25 らd'0.75 れe'0.75 てd'0.25 いd'1.0 るfis'0.75 っcisis'0.25 っd'3.75 なd'0.25 んc'0.25 とc'0.5 かc'0.25 しd'0.75 なe'0.25 くe'0.25 てd'0.5 わc'0.25 っc'0.75 っc'0.25 っc'3.75 おe'0.25 しょd'0.25 おd'0.75 わd'0.75 かc'0.25 んd'1.0 がe'0.75 えd'0.25 たc'3.75 " + 9:noteseq,"p-0.5 ほc'0.25 おd'0.25 いd'1.25 ちd'0.25 のd'0.25 かc'0.25 らd'0.25 だe'0.25 にd'0.25 はc'0.25 んd'0.25 にゃd'0.25 しe'0.75 んf'0.25 ぎょe'0.5 おe'0.25 おe'0.25 かf'0.25 いe'0.25 たe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 だe'0.5 れd'1.5 がd'0.25 きe'0.25 てd'0.25 もe'0.25 こfis'0.5 えe'0.5 おd'1.0 だe'0.5 すd'0.25 なd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'1.5 みd'0.5 みe'1.5 にc'0.25 かd'0.25 くc'0.25 のd'0.25 おe'0.5 わg'0.5 すa'1.0 れa'0.5 たa'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.5 っc'1.5 そc'0.5 のe'1.5 よe'0.25 るd'0.25 もd'0.5 ぼc'0.5 おd'0.5 れe'1.0 えf'0.5 わe'0.5 きd'0.5 たc'1.5 "
4783322素朴な疑問 / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/11/18 Mon 15:09:27" + filename,783322-YQwN + div,15 + mainid,783321-yTrU + title,素朴な疑問 + title,素朴な疑問 + title,素朴な疑問 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,4 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,74 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 3:highest,72 + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:second_voice,56 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 4:highest,72 + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.23" + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,0 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,26 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 7:second_highest,74 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 7:highest,72 + 7:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_28j6ia.har + 7:inst,26 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.42" + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 8:second_highest,74 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 8:highest,72 + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_28j6ia.har + 8:inst,27 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.42" + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,25 + 9:second_highest,66 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 9:highest,72 + 9:inst,18 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 9:second_voice,8 + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,18 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,20 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 12:second_highest,79 + 12:highest,72 + 12:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_op2wui.har + 12:inst,18 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 12:second_voice,2 + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,73 + 13:second_highest,64 + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 13:highest,72 + 13:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_nygzi9.har + 13:inst,20 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 13:second_voice,41 + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,20 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,0 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"p-0.5 すc'0.25 すd'0.25 きd'0.5 とd'0.5 っc'0.5 せc'0.5 えf'0.25 たf'0.25 かf'0.25 あg'0.25 わa'0.5 だbes'0.5 ちc''0.25 そbes'0.25 おbes'1.0 あa'0.25 きbes'0.25 ちbes'0.5 でbes'0.5 っgisis'0.5 きa'0.5 そbis'0.25 いc''0.25 あc''0.25 うf'0.25 っg'1.0 っc'0.5 っc'1.0 おf'1.0 いg'0.5 しf'0.5 げg'0.5 りf'0.25 っf'0.25 ゆf'0.25 れg'0.25 てa'1.0 いbes'0.75 るbes'0.75 しょbes'0.25 くc''0.25 ぶbes'0.5 つa'0.5 たbes'0.5 ちf'0.5 もg'0.25 っg'0.25 おbes'0.25 なbis'0.25 じc''0.5 なc''0.5 んa'0.5 だbes'0.25 " + 7:noteseq,"p0.5 こd'0.5 とg'0.5 ばb'1.0 わa'0.25 なa'0.25 ぜg'0.5 っg'1.0 っgis'1.0 っb'0.25 っe'0.75 こe'0.5 とa'0.5 ばb'0.5 とa'0.5 かb'0.25 くa'0.25 のe'0.5 かe'1.0 っd'0.75 っd'0.25 っa'0.25 っd'0.25 " + 8:noteseq,"p0.5 こg'0.5 おa'0.25 よb'0.25 おb'0.5 すa'0.5 るc''0.25 もb'0.25 のb'0.5 っa'0.75 しg'0.25 なgis'0.75 いfis'0.25 もgis'0.25 のa'0.75 こg'0.5 とgisis'0.5 ばa'0.5 もfis'0.5 にg'0.25 しゅa'0.25 るa'0.5 いg'0.75 っa'0.25 あb'0.75 るa'0.25 のg'0.25 かg'0.25 " + 9:noteseq,"p0.5 こg'0.5 とa'0.5 ばb'1.0 わa'0.25 なb'0.25 ぜa'0.5 っd'1.0 っd'1.0 っa'0.25 っd'0.75 こd'0.5 とfis'0.5 ばg'0.5 とfis'0.5 かg'0.25 くfis'0.25 のg'0.5 かe'1.0 っe'0.75 っe'0.25 っg'0.25 っe'0.75 こg'0.5 おgisis'0.25 よa'0.25 おb'0.5 すa'0.5 るb'0.25 もa'0.25 のa'0.5 っg'0.75 しfis'0.25 なg'0.75 いfis'0.25 もg'0.25 のa'0.75 こg'0.5 とa'0.5 ばa'0.5 もfis'0.5 にg'0.25 しゅa'0.25 るa'0.5 いg'0.75 っa'0.25 あb'0.75 るg'0.25 のfis'0.25 かg'0.25 " + 12:noteseq,"p-0.5 こb'0.25 のa'0.25 はg'0.5 とg'0.5 っfis'0.25 こg'0.5 とa'0.5 ばb'0.5 のa'0.25 かg'0.5 んa'0.5 けb'0.5 えb'1.0 きa'0.25 えb'0.25 てc''0.5 わb'0.5 っg'0.25 うg'0.5 まa'0.5 れa'0.5 るa'0.25 こfis'0.5 とg'0.5 ばd'1.5 いe'0.25 つd'0.25 まe'1.0 でe'0.25 もd'0.5 っd'0.5 のd'0.5 こe'0.25 るd'0.5 もd'0.5 のe'1.5 いd'0.25 とe'0.25 しe'0.5 いd'0.5 きe'0.25 みa'0.5 のb'0.25 こa'0.25 とb'0.5 ばa'0.25 っg'0.5 のfis'0.5 よg'0.5 おfis'0.75 " + 13:noteseq,"p-0.5 こb'0.25 のa'0.25 はg'0.5 とe'0.5 っe'0.5 こfis'0.25 とg'0.25 ばa'0.75 のg'0.25 かfis'0.5 んg'0.25 けa'0.5 えa'1.25 きfis'0.25 えg'0.25 てa'0.5 わd'0.5 っd'0.5 うd'0.25 まfis'1.0 れg'0.25 るg'0.5 こfis'0.25 とg'0.5 ばg'1.25 いa'0.25 つg'0.25 まe'1.0 でe'0.5 もe'0.25 っg'1.0 のg'0.25 こa'0.5 るg'0.25 もa'0.5 のb'1.25 いg'0.25 とa'0.25 しa'0.5 いg'0.5 きfis'0.5 みg'0.25 のa'0.25 こg'0.25 とa'0.5 ばg'0.25 っe'0.5 のd'0.25 よe'0.5 おd'0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 すc''0.25 すbes'0.25 きbes'0.5 とbes'0.5 っc''0.5 っc''0.5 っc''0.25 っc''0.25 っc''0.25 あc''0.25 わc''0.5 だcisis''0.5 ちd''0.25 そd''0.25 おd''1.0 っbes'0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.5 っbes'0.5 っd''0.5 きc''0.5 そcis''0.25 いc''0.25 あd''0.25 うc''0.25 っc''1.0 っbes'0.5 っc''1.0 おc''1.0 いbes'0.5 しbes'0.5 げd''0.5 りc''0.25 っc''0.25 っc''0.25 っc''0.25 っc''1.0 っd''0.75 っd''0.75 しょd''0.25 くd''0.25 ぶd''0.5 つbes'0.5 たd''0.5 ちc''0.5 もc''0.25 っc''0.25 っc''0.25 っbis'0.25 っc''0.5 っc''0.5 っc''0.5 っbes'0.25 " + 8:second_noteseq,"こg'0.5 おb'0.25 よd''0.75 おd''0.5 すfis'0.25 るg'0.25 もa'0.25 のa'0.25 っg'0.75 しe'0.75 なb'0.5 いb'0.5 もe'0.25 のe'0.25 こe'0.5 とg'0.25 ばe'0.75 もd'0.5 にd'0.25 しゅa'0.5 るc''0.25 いb'0.75 っd''0.75 あa'0.5 るg'0.5 のb'0.25 かb'0.25 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p0.5 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'1.0 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っfis'0.5 っd'1.0 んfis'1.0 んcisis'0.25 んd'0.25 fis'0.5 っcisis'0.5 っd'0.5 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'1.0 っe'0.75 んd'0.25 んdisis'0.25 んe'0.75 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.75 しd'0.25 なe'0.75 いd'0.25 もd'0.25 のe'0.75 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っd'0.5 っd'0.5 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.75 っd'0.25 あd'0.75 るd'0.25 のd'0.25 かd'0.25 " + 12:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 こg''0.25 のd''0.25 はb'0.5 とb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っd''0.5 っd''0.5 のa'0.25 かb'0.5 んg''0.5 けg''0.5 えg''1.0 きfis''0.25 えg''0.25 てg''0.5 わe''0.5 っe''0.25 うe''0.5 まfis''0.5 れcisis''0.5 るd''0.25 っd''0.5 っg''0.5 っb'1.5 いd''0.25 つb'0.25 まb'1.0 でb'0.25 もa'0.5 っa'0.5 のa'0.5 こb'0.25 るa'0.5 もa'0.5 のb'1.5 いa'0.25 とb'0.25 しb'0.5 いa'0.5 きd''0.25 みe''0.5 のg''0.25 っe''0.25 っg''0.5 っc''0.25 っb'0.5 のb'0.5 よe''0.5 おdis''0.75 " + 13:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っdis'0.25 っb0.25 っb0.5 っb0.5 っb0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っc'0.75 っb0.25 かa0.5 んd'0.25 けd'0.5 えd'1.25 っa0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っa0.5 っa0.5 っa0.25 っb1.0 っb0.25 っb0.5 こg0.25 とb0.5 ばb1.25 っe'0.25 っb0.25 っa1.0 っa0.5 っa0.25 っe'1.0 のa0.25 こc'0.5 るb0.25 もb0.5 のd'1.25 っb0.25 っd'0.25 っe'0.5 っb0.5 っb0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 こb0.25 とc'0.5 ばb0.25 っg0.5 のa0.25 よb0.5 おa0.25 "
5783177らいちゃんのくもの糸 / らいちゃん 芥川龍之介uid,3855 + time,"2024/11/15 Fri 13:54:10" + filename,783177-1qzD + div,13 + title,らいちゃんのくもの糸 + title,らいちゃんのくもの糸 + title,らいちゃんのくもの糸 + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,25 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,25 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,40 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:inst,40 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 4:highest,74 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/kimionosete-ss.har + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/kimionosete-ss.har + 6:inst,25 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:highest,74 + 7:inst,25 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:highest,74 + 9:inst,25 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:inst,25 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 10:highest,74 + 11:inst,25 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:inst,25 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:highest,74 + 13:inst,25 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 2:noteseq,"p-1.0 おa'0.25 しゃb'0.25 かcis''0.25 さb'0.25 まa'1.25 がa'0.25 いg'0.25 けa'0.25 のg'0.75 まa'0.25 わb'0.25 りb'0.25 おa'0.25 さb'0.25 んc''0.25 ぽc''1.75 bis'1.0 そbis'0.25 らeis'0.25 わeis'0.25 はeis'0.25 れa'1.5 はfis'0.25 なa'0.25 わe'1.25 さe'0.25 きgis'0.25 みa'0.25 だa'0.25 れa'2.75 のb'0.25 やa'0.25 まg'0.25 でa'0.25 わa'1.25 どf'0.25 おg'0.25 ぶa'0.25 つb'0.75 がa'0.25 あg'0.25 そa'0.25 んb'0.25 でa'0.25 いg'0.25 るa'1.75 bis1.0 こbis0.25 れeis'0.25 がeis'0.25 てgisis'0.25 んfis'1.5 ごfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 でe'1.25 あb'0.25 るe'0.5 " + 4:noteseq,"p-0.5 おcis'0.5 しゃe'1.25 かf'0.25 さe'0.25 まe'0.25 がd'0.25 はd'0.25 すe'0.5 のd'0.5 はe'1.0 なf'0.5 おe'0.25 とf'0.25 おe'0.25 しe'0.25 てe'1.5 げe'0.5 かa'1.5 いa'0.5 おg'0.5 みa'0.5 らg'0.5 れg'1.0 まg'0.5 しg'0.5 たg'0.5 っe'1.5 ふe'0.5 かf'1.5 いe'0.25 しe'0.25 たg'0.25 のg'0.25 ほg'0.5 おe'0.5 わd'1.0 じc'0.5 ごd'0.25 くd'0.25 でd'0.25 すd'0.25 っc'1.5 わc'0.5 るa'1.5 いc'0.25 こc'0.25 とe'0.5 おd'0.5 しd'0.5 たe'1.0 もe'0.5 のf'0.25 がe'0.25 いd'0.5 るe'1.5 " + 6:noteseq,"p-0.5 そa'0.5 のc''1.5 なc''0.5 かa'0.5 でg'0.5 かg'0.5 んa'1.0 だa'0.5 たa'1.0 がg'1.5 めg'0.5 にf'1.5 とd'0.5 まe'0.5 りf'0.5 まe'0.5 しe'1.0 たdis'0.5 っdis'1.0 っe'1.5 わb'0.5 るc''1.5 いa'0.5 こb'0.5 とc''0.5 おb'0.5 しc''1.0 たd''0.5 がc''0.5 っc''0.5 っc''1.5 ひc''0.5 とd''1.5 つa'0.25 だb'0.25 けc''0.5 いc''0.5 いa'0.5 こgis'1.0 とa'0.5 おgis'0.5 しgis'0.5 たa'1.5 " + 10:noteseq,"p-0.5 じa'0.25 ごb'0.25 くc''0.5 かa'0.25 らa'0.75 ぬg'0.25 けa'0.25 だa'0.5 せb'0.25 るa'0.75 っa'0.25 っa'3.75 こa'0.25 のb'0.25 いgisis'0.5 とdeses'0.25 おbis0.5 のbis0.25 ぼeis'0.25 りeis'0.25 はeis'0.5 じbis'0.25 めbis'0.5 たbis'0.25 っbis'0.25 っbis'0.25 c''3.5 あc''0.25 とb'0.25 かb'0.25 らb'0.25 たa'0.25 くb'0.5 さc''0.25 んb'0.25 のa'0.25 もg'0.25 のa'0.25 がg'0.25 のa'0.5 ぼb'0.25 りb'0.25 はa'0.75 じb'0.5 めc''0.5 たa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'1.5 おa'0.25 まb'0.25 えb'0.5 らb'0.25 おa'0.75 りb'0.25 ろe'0.75 とf'0.25 いe'0.75 っf'0.25 たe'3.75 " + 12:noteseq,"p-0.5 いe'0.5 とd'1.5 がe'1.0 きd'0.5 れe'1.5 たd'0.5 っd'1.0 っd'1.5 じd'0.25 ぶe'0.25 んe'1.25 のe'0.25 こd'0.25 とe'0.25 しd'0.25 かd'0.25 かd'0.25 んe'0.25 がf'0.5 えe'0.75 なe'0.25 いe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 えe'0.25 ごd'0.25 だe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.75 おe'0.5 しゃa'1.5 かa'1.0 さg'0.5 まg'1.5 わa'3.0 しa'0.5 ずg'1.5 かg'0.5 にg'0.5 さg'0.5 っf'0.5 てe'1.0 いdis'0.5 かe'0.5 れfis'0.5 たe'1.5 "
6783162訪れる / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/11/14 Thu 17:47:35" + filename,783162-D719 + div,18 + mainid,783159-0BqX + title,訪れる + title,訪れる + title,訪れる + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,0 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,74 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,51 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,0 + 4:second_highest,74 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,48 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 4:second_voice,52 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,48 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,18 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 7:second_highest,72 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,20 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 7:second_voice,8 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,54 + 8:second_highest,47 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,20 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 8:second_voice,36 + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,20 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,20 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 11:second_highest,74 + 11:highest,73 + 11:inst,16 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 11:second_voice,85 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,12 + 12:second_highest,74 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 12:highest,73 + 12:inst,16 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 12:second_voice,73 + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,16 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,16 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 15:second_highest,78 + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_StoryAi.dat + 15:highest,73 + 15:inst,16 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 15:second_voice,9 + 15:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_StoryAi.dat + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,83 + 16:second_highest,54 + 16:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_StoryAi.dat + 16:highest,73 + 16:inst,16 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 16:second_voice,88 + 16:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_StoryAi.dat + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:second_highest,71 + 17:highest,74 + 17:inst,20 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 17:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:mode,inst + 18:voice,"fss 0.35" + 18:second_highest,71 + 18:highest,74 + 18:inst,20 + 18:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 18:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 18:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"p0.5 おg'0.5 とa'0.25 ずb'0.25 れb'0.5 るa'0.25 っe'0.25 いe'0.25 ろg'0.25 んg'0.25 なg'0.25 もg'0.75 のa'0.25 がg'0.75 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.75 っg'0.5 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 おg'0.5 とa'0.25 ずa'0.25 れa'0.25 るe'0.25 っd'0.25 いfis'0.25 ろfisis'0.75 んg'0.25 なg'0.75 もg'0.25 のa'0.25 がg'0.25 " + 4:noteseq,"おe'0.25 とfis'0.25 ずg'0.25 れa'0.25 るg'0.25 っe'0.25 いfis'0.25 ろg'0.25 んa'0.25 なa'0.25 もg'0.25 のa'0.25 がg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っe'0.25 おe'0.25 とg'0.25 ずg'0.25 れg'0.25 るfis'0.25 っdisis'0.25 いe'0.25 ろges'0.25 んfis'0.25 なg'0.25 もg'0.25 のa'0.25 がg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 " + 7:noteseq,"きb'0.5 せa'0.25 つg'0.5 でg'0.25 あa'0.5 っg'0.25 たg'0.25 りg'0.25 っg'0.25 ひg'0.5 とa'0.25 でa'0.75 あb'0.5 っa'0.5 たb'0.25 りb'0.25 っb'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.5 っb'0.25 っais'0.5 っais'0.25 っais'0.25 っais'0.25 っais'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.25 っg'0.5 っg'0.5 " + 11:noteseq,"p-0.5 あfis'0.25 おg'0.25 いfis'1.25 とfis'0.25 りg'0.25 がfis'0.25 っb0.25 うd'0.25 かe'0.25 んfis'0.75 だgis'0.5 っdisis'0.25 っe'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.75 ふe'0.25 たfis'0.25 りa'1.25 のe'0.25 えfis'0.25 がe'0.25 おe'0.25 みfis'0.25 てe'0.25 いfis'0.5 るfis'0.25 とd'0.5 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 " + 12:noteseq,"p-0.5 あfis'0.25 おg'0.25 いfis'0.5 とe'0.5 りfis'0.5 がd'0.25 っb0.25 うb0.25 かcis'0.25 んd'0.25 だd'0.25 っb0.5 っb0.5 っe'0.25 っe'1.25 ふe'0.25 たfis'0.25 りfis'0.5 のe'0.5 えfis'0.5 がe'0.25 おe'0.25 みfis'0.25 てe'0.25 いe'0.25 るa'0.25 とa'0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 " + 15:noteseq,"p1.0 そg'0.5 らfis'0.5 でe'0.25 っfis'1.75 わfis'0.25 たa'0.25 りb'0.25 どfis'0.25 りe'0.25 がd'0.25 なcis'0.25 くd'1.25 きfis'0.5 ぎe'0.5 のe'0.25 はfis'1.75 わa'0.25 っg'0.25 ひfis'0.25 にg'0.25 かfis'0.25 がg'0.25 やfis'0.25 くb0.25 " + 16:noteseq,"p1.0 そg'0.5 らfis'0.5 でe'0.25 っfis'1.75 わfis'0.25 たa'0.25 りb'0.25 どfis'0.25 りe'0.25 がd'0.25 なcis'0.25 くd'1.25 きfis'0.5 ぎe'0.5 のe'0.25 はfis'1.75 わa'0.25 っg'0.25 ひfis'0.25 にg'0.25 かfis'0.25 がg'0.25 やfis'0.25 くb0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p0.5 っe'0.5 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 おg'0.5 とa'0.25 ずb'0.25 れc''0.25 るb'0.25 っb'0.25 いb'0.25 ろc''0.75 んb'0.25 なb'0.75 もb'0.25 のc''0.25 がb'0.75 おd'0.5 とdisis'0.25 ずe'0.25 れg'0.5 るfis'0.25 っdisis'0.25 いe'0.25 ろfis'0.25 んg'0.25 なg'0.25 もd'0.75 のe'0.25 がd'0.75 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っg'0.25 " + 4:second_noteseq,"っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っe'0.25 おe'0.25 とg'0.25 ずg'0.25 れfis'0.25 るdisis'0.25 っe'0.25 いe'0.25 ろa'0.25 んc''0.25 なb'0.25 もb'0.25 のc''0.25 がb'0.25 っg'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 おd'0.25 とe'0.25 ずg'0.25 れa'0.25 るg'0.25 っd'0.25 いd'0.25 ろe'0.25 んbis'0.25 なc''0.25 もb'0.25 のc''0.25 がb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.25 " + 7:second_noteseq,"っg'0.5 せe'0.25 つe'0.5 でe'0.25 っg'0.5 っe'0.25 たe'0.25 りe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 とfis'0.25 でg'0.75 っg'0.5 っfis'0.5 たg'0.25 りg'0.25 っg'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 あg'0.25 っe'0.5 たe'0.25 りe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っg'0.5 っe'0.25 あfis'0.5 っdisis'0.25 っe'0.5 りe'0.5 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っg,0.25 っe,0.25 うe,1.0 っe,0.25 っe,0.25 うa,0.5 っa,0.25 っa,0.25 っa,0.5 うdisis,0.25 っdisis,0.25 っdisis,0.5 っdisis,0.25 うdisis,0.25 っg,0.25 っg,0.75 っg,0.25 っg,0.25 っdisis,1.0 っdisis,0.25 っdisis,0.25 うfis,0.5 っfis,0.25 っfis,0.25 っfis,0.5 っb,0.25 っb,0.25 っb,0.5 っb,0.25 っb,0.25 うe,0.25 っe,0.25 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あais'0.25 おb'0.25 いa'1.25 とa'0.25 りb'0.25 がa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.75 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 うe'0.25 うb'0.25 うb'0.75 ふb'0.25 たe'0.25 りe'1.25 のe'0.25 えc''0.25 がgisis'0.25 おa'0.25 みd''0.25 てc''0.25 っd''0.5 っd''0.25 っd''0.5 っfis'0.25 うfis'0.25 うa'0.25 っd''0.25 " + 12:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あd''0.25 おcis''0.25 いd''0.5 とcis''0.5 りd''0.5 がb'0.25 っb'0.25 うb'0.25 かb'0.25 んb'0.25 だb'0.25 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'1.25 ふb'0.25 たbis'0.25 りc''0.5 のd''0.5 えc''0.5 がd''0.25 おc''0.25 みd''0.25 てc''0.25 いd''0.25 るc''0.25 とd''0.5 っd''0.5 っd''0.25 っd''0.5 っd''0.25 " + 15:second_noteseq,"p1.0 そd''0.5 らa'0.5 でa'0.25 っa'1.75 わa'0.25 たcis''0.25 りd''0.25 どb'0.25 りb'0.25 っb'0.25 っfis'0.25 っb'1.25 きd''0.5 ぎcis''0.5 のgisis'0.25 はa'1.75 わfis''0.25 っe''0.25 ひd''0.25 にe''0.25 かd''0.25 がe''0.25 やd''0.25 くb'0.25 " + 16:second_noteseq,"p1.0 そd0.5 らfis0.5 でe0.25 っbisis0.75 fis1.0 わfis0.25 たbisis0.25 りb,0.25 どfis0.25 りbisis0.25 がd0.25 なe0.25 くfis0.25 d1.0 きfis0.5 ぎe0.5 のe0.25 はbisis0.75 fis1.25 わfis0.25 っfis0.25 ひb,0.25 にfis0.25 っbisis0.25 っfis0.25 っd0.25 "
7782913みずいろ / つこさん。uid,18528 + time,"2024/11/09 Sat 16:19:53" + filename,782913-9trM + div,15 + title,みずいろ + title,みずいろ + title,みずいろ + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,25 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,25 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,25 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 3:highest,74 + 4:inst,25 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:inst,25 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 6:highest,74 + 7:inst,25 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 7:highest,74 + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 8:highest,74 + 9:inst,25 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 9:highest,74 + 10:inst,32 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:inst,25 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 11:highest,74 + 12:inst,25 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 12:highest,75 + 13:inst,25 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:inst,25 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 14:highest,74 + 15:inst,25 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + 2:noteseq,"かfis'0.5 なgis'0.5 しa'0.5 いb'0.5 こcis''0.5 とd''0.5 がcis''0.5 あcis''0.5 っb'0.25 たa'0.5 んgis'0.25 だa'1.0 まa'0.5 いfis'0.5 にfis'0.5 ちfis'0.5 もe'0.5 がfis'0.5 いe'0.5 てfis'0.5 たe'0.75 んfis'0.25 だg'1.0 ひa'0.5 えb'0.5 きa'0.5 っfis'0.5 たa'0.5 こgis'0.5 こa'0.5 ろgis'0.5 がa'0.25 いgis'0.25 たa'0.25 むgis'0.25 けa'0.5 どa'0.5 えb'0.5 がa'0.5 おgis'0.5 おa'0.5 むa'0.5 りgis'0.5 にa'0.5 かgis'0.5 ぶa'0.25 っgis'0.5 てa'0.25 たa'1.0 " + 3:noteseq,"ぎcis''0.5 たb'0.5 あa'0.5 おa'0.5 はb'0.5 じd''0.5 くcis''0.5 みfis'0.5 たe'0.75 いe'0.25 にe'1.0 つfis'0.5 たgis'0.5 わa'0.5 れa'0.5 ばb'0.5 いb'0.5 いa'0.5 のcis''0.5 にb'2.0 じa'0.5 ぶb'0.5 んcis''0.5 のe'0.5 こe'0.5 とb'0.5 もa'0.5 しgis'0.5 らa'0.25 なgis'0.25 いa'0.25 まa'0.25 まb'1.0 なb'0.5 がcis''0.5 さb'0.5 れb'0.5 てb'0.5 れb'0.5 つa'0.5 にgis'0.5 なa'0.25 らb'0.25 んcis''0.25 でcis''0.25 たa'1.0 " + 4:noteseq,"たcis'0.5 くe'0.5 さe'0.5 んfis'0.5 あe'0.5 やgis'0.5 まa'0.5 りe'0.5 たe'0.25 いfis'0.5 けe'0.25 どb'1.0 そa'0.5 れb'0.5 よcis''0.5 りcis''0.5 もa'0.5 あa'0.5 りcis''0.5 がb'0.5 とb'1.0 おb'1.0 みa'0.5 つb'0.5 けcis''0.5 たcis''0.5 もa'0.5 のb'0.5 がa'0.5 あb'0.5 るa'0.25 とa'0.25 すfis'0.25 れgis'0.25 ばa'1.0 あa'0.5 のb'0.5 とa'0.5 きcis''0.5 やe'0.5 さfis'0.5 しe'0.5 くcis'0.5 なe'0.25 れfis'0.25 たe'0.25 こe'0.25 とa'1.0 " + 6:noteseq,"いe'0.5 えa'0.5 なcis'0.5 いe'0.5 こe'0.5 とfis'0.5 がe'0.5 あfis'0.5 るe'0.75 んfis'0.25 だe'1.0 つcis''0.5 よd''0.5 がcis''0.5 りa'0.5 おa'0.5 かfis'0.5 くb'0.5 しa'0.5 たgis'0.75 けa'0.25 どb'1.0 ほa'0.5 んb'0.5 とcis''0.5 わb'0.5 やcis''0.5 っa'0.5 ぱa'0.5 さgis'0.5 みa'0.25 しb'0.25 かa'0.25 っgis'0.25 たa'1.0 だa'0.5 かgis'0.5 らa'0.5 うa'0.5 たb'0.5 っb'0.5 たa'0.5 うgis'0.5 たa'0.25 っa'0.25 たa'0.25 うgis'0.25 たa'0.25 っa'0.25 たa'0.5 " + 7:noteseq,"こfis'0.25 こa'0.25 じゃfis'0.25 なa'0.25 いgis'0.25 どa'0.25 こgis'0.25 かa'0.25 でb'0.25 きcis''0.25 っb'0.25 とb'0.25 わb'0.25 らcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 てcis''0.25 いfis'0.25 るa'0.25 よa'0.25 っa'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 そfis'0.25 おe'0.25 おfis'0.25 もa'0.25 えa'0.25 るfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 いb'0.25 にb'0.25 わa'0.25 みgis'0.25 ずa'0.25 いa'0.25 ろa'0.25 のcis'0.25 きcis'0.25 おe'0.25 くe'0.25 がfis'0.25 ひg'0.25 ろa'0.25 がb'0.25 るb'0.25 とa'0.25 きb'0.25 どa'0.25 きfis'0.25 こe'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 れfis'0.25 てe'0.25 ふeis'0.5 くfis'0.25 らgis'0.25 むa'0.5 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 みfis'0.25 ずgis'0.25 いa'0.25 ろa'0.25 ばgis'0.25 かa'0.25 りa'0.25 なb'0.25 んb'0.5 だb'0.25 よe'0.25 っe'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っe'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 " + 8:noteseq,"かfis'0.25 わa'0.25 らa'0.25 なfis'0.25 いgis'0.25 こa'0.25 とb'0.25 わa'0.25 たa'0.5 だgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っfis'0.75 っfis'0.25 っa'0.5 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 こfis'0.25 こa'0.25 でgis'0.25 いa'0.25 きb'0.25 てa'0.25 いgis'0.25 たa'0.25 よfis'0.5 ねe'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.75 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 みfis'0.25 つa'0.25 けa'0.25 たa'0.25 もgis'0.25 のa'0.25 がgis'0.25 あa'0.25 るgis'0.5 とa'0.25 すgis'0.25 れa'0.25 ばa'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 ふfis'0.25 たgis'0.25 りa'0.25 がgis'0.25 ひa'0.25 とb'0.25 りa'0.25 にb'0.25 なb'0.5 っa'0.25 たb'0.25 こb'0.25 とcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.5 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っa'0.25 " + 9:noteseq,"たfis'0.5 くa'0.5 さa'0.5 んa'0.5 あgis'0.5 やa'0.5 まa'0.5 りfis'0.5 たfis'0.25 いfis'0.5 けfis'0.25 どa'1.0 そa'0.5 れb'0.5 よa'0.5 りb'0.5 もb'0.5 あe'0.5 りfis'0.5 がe'0.5 とe'1.0 おe'1.0 みfis'0.5 つgis'0.5 けa'0.5 たa'0.5 もcis'0.5 のeis'0.5 がe'0.5 あb'0.5 るa'0.25 とa'0.25 すgis'0.25 れa'0.25 ばfis'1.0 ひfis'0.5 とgis'0.5 りa'0.5 あa'0.5 るfis'0.5 きe'0.5 もcis'0.5 へe'0.5 えa'0.25 きa'0.25 なe'0.25 こe'0.25 とa'1.0 " + 11:noteseq,"たcis''0.25 ぶa'0.25 んe'0.25 わa'0.25 すb'0.25 れb'0.25 なa'0.25 いb'0.25 よa'0.25 ぜgis'0.25 っa'0.25 たb'0.25 いcis''0.5 なb'0.25 んcis''0.25 てcis''0.25 いe'0.25 えcis''0.5 なcis''0.5 いcis''0.5 " + 12:noteseq,"もe'0.25 おa'0.25 あe'0.25 えfis'0.25 なe'0.25 いe'0.25 ねe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っa'0.75 っa'0.25 っa'0.75 っe'0.25 っe'1.0 げcis''0.25 んa'0.25 きgis'0.25 でa'0.25 いe'0.25 てfis'0.25 ねe'0.25 っe'0.25 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っb'0.75 っb'0.25 っe'0.75 っe'0.25 っe'1.0 " + 14:noteseq,"げcis''1.5 んa'0.5 きe'0.5 でfis'0.5 いe'0.5 てfis'0.5 ねe'2.0 "
8782808ある詩から / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/11/08 Fri 13:59:12" + filename,782808-4QB1 + div,16 + mainid,782807-Luct + title,ある詩から + title,ある詩から + title,ある詩から + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,8 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_ijxmk4.har + 2:inst,8 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,69 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:highest,66 + 3:inst,6 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,118 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,66 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 4:highest,66 + 4:inst,6 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:second_voice,70 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 5:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 5:second_highest,74 + 5:highest,68 + 5:inst,18 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 5:second_voice,57 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,20 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,94 + 7:second_highest,74 + 7:highest,68 + 7:inst,18 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 7:second_voice,91 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_30mi2i.har + 8:inst,20 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,73 + 9:second_highest,66 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 9:highest,66 + 9:inst,20 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:second_voice,76 + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,20 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 11:second_highest,75 + 11:highest,68 + 11:inst,99 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 11:second_voice,59 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,88 + 12:second_highest,66 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 12:highest,68 + 12:inst,2 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 12:second_voice,52 + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,2 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,60 + 14:second_highest,56 + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 14:highest,68 + 14:inst,20 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 14:second_voice,38 + 14:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,114 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:mode,inst + 16:voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:second_highest,71 + 16:highest,74 + 16:inst,4 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 16:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"てd'0.75 んcis'0.25 にd'0.75 っd'0.25 しd'0.25 たfis'0.25 がfis'0.5 いe'0.75 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'1.0 てd'0.75 んe'0.25 にd'0.75 なd'0.25 っb0.25 てb0.25 っcis'0.5 しd'1.0 まfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 たd'1.0 なe'0.75 んd'0.25 かd'0.75 のd'0.25 いe'0.25 んd'0.25 がd'0.5 でe'0.75 っfis'0.25 かe'0.5 たfis'0.25 まe'0.25 りe'1.0 めd'0.75 がcis'0.25 てd'0.75 んe'0.25 にd'0.25 なd'0.25 っcis'0.5 てd'0.75 っd'0.25 しd'0.5 まfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 たfis'0.5 " + 4:noteseq,"p-0.5 てd'0.25 んcis'0.25 わd'1.5 よd'0.25 いe'0.25 んfis'1.25 おe'0.25 っd'0.25 こe'0.25 のfis'0.5 みe'1.0 てd'0.25 んe'0.25 てfis'0.25 んfis'1.25 とfis'0.25 あe'0.25 らfis'1.25 わe'0.25 すd'0.25 っd'0.25 こd'0.5 とe'0.25 にd'0.75 そcis'0.25 れd'0.25 わe'1.5 っe'0.25 きd'0.25 てe'1.25 んe'0.25 でfis'0.25 もe'0.25 あfis'0.5 りe'1.0 しゅcis'0.25 うd'0.25 てd'1.5 んd'0.25 でe'0.25 もd'1.5 っd'0.5 あe'0.5 るcis'0.25 " + 5:noteseq,"てd'1.0 んe'0.5 わe'0.5 いcis'0.25 どd'0.25 おcis'0.5 しd'1.0 っfis'1.0 せfis'0.25 んe'0.25 にfis'0.5 せg'1.0 んfis'0.5 わe'0.5 いd'0.25 どdisis'0.25 おe'0.5 しg'0.75 っfis'0.25 めe'0.5 んfis'0.5 にe'0.25 なe'0.25 るcis'0.5 てd'0.75 んe'0.25 わd'0.5 どfis'0.5 んe'0.25 なd'0.25 もcis'0.5 のd'0.75 にb0.25 もb0.5 っb0.5 てb0.25 んcis'0.25 じd'0.5 てd'0.75 んe'0.25 わd'0.5 てd'0.5 んcis'0.25 にd'0.25 いe'0.5 きfis'0.75 るd'0.25 っd'0.5 こd'0.5 くe'0.25 いfis'0.25 んfis'0.5 " + 7:noteseq,"p-1.0 さcis'0.25 とdisis'0.25 っe'0.25 たe'0.25 かd'1.5 のd'0.5 よe'0.25 おd'0.25 にd'0.25 っd'0.25 あe'0.75 きfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 めg'0.25 るfis'0.5 かe'0.25 えfis'0.25 るfis'0.25 わfis'0.25 いg'1.5 おfis'0.5 っdes'0.25 こcis'0.25 えd'0.25 れe'0.25 ずd'0.75 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っfis'0.25 っd'0.5 だe'0.25 がd'0.25 てe'0.25 んfis'0.25 わfis'1.5 っg'0.5 しゅfis'0.5 うg'0.25 てfis'0.25 んfis'0.75 でfis'0.25 あg'0.5 りfis'0.5 きe'0.25 てfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 でe'0.25 もd'1.5 っd'0.5 あe'0.25 るd'0.25 のe'0.25 だd'0.25 っd'0.75 っd'0.25 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 " + 9:noteseq,"てd'0.25 んe'0.25 わd'0.25 っe'0.25 てd'0.25 んfis'0.25 じd'0.25 てe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っcis'0.25 っd'0.75 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.75 っcis'0.25 てd'0.25 んe'0.25 わd'0.25 っe'0.25 てfis'0.25 んd'0.25 にe'0.25 なfis'0.25 るe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っcis'0.25 っd'0.75 っd'0.25 っb0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 てd'0.25 んcis'0.25 にd'0.25 っd'0.25 しd'0.25 たfis'0.25 がfis'0.25 うe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っcis'0.25 っd'0.75 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.75 っfis'0.25 てfis'0.25 んe'0.25 にd'0.25 っd'0.25 よd'0.25 いe'0.25 んe'0.25 あfis'0.25 りe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っcis'0.25 っd'0.75 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 " + 11:noteseq,"てb1.5 んdis'0.5 わfis'0.25 いdis'0.5 どe'0.25 おdis'0.5 しdis'0.5 っfis'0.5 せfis'0.75 んe'0.5 にdis'0.25 せgis'1.5 んfis'0.5 わfis'0.25 いb0.25 どcis'0.25 おfis'0.25 しdis'0.5 っe'0.5 めdis'0.5 んfis'0.75 にfis'0.25 なe'0.25 るdis'0.25 てdis'1.5 んe'0.25 わdis'0.25 どfis'0.25 んe'0.25 なdis'0.25 もcis'0.25 のdis'0.5 にcis'0.5 もdis'0.5 っcis'0.75 てcis'0.25 んes'0.25 じdis'0.25 てdis'1.0 んfis'0.5 わfis'0.25 てgis'0.25 んfis'0.25 にfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 きgis'0.25 るfis'0.5 っdis'0.25 こdis'0.25 くfis'0.5 いfis'0.75 んfis'0.25 " + 12:noteseq,"p-0.5 さb0.25 とdis'0.25 っgis'0.5 たe'0.5 かdis'0.5 のcis'0.25 よdis'0.25 おcis'0.25 にcis'0.5 っcis'0.25 あdis'0.5 きfis'0.25 らfis'0.5 めfis'0.25 るb1.0 かb0.25 えgis'0.25 るgis'0.5 わfis'0.5 いgis'0.5 おcis'0.25 っcis'0.25 こcis'0.25 えfis'0.5 れgis'0.25 ずfis'0.5 っb0.25 っb0.5 っdis'0.25 っdis'1.0 だfis'0.25 がe'0.25 てdis'0.5 んdisis'0.5 わe'0.5 っdis'0.25 しゅcis'0.25 うdis'0.75 てcis'0.25 んcis'0.5 でcis'0.25 あcis'0.5 りb1.25 きb0.25 てcis'0.25 んdis'0.5 でdis'0.5 もb0.5 っcis'0.25 あfis'0.25 るcis'0.25 のdis'0.5 だcis'0.25 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.25 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 " + 14:noteseq,"てfis'0.25 んgis'0.25 わfis'0.25 てgis'0.25 んfis'0.25 にdis'0.25 いfis'0.25 きgis'0.25 るfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 こfis'0.25 くgis'0.25 いgis'0.25 んgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っb0.25 っb0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.5 っfis'1.5 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.5 っfis'1.5 " + 3:second_noteseq,"てfis'0.75 っd'0.25 っfis'0.75 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 いa'0.75 っa'0.25 っfis'0.5 おa'0.5 っa'1.0 てd'0.75 っfisis'0.25 っg'0.5 d'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っg'0.5 しfis'1.0 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っfis'1.0 なfis'0.75 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.75 のfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.5 でfis'0.75 っa'0.25 っfis'0.5 たa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'1.0 めd'0.75 っfisis'0.25 っg'0.5 d'0.25 っg'0.25 っfisis'0.25 っg'0.25 っfis'0.5 てfis'0.75 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.5 まa'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っfis'0.25 っd'0.25 っfis'1.5 っfis'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'1.25 っe'0.25 っfis'0.25 こe'0.25 のd'0.5 みe'1.0 てfis'0.25 んe'0.25 てd'0.25 んfis'1.25 とd'0.25 っe'0.25 っfis'1.0 d'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 こfis'0.5 とfis'0.25 にfis'0.75 そd'0.25 れfis'0.25 わe'1.5 っe'0.25 きfis'0.25 てe'1.25 んe'0.25 でd'0.25 っe'0.25 っfis'0.5 っe'1.0 しゅe'0.25 うf'0.25 てd'1.5 んfis'0.25 でd'0.25 っf'1.0 d'0.5 っd'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 " + 5:second_noteseq,"てa'1.0 んd''0.5 わb'0.5 いa'0.25 どb'0.25 おa'0.5 しfis'1.0 っa'1.0 せa'0.25 んfis'0.25 にa'0.5 せb'1.0 んa'0.5 わb'0.5 っb'0.25 っd''0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.75 っa'0.25 めe'0.5 んa'0.5 にa'0.25 なa'0.25 るg'0.5 てfis'0.75 んa'0.25 わa'0.5 どa'0.5 んg'0.25 なfis'0.25 もe'0.5 のg'0.75 にfis'0.25 もfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 てfis'0.25 んg'0.25 じfis'0.5 てb'0.75 んcis''0.25 わd''0.5 てb'0.5 んa'0.25 にa'0.25 っcis''0.5 っd''0.75 っa'0.25 っfis'0.5 こfis'0.5 くa'0.25 いd''0.25 んd''0.5 " + 7:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 さfis'0.25 とais'0.25 っais'0.25 たais'0.25 かfis'1.5 のfis'0.5 よg'0.25 おfis'0.25 にfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 あfis'0.75 きa'0.25 らa'0.25 めb'0.25 るa'0.5 かa'0.25 えdes''0.25 るcis''0.25 わces''0.25 いb'1.5 おe'0.5 っe'0.25 こe'0.25 えa'0.25 れb'0.25 ずa'0.75 っd'0.25 っfis'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.5 だcis''0.25 がgisis'0.25 てa'0.25 んcis''0.25 わd''1.5 っd''0.5 しゅb'0.5 うcis''0.25 てd''0.25 んa'0.75 でa'0.25 あb'0.5 りa'0.5 きfis'0.25 てa'0.25 んa'0.25 でb'0.25 もa'1.5 っb'0.5 あcis''0.25 るgisis'0.25 のa'0.25 だa'0.25 っa'0.75 っa'0.25 っd''0.5 っd''0.5 " + 9:second_noteseq,"てfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 わfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 てfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 じfis'0.25 てe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.75 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.75 っfis'0.25 てfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 わfis'0.25 っe'0.25 てd'0.25 んe'0.25 にe'0.25 なd'0.25 るe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.75 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っfis'0.25 てfis'0.25 んe'0.25 にfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 しfis'0.25 たd'0.25 がd'0.25 うe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.75 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.75 っd'0.25 てd'0.25 んd'0.25 にfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 よfis'0.25 いe'0.25 んe'0.25 あd'0.25 りe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.75 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っfis'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 " + 11:second_noteseq,"てfis'1.5 んb'0.5 わb'0.25 いais'0.5 どb'0.25 おb'0.5 しais'0.5 っdes''0.5 せcis''0.75 んb'0.5 にcis''0.25 せdis''1.5 んcis''0.5 わcis''0.25 いgis'0.25 どais'0.25 おb'0.25 しb'0.5 っcis''0.5 めb'0.5 んdis''0.75 にdis''0.25 なcis''0.25 るb'0.25 てb'1.5 んcis''0.25 わb'0.25 どcis''0.25 んb'0.25 なfis'0.25 もgis'0.25 のais'0.5 にges'0.5 もfis'0.5 っgis'0.75 てais'0.25 んb'0.25 じcis''0.25 っb'1.0 っdis''0.5 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っfis'0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っfis'0.25 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.25 っb'0.25 っdis''0.5 っdis''0.75 っb'0.25 " + 12:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 さdis'0.25 とfis'0.25 っdis'0.5 たe'0.5 かfis'0.5 のfis'0.25 よfis'0.25 おfis'0.25 にfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 あfis'0.5 きdis'0.25 らdis'0.5 めfis'0.25 るe'1.0 かdis'0.25 えe'0.25 るdis'0.5 わdis'0.5 いdis'0.5 おfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 こfis'0.25 っe'0.5 っfis'0.25 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.25 あfis'0.5 あdis'0.25 っfis'1.0 だdis'0.25 がfis'0.25 てfis'0.5 んe'0.5 わfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 しゅfis'0.25 うfis'0.75 てfis'0.25 んfis'0.5 でfis'0.25 あfis'0.5 りfis'1.25 きfis'0.25 てfis'0.25 んfis'0.5 でe'0.5 もdis'0.5 っfis'0.25 あfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.5 おfis'0.25 おdis'0.5 っdis'0.25 " + 14:second_noteseq,"てfis0.25 っbisis0.25 っfis0.25 っgis0.25 っfis0.25 にfis0.25 いfis0.25 っbisis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 っgis0.25 いgis0.25 っbisis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 おgis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 おgis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis0.25 おfis0.25 おbisis0.25 おfis0.25 っbisis0.25 おfis0.25 おbisis0.25 おfis0.25 っbisis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 "
9782545君と僕(メルヘンチック編) / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/11/02 Sat 13:34:35" + filename,782545-QU17 + div,15 + mainid,782544-y4tS + title,君と僕(メルヘンチック編) + title,君と僕(メルヘンチック編) + title,君と僕(メルヘンチック編) + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,4 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,4 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.32" + 3:second_highest,80 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 3:highest,72 + 3:inst,4 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:second_voice,12 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.32" + 4:second_highest,63 + 4:highest,72 + 4:inst,2 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 4:second_voice,114 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_0oq7iq.har + 5:inst,4 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"fss 0.32" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 6:highest,72 + 6:inst,4 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.29" + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,4 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,79 + 8:second_highest,60 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 8:highest,72 + 8:inst,4 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:second_voice,118 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,70 + 9:second_highest,68 + 9:highest,72 + 9:inst,4 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 9:second_voice,41 + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,2 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"fss 0.32" + 11:second_highest,72 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 11:highest,72 + 11:inst,2 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.32" + 11:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 11:second_melody,harmonic + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,36 + 12:second_highest,72 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 12:highest,60 + 12:inst,4 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 12:second_voice,68 + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,2 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,4 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,4 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"きdis'1.0 みg'0.75 わg'0.25 だg'0.25 れf'0.25 っes'0.25 どf'0.25 こes'0.5 かes'0.5 らes'1.0 きf'0.25 たes'0.25 のc'0.5 きbis1.0 みd'0.75 わes'0.25 いf'0.25 つes'0.25 きf'0.25 たes'0.25 のd'0.5 っd'0.5 なd'1.0 ぜc'0.25 きd'0.25 たc'0.25 のd'0.25 きdis'1.0 みg'0.75 のas'0.25 こg'0.25 とas'0.25 がg'0.25 っg'0.25 きg'0.5 にas'0.5 なg'1.0 るf'0.25 んes'0.25 だd'0.5 きbis1.0 みd'0.75 わes'0.25 あd'0.25 しf'0.25 たes'0.25 もd'0.25 っd'0.5 いd'0.5 るf'0.5 のes'0.5 かc'0.25 なc'0.25 " + 4:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼg'0.25 くf'0.25 わes'1.5 こes'0.25 こf'0.25 にes'0.25 っg'0.25 ずes'0.25 っg'0.75 とg'0.5 いg'0.5 るg'1.0 ぼas'0.25 くg'0.25 わgis'1.5 どbis'0.25 こfisisis'0.25 にgis'0.25 もgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 いgis'0.25 d'0.5 けes'0.5 なg'0.5 いg'1.0 きc'0.25 みd'0.25 のd'1.5 こd'0.25 とes'0.25 がd'0.25 っd'0.25 きd'0.25 にes'0.75 なf'0.5 るes'0.25 んg'0.25 だg'1.0 きg'0.25 みas'0.25 わg'1.5 あd'0.25 しces''0.25 たb'0.25 もfisis'0.25 っg'0.25 いg'0.75 るas'0.5 のg'0.25 かg'0.25 なc''0.5 " + 6:noteseq,"きes'0.25 みg'0.25 わbes'0.25 はg'0.25 くas'0.25 ちょg'0.25 おg'0.25 のg'0.25 よf'0.25 おes'0.25 っes'0.25 そg'0.25 らf'0.25 かes'0.25 らes'0.25 っes'0.25 っc'0.25 っes'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 きbes'0.25 みc''0.25 わbes'0.25 かg'0.25 ぜas'0.25 にg'0.25 まg'0.25 うg'0.25 っg'0.25 こg'0.25 のf'0.25 はes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っc''0.25 っc''0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 ぼbes'0.25 くes'0.25 わes'0.25 っes'0.25 こes'0.25 ねf'0.25 こg'0.25 のg'0.25 よg'0.25 おes'0.25 にes'0.25 なg'0.25 っf'0.25 てes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 あf'0.25 まfisis'0.25 えg'0.25 たg'0.25 いf'0.25 んes'0.25 だes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 ぼg'0.25 くes'0.25 わf'0.25 っbes'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 " + 9:noteseq,"きc'1.5 みes'0.5 わf'0.25 だg'0.5 れf'0.25 っg'0.5 っbes'0.5 っg'0.5 っg'0.75 っg'0.75 ぼas'1.5 くg'0.5 わf'0.25 どg'0.5 こf'0.25 にes'0.5 もes'0.5 っcis'0.5 っdes'0.75 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っdes'0.25 っc'1.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っbes'0.25 っf'0.25 っg'0.5 きg'0.5 にas'0.5 なg'0.75 るf'0.25 んg'0.25 だf'0.25 きes'1.5 みg'0.5 わf'0.25 あes'0.25 しf'0.25 たf'0.25 もes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っg'0.75 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 " + 11:noteseq,"p0.5 きdis'0.5 みeis'0.5 わf'0.5 っes'0.5 はd'0.25 くg'0.25 ちょg'0.5 おg'1.0 っg'0.75 っg'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.75 きdis'0.5 みfisis'0.5 わes'0.5 かd'0.5 ぜes'0.25 にd'0.25 まd'0.5 うd'1.0 っes'0.75 っg'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.75 ぼdis'0.5 くbis0.25 わd'0.25 っd'0.5 こd'0.5 ねes'0.25 こf'0.25 のes'0.5 よf'0.75 おes'0.25 にes'0.75 なes'0.25 っd'0.25 てes'0.75 あdis'0.5 そg'0.25 びfisis'0.25 たf'0.5 いes'0.5 んd'0.25 だd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.75 っd'0.25 っd'0.75 ぼes'0.25 くc'0.25 わc'0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"きbis'1.0 みd''0.75 わd''0.25 だes''0.25 れd''0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.25 っc''0.5 っc''0.5 っc''1.0 きes''0.25 たc''0.25 のc''0.5 きbis'1.0 みd''0.75 わc''0.25 いd''0.25 つc''0.25 きd''0.25 たc''0.25 っd''0.5 っd''0.5 っd''1.0 っc''0.25 きd''0.25 たc''0.25 のc''0.25 きbis'1.0 みd''0.75 のes''0.25 こd''0.25 とf''0.25 っcisis''0.25 っd''0.25 っc''0.5 っes''0.5 なes''1.0 るd''0.25 んc''0.25 だc''0.5 きbis'1.0 みd''0.75 わc''0.25 あd''0.25 しd''0.25 たc''0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.5 っd''0.5 っd''0.5 のc''0.5 かc''0.25 なc''0.25 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っes'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'1.5 っc'0.25 っes'0.25 っc'0.25 っes'0.25 ずc'0.25 っes'0.75 とes'0.5 いes'0.5 るes'1.0 っes'0.25 っc'0.25 っdis'1.5 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 いdis'0.25 d'0.5 けc'0.5 なc'0.5 いc'1.0 っes'0.25 っc'0.25 っd'1.5 っd'0.25 っes'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 きd'0.25 にc'0.75 なd'0.5 るc'0.25 んc'0.25 だc'1.0 っc'0.25 っes'0.25 っd'1.5 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 いd'0.75 るes'0.5 のc'0.25 かc'0.25 なc'0.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"きbes0.25 みes'0.25 わes'0.25 はd'0.25 くes'0.25 ちょes'0.25 おes'0.25 のes'0.25 よes'0.25 おc'0.25 っc'0.25 そes'0.25 らc'0.25 かc'0.25 らc'0.25 っc'0.25 っas0.25 っais0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 きf'0.25 みfisis'0.25 わg'0.25 かes'0.25 ぜf'0.25 にf'0.25 まes'0.25 うes'0.25 っes'0.25 こes'0.25 のc'0.25 はc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 っes'0.25 っc'0.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 ぼes'0.25 くg0.25 わg0.25 っg0.25 こbes0.25 ねc'0.25 こc'0.25 のc'0.25 よc'0.25 おg0.25 にg0.25 なes'0.25 っc'0.25 てc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 っd'0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 あbes0.25 まcisis'0.25 えd'0.25 たes'0.25 いd'0.25 んbis0.25 だc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 ぼes'0.25 くc'0.25 わbes0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っg0.25 っg0.25 っg0.25 っg0.25 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p1.5 っc'0.5 っes0.25 っes0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 きbes1.0 たb0.75 のb1.25 bes0.5 きg0.5 にc'0.5 なc'0.5 るc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 っf0.25 おbes1.0 おc'0.5 bes0.25 おbisis1.25 bes1.0 っbisis0.5 っc'0.5 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 こbes1.0 のb0.75 はg0.75 ぼbes1.0 くas0.5 わg0.5 っbes0.5 こc'0.25 ねbes0.25 こc'0.25 にbes0.25 なbes1.0 っg0.75 てg0.75 " + 9:second_noteseq,"きes'1.5 みg'0.5 わf'0.25 っcisis'0.5 っd'0.25 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 おd'0.5 おes'0.75 おd'0.75 ぼes'1.5 くes'0.5 わf'0.25 っcisis'0.5 っd'0.25 っes'0.5 っg'0.5 っg'0.5 おg'0.75 おas'0.25 おg'0.25 おf'0.25 きes'1.5 みes'0.5 のd'0.25 っeis'0.25 っf'0.25 っd'0.25 っes'0.5 きd'0.5 にes'0.5 なes'0.75 るc'0.25 んc'0.25 だc'0.25 きc'1.5 みes'0.5 わd'0.25 っcis'0.25 っcisis'0.25 っd'0.25 っes'0.5 っg'0.5 いas'0.5 るg'0.75 のg'0.25 かg'0.25 なg'0.25 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p0.5 きbis0.5 みd'0.5 わd'0.5 っc'0.5 はc'0.25 くd'0.25 ちょc'0.5 おc'1.0 っes'0.75 っes'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.75 きbis0.5 みdisis'0.5 わes'0.5 かd'0.5 ぜes'0.25 にd'0.25 まd'0.5 うd'1.0 っc'0.75 っes'0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.75 ぼbis0.5 く,feses'0.25 わd'0.25 っd'0.5 こd'0.5 ねc'0.25 こd'0.25 のc'0.5 よes'0.75 おc'0.25 にc'0.75 なc'0.25 っc'0.25 てc'0.75 あbis0.5 そdisis'0.25 びd'0.25 たd'0.5 いc'0.5 んd'0.25 だd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.75 っd'0.25 っc'0.75 ぼc'0.25 く,feses'0.25 わc'0.25 "
10782465キノコの原 きのこきのこ山 / はらたま@月巻time,"2024/10/31 Thu 08:32:45" + filename,782465-fuKZ + div,16 + mainid,782464-aJgp + title,キノコの原 きのこきのこ山 + title,キノコの原 きのこきのこ山 + title,キノコの原 きのこきのこ山 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,91 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,2 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.23" + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.37" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,96 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.29" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.39" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,91 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.23" + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.34" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,85 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.32" + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,54 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.6" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,85 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.32" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.32" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,2 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.32" + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.42" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,2 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.6" + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,99 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.42" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,91 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,91 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.29" + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,85 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,-1 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 15:highest,75 + 15:inst,29 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:second_highest,71 + 16:highest,74 + 16:inst,85 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 16:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:mode,inst + uid,4176 + 3:noteseq,"きas'0.5 のf'0.25 こdes'0.75 がf'0.5 はf'0.75 えges'0.75 るf'0.5 きg'0.75 のf'0.75 こg'0.5 やf'1.0 まf'1.0 きf'0.5 のes'0.25 こdes'0.75 がdes'0.5 いas'1.5 っf'0.5 ぱf'2.0 いf'2.0 きas'0.5 のges'0.25 こf'0.75 がfis'0.5 いges'1.5 っf'0.5 ぱf'2.0 いf'2.0 きf'0.5 のdes'0.25 こdes'0.75 のes'0.5 はdes'0.75 らes'0.75 きf'0.5 のes'0.75 こes'0.75 はdes'0.5 らc'0.25 " + 7:noteseq,"p-0.5 きcis''0.5 のb'1.5 こfis'1.0 がgis'0.5 いfis'1.5 っfis'0.5 ぱe'1.0 いdis'1.5 きfisis'0.5 のdis'1.5 こdis'1.0 がcis'0.5 いgis'1.5 っfis'0.5 ぱfis'1.0 いfis'1.5 きcis''0.5 のb'1.5 こb'1.0 がais'0.5 いb'1.5 っgis'0.5 ぱgis'1.0 いdis'1.5 きfisis'0.5 のdis'1.5 こdis'1.0 がcis'0.5 いgis'1.5 っfis'0.5 ぱfis'1.0 いfis'1.5 " + 8:noteseq,"きfis'1.5 のdis'0.25 こdis'0.25 わdis'2.0 はdis'1.5 えb'0.25 てfis'0.25 るfis'2.0 きfis'1.5 のdis'0.5 こdis'1.5 わdis'0.25 はdis'0.25 えfis'1.5 るdis'0.25 こcis'0.25 のdis'1.5 やdis'0.25 まe'0.25 たdis'1.5 けgis'0.25 がgis'0.25 はgis'2.0 えb'1.5 てgis'0.25 るgis'0.25 よb'2.0 きcis''0.5 のb'0.25 こais'0.25 わb'1.0 はb'0.75 えcis''0.25 るb'1.0 こais'0.75 のb'0.25 はcis''1.0 らfis'0.75 っfis'0.25 ぱfis'1.0 " + 9:noteseq,"きf'1.5 のes'0.25 こes'0.25 がf'1.5 はf'0.25 えg'0.25 るf'1.5 きd''0.25 のais'0.25 こbes'1.5 やas'0.25 まg'0.25 きg'1.5 のf'0.25 こf'0.25 がg'2.0 いg'1.5 っe'0.25 ぱe'0.25 いe'2.0 きf'1.5 のes'0.25 こes'0.25 がas'2.0 いg'1.5 っf'0.25 ぱf'0.25 いf'2.0 きg'1.5 のes'0.5 こes'1.5 のes'0.25 はf'0.25 らg'1.5 きg'0.25 のf'0.25 こes'1.5 はes'0.25 らes'0.25 " + 10:noteseq,"きb'0.5 のgis'0.25 こgis'0.75 がdis'0.5 はdis'0.75 えe'0.75 るdis'0.5 きcis'0.75 のfis'0.75 こgis'0.5 やgis'1.0 まcis''1.0 きcis''0.5 のb'0.25 こgis'0.75 がgis'0.5 いfis'0.75 っgis'0.75 ぱais'0.5 いb'0.75 やgis'0.75 まais'0.5 もb'1.0 りb'1.0 きcis''0.5 のb'0.25 こdis'0.75 がgis'0.5 いgis'0.75 っb'0.75 ぱb'0.5 いcis''0.75 やb'0.75 まcis''0.5 のgis'1.0 なgis'0.25 かfis'0.75 きgis'0.5 のfis'0.25 こe'0.75 のdis'0.5 はcis'0.5 らfis'0.25 きfis'0.75 のe'0.5 こdis'0.5 げdis'0.25 んdis'0.75 ちcis'0.5 くdis'1.0 りdis'0.25 んgis'0.25 " + 12:noteseq,"p-0.5 きfis'0.5 のe'0.5 こdis'0.5 がe'0.5 いdis'0.5 っfis'0.5 ぱfis'0.5 いgis'0.5 やfis'0.5 まgis'1.0 のfis'0.5 なe'0.25 かdis'3.75 きdis'0.5 のcis'0.5 こcis'0.5 がfis'0.5 いcis''0.5 っgis'1.0 ぱe'0.75 いdis'3.75 きb'0.5 のgis'0.5 こfis'0.5 がais'0.5 いb'0.5 っgis'1.0 ぱgis'0.75 いfis'3.75 きb'0.5 のgis'0.5 こfis'0.5 がb'0.5 いcis''0.5 っgis'1.0 ぱgis'0.75 いfis'1.25 " + 2:second_noteseq,"きf'1.5 のdes'0.25 こas0.25 わas2.0 はas1.5 えc'0.25 てgis0.25 るas2.0 きas1.5 のf0.5 こas1.5 わas0.25 はc'0.25 えdes'1.5 るf0.25 こf0.25 のas1.5 やc'0.25 まbisis0.25 きdes'1.5 いf'0.25 にes'0.25 しdes'1.5 えdes'0.25 のdes'0.25 がes'1.5 はes'0.25 えges'0.25 てf'1.5 るf'0.25 よf'0.25 きf'0.5 のes'0.25 こes'0.25 わes'1.0 はes'0.75 えf'0.25 るes'1.0 こdes'0.75 のf'0.25 はf'1.0 らas0.75 っas0.25 ぱas1.0 " + 7:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 きfis'0.5 のdis'1.5 こdis'1.0 がcis'0.5 いcis'1.5 っb0.5 ぱb1.0 いfisis1.5 きdis'0.5 のb1.5 こb1.0 がb0.5 いb1.5 っb0.5 ぱgis1.0 いcis'1.5 きfis'0.5 のdis'1.5 こdis'1.0 がcis'0.5 いcis'1.0 gis'0.5 っb0.5 ぱb1.0 いfisis1.5 きdis'0.5 のb1.5 こb1.0 がb0.5 いb1.5 っais0.5 ぱb1.0 いais1.5 " + 8:second_noteseq,"きdis'1.5 のb0.25 こb0.25 わb2.0 はb1.5 えdis'0.25 てcis'0.25 るdis'2.0 きdis'1.5 のfis0.5 こfis1.5 わfis0.25 はfis0.25 えdis'1.5 るfis0.25 こfis0.25 のfis1.5 やfis0.25 まgis0.25 たgis1.5 けb0.25 がb0.25 はb2.0 えdis'1.5 てb0.25 るb0.25 よgis'2.0 きgis'0.5 のfis'0.25 こgis'0.25 わgis'1.0 はgis'0.75 えb'0.25 るgis'1.0 こfis'0.75 のgis'0.25 はfis'1.0 らcis'0.75 っcis'0.25 ぱfis1.0 " + 9:second_noteseq,"きc'1.5 のc'0.25 こc'0.25 がc'1.5 はc'0.25 えes'0.25 るbes1.5 きf'0.25 のes'0.25 こf'1.5 やd'0.25 まais0.25 きbes1.5 のg0.25 こcisis'0.25 がd'2.0 いe'1.5 っc'0.25 ぱc'0.25 いc'2.0 きc'1.5 のc'0.25 こc'0.25 がc'2.0 いbes1.5 っg0.25 ぱbes0.25 いd'2.0 きes'1.5 のc'0.5 こc'1.5 のc'0.25 はc'0.25 らdes'1.5 きes'0.25 のc'0.25 こbes1.5 はbes0.25 らbes0.25 " + 10:second_noteseq,"きgis'0.5 のdis'0.25 こb0.75 がb0.5 はb0.75 えcis'0.75 るb0.5 きgis0.75 のcis'0.75 こcis'0.5 やcis'1.0 まgis'1.0 きgis'0.5 のfis'0.25 こe'0.75 がdis'0.5 いcis'0.75 っfis'0.75 ぱfis'0.5 いe'0.75 やdis'0.75 まe'0.5 もdis'1.0 りdis'1.0 きe'0.5 のdis'0.25 こb0.75 がb0.5 いb0.75 っgis'0.75 ぱgis'0.5 いgis'0.75 やfis'0.75 まgis'0.5 のeis'1.0 なdis'0.25 かcis'0.75 きb0.5 のais0.25 こb0.75 のb0.5 はais0.5 らb0.25 きcis'0.75 のb0.5 こb0.5 げb0.25 んb0.75 ちais0.5 くb1.0 りb0.25 んdis'0.25 " + 12:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 きcis'0.5 のb0.5 こb0.5 がb0.5 いb0.5 っcis'0.5 ぱcis'0.5 いb0.5 やais0.5 まb1.0 のgis0.5 なcis'0.25 かb3.75 きb0.5 のais0.5 こb0.5 がcis'0.5 いfis'0.5 っb1.0 ぱb0.75 いb3.75 きdis'0.5 のb0.5 こb0.5 がb0.5 いdis'0.5 っb1.0 ぱb0.75 いdis'3.75 きdis'0.5 のcis'0.5 こcis'0.5 がcis'0.5 いfis'0.5 っb1.0 ぱb0.75 いb1.25 "
11782375枯れた大きな木 / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/10/28 Mon 16:30:25" + filename,782375-Ynwz + div,15 + mainid,782366-kgLv + title,枯れた大きな木 + title,枯れた大きな木 + title,枯れた大きな木 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,91 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,2 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.39" + 3:second_highest,76 + 3:highest,72 + 3:inst,99 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,68 + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.39" + 4:second_highest,70 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 4:highest,72 + 4:inst,91 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:second_voice,45 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,85 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 6:second_highest,77 + 6:highest,73 + 6:inst,85 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.42" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,94 + 7:second_highest,73 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 7:highest,73 + 7:inst,2 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 7:second_voice,2 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,2 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,73 + 9:second_highest,58 + 9:highest,72 + 9:inst,99 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 9:second_voice,103 + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,4 + 10:second_highest,70 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 10:highest,72 + 10:inst,91 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:second_voice,45 + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,85 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 12:second_highest,77 + 12:highest,73 + 12:inst,85 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.42" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,2 + 13:second_highest,49 + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 13:highest,73 + 13:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_6sig0n.har + 13:inst,2 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 13:second_voice,38 + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,4 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,4 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"いas'0.5 まf'0.25 こdes'0.75 のf'0.5 とf'0.75 きf'0.75 っes'0.5 しd'0.5 ぜes'0.25 んd'0.75 っd'0.5 たf'1.0 いes'0.25 きd'0.75 やbes'0.5 ねas'0.25 のf'0.75 いas'0.5 ろbes'0.75 っas'0.75 うf'0.5 つg'0.75 ろf'0.75 おes'0.5 やd'1.0 なes'0.25 みd'0.75 しf'0.5 げges'0.25 るf'0.75 なes'0.5 つf'0.75 のas'0.75 はbes'0.5 っges'0.75 いf'0.75 のes'0.5 ちes'1.0 あf'0.25 るes'0.75 おges'0.5 おf'0.25 きf'0.75 なf'0.5 きf'0.75 っes'0.75 かdes'0.5 れes'0.75 てfisis'0.75 しg'0.5 まa'1.0 っf'0.25 たf'0.25 " + 9:noteseq,"にf'0.75 おas'0.75 いf'0.5 ひas'2.0 かbes'2.0 りbes'2.0 しas'0.75 ぜais'0.75 んbes'0.5 たas'2.0 いg'2.0 きf'2.0 やges'1.5 ねf'0.5 のbes2.0 いbes2.0 ろes'2.0 うdes'0.75 つes'0.75 ろf'0.5 おdes'1.5 やdes'0.5 なes'2.0 みf'0.25 " + 12:noteseq,"p-0.5 こes'0.5 のf'1.5 よdes''0.25 のas'0.25 っas'0.5 いas'0.5 とc''0.5 なdes''1.0 みdes''0.5 みdes''0.25 てges'0.25 きf'0.5 たf'1.5 おa'0.5 おf'1.5 きf'0.25 なdes'0.25 っes'0.5 じes'0.5 しbes'0.5 んbes'1.0 やbes'0.5 つas'0.5 なbes'0.5 みas'1.5 わes'0.5 たf'1.5 しf'0.25 わf'0.25 こes'0.25 んf'0.25 なes'0.5 ふes'0.5 うdes'1.0 にdes'0.5 っdes'0.25 おdes'0.25 もfis'0.25 っges'0.25 たf'1.5 おa'0.5 おf'1.5 きf'0.25 なf'0.25 きes'0.25 っbes'0.25 そbes'0.5 らas'0.5 おbes'1.0 うas'0.5 けbes'0.25 いas'0.25 れas'0.5 たas'1.5 " + 13:noteseq,"p-0.5 こas'0.25 のc''0.25 よdes''1.0 のas'0.75 っas'0.75 いas'1.0 とbes'0.5 なc''0.75 みdes''0.25 みc''0.5 てgis'0.25 きas'0.75 たas'1.0 おbes'0.25 おas'0.25 きas'1.0 なas'0.75 っas'0.75 じas'1.0 しbes'0.5 んbes'1.0 やbes'0.5 つas'0.25 なbes'0.75 みbes'1.0 わbes'0.25 たc''0.25 しdes''1.0 わbes'0.5 こas'0.25 んbes'0.75 なbes'1.0 ふas'0.25 うges'0.25 にf'0.75 っf'0.25 おf'0.5 もas'0.25 っas'0.75 たf'1.0 おges'0.25 おf'0.25 きes'1.0 なes'0.5 きes'0.25 っbes'0.75 そbes'1.0 らas'0.5 おas'0.75 うdes'0.25 けes'0.5 いdes'0.25 れdes'0.75 たdes'1.0 " + 3:second_noteseq,"いdes''0.5 まdes''0.25 こdes''0.75 のdes''0.5 とdes''0.75 きdes''0.75 っes''0.5 っd''0.5 っes''0.25 っd''0.75 っd''0.5 っd''1.0 っd''0.25 っd''0.75 やdes''0.5 ねdes''0.25 のdes''0.75 いdes''0.5 ろdes''0.75 っdes''0.75 っdes''0.5 っd''0.75 っd''0.75 っd''0.5 っd''1.0 っes''0.25 っcis''0.75 しdes''0.5 げes''0.25 るdes''0.75 なdes''0.5 つdes''0.75 のdes''0.75 はdes''0.5 っes''0.75 いcis''0.75 のes''0.5 ちes''1.0 あdes''0.25 るes''0.75 おes''0.5 おdes''0.25 きdes''0.75 なdes''0.5 きdes''0.75 っes''0.75 かdes''0.5 れes''0.75 てes''0.75 しes''0.5 まcis''1.0 っcis''0.25 たcis''0.25 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っa'0.5 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 せas'0.5 かges'0.5 いf'0.5 のbes'1.0 おdes'0.75 とf'2.25 っf'0.5 っas'0.5 っas'0.5 っas'0.5 っas'0.5 っas'0.5 こas'0.5 らes'0.5 のbes'1.0 こbes'0.75 えas'1.75 はas'0.5 るdes'0.5 のas'0.5 わbes'0.5 かas'0.5 ばas'0.5 っas'0.5 こes'0.5 とf'0.5 りges'1.0 とcis'0.75 ぶdes'1.75 おf'0.5 おdes'0.5 きdes'0.5 なdes'0.5 きas'0.5 っf'0.5 かes'0.5 れas'0.5 てas'0.5 しbes'1.0 まbes'0.5 っas'0.25 たf'1.25 " + 6:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ずc''0.5 っdes''1.5 とf''0.25 っbis'0.25 ひc''0.25 とdes''0.25 のes''0.5 いas'0.5 とbes'1.0 なbes'0.5 みbes'0.25 みdes''0.25 てbes'0.25 きa'0.25 たa'1.5 まa'0.5 つdes''1.5 りdes''0.25 っbes'0.25 みbes'0.5 なc''0.5 とdes''0.5 にbes'1.0 はbes'0.5 いas'0.25 るas'0.25 ふdes''0.5 ねas'1.5 だas'0.5 れf'1.5 がas'0.25 うas'0.25 えbes'0.5 たas'0.5 のas'0.5 かbes'1.0 っbes'0.5 しbes'0.25 らc''0.25 なdes''0.5 いa'1.5 おa'0.5 おf'1.5 きf'0.25 なf'0.25 きdes''0.25 っdis''0.25 そes''0.5 らdes''0.5 おdes''1.0 うas'0.5 けais'0.25 いbes'0.25 れbis'0.5 たc''1.5 " + 7:second_noteseq,"だdes''1.5 れas'0.25 がas'0.25 うas'2.0 えdes''1.5 たdes''0.25 のc''0.25 かdes''2.0 っas'1.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'2.0 っf'1.5 あc''0.25 あgis'0.25 あas'2.0 おdes''1.5 おbes'0.25 きbes'0.25 なbes'1.75 きbes'0.25 っdes''1.5 そdes''0.25 らbes'0.25 おbes'2.0 っbes'1.5 っdes''0.25 っdes''0.25 っdes''1.75 っdes''0.25 っc''1.5 おas'0.25 おbes'0.25 おas'2.0 " + 9:second_noteseq,"にas0.75 おbes0.75 いas0.5 っas2.0 っbes2.0 っbes2.0 しas0.75 ぜbes0.75 んbisis0.5 っbes2.0 っbes2.0 っbes2.0 やbes1.5 ねges0.5 のf2.0 いf2.0 ろa2.0 うas0.75 つbes0.75 ろas0.5 おf1.5 やf0.5 なg2.0 みf0.25 " + 12:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 こc''0.5 のdes''1.5 よf''0.25 のes''0.25 っes''0.5 いes''0.5 とas'0.5 なbes'1.0 みbes'0.5 みdes''0.25 てbes'0.25 きa'0.5 たa'1.5 おf''0.5 おdes''1.5 きbes'0.25 なbes'0.25 っbes'0.5 じbes'0.5 しdes''0.5 んdes''1.0 やdes''0.5 つbes'0.5 なdis''0.5 みes''1.5 わc''0.5 たdes''1.5 しdes''0.25 わdes''0.25 こas'0.25 んes''0.25 なas'0.5 ふes''0.5 うbes'1.0 にbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 おbes'0.25 もdes''0.25 っdes''0.25 たa'1.5 おf''0.5 おas'1.5 きas'0.25 なas'0.25 きbes'0.25 っdes''0.25 そdes''0.5 らc''0.5 おdes''1.0 うc''0.5 けdes''0.25 いdes''0.25 れes''0.5 たes''1.5 "
12782153"Be yond the light" / ムーンライト山中uid,15868 + time,"2024/10/24 Thu 23:04:35" + filename,782153-1KcY + div,8 + title,"Be yond the light" + title,"Be yond the light" + title,"Be yond the light" + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,18 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,18 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,18 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 3:highest,74 + 4:inst,18 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,18 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 5:highest,74 + 6:inst,18 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk3.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 6:highest,74 + 7:inst,18 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 7:highest,74 + 8:inst,18 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 3:noteseq,"じc'0.75 ごd'0.25 くe'0.75 よe'0.25 りe'0.75 もe'0.25 かd'0.75 こe'0.25 くf'0.75 なe'0.25 むf'0.75 のe'0.25 せe'0.75 かd'0.25 いd'1.0 もd'0.75 しc'0.25 くc'0.5 わc'0.25 らd'0.25 くe'0.75 えe'0.25 んf'0.75 よe'0.25 りg'0.75 もg'0.25 たa'0.75 のbes'0.25 しc''0.75 くais'0.25 てbes'1.0 なa'1.0 んg'0.75 でa'0.25 もa'0.75 ねg'0.25 がa'0.75 いg'0.25 がg'0.75 かg'0.25 なa'0.75 うg'0.25 せf'0.75 かe'0.25 いe'1.0 " + 6:noteseq,"さes'0.5 いf'0.5 あg'0.5 くg'0.5 なg'0.5 かas'0.5 こg'0.5 のg'0.5 きfis'1.5 おc'0.5 くc'2.0 さd'0.5 いges'0.5 こfis'0.5 おg'0.5 にfis'0.5 しfis'0.5 あg'0.5 わa'0.5 せb'0.5 なb'0.5 かc''0.5 こb'0.5 のb'0.5 きb'0.5 おc''0.5 くd''0.5 " + 7:noteseq,"どc''0.5 んa'0.5 なg'0.5 げa'0.5 んb'0.5 しょc''0.5 おd''0.5 がc''0.5 うb'0.5 つc''0.5 さb'0.5 れgisis'0.5 よa'0.5 おa'0.5 とg'0.5 もa'0.5 ぼg'0.5 くf'1.0 わe'0.5 うd'0.5 しe'0.5 ろf'0.5 おe'0.5 ふd'0.5 りe'0.5 かf'0.5 えe'0.5 らe'0.5 なe'0.5 いe'1.0 まf'0.5 えe'1.0 だd'0.5 けd'1.0 おd'0.5 みe'0.5 つd'0.5 ずe'1.0 けe'0.5 るe'3.5 びe'0.5 よg'1.0 んg'0.5 どg'0.5 ざg'0.5 らg'1.0 いg'0.5 とa'2.0 "
13782106備える / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/10/23 Wed 18:51:06" + filename,782106-zH0n + div,13 + mainid,782103-UXg9 + title,備える + title,備える + title,備える + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,0 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,74 + 3:highest,70 + 3:inst,94 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:second_voice,0 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,53 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,70 + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:second_voice,38 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,99 + 6:second_highest,74 + 6:highest,70 + 6:inst,0 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 6:second_voice,73 + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,12 + 7:second_highest,70 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:highest,70 + 7:inst,0 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 7:second_voice,103 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,36 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 9:second_highest,73 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 9:highest,68 + 9:inst,0 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,102 + 10:second_highest,56 + 10:highest,65 + 10:inst,0 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 10:second_voice,102 + 11:voice,53 + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 11:highest,65 + 11:inst,0 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 11:second_voice,95 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,0 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,0 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"すes'1.0 べd'0.5 てc'0.5 のc'0.5 もbes0.25 のg'0.25 ごes'0.5 とd'0.25 にc'0.25 っbes0.5 ひbes0.25 つc'0.25 よc'0.5 おd'0.5 いc'1.0 そcisis'0.5 がd'0.5 しes'0.5 くd'0.25 っd'0.25 おd'0.5 ろes'0.25 そd'0.25 かd'0.5 にf'0.25 っf'0.25 すf'0.25 るg'0.25 とf'0.5 じg'1.0 つa'0.5 げbes'0.5 んbes'0.5 わes'0.25 っd'0.25 とc'0.5 おd'0.25 くc'0.25 なd'0.5 るc'0.5 だc'0.5 けd'0.5 あc'1.0 あbes0.5 っf'0.5 さg'0.5 れes'0.25 どd'0.25 こc'0.5 のf'0.25 まf'0.25 まg'0.5 でf'0.25 っf'0.25 いf'0.25 たg'0.25 いa'0.5 " + 4:noteseq,"こd'0.5 しes'0.5 わd'0.5 かc'0.5 るd'0.25 いc'0.25 しbes0.25 っc'0.25 くdes'0.5 ちes'0.5 もdes'0.5 かc'0.5 るdes'0.25 いc'0.25 がbes0.5 つf'0.5 いe'0.5 つd'0.5 いcis'0.5 おcis'0.25 もf'0.25 くg'0.25 っg'0.25 なg'0.5 るf'1.0 もbes0.5 のc'1.0 かbes0.25 っc'0.25 こd'0.5 おes'0.5 のd'0.25 いc'0.25 いd'0.25 わd'0.25 けd'0.25 がd'0.25 っdes'0.5 でdes'0.5 きes'0.5 たdes'0.5 きdes'0.25 がes'0.25 すdes'0.25 るes'0.25 あe'0.5 めd'0.5 がe'0.5 っd'0.5 ふe'0.25 っd'0.25 たcis'0.25 りcis'0.25 っd'0.5 すd'1.0 るes'0.5 とd'1.0 " + 6:noteseq,"すg'1.5 べd'0.5 てbes0.25 のes'0.5 もd'0.25 のg'0.5 ごf'1.0 とf'0.75 にf'0.75 おf'1.5 ろfis'0.5 そd'0.25 かd'0.5 にd'0.25 っbes0.5 すbes1.0 るd'0.75 とbes0.75 じbes1.5 つc'0.5 げf'0.25 んf'0.5 わf'0.25 っg'0.5 とf'1.0 おg'0.75 くg'0.75 あes'1.5 あd'0.5 っc'0.25 さc'0.5 れbes0.25 どbes0.5 こbes0.5 のc'0.5 まbes0.75 まc'0.5 でbes0.25 " + 4:second_noteseq,"っf0.5 っf0.5 わf0.5 っd0.5 るf0.25 いes0.25 しd0.25 っd0.25 っf0.5 っf0.5 もf0.5 っdes0.5 るf0.25 いf0.25 がdes0.5 っf0.5 っe0.5 つd0.5 っdisis0.5 おe0.25 もbisis0.25 くais,0.25 っais,0.25 っd0.5 るf1.0 っd0.5 のf1.0 っd0.25 っf0.25 っf0.5 おf0.5 っf0.25 いd0.25 いf0.25 っf0.25 けf0.25 がf0.25 っf0.5 っf0.5 きf0.5 っf0.5 きf0.25 がf0.25 すf0.25 るf0.25 っe0.5 っf0.5 がe0.5 っd0.5 っe0.25 っdisis0.25 たe0.25 りf0.25 っf0.5 すf1.0 るf0.5 とf1.0 " + 6:second_noteseq,"すd''1.5 べbes'0.5 てbes'0.25 のbes'0.5 もbes'0.25 のd''0.5 ごc''1.0 とc''0.75 にc''0.75 おc''1.5 ろd''0.5 そfis'0.25 かfis'0.5 にfis'0.25 っg'0.5 すg'1.0 るbes'0.75 とg'0.75 じg'1.5 つa'0.5 げbis'0.25 んc''0.5 わc''0.25 っbes'0.5 とa'1.0 おbes'0.75 くg'0.75 あc''1.5 あas'0.5 っdis'0.25 さes'0.5 れd'0.25 どd'0.5 こd'0.5 のes'0.5 まd'0.75 まes'0.5 でd'0.25 " + 7:second_noteseq,"こbes'0.75 しg'0.75 わg'0.5 かbes'0.25 るbes'0.5 いbes'0.25 っf'0.75 っas'0.75 っbes'0.5 っgis'0.5 っas'0.5 つbes'0.75 いa'0.75 つas'0.5 いeis'0.25 おf'0.5 もas'0.25 っg'0.75 っg'0.75 っg'0.5 っg'0.5 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 かas'0.75 っbes'0.75 こbes'0.5 おbes'0.25 のf'0.5 っd'0.25 っd'0.75 っf'0.75 わes'0.5 けg'0.5 がg'0.5 あg'0.75 めf'0.75 がf'0.5 っf'0.25 ふas'0.5 っeis'0.25 っf'0.75 っf'0.75 っf'0.5 すf'0.5 っbes'0.25 っf'0.25 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 はc'0.25 くas'0.25 ちょas'1.0 おbes'0.75 がbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 なes'0.25 いes'1.0 たas'1.5 まg'0.25 よas'0.25 なf'1.0 かes'0.75 にbes'0.5 っes'0.5 うg'0.25 うas'1.0 っas'1.5 もas'0.25 おes'0.25 っf'1.0 きas'1.25 たbes'0.5 のes'1.25 かf'1.5 はg'0.25 やas'0.25 いges'0.5 もas'0.5 のbeses'0.25 っbes'0.5 だges'0.5 っdis'0.25 fis'0.25 っges'0.25 うg'0.5 うbis0.5 うc'1.25 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 はg0.25 くas0.25 ちょas1.5 おas0.75 がas0.25 なg1.0 いas0.5 たg0.5 fis1.0 まas0.25 よfis0.25 っas1.5 っas0.75 っfis0.25 っfis0.25 あfis0.25 as0.5 あg0.5 あas1.0 "
14781881緑の雨 / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/10/18 Fri 10:13:44" + filename,781881-E7UG + div,13 + mainid,781880-9ZJf + title,緑の雨 + title,緑の雨 + title,緑の雨 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,2 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,122 + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 2:highest,71 + 2:inst,2 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 2:second_voice,36 + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.37" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 3:highest,71 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_fy6ei0.har + 3:inst,2 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 3:second_voice,120 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 4:voice,"fss 0.37" + 4:second_highest,70 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 4:highest,70 + 4:inst,2 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:second_voice,70 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 5:voice,42 + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:highest,70 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_nygzi9.har + 5:inst,2 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 5:second_voice,41 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,4 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,25 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"fss 0.37" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,71 + 8:inst,2 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 8:second_voice,87 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_MHamasaki.dat + 9:voice,54 + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 9:highest,71 + 9:inst,2 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 9:second_voice,88 + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,52 + 10:second_highest,55 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 10:highest,71 + 10:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_eglv9i.har + 10:inst,2 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 10:second_voice,38 + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,2 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,2 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,4 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 2:noteseq,"p-0.5 なgis'0.25 んfis'0.25 かe'0.75 にdis'0.25 わcis'0.25 かgis'0.25 れgis'0.25 おcis'0.25 っb0.25 っb0.25 っcis'0.75 っcis'0.25 " + 3:noteseq,"p-0.5 こais'0.5 のb'0.5 じb'1.0 きgis'1.0 のgis'0.75 っb0.5 あgis'0.75 めfis'0.5 にfis'2.5 かfis'0.5 らgis'0.5 めgis'0.5 とgis'0.5 らgis'0.25 れfisis'0.75 るdis'0.75 っcis'0.5 よdis'0.75 おcis'0.5 だb2.5 かdis'0.5 わgis'0.5 るgis'0.5 こfis'0.5 とgis'0.25 のfis'0.75 っcis'0.75 ひcis'0.5 つdis'0.25 ぜdis'0.5 んe'0.5 とdis'2.5 いb0.5 いcis'0.5 よb0.5 おb0.5 がgis'0.25 なfis'0.75 いcis'0.75 っcis'0.5 さcis'0.25 びe'0.5 しdis'0.5 さcis'0.75 にbis1.75 " + 4:noteseq,"p0.5 なe'0.5 んdis'0.5 かcis'1.5 にcis'0.25 わb0.25 かcis'0.5 れcis'0.5 おb1.0 っb1.0 つb0.5 げcis'0.5 るdis'1.0 あcis'0.5 るdis'0.5 いcis'0.5 わcis'1.0 つcis'0.25 げes'0.25 らdis'0.5 れdis'0.5 てdis'1.0 っbis1.0 いbis0.5 るcis'0.5 のdis'0.25 かcis'0.75 いdis'0.5 まcis'0.5 わcis'1.5 そb0.25 んcis'0.25 なcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 とb1.0 こdis'1.5 ろdis'0.5 かcis'1.0 なdis'0.5 いe'0.5 てdis'1.75 っdis'0.25 いdis'0.5 るe'0.5 のdis'1.0 だdis'1.5 ろe'0.5 おdis'0.5 " + 5:noteseq,"かgis0.75 わais0.25 るb0.75 こb0.25 とb0.5 のgis0.5 っcis'1.0 ひcis'0.75 つes'0.25 ぜdis'0.5 んdis'0.5 とdis'2.0 いdis'0.75 いe'0.25 よdis'0.75 おdis'0.25 がdis'0.5 なdis'0.5 いb1.0 っcis'0.75 さcis'0.25 びdis'0.5 しe'0.25 さdis'0.25 にdis'2.0 " + 8:noteseq,"かdis'1.5 なgis'0.5 しgis'0.5 いgis'1.0 ほfis'0.25 どgis'0.25 にfis'0.5 っgis'0.5 うais'0.5 つb'1.0 くb'0.5 しb'0.5 いgis'0.5 いgis'1.5 じb'0.5 らb'0.5 しb'1.0 いbes'0.5 のais'0.5 かdes'0.5 っcis'0.5 っcis'1.0 っdis'1.0 っdis'0.5 めb1.5 ずdis'0.5 らfis'0.5 しfis'1.0 くe'0.5 もdis'0.5 っfis'0.5 そfis'0.5 んgis'1.0 なgis'0.5 きfis'0.5 にgis'0.5 さb1.5 せdis'0.5 らdis'0.5 れdis'1.0 てdis'0.5 っdis'0.5 いcis'0.5 るes'0.5 っdis'1.0 っdis'0.5 っb0.5 っb0.5 " + 9:noteseq,"かd'0.5 なe'0.25 しfis'0.25 いfis'1.0 ほe'0.75 どb'0.25 にe'1.0 っe'0.75 うe'0.25 つa'1.0 くa'0.75 しa'0.25 いd'1.0 いd'1.5 じfis'0.5 らfis'1.5 しfis'0.25 いe'0.25 のe'1.5 かe'0.25 っe'0.25 っfis'1.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 めd'1.5 ずfis'0.25 らa'0.25 しa'1.5 くe'0.25 もe'0.25 っfis'1.5 そfis'0.25 んa'0.25 なb'1.5 きb'0.25 にe'0.25 さd'1.5 せfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 れfis'1.5 てfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 いe'1.5 るfis'0.25 っcis'0.25 っd'1.5 っb0.25 っb0.25 " + 10:noteseq,"こe'0.5 のfis'0.5 じg'0.5 きfis'0.5 のe'0.5 っd'0.5 あe'0.5 めd'0.5 にd'4.0 かcis'0.5 らf'0.5 めeis'0.5 とeis'0.5 らfis'0.5 れfis'0.5 るe'0.5 っe'0.5 よfis'1.5 おb0.5 だb2.0 " + 2:second_noteseq,"っb'0.5 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 うgis'0.5 うais'0.25 うb'0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っfis'0.5 っgis'0.5 っgis'1.0 っb1.0 っgis'0.75 っgis'0.5 あb'0.75 めais'0.5 にb'1.0 dis'1.5 かdis'0.5 らgis'0.5 めb'0.5 とb'0.5 らb'0.25 れb'0.75 るais'0.75 っb'0.5 よb'0.75 おgis'0.5 だgis'2.5 っgis'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っgis'0.25 fis'0.5 っfis'0.75 ひfis'0.5 つbes'0.25 ぜais'0.5 んb'0.5 とais'1.0 dis'1.5 いdis'0.5 いgis'0.5 よgis'0.5 おgis'0.5 がais'0.25 なb'0.75 いais'0.75 っges'0.5 さfis'0.25 びcis'0.5 しgis'0.5 さe'0.75 にdis'1.75 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p0.5 っgis'0.5 っe'0.5 っfis'1.5 っfis'0.25 わfis'0.25 かgis'0.5 れfis'0.5 おdis'1.0 っdis'1.0 つdis'0.5 げas'0.5 るgis'1.0 っcis'0.5 っgis'0.5 っgis'0.5 っfisis'1.0 つfisis'0.25 げgis'0.25 らfisis'0.5 れgis'0.5 てgis'1.0 っfis'1.0 いdis'0.5 るgis'0.5 のgis'0.25 かgis'0.75 っgis'0.5 っe'0.5 っfis'1.5 そfis'0.25 んgis'0.25 なfis'0.5 っgis'0.5 とfis'1.0 こgis'1.5 ろb0.5 かgis1.0 っgis0.5 っais0.5 っfisis'1.75 っfisis'0.25 いfisis'0.5 るgis'0.5 のgis'1.0 だgis'1.5 ろgis'0.5 おdis'0.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"っcis'0.75 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.75 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.5 っb0.5 っe'1.0 っdis'0.75 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'2.0 いgis'0.75 いais'0.25 よb'0.75 おb'0.25 がb'0.5 なe'0.5 いdis'1.0 っfis'0.75 さfis'0.25 びa'0.5 しb'0.25 さa'0.25 っb'2.0 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p1.0 かgis'0.75 なb'0.75 しb'0.5 いb'0.5 ほb'0.5 どb'0.5 にais'0.5 っges'0.5 うfis'0.25 つfis'1.25 くfis'0.5 しb'0.25 いdis'1.25 いdis'0.75 じgis'0.75 らgis'0.5 しgis'0.5 いdisis'0.5 っe'0.5 っbes'0.5 っais'0.75 あfisis'1.25 あfisis'0.75 あgis'1.25 めgis'0.75 ずb'0.75 らais'0.5 しb'0.5 くais'0.5 もb'0.5 っdis'0.5 そdis'0.75 んb'1.25 なb'0.5 きb'0.25 にgis'1.25 さgis'0.75 せb'0.75 らb'0.5 れb'0.5 てb'0.5 っfisis'0.5 っdis'0.5 っfisis'0.75 っfisis'0.25 b'1.0 うb'0.5 うgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p1.0 かd'0.5 なb'0.5 しb'0.25 いb'0.25 ほb'0.25 どa'0.25 にg'0.25 っfis'0.25 うg'0.25 つfis'0.25 くg'0.75 しfis'0.25 いe'1.75 fis'2.25 いa'0.5 じb'0.5 らb'0.5 しe'0.25 いd'0.25 っd'0.5 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 あa'0.75 あg'0.25 あfis'0.5 e'0.25 ais'2.25 b'1.0 めa'0.5 ずb'0.5 らe'0.25 しfis'0.25 くe'0.25 もe'0.25 っe'0.5 そe'0.25 んg'0.25 なfis'0.75 きd'0.25 にd'2.5 b'1.5 さa'0.5 せb'0.5 らb'0.25 れb'0.25 てb'0.25 っb'0.25 っd'0.5 っfis'0.25 っb'0.25 うb'0.75 うais'0.25 うais'0.5 fis'2.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"こe0.5 っbisis0.5 っg0.5 っfisis0.5 のg0.5 っfis0.5 っfisis0.5 っg0.5 にfis4.0 かeis0.5 っfis0.5 っeis0.5 っeis0.5 らfis0.5 っbisis0.5 っe0.5 っe0.5 よfis1.5 おd0.5 だd2.0 "
15781575月と太陽のあいだ / "キコ + ねこにマインド"time,"2024/10/11 Fri 20:02:47" + filename,781575-mxYw + div,15 + mainid,781574-n9Gk + title,月と太陽のあいだ + title,月と太陽のあいだ + title,月と太陽のあいだ + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:harmony,pat/harmony/doremi1ss.dat + 1:harmony,pat/harmony/doremi1ss.dat + 1:harmony,pat/harmony/doremi1ss.dat + 1:inst,0 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,74 + 4:highest,72 + 4:inst,1 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 4:second_voice,56 + 5:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 5:second_highest,56 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 5:highest,72 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_ei0dlj.har + 5:inst,0 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 5:second_voice,32 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,0 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,2 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 8:second_highest,70 + 8:highest,72 + 8:inst,3 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 8:second_voice,11 + 9:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 9:highest,72 + 9:inst,0 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 9:second_voice,112 + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,1 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,4 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 12:second_highest,73 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 12:highest,72 + 12:inst,4 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,4 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,0 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,0 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 8:noteseq,"うdes'0.75 ごf'0.75 きbes'1.5 だf'0.75 すe'2.25 おes'0.75 どeis'0.25 らf'0.5 ぬf'1.0 っes'0.5 こdes'0.25 こes'0.5 ろdes'2.25 どes'0.75 ちdes'0.25 らdes'0.5 なes'1.0 らdes'0.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.5 っbes'0.75 っbes'1.5 " + 9:noteseq,"まbes0.25 ぶdes'0.25 しes'0.25 さdes'0.25 っdes'0.5 なf'0.25 のdes'0.25 かf'0.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っeis'0.75 っeis'0.25 っeis'0.75 っeis'0.75 っeis'0.5 ひf'0.25 そges'0.25 やf'0.25 かf'0.25 っes'0.5 なf'0.25 のes'0.25 かf'0.5 っas'0.25 っas'0.25 っf'0.75 っf'0.25 っf'0.75 っf'0.75 っg'0.5 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っa'0.5 っbes'0.75 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 たd''0.75 いc''0.25 よb'0.25 おg'0.25 わg'1.5 しゅf'0.5 ちょg'0.75 おg'0.75 がg'0.5 っg'1.0 ges'0.25 っbes'0.25 っges'0.5 っges'1.5 めbes'0.5 おg'0.75 ほf'0.25 そbes'0.5 めg'0.5 てf'0.5 っd'0.75 っd'0.25 っg'0.5 っd'1.5 っd'0.5 っbes'0.75 っg'0.75 まg'0.5 ぶbes'1.25 しa'0.25 さeis'0.5 にf'1.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"p0.75 っd0.25 っf0.5 しf0.5 っf0.5 っf0.5 つfis0.5 っg0.25 わfis1.75 ひfis0.5 っg0.25 そg0.25 っd0.25 っd0.25 っd0.5 たd0.5 っg0.5 っg0.5 んg0.25 っg0.25 いc0.25 るg2.75 つg0.25 っg0.25 っbes,0.5 っf0.5 たg0.5 っf0.5 よf0.5 っf0.25 にf1.75 はg0.5 さas0.25 っdis0.25 っes0.25 っc0.25 っes0.5 るd0.5 っgis0.5 っas0.5 はc0.5 しf0.25 るf1.75 " + 9:second_noteseq,"まdes'0.25 ぶf'0.25 しf'0.25 さbes0.25 っas0.5 なbes0.25 のas0.25 かbes0.5 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っeis'0.75 っa'0.25 っa'0.75 っa'0.75 っa'0.5 ひdes'0.25 そes'0.25 やdes'0.25 かdes'0.25 っc'0.5 なdes'0.25 のc'0.25 かdes'0.5 っdes'0.25 っdes'0.25 っdes'0.75 っdes'0.25 っdes'0.75 っdes'0.75 っdes'0.5 っbes0.25 っdes'0.25 っdes'0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.5 おbes0.25 っbes0.25 おdes'0.5 おdes'0.25 っdes'0.25 っdes'0.75 っdes'0.25 っdes'0.75 っdes'0.75 っdes'0.25 っas0.25 っbes0.25 っes'0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.25 っbes0.5 あc'0.25 っdes'0.25 あes'0.5 あes'0.25 っas'0.25 っas'0.75 っdes'0.25 っdes'0.75 っdes'0.75 っdes'0.25 っdes'0.25 "
16781533らいちゃんの四国遍路 / らいちゃんuid,3855 + time,"2024/10/10 Thu 12:59:48" + filename,781533-STHL + div,12 + title,らいちゃんの四国遍路 + title,らいちゃんの四国遍路 + title,らいちゃんの四国遍路 + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,0 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_h5misq.har + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,72 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 5:highest,74 + 6:inst,0 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:inst,0 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 7:highest,74 + 8:inst,0 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:inst,0 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 9:highest,74 + 10:inst,0 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:inst,0 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 11:highest,74 + 12:inst,0 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 2:noteseq,"えb'1.5 もd''0.25 んd''0.25 さd''1.5 ぶg'0.25 ろfis'0.25 おe'1.5 がe'0.25 いd'0.25 るe'2.0 こd'1.5 じe'0.25 きd'0.25 ぼe'1.75 おd'0.25 ずd'1.5 がd'0.25 きe'0.25 たd'2.0 たeis'0.5 べfis'0.25 もeis'0.25 のeis'1.0 おeis'0.75 めfis'0.25 ぐgis'1.0 んbes'0.75 でa'0.25 くbes'1.0 だc''0.75 さd''0.25 いc''1.0 うd''1.5 るfis'0.25 さg'0.25 いfis'2.0 かa'1.5 えe'0.5 れe'2.0 " + 4:noteseq,"p-0.5 つe'0.25 ぎfis'0.25 のd'0.5 ひcis'0.5 かd'0.5 らe'0.5 こe'0.5 どa'0.25 もa'0.25 がa'0.25 つa'0.25 ぎb'0.25 つa'0.25 ぎa'0.25 とa'0.25 しa'0.25 んb'0.25 でa'0.25 いfis'0.25 っg'0.25 たfis'1.75 あd'0.25 のe'0.25 おd'0.5 かd'0.5 たe'0.5 わd'0.5 こcis'0.5 おd'0.5 ぼe'0.5 おe'0.5 だfis'0.5 いa'0.25 しa'0.25 さg'0.25 まfis'0.25 でe'0.25 わd'3.75 おd'0.5 わcis'0.5 びd'0.5 おe'0.5 いe'0.5 いa'1.0 たa'0.75 いb'2.25 e'1.5 あe'0.5 とd'0.5 おc'0.5 おd'0.5 いe'0.5 かfis'1.0 けg'0.75 たfis'1.25 " + 5:noteseq,"いa'1.5 つfis'0.25 まfis'0.25 でfis'1.5 たfis'0.25 っe'0.25 てe'1.5 もe'0.25 あd'0.25 えe'1.5 なcis'0.25 いcis''0.25 そd''1.5 おb'0.25 だa'0.25 はb'1.5 んd''0.25 たd''0.25 いd''1.5 にd''0.25 まcis''0.25 わd''1.5 ろd''0.25 おd''0.25 ぎゃf'1.5 くa'0.25 うg'0.25 ちfis'2.0 でe'1.5 あe'0.5 るcis'2.0 こd'0.5 おa'0.25 ぼb'0.25 おb'1.0 だb'0.75 いb'0.25 しb'1.0 さa'0.75 まg'0.25 にfis'1.0 あfis'0.75 えg'0.25 たfis'1.0 " + 7:noteseq,"p-0.5 おe'0.5 わd'0.5 びe'0.5 おd'0.5 いd'0.5 っa'0.5 てe'0.5 しd'0.5 んe'0.5 でfis'1.0 いfis'0.5 っg'0.25 たfis'1.75 こfis'0.25 おa'0.25 ぼb'0.5 おb'0.5 だb'0.5 いa'0.5 しa'0.5 わa'0.5 いa'0.5 しb'0.5 おa'0.5 にa'0.5 ぎd''0.25 らd''0.25 せfis'0.25 たfis'1.75 そfis'0.25 こa'0.25 にe'0.5 わd'0.5 えd'0.5 もe'0.5 んe'0.25 さfis'0.25 ぶe'0.25 ろe'0.25 おe'0.25 さe'0.25 いe'0.25 らe'0.25 いe'0.25 とa'0.25 かg'0.25 いfis'0.25 てa'0.25 あa'0.25 っg'0.25 たfis'1.75 じゅd'0.25 うd'0.25 にe'0.5 ばe'0.5 んe'0.5 しょfis'0.5 おg'0.5 さfis'0.5 んg'0.5 じfis'0.5 のe'0.25 おe'0.25 はe'0.25 なfis'0.25 しg'0.25 でfis'0.25 あg'0.25 るfis'1.25 " + 9:noteseq,"いd'0.5 よcis'0.25 のd'0.25 くd'0.5 にe'0.25 でd'0.25 おcis'0.75 とd'0.25 こe'1.0 のd'0.5 こcis'0.25 がd'0.25 うcis'1.0 まd'0.75 れe'0.25 たd'1.0 そd'0.5 のb'0.25 こa'0.25 わb'1.0 いa'0.75 しb'0.25 おa'1.0 にfis'0.75 ぎa'0.25 っa'1.0 てd'0.75 いcis'0.25 たd'1.0 そd'1.5 のb'0.25 いd'0.25 しa'2.0 おe'1.5 みe'0.5 たd'2.0 えc'0.25 もd'0.25 んe'0.5 さfis'0.25 ぶe'0.25 ろe'0.5 おe'0.5 さe'0.25 いe'0.25 らe'1.0 いe'0.25 とfis'0.25 かg'0.5 いfis'0.5 てfis'0.25 あg'0.25 るfis'2.0 " + 11:noteseq,"そd'0.25 のe'0.25 こd'0.5 わe'0.25 いd'0.25 よcis'0.5 のd'0.5 くd'0.25 にe'0.25 のd'1.0 じょe'0.25 おd'0.25 しゅd'0.5 とe'0.5 なd'0.25 っcis'0.25 たd'2.0 りょd'1.5 おb'0.25 みb'0.25 んb'1.5 のb'0.25 たa'0.25 めb'1.5 にe'0.25 つa'0.25 くb'1.5 しg'0.25 たfis'0.25 えe'0.25 もa'0.25 んb'0.5 さb'0.25 ぶa'0.25 ろgis'0.5 おfis'0.5 のe'0.25 うfis'0.25 まgis'1.0 れa'0.25 かa'0.25 わa'0.5 りa'0.5 でa'0.25 あg'0.25 るb'2.0 ごa'0.25 じゅa'0.25 うa'0.5 いa'0.25 ちa'0.25 ばa'0.5 んb'0.5 いb'0.25 しb'0.25 てb'1.0 じb'0.25 のa'0.25 おb'0.5 はa'0.5 なb'0.25 しb'0.25 でa'0.5 あg'0.5 るfis'1.0 "
17781472最後の夕焼けチャイム「未来へのカウントダウン」 / "作詞AIサッキョク 作曲クーマー"time,"2024/10/09 Wed 10:46:57" + filename,781472-Z9C4 + div,14 + mainid,781471-m3NJ + title,最後の夕焼けチャイム「未来へのカウントダウン」 + title,最後の夕焼けチャイム「未来へのカウントダウン」 + title,最後の夕焼けチャイム「未来へのカウントダウン」 + name,"作詞AIサッキョク 作曲クーマー" + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,14 + 1:second_highest,79 + 1:highest,79 + 1:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_ymct4i.har + 1:inst,-1 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.29" + 1:second_melody,harmonic + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,14 + 2:second_highest,79 + 2:highest,79 + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_ymct4i.har + 2:inst,-1 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.29" + 2:second_melody,harmonic + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,123 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,25 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:mode,inst + 5:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 5:second_highest,74 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 6:second_highest,74 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/namidasoso.dat + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,25 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 7:second_highest,74 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/TakiRentaro-Hana-110815ss.dat + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,25 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/TakiRentaro-Hana-110815ss.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 8:second_highest,74 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 8:highest,74 + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_ymct4i.har + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,22 + 9:second_highest,74 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,25 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 9:second_voice,5 + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 10:second_highest,74 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,25 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 11:second_highest,74 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/namidasoso.dat + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,25 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 12:second_highest,74 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/TakiRentaro-Hana-110815ss.dat + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,25 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/TakiRentaro-Hana-110815ss.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 13:second_highest,74 + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 13:highest,74 + 13:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_ymct4i.har + 13:inst,25 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,22 + 14:second_highest,74 + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,25 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 14:second_voice,5 + 14:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 14:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 14:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + uid,17770 + 14:noteseq,"ゆc'0.75 うa'0.25 ぐa'0.75 れa'0.25 のg'0.5 そa'0.5 らb'0.75 あc''0.25 かb'0.5 ねfisis'0.25 いg'0.25 ろg'0.25 にg'0.25 そg'0.25 まb'0.25 りc''2.0 こg'0.75 きょe'0.25 おe'0.75 のe'0.25 まg'0.5 ちa'0.5 なb'0.75 みc''0.25 がc''0.75 かb'0.25 すc''0.25 んc''0.25 でc''0.25 ゆb'0.25 くc''2.0 さc''0.75 いa'0.25 ごg'0.75 のa'0.25 ゆg'0.5 うa'0.5 やb'0.5 けc''0.25 ちゃd''0.25 いd''0.5 むd''0.25 むc''0.25 ねb'0.25 にfisis'0.25 ひg'0.25 びa'0.25 いg'1.0 てc'1.0 わc'0.75 すd'0.25 れe'0.75 らd'0.25 れd'0.5 なd'0.5 いe'0.75 ひd'0.25 きe'0.5 ざg'0.25 みg'0.25 こa'0.25 まg'0.25 れc''0.25 てb'0.25 くc''2.0 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 らc''0.25 らg'0.25 らf'0.5 らbis0.5 らc'0.5 らd'0.5 らe'0.5 らe'0.5 らe'0.5 らe'0.5 らf'0.25 らe'0.25 らd'0.25 らd'0.25 らd'0.25 らe'0.25 らd'0.25 らd'1.75 らd'0.25 らe'0.25 らe'0.5 らe'0.5 らe'0.5 らd'0.5 らc'0.5 らa'0.5 らb'0.5 らc''0.5 らg'0.5 らa'0.5 らg'0.25 らg'0.25 らg'0.25 らg'1.25 " + 13:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 らc''0.25 らg'0.25 らf'0.5 らbis0.5 らc'0.5 らd'0.5 らe'0.5 らe'0.5 らe'0.5 らe'0.5 らf'0.25 らe'0.25 らd'0.25 らd'0.25 らd'0.25 らe'0.25 らd'0.25 らd'1.75 らd'0.25 らe'0.25 らe'0.5 らe'0.5 らe'0.5 らd'0.5 らc'0.5 らc'0.5 らg'0.5 らa'0.5 らb'0.5 らc''0.5 らb'0.25 らcisis'0.25 らd'0.25 らe'1.25 "
18781258直そうと思っていた / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/10/07 Mon 10:28:51" + filename,781258-GUkX + div,14 + mainid,781257-bRHg + title,直そうと思っていた + title,直そうと思っていた + title,直そうと思っていた + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,4 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_c2p1ih.har + 2:inst,4 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,47 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:highest,72 + 3:inst,2 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 3:second_voice,42 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,40 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 4:highest,72 + 4:inst,26 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:second_voice,18 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 5:second_highest,72 + 5:highest,72 + 5:inst,2 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 5:second_voice,102 + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,94 + 6:second_highest,72 + 6:highest,72 + 6:inst,4 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk2.perc + 6:second_voice,38 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,4 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 8:second_highest,68 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 8:highest,73 + 8:inst,2 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 8:second_voice,24 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,36 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 10:second_highest,76 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 10:highest,73 + 10:inst,36 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:second_voice,99 + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 11:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 11:second_highest,68 + 11:highest,73 + 11:inst,26 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 11:second_voice,53 + 12:voice,88 + 12:second_highest,75 + 12:highest,73 + 12:inst,4 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 12:second_voice,9 + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,4 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:harmony,pat/harmony/doremi1ss.dat + 14:harmony,pat/harmony/doremi1ss.dat + 14:harmony,pat/harmony/doremi1ss.dat + 14:inst,4 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"じゅe'0.75 うfis'0.25 ねg'0.75 んg'0.25 っa'1.0 いa'1.0 じょg'1.0 おe'1.0 がfis'2.0 そg'0.75 おe'0.25 っfis'0.75 おg'0.25 もa'1.0 っe'1.0 たe'1.0 ひd'0.5 かe'0.5 らfis'2.0 ゆg'0.75 とa'0.25 りb'0.75 がb'0.25 なa'0.5 いg'0.5 とa'1.0 っe'0.75 でe'0.25 きg'0.5 なges'0.5 いfis'2.0 きg'0.75 にa'0.25 なg'0.75 っe'0.25 てe'0.5 っe'0.5 いe'1.0 たa'1.0 のg'0.5 だa'0.5 がb'1.5 " + 4:noteseq,"p-0.5 おfis'0.5 りg'1.5 にe'3.0 ふe'0.5 れg'0.5 てa'2.0 なa'0.25 るb'0.25 べb'1.5 くb'0.25 っdis'0.5 かb2.25 んc'0.5 たb0.5 んb0.25 なb1.75 ほb0.25 おd'0.25 ほe'1.5 おe'0.25 おe'0.5 っe'2.25 のe'0.5 ぞg'0.5 んa'0.25 だa'1.75 っa'0.25 っc''0.25 っb1.5 っb0.25 っb0.5 っb2.25 っb0.5 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'1.75 " + 5:noteseq,"どe'1.0 おd'0.5 もe'0.5 っe'0.5 さe'0.5 いa'1.0 しゅa'1.0 うa'1.0 てa'0.5 きa'0.5 にa'1.0 こg'1.0 わa'0.5 さb'0.5 なb'0.5 いa'0.5 とg'1.0 っb'1.0 むb'0.5 りa'0.5 らg'0.5 しa'0.5 いg'1.0 もe'1.0 んa'0.5 だa'0.5 いa'0.5 わa'0.5 っa'1.0 そa'0.75 のb'0.25 こa'0.5 わb'0.5 しa'0.5 かges'0.5 たfis'1.0 あg'1.0 るfis'0.5 あg'0.5 いe'0.5 でe'0.5 あe'1.0 がd'0.75 っc'0.25 うb0.5 まc'0.5 れb0.5 たb0.5 " + 6:noteseq,"p-1.0 どg'0.5 おd'0.5 もg'1.5 っe'0.5 さe'1.0 いfis'0.5 しゅg'0.5 うa'1.0 っd'0.5 っd'1.0 っd'0.5 こd'0.5 わe'0.5 さe'1.5 なg'0.5 いe'1.0 とa'0.5 っb'0.5 むb'1.0 りd'0.5 っd'0.5 っe'0.5 っd'0.5 もd'0.5 んdisis'0.5 だe'1.5 いa'0.5 わa'1.0 っg'0.5 そa'0.5 のb'0.75 こd'0.25 わe'0.5 しd'0.5 かd'0.5 たd'0.5 あe'0.5 るd'0.5 あg'1.5 いe'0.5 でe'1.0 あe'0.5 がe'0.5 っd'1.0 うd'0.5 まe'0.5 れd'0.5 たg'0.5 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 どfis'0.5 おb'1.0 ぐcis''0.5 のb'0.25 っcis''1.75 じゅcis''0.25 んb'0.75 びb'3.0 すb'0.5 ぐgis'1.0 にgis'0.5 っe'0.25 じfis'1.75 っcis''0.25 こcis''0.75 おcis''3.0 " + 10:noteseq,"ぷb'1.0 らfis'0.75 んdis'0.25 がfis'0.5 せfis'0.5 えgis'0.5 こais'0.5 おb'1.0 っgis'1.0 っgis'0.5 っb'0.5 っgis'1.0 あgis'1.0 かais'0.75 ずb'0.25 のb'0.5 どgis'0.5 あcis'0.5 がb0.5 っcis'1.0 つcis'1.0 いb1.0 にb1.0 " + 11:noteseq,"p5.5 っfisis'2.5 きgis'1.5 もb'0.5 ちb'0.5 がgis'1.0 いdis'0.5 いcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 あcis'0.5 きgis'1.0 ばgis'1.0 れgis'0.5 あgis'1.5 たcis''0.5 らcis''0.5 しcis''1.0 いgis'0.25 っfis'0.25 かgis'0.5 ぜais'0.5 とb'0.5 ひfis'1.0 かgis'0.5 りais'0.5 がges'0.5 はfis'1.5 いe'0.5 っdis'0.5 てdis'0.5 きdis'0.5 てb0.25 っb0.25 うcis'0.5 れfis'0.5 しgis'0.5 いfis'1.0 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 " + 12:noteseq,"けb0.5 えgis'0.25 かgis'0.75 くgis'0.5 がcis'0.75 っcis'0.75 せcis'0.5 えfis'0.75 こfis'0.75 おfis'0.5 しdis'1.0 たfis'1.0 あfis'0.5 かgis'0.25 ずbis'0.75 のbis'0.5 どgis'0.75 あfisis'0.75 がgis'0.5 っais'0.75 つe'0.75 いdis'0.5 にcis'2.0 あb0.5 たcis'0.25 らdis'0.75 しfis'0.5 いcis'0.75 っcis'0.75 かfis'0.5 ぜgis'0.75 とfis'0.75 ひb0.5 かcis'1.0 りdis'0.25 がcis'0.75 はcis'0.5 いb0.25 っb0.75 てdis'0.5 きcis'0.5 てcis'0.25 っb0.75 うb0.5 れcis'0.5 しdis'0.25 いcis'0.75 っcis'0.5 っdis'1.0 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"じゅg,0.75 っe,0.25 っe,0.75 んe,0.25 っa,1.0 っa,1.0 じょdisis,1.0 っdisis,1.0 がb,2.0 そe,0.75 っe,0.25 っe,0.75 おe,0.25 もa,1.0 っa,1.0 たdisis,1.0 っdisis,0.5 かdisis,0.5 らb,2.0 ゆe,0.75 っe,0.25 っe,0.75 っe,0.25 なa,0.5 っa,0.5 っa,1.0 っdisis,0.75 でdisis,0.25 っdisis,0.5 っdisis,0.5 いb,2.0 きe,0.75 っe,0.25 っe,0.75 っe,0.25 てa,0.5 っa,0.5 っa,1.0 たdisis,1.0 っdisis,0.5 だdisis,0.5 がb,1.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"っa'1.0 っe'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っe'1.0 っfis'2.0 っg'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'1.0 っb'1.0 っg'0.5 っg'0.5 っg'0.5 っg'0.5 っb'1.0 っg'1.0 っg'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'1.0 もa'1.0 んc''0.5 だb'0.5 いc''0.5 わdisis'0.5 っe'1.0 そfis'0.75 のg'0.25 こfis'0.5 わg'0.5 しfis'0.5 かg'0.5 たa'1.0 あc''1.0 るdisis'0.5 あe'0.5 いg'0.5 でg'0.5 あg'1.0 がg'0.75 っfis'0.25 うg'0.5 まa'0.5 れg'0.5 たg'0.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 どb'0.5 おa'0.5 もb'1.5 っg'0.5 っg'1.0 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'1.0 あa'0.5 あb'1.0 あg'0.5 こfis'0.5 わg'0.5 さg'1.5 なg'0.5 いa'1.0 とe'0.5 っges'0.5 っfis'1.0 っb'0.5 あb'0.5 あc''0.5 あb'0.5 もa'0.5 んb'0.5 だa'1.5 いe'0.5 わe'1.0 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っc''0.75 こb'0.25 わc''0.5 しb'0.5 かb'0.5 たb'0.5 あb'0.5 るa'0.5 あb'1.5 いg'0.5 っa'1.0 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'1.0 うa'0.5 まb'0.5 れb'0.5 たg'0.5 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 どb0.5 おdis'1.0 ぐfis'0.5 のdis'0.25 っfis'1.75 じゅfis'0.25 んdis'0.75 びdis'3.0 すdis'0.5 ぐb1.0 にb0.5 っb0.25 じdis'1.75 っfis'0.25 こfis'0.75 おe'1.5 cis'1.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"ぷdis''1.0 らcis''0.75 んb'0.25 がcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 っdis''0.5 っdis''0.5 っdis''1.0 っb'1.0 おb'0.5 おcis''0.5 おb'1.0 あb'1.0 かe''0.75 ずdis''0.25 のcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 っgis'0.5 っgis'0.5 っfis'1.0 つe'1.0 いdis'1.0 にdis'1.0 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p5.5 っdis'2.5 きdis'1.5 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19780885タイトル不明 / 作詞:梟/作曲:五六四〇time,"2024/10/02 Wed 18:13:59" + filename,780885-ADZh + div,23 + mainid,780884-bpNX + title,タイトル不明 + title,タイトル不明 + title,タイトル不明 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,21 + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,81 + 1:inst,6 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,110 + 2:voice,21 + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,81 + 2:inst,6 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:second_voice,110 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,4 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"fss 0.39" + 4:second_highest,74 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 4:highest,71 + 4:inst,4 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 4:second_voice,6 + 5:voice,"fss 0.39" + 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9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:voice,"fss 0.39" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,75 + 10:inst,29 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk2.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,6 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,6 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,21 + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,81 + 13:inst,6 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:second_voice,110 + 14:voice,21 + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,81 + 14:inst,4 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 14:second_voice,23 + 15:voice,"fss 0.39" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 15:highest,71 + 15:inst,4 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 15:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 15:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 16:voice,"fss 0.39" + 16:second_highest,71 + 16:highest,71 + 16:inst,4 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 16:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:second_highest,71 + 17:highest,74 + 17:inst,92 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:mode,inst + 18:voice,"fss 0.35" + 18:second_highest,71 + 18:highest,74 + 18:inst,-1 + 18:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 18:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 18:mode,inst + 19:voice,21 + 19:second_highest,71 + 19:highest,82 + 19:inst,29 + 19:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 19:second_voice,21 + 20:voice,"fss 0.39" + 20:second_highest,72 + 20:highest,75 + 20:inst,29 + 20:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock4.perc + 20:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 21:voice,"fss 0.39" + 21:second_highest,71 + 21:highest,75 + 21:inst,29 + 21:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock4.perc + 21:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 22:voice,"fss 0.35" + 22:second_highest,71 + 22:highest,74 + 22:inst,0 + 22:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 22:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 22:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 22:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 22:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 22:mode,inst + 23:voice,"fss 0.35" + 23:second_highest,71 + 23:highest,74 + 23:inst,0 + 23:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 23:mode,inst + uid,5640 + 1:noteseq,"みfis'1.0 ぎgis'0.25 がais'0.25 わais'0.5 のgis'0.5 よgis'0.5 みais'0.25 とgis'0.25 よais'0.5 くb'1.0 よb'0.25 おb'0.25 かais'0.5 なgis'0.5 かgis'0.5 きgis'1.0 にais'0.5 てais'0.5 きgis'0.25 ぎfis'0.25 ぜgis'0.25 んais'0.25 かais'0.5 くais'0.5 すais'0.25 ぺb'0.25 えais'0.25 すgis'0.25 おgis'1.0 そfis'0.25 おas'0.25 にゅgis'0.25 うais'0.25 すgis'0.5 るais'0.5 とgis'1.0 きょais'0.5 くb'0.5 のais'0.25 たgis'0.25 いais'0.25 おais'0.25 おais'0.5 すgis'0.5 るais'0.25 ばgis'0.25 しょais'0.25 にgis'0.25 きゅais'0.5 うces''0.5 ふb'0.25 がcis''0.25 はb'0.25 いais'0.25 りgis'0.5 まgis'0.5 すgis'1.0 あais'1.0 いces''0.25 だb'0.25 おcis''0.25 あb'0.25 けcis''0.5 たb'0.5 いcis''0.25 とb'0.25 きcis''0.5 にb'1.0 ゆais'0.25 うb'0.25 こb'0.5 おcis''0.5 でb'0.5 すcis''1.0 " + 2:noteseq,"みfis'1.0 ぎgis'0.25 がais'0.25 わais'0.5 のgis'0.5 よgis'0.5 みais'0.25 とgis'0.25 よais'0.5 くb'1.0 よb'0.25 おb'0.25 かais'0.5 なgis'0.5 かgis'0.5 きgis'1.0 にais'0.5 てais'0.5 きgis'0.25 ぎfis'0.25 ぜgis'0.25 んais'0.25 かais'0.5 くais'0.5 すais'0.25 ぺb'0.25 えais'0.25 すgis'0.25 おgis'1.0 そfis'0.25 おas'0.25 にゅgis'0.25 うais'0.25 すgis'0.5 るais'0.5 とgis'1.0 きょais'0.5 くb'0.5 のais'0.25 たgis'0.25 いais'0.25 おais'0.25 おais'0.5 すgis'0.5 るais'0.25 ばgis'0.25 しょais'0.25 にgis'0.25 きゅais'0.5 うces''0.5 ふb'0.25 がcis''0.25 はb'0.25 いais'0.25 りgis'0.5 まgis'0.5 すgis'1.0 あais'1.0 いces''0.25 だb'0.25 おcis''0.25 あb'0.25 けcis''0.5 たb'0.5 いcis''0.25 とb'0.25 きcis''0.5 にb'1.0 ゆais'0.25 うb'0.25 こb'0.5 おcis''0.5 でb'0.5 すcis''1.0 " + 4:noteseq,"うdis'1.5 すb'0.5 つgis'0.75 きais'0.75 のgis'0.5 よb'1.5 ぞais'0.5 らgis'2.0 ふais'1.5 けb'0.5 だgis'0.75 しeis'0.75 たfis'0.5 ゆgis'0.75 うb'0.75 べb'0.5 にgis'2.0 まdis'0.75 ねfis'0.75 きgis'0.5 いgis'0.75 れais'0.75 るgis'0.5 あais'0.75 めgis'0.75 のais'0.5 こgis'1.0 えeis'1.0 こdis'0.75 くfis'0.75 うgis'0.5 にais'0.75 きeis'0.75 えfis'0.5 いgis'0.75 るgis'0.75 とfis'0.5 いgis'1.0 きgis'1.0 " + 5:noteseq,"かdis'1.5 ぜb'0.5 ふgis'1.0 くeis'1.0 はdis'1.0 こfis'0.5 にgis'0.5 わgis'2.0 せdis'1.5 えfis'0.5 じゃgis'1.0 くgis'1.0 のgis'1.0 かfis'0.5 わas'0.5 べgis'1.0 にeis'1.0 だais'1.0 れgis'0.5 かais'0.5 がeis'1.0 おdis'0.5 とeis'0.5 しdis'0.5 たcis'0.25 ひb0.25 がdis'0.5 んb'0.25 ばais'0.25 あeis'0.5 なeis'0.5 あeis'1.0 たdis'1.0 いe'0.5 がfis'0.5 んgis'1.0 のfis'0.5 けgis'0.5 しfis'0.5 きes'0.25 おdis'0.25 うgis'0.5 がais'0.5 つgis'1.0 っgis'1.0 " + 13:noteseq,"みfis'1.0 ぎgis'0.25 がais'0.25 わais'0.5 のgis'0.5 よgis'0.5 みais'0.25 とgis'0.25 よais'0.5 くb'1.0 よb'0.25 おb'0.25 かais'0.5 なgis'0.5 かgis'0.5 きgis'1.0 にais'0.5 てais'0.5 きgis'0.25 ぎfis'0.25 ぜgis'0.25 んais'0.25 かais'0.5 くais'0.5 すais'0.25 ぺb'0.25 えais'0.25 すgis'0.25 おgis'1.0 そfis'0.25 おas'0.25 にゅgis'0.25 うais'0.25 すgis'0.5 るais'0.5 とgis'1.0 きょais'0.5 くb'0.5 のais'0.25 たgis'0.25 いais'0.25 おais'0.25 おais'0.5 すgis'0.5 るais'0.25 ばgis'0.25 しょais'0.25 にgis'0.25 きゅais'0.5 うces''0.5 ふb'0.25 がcis''0.25 はb'0.25 いais'0.25 りgis'0.5 まgis'0.5 すgis'1.0 あais'1.0 いces''0.25 だb'0.25 おcis''0.25 あb'0.25 けcis''0.5 たb'0.5 いcis''0.25 とb'0.25 きcis''0.5 にb'1.0 ゆais'0.25 うb'0.25 こb'0.5 おcis''0.5 でb'0.5 すcis''1.0 " + 14:noteseq,"みfis'1.0 ぎgis'0.25 がais'0.25 わais'0.5 のgis'0.5 よgis'0.5 みais'0.25 とgis'0.25 よais'0.5 くb'1.0 よb'0.25 おb'0.25 かais'0.5 なgis'0.5 かgis'0.5 きgis'1.0 にais'0.5 てais'0.5 きgis'0.25 ぎfis'0.25 ぜgis'0.25 んais'0.25 かais'0.5 くais'0.5 すais'0.25 ぺb'0.25 えais'0.25 すgis'0.25 おgis'1.0 そfis'0.25 おas'0.25 にゅgis'0.25 うais'0.25 すgis'0.5 るais'0.5 とgis'1.0 きょais'0.5 くb'0.5 のais'0.25 たgis'0.25 いais'0.25 おais'0.25 おais'0.5 すgis'0.5 るais'0.25 ばgis'0.25 しょais'0.25 にgis'0.25 きゅais'0.5 うces''0.5 ふb'0.25 がcis''0.25 はb'0.25 いais'0.25 りgis'0.5 まgis'0.5 すgis'1.0 あais'1.0 いces''0.25 だb'0.25 おcis''0.25 あb'0.25 けcis''0.5 たb'0.5 いcis''0.25 とb'0.25 きcis''0.5 にb'1.0 ゆais'0.25 うb'0.25 こb'0.5 おcis''0.5 でb'0.5 すcis''1.0 " + 15:noteseq,"あdis'0.75 いfis'1.0 ぞgis'0.75 おgis'0.25 にfis'0.5 みgis'0.75 ちais'0.5 たdis'0.25 かe'0.75 んfis'0.25 じょgis'0.75 おgis'0.25 おeis'1.25 むdis'0.75 きais'0.75 だais'0.25 しgis'0.75 たeis'0.25 しeis'0.5 んfis'0.75 ぞgis'0.5 おgis'0.25 のgis'0.75 こdis'0.25 どgis'0.75 おgis'0.25 がgis'1.25 いais'0.75 つfis'1.0 しeis'1.0 かeis'0.5 きeis'0.75 えfis'0.5 いgis'0.25 るais'0.75 とgis'0.25 きais'0.75 まgis'0.25 でeis'1.25 こdis'0.75 のfis'1.0 みeis'0.75 みfis'0.25 なgis'0.5 りgis'0.75 わgis'0.5 なfis'0.25 りas'0.75 やgis'0.25 まgis'0.75 なdis'0.25 いcis'1.25 " + 16:noteseq,"かdis'1.5 ぜb'0.5 ふgis'1.0 くeis'1.0 はdis'1.0 こfis'0.5 にgis'0.5 わgis'2.0 せdis'1.5 えfis'0.5 じゃgis'1.0 くgis'1.0 のgis'1.0 かfis'0.5 わas'0.5 べgis'1.0 にeis'1.0 だais'1.0 れgis'0.5 かais'0.5 がeis'1.0 おdis'0.5 とeis'0.5 しdis'0.5 たcis'0.25 ひb0.25 がdis'0.5 んb'0.25 ばais'0.25 あeis'0.5 なeis'0.5 あeis'1.0 たdis'1.0 いe'0.5 がfis'0.5 んgis'1.0 のfis'0.5 けgis'0.5 しfis'0.5 きes'0.25 おdis'0.25 うgis'0.5 がais'0.5 つgis'1.0 っgis'1.0 " + 20:noteseq,"p-0.5 しf'0.5 にg'1.5 いbes'0.5 そc''0.5 ぐbes'0.5 あa'0.5 しbes'1.0 どbes'0.5 りbes'1.0 でbes'1.5 ほd''0.5 のc''1.5 おc''0.25 のbes'0.25 よc''0.5 おf'0.5 にg'0.5 まf'1.0 いbes'0.5 おbes'0.5 どbes'0.5 れbes'1.5 あf'0.5 しg'1.5 もbes'0.25 とg'0.25 にg'0.25 ひf'0.25 ろg'0.5 がg'0.5 るbes'1.0 くa'0.5 らbes'0.25 やbes'0.25 みc''0.5 わd''1.5 つbes'0.5 ぎc''1.5 なa'0.25 るfisis'0.25 すg'0.5 てes''0.5 っais'0.5 ぷbes'1.0 おbes'0.5 ねa'0.5 らbes'0.5 うbes'1.5 " + 1:second_noteseq,"みb1.0 ぎdis'0.25 がdis'0.25 わf'0.5 のeis'0.5 よdis'0.5 みeis'0.25 とdis'0.25 よeis'0.5 くfis'1.0 よgis'0.25 おfis'0.25 かf'0.5 なeis'0.5 かeis'0.5 きeis'1.0 にdis'0.5 てe'0.5 きdis'0.25 ぎdis'0.25 ぜdis'0.25 んe'0.25 かeis'0.5 くeis'0.5 すeis'0.25 ぺeis'0.25 えcis'0.25 すb0.25 おb1.0 そais0.25 おb0.25 にゅb0.25 うdis'0.25 すeis'0.5 るgis'0.5 とeis'1.0 きょfis'0.5 くgis'0.5 のais'0.25 たdis'0.25 いe'0.25 おdis'0.25 おeis'0.5 すdis'0.5 るeis'0.25 ばdis'0.25 しょeis'0.25 にeis'0.25 きゅfis'0.5 うgis'0.5 ふfis'0.25 がgis'0.25 はfis'0.25 いf'0.25 りeis'0.5 まeis'0.5 すeis'1.0 あdis'1.0 いges'0.25 だfis'0.25 おes'0.25 あdis'0.25 けeis'0.5 たeis'0.5 いeis'0.25 とfis'0.25 きgis'0.5 にdis'1.0 ゆe'0.25 うfis'0.25 こas'0.5 おgis'0.5 でgis'0.5 すgis'1.0 " + 2:second_noteseq,"みb1.0 ぎdis'0.25 がdis'0.25 わf'0.5 のeis'0.5 よdis'0.5 みeis'0.25 とdis'0.25 よeis'0.5 くfis'1.0 よgis'0.25 おfis'0.25 かf'0.5 なeis'0.5 かeis'0.5 きeis'1.0 にdis'0.5 てe'0.5 きdis'0.25 ぎdis'0.25 ぜdis'0.25 んe'0.25 かeis'0.5 くeis'0.5 すeis'0.25 ぺeis'0.25 えcis'0.25 すb0.25 おb1.0 そais0.25 おb0.25 にゅb0.25 うdis'0.25 すeis'0.5 るgis'0.5 とeis'1.0 きょfis'0.5 くgis'0.5 のais'0.25 たdis'0.25 いe'0.25 おdis'0.25 おeis'0.5 すdis'0.5 るeis'0.25 ばdis'0.25 しょeis'0.25 にeis'0.25 きゅfis'0.5 うgis'0.5 ふfis'0.25 がgis'0.25 はfis'0.25 いf'0.25 りeis'0.5 まeis'0.5 すeis'1.0 あdis'1.0 いges'0.25 だfis'0.25 おes'0.25 あdis'0.25 けeis'0.5 たeis'0.5 いeis'0.25 とfis'0.25 きgis'0.5 にdis'1.0 ゆe'0.25 うfis'0.25 こas'0.5 おgis'0.5 でgis'0.5 すgis'1.0 " + 4:second_noteseq,"あb1.5 たdis'0.5 らeis'0.5 しeis'1.0 いdis'0.5 おdis'0.5 るe'0.5 ふぇfis'0.5 うeis'1.0 すeis'1.5 やdis'1.5 っb'0.5 たb'0.5 らais'1.0 かais'0.5 んb'0.5 さdis'0.5 いdis'0.5 べeis'1.0 んeis'1.0 のeis'0.5 いdis'1.5 んe'0.5 とeis'0.5 ねeis'1.0 えdis'0.5 しょdis'0.5 んdis'1.0 でeis'2.5 うais'1.5 たb'0.5 わgis'0.5 せeis'1.0 らdis'0.5 れdis'0.5 るdis'0.5 よdis'0.5 っeis'1.0 てeis'1.0 にeis'0.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"あais0.5 あb0.5 あdis'0.5 あe'0.5 あeis'0.5 あdis'0.5 あcis'0.5 あb0.5 あais0.5 あb0.5 あdis'0.5 あe'0.5 あeis'0.5 あdis'0.5 あcis'0.5 あb0.5 あb0.5 あfis'0.5 あgis'0.5 あais'0.5 あdis''0.5 あcis''0.5 あb'0.5 あais'0.5 あdis'0.5 あe'0.5 あdis'0.5 あe'0.5 あeis'0.5 あdis'0.5 あcis'0.5 あb0.5 あb0.5 あdis'0.5 あe'0.5 あdis'0.5 あgis'0.5 あfis'0.5 あgis'0.5 あb0.5 あais0.5 あdis'0.5 あe'0.5 あdis'0.5 あgis'0.5 あeis'0.5 あcis'0.5 あb0.5 あb0.5 あfis'0.5 あgis'0.5 あais'0.5 あcis''0.5 あb'0.5 あais'0.5 あgis'0.5 あdis'0.25 あfis'0.25 あgis'0.5 あb'0.5 あbisis'0.5 あcis''0.5 あf'0.5 っeis'0.5 っcis'0.5 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 えd'0.5 えes'1.5 えg'1.5 えg'1.5 えf'3.0 おf'0.5 おf'1.5 おf'1.5 おf'4.5 はf'0.5 あg'1.5 あg'1.5 あg'1.5 あf'3.0 おf'0.5 おf'1.5 おf'0.5 g'1.0 おgis'1.0 f'3.5 " + 13:second_noteseq,"みb1.0 ぎdis'0.25 がdis'0.25 わf'0.5 のeis'0.5 よdis'0.5 みeis'0.25 とdis'0.25 よeis'0.5 くfis'1.0 よgis'0.25 おfis'0.25 かf'0.5 なeis'0.5 かeis'0.5 きeis'1.0 にdis'0.5 てe'0.5 きdis'0.25 ぎdis'0.25 ぜdis'0.25 んe'0.25 かeis'0.5 くeis'0.5 すeis'0.25 ぺeis'0.25 えcis'0.25 すb0.25 おb1.0 そais0.25 おb0.25 にゅb0.25 うdis'0.25 すeis'0.5 るgis'0.5 とeis'1.0 きょfis'0.5 くgis'0.5 のais'0.25 たdis'0.25 いe'0.25 おdis'0.25 おeis'0.5 すdis'0.5 るeis'0.25 ばdis'0.25 しょeis'0.25 にeis'0.25 きゅfis'0.5 うgis'0.5 ふfis'0.25 がgis'0.25 はfis'0.25 いf'0.25 りeis'0.5 まeis'0.5 すeis'1.0 あdis'1.0 いges'0.25 だfis'0.25 おes'0.25 あdis'0.25 けeis'0.5 たeis'0.5 いeis'0.25 とfis'0.25 きgis'0.5 にdis'1.0 ゆe'0.25 うfis'0.25 こas'0.5 おgis'0.5 でgis'0.5 すgis'1.0 " + 14:second_noteseq,"みdis'1.5 ぎe'0.5 がeis'0.5 わeis'0.5 のeis'0.5 dis'2.5 よeis'0.5 みgis'0.5 とeis'1.0 よdis'1.5 くdis'0.5 よeis'0.5 おgis'0.5 かeis'1.0 dis'2.0 なeis'0.5 かeis'0.5 きeis'1.0 にdis'1.0 てb'0.5 きdis'0.5 ぎeis'0.5 ぜdis'0.5 んeis'1.0 かdis'1.0 くdis'0.5 すdis'0.5 ぺeis'0.5 えdis'0.5 すeis'1.0 おdis'1.5 そdis'0.5 おgis'0.5 にゅgis'0.5 うgis'3.0 すeis'0.5 るfis'0.5 とgis'1.0 " + 15:second_noteseq,"あb0.75 いdis'1.0 ぞeis'0.75 おeis'0.25 にdis'0.5 みeis'0.75 ちfis'0.5 たces'0.25 かb0.75 んdis'0.25 じょeis'0.75 おeis'0.25 おgis1.25 むais0.75 きges'0.75 だfis'0.25 しeis'0.75 たgis0.25 しgis0.5 んais0.75 ぞb0.5 おb0.25 のais0.75 こgis0.25 どeis'0.75 おeis'0.25 がeis'1.25 いdis'0.75 つais1.0 しgis1.0 かgis0.5 きgis0.75 えais0.5 いais0.25 るes'0.75 とdis'0.25 きeis'0.75 まais0.25 でgis1.25 こais0.75 のb1.0 みgis0.75 みbes0.25 なais0.5 りdis'0.75 わdis'0.5 なdis'0.25 りe'0.75 やdis'0.25 まeis'0.75 なais0.25 いgis1.25 " + 16:second_noteseq,"かb1.5 ぜdis'0.5 ふeis'1.0 くgis1.0 はais1.0 こb0.5 にdis'0.5 わeis'2.0 せais1.5 えdis'0.5 じゃeis'1.0 くcis'1.0 のb1.0 かb0.5 わdis'0.5 べeis'1.0 にgis1.0 だdis'1.0 れb0.5 かb0.5 がgis1.0 おgis0.5 とb0.5 しais0.5 たais0.25 ひgis0.25 がais0.5 んdis'0.25 ばb0.25 あgis0.5 なgis0.5 あgis1.0 たais1.0 いb0.5 がdis'0.5 んeis'1.0 のdis'0.5 けeis'0.5 しcis'0.5 きb0.25 おb0.25 うb0.5 がgis'0.5 つeis'1.0 っeis'1.0 " + 20:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 えd'0.5 えes'1.5 えg'1.5 えg'1.5 えf'3.0 おf'0.5 おf'1.5 おf'0.5 c'1.0 おf'0.5 d'4.0 はd'0.5 あes'1.5 あbes'0.25 g'0.5 f'0.25 dis'0.5 あes'0.5 g'1.0 あf'3.0 おf'0.5 おf'1.5 おc'1.0 f'0.5 おg'1.0 f'3.5 "
20780735曇り空の午後 / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/09/30 Mon 11:28:06" + filename,780735-quD4 + div,13 + mainid,780734-7Sfc + title,曇り空の午後 + title,曇り空の午後 + title,曇り空の午後 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,68 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,26 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,66 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 3:highest,72 + 3:inst,26 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 3:second_voice,52 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,65 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,72 + 4:inst,26 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 4:second_voice,20 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,71 + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,72 + 5:inst,16 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 5:second_voice,70 + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,26 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,26 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,27 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 9:second_highest,74 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 9:highest,73 + 9:inst,27 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 9:second_voice,72 + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,11 + 10:second_highest,76 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 10:highest,76 + 10:inst,27 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 10:second_voice,56 + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,0 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_op2wui.har + 12:inst,26 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,0 + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 13:highest,57 + 13:inst,-1 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:second_voice,54 + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"てdes'0.75 れbes1.0 びbes1.0 でc'0.5 わdes'0.75 っes'0.5 はes'0.25 ずas'0.75 かas'0.25 しas'0.75 さges'0.25 とf'1.25 くf'0.75 やfisis'0.75 しg'0.25 さf'0.75 とe'0.25 っe'0.5 ざe'0.75 んf'0.5 ねges'0.25 んf'0.5 さf'0.25 にes'0.25 みf'0.75 ちes'0.25 たdes'1.25 こdes'0.75 とf'1.0 ばf'1.0 がes'0.5 っes'0.75 きes'0.75 こf'0.75 えges'0.25 てf'0.75 くges'0.25 るf'1.25 でf'0.75 なbes'1.0 おbes'1.0 すbes'0.5 っas'0.75 らa'0.5 しa'0.25 いf'0.75 っf'0.25 っf'0.75 っbes'0.25 っbes'1.25 " + 4:noteseq,"わes'0.5 たf'0.5 しges'0.5 のdis'0.5 っes'0.5 きbes'0.5 ぶges'0.5 んf'0.5 とes'0.5 いes'1.0 えf'0.5 ばes'2.0 きょf'0.5 おes'0.5 わf'0.5 っf'0.5 たf'0.5 いas'0.5 くbes'0.5 つbes'0.5 しas'1.5 のes'0.5 ぎes'2.0 ひes'0.5 げbes'0.5 そbes'0.5 りbes'0.5 っf'0.5 くes'0.5 るf'0.5 まes'0.5 みes'1.5 がdes'0.5 きdes'2.0 すdes'0.5 こes'0.5 しdes'0.5 いc'0.5 やdes'0.5 けes'0.5 がdes'0.5 っes'0.5 さes'0.5 しdes'0.5 てes'0.5 いes'0.5 るas'2.0 " + 5:noteseq,"きょf'1.5 おdes'0.5 わes'1.0 っbis0.5 たc'0.5 いdes'0.5 くdes'0.5 つdes'0.5 しes'0.5 のdes'1.0 ぎdes'1.0 っdes'1.5 っf'0.5 っas'1.0 っas'1.0 っbes'1.0 っbes'0.5 っdis'0.5 っes'1.0 っes'1.0 すdes'1.0 こes'0.5 しdes'0.5 いc'1.0 やdes'0.5 けes'0.5 がc'0.5 っdes'0.25 さdes'0.25 しc'0.5 てdes'0.5 いdes'1.0 るf'1.0 っbes1.5 っdes'0.5 っes'1.0 っc'1.0 っdes'1.0 っdes'0.5 っdis'0.5 っes'1.0 っc'1.0 " + 9:noteseq,"p1.0 まb'0.5 どfis'0.5 のd'0.5 っfis'0.5 そfis'0.5 とe'0.5 かd'1.0 らe'0.75 わd'1.75 あd'0.5 かfis'0.5 るfis'0.5 くfis'0.5 っcis'0.5 きd'0.5 ぼfis'0.5 おb'0.5 にa'0.5 みb'1.0 ちg'0.75 たfis'2.75 こg'0.5 えfis'0.5 がdis'0.5 っb0.5 はb0.5 ずd'0.5 んd'0.5 でe'1.0 いe'0.75 るfis'2.25 がeis'0.5 っfis'0.5 こgis'0.5 おbisis'0.5 がcis''0.5 えas'0.5 りgis'0.5 っfis'0.5 らfis'1.0 しg'0.75 いfis'1.25 " + 10:noteseq,"まd''1.5 どa'0.25 のa'0.25 っd''1.75 そd''0.25 とgisis'1.5 かgisis'0.25 らgisis'0.25 わgisis'2.0 あa'1.5 かc''0.5 るc''1.5 いc''0.25 っf'0.25 かf'1.5 いa'0.25 ほb'0.25 おa'1.5 かf'0.25 んg'0.25 こf'1.5 えd'0.25 がd'0.25 っd'1.5 はf'0.25 ずg'0.25 んa'1.5 でa'0.25 いc''0.25 るc''2.0 がbes'1.5 っd'0.5 こd'1.5 おg'0.25 がbes'0.25 えa'1.5 りa'0.25 っa'0.25 らa'1.5 しc''0.25 いf'0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"てf'0.75 れf'1.0 びf'1.0 でfis'0.5 わges'0.75 っfis'0.5 はges'0.25 ずf'0.75 かges'0.25 しf'0.75 さges'0.25 とf'1.25 くf'0.75 やf'0.75 しf'0.25 さf'0.75 とf'0.25 っf'0.5 ざf'0.75 んf'0.5 ねges'0.25 んf'0.5 さf'0.25 にges'0.25 みf'0.75 ちges'0.25 たf'1.25 こf'0.75 とges'1.0 ばf'0.25 fis'0.75 がges'0.5 っf'0.75 きges'0.75 こf'0.75 えges'0.25 てf'0.75 くges'0.25 るf'1.25 でf'0.75 なf'1.0 おf'1.0 すf'0.5 っf'0.75 っf'0.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.75 っf'0.25 うf'0.75 うges'0.25 うf'1.25 " + 4:second_noteseq,"わdis'0.5 たes'0.5 しes'0.5 のes'0.5 っes'0.5 きes'0.5 ぶes'0.5 んes'0.5 とes'0.5 っes'1.0 っf'0.5 っes'2.0 きょf'0.5 おes'0.5 わf'0.5 っf'0.5 たf'0.5 いf'0.5 くf'0.5 つf'0.5 っes'1.5 っes'0.5 っes'2.0 ひes'0.5 げf'0.5 そes'0.5 りes'0.5 っes'0.5 くes'0.5 るf'0.5 まes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'1.0 っes'0.5 っes'2.0 すf'0.5 こf'0.5 しf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 さes'0.5 しf'0.5 てes'0.5 いes'0.5 るes'2.0 " + 5:second_noteseq,"っbes'1.5 っf'0.5 っas1.0 っas0.5 っas0.5 っbes0.5 っbes0.5 っbes0.5 しbes0.5 のas1.0 ぎas1.0 っbes1.5 っdes'0.5 っes'1.0 っc'1.0 っdes'1.0 うdes'0.5 うgis'0.5 うas'1.0 うas'1.0 っf'1.0 っbes'0.5 っdes'0.5 っes'1.0 っas'0.5 っas'0.5 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 さbes'0.25 しdes'0.5 てbes0.5 いas1.0 るdes'1.0 っdes'1.5 っf'0.5 っas'1.0 っes'1.0 っbes1.0 うdes'0.5 うgis'0.5 うas'1.0 うes'1.0 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 まcis''0.5 どd''1.5 のd''1.0 っcis''0.5 そd''0.5 とcis''0.5 d''0.5 かd''0.5 らcis''0.75 d''0.25 わd''1.5 あd''0.5 かd''0.5 cis''0.5 des''0.5 るcis''0.25 くcis''0.25 っd''0.5 きd''0.5 ぼcis''0.5 おd''1.0 にd''0.5 みd''0.5 ちd''0.5 たd''1.5 こd''0.5 えcis''1.5 がcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 はcis''0.5 ずd''0.5 んd''0.5 des''0.5 でcis''0.5 いd''1.0 るd''1.5 がd''0.5 っd''0.5 cis''0.5 des''0.5 こcis''0.5 おcis''0.5 がd''0.5 えcis''0.5 りd''0.5 cis''0.5 っd''0.5 らcis''0.5 しd''0.5 いcis''1.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"っa'1.5 っd''0.25 っf'0.25 っf'1.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っcis''1.5 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''2.0 あf'1.5 かa'0.5 るa'1.5 いa'0.25 っa'0.25 かa'1.5 いd''0.25 ほg'0.25 おf'1.5 かf'0.25 っd''0.25 っd''1.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'1.5 っf'0.25 っd''0.25 っc''1.5 っc''0.25 っa'0.25 っa'2.0 がd''1.5 っg'0.5 こg'1.5 おd''0.25 がd''0.25 えf'1.5 りf'0.25 っf'0.25 らf'1.5 しa'0.25 いf'0.25 "
21780707センチメンタル / キコtime,"2024/09/29 Sun 18:42:09" + filename,780707-znsC + div,10 + mainid,780706-zGQk + title,センチメンタル + title,センチメンタル + title,センチメンタル + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aib50n.har + 1:inst,77 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz1.perc + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,75 + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aib50n.har + 2:inst,77 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz1.perc + 2:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,75 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aib50n.har + 3:inst,77 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero4.perc + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,75 + 4:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aib50n.har + 4:inst,77 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero4.perc + 4:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,75 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aib50n.har + 5:inst,77 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz1.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aib50n.har + 6:inst,-1 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 7:highest,75 + 7:inst,34 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz2.perc + 7:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 8:highest,75 + 8:inst,34 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz2.perc + 8:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 8:second_melody,harmonic + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 9:highest,75 + 9:inst,34 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz2.perc + 9:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 9:second_melody,harmonic + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,75 + 10:inst,0 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz1.perc + 10:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 10:second_melody,harmonic + uid,12531 + 2:noteseq,"p-1.0 よd''0.5 おb'0.25 しゃb'0.25 のg'0.75 なg'0.25 いfis'1.25 こfis'0.25 おg'0.25 げa'0.25 きbes'0.5 " + 2:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 よb'0.5 おg'0.25 しゃd'0.25 のd'0.75 なd'0.25 いc'1.25 こc'0.25 おcisis'0.25 げd'0.25 きd'0.5 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 なd'0.5 にf'0.25 もf'0.25 かg'0.75 もf'0.25 ほg'1.25 おa'0.25 りeis'0.25 だf'0.25 しd'0.5 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 にbes0.5 げd'0.25 だf'0.25 しg'1.0 たfis'1.5 いfis'0.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p2.5 いg'1.0 つf'0.25 かf'0.25 みf'0.5 たd'0.25 ふd'0.25 うbes'0.25 けg'0.25 いg'0.25 っg'1.75 f'1.0 あf'1.0 おbes'0.25 いf'0.25 うbes'0.5 みf'0.25 っc'0.25 とc'0.25 おf'0.25 いf'0.25 っg'2.0 もfis'0.25 どa'0.5 りf'1.0 たbes0.25 いd'0.25 っd'0.5 もd'0.25 どg'0.25 れbes'0.25 なg'0.25 いg'0.25 っg'2.25 たf'0.5 のf'1.0 しbes'0.25 かf'0.25 っd'0.5 たd'0.25 あd'0.25 のf'0.25 ひf'0.25 びd'0.25 っbes0.25 "
22780528秋の日に / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/09/24 Tue 19:20:10" + filename,780528-kEdn + div,15 + mainid,780527-cenm + title,秋の日に + title,秋の日に + title,秋の日に + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,48 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.39" + 3:second_highest,76 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:highest,73 + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:second_voice,73 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.42" + 4:second_highest,67 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 4:highest,73 + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 4:second_voice,88 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,41 + 5:second_highest,61 + 5:highest,73 + 5:inst,0 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:second_voice,42 + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,0 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,0 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 8:second_highest,75 + 8:highest,73 + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_yk0ip4.har + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 8:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,73 + 9:second_highest,67 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 9:highest,73 + 9:inst,1 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:second_voice,91 + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,60 + 10:second_highest,59 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 10:highest,73 + 10:inst,1 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:second_voice,18 + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 11:second_highest,62 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_StoryAi.dat + 11:highest,73 + 11:inst,70 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 11:second_voice,2 + 11:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_StoryAi.dat + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,0 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,0 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,0 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,94 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"あfis'1.0 きdis'1.0 のdis'1.0 ひdis'2.0 にfis'1.0 あcis'0.75 かdis'0.25 るcis'0.75 くb0.25 もcis'0.5 っc'0.5 っbis1.0 っdis'1.0 っdis'1.0 さcis'0.75 びdis'0.25 しcis'0.75 きcis'0.25 っcis'0.5 おcis'0.5 もe'1.0 いdis'0.5 せcis'0.5 りcis'1.0 " + 4:noteseq,"かb1.0 わcis'0.75 りdis'0.25 ゆe'0.5 くdis'0.5 っdis'1.0 ひdis'1.0 とfis'1.0 もgis'1.0 のb'0.75 のais'0.25 っbisis'0.5 すcis''0.5 べb'1.0 てb'1.0 にais'0.5 " + 5:noteseq,"p-0.5 あb'2.0 きais'0.25 のb'0.25 ひb'0.25 にgis'0.25 っdis'0.25 あb0.75 かcis'0.5 るcis'0.25 くcis'0.5 もcis'0.75 さdis'2.0 びe'0.5 しdis'0.25 きdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 おdis'0.75 もe'0.5 いdis'0.25 せbis0.5 りgis'0.75 かgis'2.0 わais'0.5 りb'0.25 ゆcis''0.25 くb'0.25 っfis'1.25 ひfis'0.75 とgis'0.75 もfis'2.0 のgis'0.5 のfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 すfis'0.25 べdis'1.25 てbis0.75 にbis0.75 " + 8:noteseq,"おfis'1.5 ぼb'0.5 えfis'0.25 あg'0.5 るfis'0.25 っeis'0.5 っeis'0.5 しgis'0.5 いfis'0.75 かeis'0.75 なfis'1.5 つais'0.5 かais'0.25 しais'0.25 きcis'0.25 っd'0.25 こd'0.5 こfis'0.5 ろe'0.5 みd'0.75 ちfis'0.25 びfis'0.25 くe'0.25 てd'1.5 えe'0.5 たe'0.25 いb'0.5 すa'0.25 るais'0.5 っfis'0.5 あfis'0.5 つg'0.75 きfis'0.25 くg'0.25 もfis'0.25 とe'1.5 おfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 にe'0.25 っfis'0.25 あfis'0.25 れe'0.25 どdis'0.5 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.75 っdis'0.25 " + 9:noteseq,"p2.5 おe'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 えe'1.0 あe'0.75 るcis'1.25 b1.5 しe'0.5 いd'0.25 かd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'1.0 っa'0.75 っa'0.75 なa'0.25 つb'0.25 かb'0.5 しc''0.5 きces''0.5 っb'0.5 こb'0.25 こc''0.25 ろdisis'0.25 みe'0.25 ちb'1.0 びb'0.5 くg'0.25 " + 10:noteseq,"p1.0 てb0.5 えe'1.25 たe'0.25 いe'0.5 すe'1.0 るb'2.0 あd'0.5 つe'0.5 きfis'1.25 くfis'0.25 もe'0.5 っe'1.0 っe'1.0 っg'0.25 っb0.75 とb0.5 おe'0.5 くe'1.25 にb0.25 っd'0.5 あe'1.0 れd'1.0 どb0.5 " + 11:noteseq,"p2.25 っb'6.0 っais'4.75 いais'0.5 まb'0.5 しais'0.25 ばdis'2.25 しdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 とdis'0.25 りe'0.25 たdis'0.25 ちb1.25 やb0.5 がd'0.5 てe'0.25 こfis'2.0 んe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っe'0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"っdis''1.0 っb'1.0 っb'1.0 っb'2.0 っb'1.0 っb'0.75 っcis''0.25 っa'0.5 cis''0.25 っe'0.25 っcis''0.5 っfis'0.5 おgis'1.0 おbis'1.0 おgis'1.0 っgis'0.75 っcis''0.25 っgis'0.75 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.5 おgis'0.5 もbis'1.0 いgis'0.5 せgis'0.5 りgis'1.0 " + 4:second_noteseq,"っdis'1.0 っfis'0.75 っcis'0.25 っcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 っb1.0 ひb1.0 とdis'1.0 っe'1.0 っdis'0.75 っcis'0.25 っfis'0.5 すfis'0.5 べb1.0 てfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っfis0.5 b1.5 っcis'0.25 っb0.25 っb0.25 っb0.25 っgis0.25 あgis0.75 かais0.5 るges0.25 くfis0.5 もfis0.75 さfis2.0 びcis'0.5 しfis0.25 きfis0.25 っfis0.25 っfis0.75 っgis0.5 っfis0.25 っfis0.5 っgis0.75 かb2.0 わcis'0.5 りb0.25 ゆcis'0.25 くb0.25 っcis'1.25 っcis'0.75 っcis'0.75 っcis'2.0 っcis'0.5 っfis0.25 っcis'0.25 すcis'0.25 べbis1.25 てgis0.75 っgis0.75 " + 8:second_noteseq,"おd'1.5 ぼfis'0.5 えd'0.25 あe'0.5 るd'0.25 っd'0.5 っeis'0.5 しeis'0.5 いd'0.75 かeis'0.75 なe'1.5 つfis'0.5 かfis'0.25 しg'0.25 きcis''0.25 っd'0.25 こd'0.5 こd'0.5 ろd'0.5 みd'0.75 ちd'0.25 びd'0.25 くd'0.25 てd'1.5 えe'0.5 たd'0.25 いdisis'0.5 すe'0.25 るe'0.5 っd'0.5 あe'0.5 つe'0.75 きe'0.25 くe'0.25 もd'0.25 とe'1.5 おd'0.25 くe'0.25 にe'0.25 っd'0.25 あe'0.25 れe'0.25 どdis'0.5 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.75 っdis'0.25 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p2.5 おb0.25 ぼe'0.25 えcis'1.0 あd'0.5 fis'0.25 るe'1.25 d'1.5 しd'0.5 いb0.25 かb0.25 っb0.25 っg'0.25 あfis'1.0 あfis'0.75 あfis'0.75 なcis'0.25 つd'0.25 かe'0.5 しfis'0.5 きe'0.5 っe'0.5 こe'0.25 こfis'0.25 ろe'0.25 みc'0.25 ちd'1.0 びe'0.5 くd'0.25 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p2.25 っd'0.75 b4.5 des'0.75 っcis'0.75 ais4.0 っcis'0.5 まdes'0.5 しcis'0.25 っb2.25 しb0.25 っb0.25 とb0.25 っb0.25 たgis0.25 っfis0.25 b1.0 っg0.5 がd'0.5 てcis'0.25 っais2.0 っfis0.25 っais0.25 っais0.25 うcis'0.25 っbes0.25 うais0.25 っfis0.25 "
23780289狂歌風 / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/09/20 Fri 22:12:38" + filename,780289-ZS6c + div,16 + mainid,780288-ZK1Q + title,狂歌風 + title,狂歌風 + title,狂歌風 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,116 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_1tu3iv.har + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,70 + 3:highest,72 + 3:inst,90 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:second_voice,41 + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,42 + 4:second_highest,67 + 4:highest,72 + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.37" + 5:second_highest,77 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 5:highest,72 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aib50n.har + 5:inst,11 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 5:second_voice,45 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.37" + 6:second_highest,70 + 6:highest,72 + 6:inst,0 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 6:second_voice,40 + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,0 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 8:second_highest,77 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,0 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 8:second_voice,56 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,9 + 9:second_highest,72 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,0 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 9:second_voice,66 + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,0 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"fss 0.37" + 11:second_highest,75 + 11:highest,75 + 11:inst,2 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 11:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,11 + 12:second_highest,75 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 12:highest,75 + 12:inst,0 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 12:second_voice,50 + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,0 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,0 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,76 + 15:second_highest,63 + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 15:highest,68 + 15:inst,0 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 15:second_voice,76 + 15:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:second_highest,71 + 16:highest,74 + 16:inst,55 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"えd'1.5 んc'1.0 なd'1.5 くbes0.75 てf'1.25 はg'1.5 じbes'0.5 まbes'0.5 らbes'1.0 なg'0.5 いg'0.25 っf'0.5 のg'0.5 がfis'0.75 ひg'1.5 とbes'1.0 のc''1.5 よc''0.75 さbes'1.25 " + 4:noteseq,"っbes'1.5 だbes'0.5 かf'1.0 らc'1.0 っc'0.5 やc'0.25 さg'0.25 しas'0.5 くbes'0.5 っbes'1.5 びょg'0.5 おbes'1.0 どais'1.0 おges'0.25 わfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 あg'0.5 るfis'0.5 " + 12:noteseq,"っf'1.5 っas'0.25 っas'0.25 っas'1.5 っf'0.25 っdisis'0.25 っe'1.5 とe'0.25 きf'0.25 わe'2.0 っas'1.5 っc''0.25 っc''0.25 っes'1.5 っes'0.25 ひes'0.25 とf'1.5 のf'0.25 むes'0.25 れf'2.0 っf'1.5 っas'0.25 っas'0.25 っf'1.75 っf'0.25 ちes'1.5 りas'0.25 ゆbes'0.25 くas'2.0 っbes'1.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っes'1.75 っes'0.25 さes'1.5 びas'0.25 しbes'0.25 いas'2.0 " + 15:noteseq,"p-0.5 そf'0.25 らes'0.25 がes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っg'0.25 っcis'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"えbes'1.5 んf'1.0 なf'1.5 くes'0.75 てd'1.25 はd'1.5 じes'0.5 まd'0.5 らg'1.0 なg'0.5 いbes'0.25 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 fis'0.25 っd'0.75 ひd'1.5 とg'1.0 のg'1.5 よg'0.75 さf'1.25 " + 4:second_noteseq,"っf'1.5 だf'0.5 かf'1.0 らf'1.0 っf'0.5 やf'0.25 さg'0.25 しf'0.5 くg'0.5 っg'1.5 びょg'0.5 おg'1.0 どfis'1.0 おfis'0.25 わfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 あg'0.5 るfis'0.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"p1.0 いbes'0.5 つfis'1.5 bes'1.0 のbes'0.25 よc''0.5 もbes'1.75 ちa'0.5 かbes'0.5 らc''2.0 のbes'0.5 っg'0.25 っd'0.5 っbes'0.75 っbes'1.5 なg'0.5 きfis'1.5 bes'1.0 もbes'0.25 のd''0.5 にbes'1.25 " + 11:second_noteseq,"りゅas'0.5 うc''0.25 ぐc''0.75 うdes''0.5 じょc''0.25 おas'0.5 っbes'0.25 とbis'1.5 きbis'0.5 わgis'1.0 すas'0.5 ぎc''0.25 ゆdes''0.75 くc''0.5 っf'0.25 ひf'0.5 とas'0.25 のf'1.5 むes'0.5 れf'1.0 かf'0.5 ぜg'0.25 にas'0.75 っas'0.5 っas'0.25 ちf'0.5 りas'0.25 ゆes'2.0 くes'1.0 そf'0.5 らes'0.25 がes'0.75 っes'0.5 っes'0.25 さes'0.5 びg'0.25 しas'2.0 いes'1.0 " + 12:second_noteseq,"っas'1.5 っc''0.25 っc''0.25 っc''1.5 っas'0.25 っf'0.25 っbis'1.5 とbis'0.25 きbis'0.25 わgis'2.0 っc''1.5 っes''0.25 っes''0.25 っc''1.5 っas'0.25 っas'0.25 っc''1.5 のc''0.25 むbes'0.25 れc''2.0 っas'1.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っas'1.75 っas'0.25 ちas'1.5 りc''0.25 ゆdes''0.25 くc''2.0 っf'1.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'1.75 っbes'0.25 さas'1.5 びc''0.25 しdes''0.25 いc''2.0 " + 15:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っcis'0.25 らdes'0.25 がes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.25 っcis'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 "
24780049orpheus女声オペラ歌手のvocalise / クーマーtime,"2024/09/17 Tue 15:43:15" + filename,780049-fz4L + div,10 + mainid,780048-0KLU + title,orpheus女声オペラ歌手のvocalise + title,orpheus女声オペラ歌手のvocalise + title,orpheus女声オペラ歌手のvocalise + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,16 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.42" + 2:second_highest,82 + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 2:highest,77 + 2:inst,80 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,110 + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,108 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"fss 0.42" + 4:second_highest,77 + 4:highest,77 + 4:inst,80 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:second_voice,93 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.42" + 5:second_highest,77 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 5:highest,77 + 5:inst,80 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:second_voice,94 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,80 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.42" + 7:second_highest,81 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 7:highest,81 + 7:inst,91 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:second_voice,96 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.42" + 8:second_highest,81 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 8:highest,81 + 8:inst,102 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:second_voice,91 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.42" + 9:second_highest,82 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:highest,77 + 9:inst,102 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:second_voice,79 + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,80 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + uid,17770 + 5:noteseq,"p-0.5 っd''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.25 あd''0.25 あc''0.5 あd''0.25 あc''0.75 あd''0.25 あc''0.25 っc''0.5 っc''0.25 あc''0.5 あbes'0.25 あa'0.25 あbes'0.25 あa'1.5 っd''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.25 あd''0.25 あa'0.5 あg'1.0 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あd''0.5 あc''0.25 あd''0.5 あc''0.25 あd''0.25 あc''1.75 あes''0.5 あd''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.25 あd''0.25 あd''0.5 あc''1.0 っc''0.25 っc''0.25 っcis''0.5 あa'0.25 あg'0.5 あg'0.25 あf'2.0 っf'0.5 っg'0.5 あd''0.5 あbes'0.5 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あf'1.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 あa'0.5 あg'0.25 あf'0.5 あd''0.25 あc''2.0 " + 7:noteseq,"p1.0 あa''0.5 あg''0.5 あg''0.5 っf''0.5 あg''0.5 あf''0.5 あe''1.0 っbis'0.75 っc''1.75 っc''0.25 あa''0.25 あf''0.5 っe''0.5 あf''0.5 あa'0.5 あa'0.5 あg'0.5 っg'0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 っc''0.25 あc''1.75 あf''0.25 あe''0.25 あf''0.5 っe''0.5 あf''0.5 あa''0.5 っg''0.5 あg''0.5 っf''0.5 あg''0.5 あa''0.5 あg''0.5 あg''0.25 あf''0.25 あg''0.25 あf''1.75 あa''0.5 あf''0.5 あa''0.5 あg''0.5 あf''0.5 っg''0.5 っg''0.5 あg''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あc''0.25 あa'1.25 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 あa''0.5 っg''0.5 あf''0.5 あg''0.5 あa''0.5 あg''0.5 あc''0.5 あbes'0.5 っa'0.5 あg'1.0 あc''0.75 あc''1.75 あc''0.5 あbes'0.5 あa'0.5 あg'0.5 あa'0.5 っg'0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あg''0.5 っf''0.5 あg''0.25 あf''2.25 っf''0.5 あf''0.5 あd''0.5 っc''0.5 あbes'0.5 っfisis'0.5 っg'0.5 あd''0.5 あc''1.0 あc''0.75 あa'2.75 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あbes'0.5 っa'0.5 あbes'0.5 あg'1.0 あc''0.75 あd''1.25 " + 9:noteseq,"あd''0.75 っc''0.25 あd''0.75 あe''0.25 あf''0.5 あf''0.5 あd''1.0 あd''0.75 っc''0.25 あd''0.5 あdisis''0.5 あe''2.0 あf''0.75 あe''0.25 あf''0.75 あe''0.25 あf''0.5 っe''0.5 あf''1.0 あd''0.75 あf''0.25 あe''0.25 あf''0.25 っe''0.25 あf''0.25 あe''2.0 っf''0.75 あf''0.25 あd''0.75 っc''0.25 あd''0.5 っa'0.5 っf''1.0 あf''1.0 あe''0.5 あf''0.5 あe''2.0 あf''0.75 あe''0.25 あf''0.75 あbes'0.25 あa'1.0 っa'1.0 あbes'1.0 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あe''2.0 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 あa'0.5 あbes'0.5 あa'1.5 あa'0.5 あbes'1.0 あa'0.5 あg'0.5 あa'0.75 あg'0.25 あg'0.5 あa'0.5 あa'0.5 あg'0.5 あa'0.5 あc''0.5 あd''1.5 あa'0.5 あg'1.0 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''1.0 あc''0.5 あc''1.0 あa'0.5 あc''0.5 あbes'0.5 あa'1.5 あa'0.5 あc''0.5 あbes'0.5 あa'0.5 あg'0.5 あg'0.75 あg'0.25 っc''0.5 あc''0.5 あa'0.5 あa'0.5 あa'0.5 あe''0.5 あf''1.5 あf''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 はd''0.5 あf''0.5 あe''0.75 あfisis'0.25 あg'0.5 あg'0.5 あd''0.5 あd''0.5 " + 7:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あe''0.5 あf''0.5 あc''0.5 あbes'0.5 あa'0.5 あg'0.5 あa'0.5 あg'0.5 あc''0.5 あg''0.5 っf''0.25 あg''0.25 a''1.5 あa''0.5 あd''0.5 あd''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あbes'0.5 あa'0.5 あg'0.5 あe''0.5 っcisis''0.25 あa'1.75 あa'0.5 あf''0.5 あg''0.5 あa''0.5 あf''0.5 あd''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 っc''0.25 あc''1.75 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あd''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あd''0.5 あd''0.5 あa'0.5 あg'1.0 あg'0.5 あc''0.25 あd''1.25 " + 9:second_noteseq,"あa''0.75 っf''0.25 あf''0.75 あa''0.25 あa''0.5 あbes''0.5 あa''1.0 あbes''0.75 っeis''0.25 っf''0.5 あf''0.25 あg''0.25 あg''2.0 あf''0.75 あa'0.25 あa'0.75 あg'0.25 あa'0.5 っg'0.5 あa'1.0 あd''0.75 あd''0.25 あc''0.25 あd''0.25 っc''0.25 あd''0.25 あg'2.0 っd''0.75 っd''0.25 あf''0.75 あd''0.25 っa'0.5 あf''0.5 っd''1.0 っd''0.75 あd''0.25 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あc''2.0 あa''0.75 あg''0.25 あa''0.75 あg''0.25 あf''1.0 っd''1.0 あd''1.0 あe''0.5 あf''0.5 あc''2.0 "
25779949らいちゃんの古事記 / らいちゃんuid,3855 + time,"2024/09/16 Mon 14:19:54" + filename,779949-3MLh + div,17 + title,らいちゃんの古事記 + title,らいちゃんの古事記 + title,らいちゃんの古事記 + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import,698450 + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,25 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,25 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,25 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:inst,25 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:inst,25 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 6:highest,74 + 7:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_pivl4x.har + 7:inst,25 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 7:highest,74 + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:inst,25 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:highest,74 + 10:inst,25 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:highest,74 + 11:inst,25 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:inst,25 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 12:highest,74 + 13:inst,25 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 13:highest,74 + 14:inst,25 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 14:highest,74 + 15:inst,25 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + 16:inst,25 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:highest,74 + 17:inst,25 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:mode,inst + 2:noteseq,"p-1.0 てg'0.25 んf'0.25 とe'0.25 ちe'0.25 がd'1.5 あb'0.25 らc''0.25 わd''1.25 れd''0.25 たc''3.5 てc''0.25 んb'0.25 おc''0.25 たb'0.25 かd'1.5 まd'0.25 のe'0.25 はd'1.25 らd'0.25 とe'0.25 いfis'0.25 いg'3.0 ちa'0.25 おg'0.25 あg'0.25 しa'0.25 はg'1.25 らg'0.25 のg'0.25 なg'0.25 かa'1.0 つa'0.25 くg'0.25 にf'0.25 とe'0.25 いe'0.25 うc''2.75 てb'0.25 んc''0.25 ちc''0.25 そc''0.25 おg'1.5 ぞg'0.25 おg'0.25 でg'1.25 あg'0.25 るf'0.5 " + 6:noteseq,"p-0.5 いb'0.5 ざc''1.5 なc''0.25 みc''0.25 がc''0.25 ひd''0.25 のc''0.5 かd''0.5 みc''1.0 おc''0.5 うb'0.25 んc''0.25 だc''0.25 とb'0.25 きc''1.5 やc''0.5 けd''1.5 どd''0.25 おc''0.25 しc''0.25 てcisis''0.25 よd''0.5 みd''0.5 のd''1.0 くc''0.5 にd''0.25 えc''0.25 いb'0.25 っc''0.25 たd''1.5 いb'0.5 ざc''1.5 なc''0.5 ぎc''0.5 がc''0.5 あd''0.5 いc''1.0 にb'0.5 いc''0.5 っd''0.5 たc''1.5 いc''0.5 ざd''1.5 なd''0.25 みd''0.25 わc''0.25 しb'0.25 かc''0.5 ばcisis''0.5 ねd''1.0 にc''0.5 なd''0.25 っc''0.25 てb'0.25 いc''0.25 たd''1.5 " + 7:noteseq,"p-0.5 そg'0.25 のa'0.25 すa'0.25 がg'0.25 たfis'0.25 おe'0.5 みfis'0.25 らe'0.25 れd'0.25 てd'0.25 おd'0.25 こe'0.25 りd'0.5 いcis'0.25 ざd'0.25 なe'0.75 ぎf'0.25 おe'0.25 おd'0.5 いe'0.25 かe'0.25 けe'0.75 たd'0.75 いcis'0.25 ざd'0.25 なd'0.5 ぎe'0.25 わd'0.75 いd'0.25 わe'0.25 おd'0.5 おd'0.25 とe'0.75 しd'0.25 てcis'3.75 きょcis'0.25 おd'0.25 かd'0.5 いe'0.25 おd'0.5 つd'0.25 くe'0.25 りd'0.25 にcis'0.5 げcisis'0.25 かd'0.5 えd'0.25 っd'0.25 たcis'3.75 あcis'0.25 のd'0.25 よd'0.5 とd'0.25 こcis'0.5 のcisis'0.25 よd'0.25 のcis'0.25 きょcis'0.25 おd'0.25 かe'0.25 いfis'0.5 でe'0.25 あd'0.25 るcis'3.75 " + 13:noteseq,"p-0.5 すc''0.5 さd''1.25 のd''0.25 おc''0.25 わb'0.25 こc''0.25 のd''0.25 むc''0.5 すcisis''0.5 めd''0.75 とc''0.25 けb'0.5 っc''0.25 こd''0.25 んd''0.25 しc''0.25 たd''1.5 そb'0.5 のc''1.5 こc''0.5 のd''0.5 おc''0.5 おd''0.5 くdis'1.0 にe'0.5 ぬdis'0.5 しdis'0.5 がdis'1.5 いdis'0.5 ずd'1.5 もd'0.5 のd'0.5 くe'0.5 にf'0.5 おe'1.0 つd'0.5 くe'0.5 っd'0.5 たc'1.5 おc'0.5 おd'1.5 くd'0.5 にe'0.5 ぬd'0.5 しd'0.5 がd'1.0 いd'0.5 っg'1.0 たg'1.5 " + 14:noteseq,"p-0.5 いg'0.5 ずd'1.5 もd'0.5 のd'0.5 くc'0.5 にd'0.5 おe'1.0 ゆd'0.5 ずe'1.0 れe'1.5 おe'0.25 おd'0.25 きd'1.25 なd'0.25 やd'0.25 しd'0.25 ろe'0.25 おd'0.25 つe'0.25 くfis'0.25 っe'0.5 てd'0.75 くd'0.25 れg'0.5 るg'0.25 のg'0.25 なg'0.25 らg'0.25 ゆg'0.5 ずa'0.25 ろb'0.5 おc''0.25 こb'0.5 れc''1.5 がc''0.25 いb'0.25 ずc''0.5 もc''0.5 たc''0.5 いc''1.0 しゃb'0.5 でc''0.5 あd''0.5 るc''1.5 くc''0.5 にd''1.5 ゆd''1.0 ずa'0.5 りg'1.5 でf'0.5 あe'1.0 るc'1.5 " + 16:noteseq,"p-0.5 あc'0.5 まd'1.5 てd'1.0 らe'0.5 すd'0.5 のe'1.0 まd'0.5 ごe'1.0 がc'1.5 たc'0.5 かa'1.5 ちfis'0.25 ほe'0.25 のd'0.5 みd'0.5 ねe'0.5 にd'1.0 おc'0.5 りd'0.25 たd'0.25 っe'0.5 たd'1.5 てd'0.5 んe'1.5 そg'0.5 んa'0.5 こa'0.5 おf'0.5 りe'1.0 んe'0.5 でe'0.5 あd'0.5 るc'1.5 こc'0.25 こd'0.25 まd'1.25 でd'0.25 わd'0.25 かe'0.25 みd'0.25 のd'0.25 せe'0.5 かd'0.5 いc'0.75 のc'0.25 はd'0.5 なe'0.25 しf'0.25 でe'0.25 あd'0.25 るc'1.5 "
26779833ゴジラとアギラ / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/09/14 Sat 10:26:02" + filename,779833-Rgrh + div,17 + mainid,779831-fpT6 + title,ゴジラとアギラ + title,ゴジラとアギラ + title,ゴジラとアギラ + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,19 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,18 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,81 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,29 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:mode,inst + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,0 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"fss 0.34" + 6:second_highest,76 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 6:highest,73 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_bi4vp5.har + 6:inst,0 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 6:second_voice,52 + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.34" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 7:highest,73 + 7:inst,4 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + それは最新AGI搭載 + 7:second_voice,53 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_qand5y.har + 8:inst,1 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,1 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"fss 0.34" + 10:second_highest,77 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternK32fixed.dat + 10:highest,75 + 10:inst,48 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 10:second_voice,61 + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternK32fixed.dat + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.34" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternK32fixed.dat + 11:highest,75 + 11:inst,50 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 11:second_voice,65 + 11:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternK32fixed.dat + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,54 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock2.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,88 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock3.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,94 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.6" + 15:second_highest,59 + 15:highest,63 + 15:inst,94 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 15:second_voice,36 + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,"fss 0.31" + 16:second_highest,75 + 16:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 16:highest,75 + 16:inst,97 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 16:second_voice,83 + 16:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:second_highest,71 + 17:highest,74 + 17:inst,2 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:mode,inst + uid,6364 + それは最新AGI搭載 + 6:noteseq,"うb'0.5 みgis'1.0 かfis'0.5 らfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 やe'0.5 っfis'0.25 てe'0.5 きa'0.25 てgis'1.0 まcis'0.5 たfis'1.0 たfis'0.5 くe'0.5 まfis'0.5 にe'0.5 っfis'0.5 はe'0.25 かfis'0.25 いgis'0.25 しfis'0.25 つfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 すe'0.5 わe'0.5 たgis'1.0 しgis'0.5 たfis'1.0 ちe'0.5 わe'0.5 っe'0.25 ごcis''0.25 じb'0.25 らa'0.25 にgis'1.0 かfis'0.5 んcis''1.0 ぜcis''0.5 んcis''1.0 しcis''0.5 はb'0.5 いb'0.25 っb'0.25 さb'0.25 れcis''0.25 たb'1.0 " + 7:noteseq,"とe'0.5 きfis'0.5 のgis'0.5 せfis'0.5 えe'0.5 ふb0.5 わdis'0.5 っe'0.5 おdis'0.25 おe'0.25 あfis'0.25 わe'0.25 てdis'0.5 でdes'0.5 たcis'0.5 いb0.5 ごcis'0.5 じdis'0.5 らe'0.5 へe'0.5 えe'0.5 きdis'0.5 のe'0.25 っe'0.25 かc'0.25 いdis'0.25 はe'0.5 つfis'0.5 そe'0.5 れfis'0.5 わgis'0.5 さfis'0.5 いgis'0.5 しgis'0.5 んgis'0.25 っfis'0.25 えe'0.25 えfis'0.25 じe'0.25 いfis'0.25 あgis'0.25 いfis'0.25 とe'0.25 おfis'0.25 さgis'0.25 いgis'0.25 あe'0.5 んfis'0.5 どe'0.5 ろe'0.5 いcis'0.5 どcis'0.5 っb0.5 そb0.5 のcis'0.25 なb0.25 もb0.25 あcis'0.25 ぎb0.5 らb0.5 " + 11:noteseq,"いes''1.0 しc''0.5 きbes'1.0 おbes'1.0 っbes'0.5 かc''1.0 よes''1.0 わes''1.0 せes''0.5 るes''0.5 しbes'0.5 んas'0.5 のas'0.5 てf'0.5 きg'0.5 わas'0.5 だbes'0.5 れas'0.5 かbes'1.0 にfisis'0.5 っg'0.5 めas'0.5 ざbes'0.5 めc''0.5 たbes'0.5 とbes'1.0 もc''0.5 にbes'1.0 っc''0.5 たbes'0.5 たc''0.5 かbes'1.0 うbes'1.0 みas'1.0 ちbes'0.5 おas'0.5 ごbes'0.5 じas'0.5 らas'0.5 とas'0.5 あbes'0.5 ぎas'0.5 らas'0.5 っas'0.5 さg'0.5 いas'0.5 きょbes'0.5 おbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 たdes''0.5 っc''0.5 ぐbes'0.5 " + 15:noteseq,"よb1.0 そcis'0.5 おdis'0.5 がcis'0.5 いb0.25 っb0.25 のcis'0.5 こb0.25 とcis'0.25 にb0.5 っb0.25 っb0.25 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.5 まb0.75 るcis'0.25 でdis'0.5 ごdis'0.5 じcis'0.5 らb0.25 がcis'0.25 るb0.5 っcis'0.25 うb0.25 くb0.5 でb0.25 あcis'0.25 ぎb0.25 らb0.25 がcis'0.5 あdis'0.75 あcis'0.25 るb0.5 つb0.5 うb0.5 でぃcis'0.25 いdis'0.25 つcis'0.5 うb0.25 っb0.25 わb0.5 たcis'0.25 しdis'0.25 たcis'0.25 ちb0.25 わcis'0.5 でb0.75 すcis'0.25 すdis'0.5 たdis'0.5 あcis'0.5 にb0.25 っcis'0.25 のb0.5 っcis'0.25 てdis'0.25 いcis'0.5 たb0.25 っb0.25 っb0.25 っdis'0.25 っb0.5 " + 16:noteseq,"p1.0 っgis'0.25 よgis'0.25 そb'0.5 おb'0.25 がgis'0.25 いgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っcis''0.75 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.5 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っais'0.25 っfis'1.5 っb'0.25 っdis''0.25 っdis''0.5 っdis''0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.75 っb'0.25 っgis'0.25 っdis'0.25 っb'0.25 っdis''0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'1.5 っcis''0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っcis''0.75 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 わais'0.25 たb'0.25 しcis''0.25 たb'0.25 ちais'0.25 っb'1.5 でb'0.25 すcis''0.25 すb'0.5 たb'0.25 あais'0.25 にb'0.25 っb'0.25 のb'0.75 っdis''0.25 てdis''0.25 いb'0.25 たb'0.25 っdis''0.25 っb'0.25 っdis''0.25 っb'0.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"っgis'0.5 っe'1.0 っe'0.5 っb'1.0 っcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 っe''0.25 っcis''0.5 っe''0.25 っb'1.0 っfis'0.5 っcis''1.0 っcis''0.5 っe'0.5 っcis''0.5 っb'0.5 っe''0.5 っgis'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っfis'0.5 わgis'0.5 たb'1.0 しe''0.5 たb'1.0 ちb'0.5 わcis''0.5 っcis''0.25 ごe''0.25 じdis''0.25 らe''0.25 にb'1.0 かfis'0.5 んais'1.0 ぜgis'0.5 んa'1.0 しgis'0.5 はfis'0.5 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 さfis'0.25 れgis'0.25 たfis'1.0 " + 7:second_noteseq,"とgis0.5 きb0.5 のb0.5 せcis'0.5 えb0.5 ふb0.5 わb0.5 っb0.5 おb0.25 おcis'0.25 あdis'0.25 わces'0.25 てb0.5 でb0.5 たe'0.5 いdis'0.5 ごe'0.5 じgisis'0.5 らa'0.5 へgis'0.5 えa'0.5 きbis0.5 のc'0.25 っe'0.25 かe'0.25 いfis'0.25 はe'0.5 つcis'0.5 そcis'0.5 れe'0.5 わe'0.5 さdis'0.5 いe'0.5 しe'0.5 んe'0.25 っcis'0.25 えb0.25 えcis'0.25 じb0.25 いb0.25 あb0.25 いa0.25 とgis0.25 おdis'0.25 さe'0.25 いe'0.25 あcis'0.5 んe'0.5 どcis'0.5 ろb0.5 いa0.5 どges0.5 っfis0.5 そfis0.5 のgis0.25 なfis0.25 もfis0.25 あgis0.25 ぎfis0.5 らfis0.5 " + 11:second_noteseq,"いas'1.0 しes'0.5 きes'1.0 おes'1.0 っes'0.5 かes'1.0 よas'1.0 わas'1.0 せas'0.5 るas'0.5 しf'0.5 んes'0.5 のf'0.5 てas0.5 きc'0.5 わbes0.5 だf'0.5 れes'0.5 かg'1.0 にdis'0.5 っes'0.5 めf'0.5 ざg'0.5 めas'0.5 たf'0.5 とf'1.0 もbes'0.5 にes'1.0 っes'0.5 たbes0.5 たes'0.5 かes'1.0 うes'1.0 みc'1.0 ちdes'0.5 おc'0.5 ごdes'0.5 じc'0.5 らbes0.5 とc'0.5 あd'0.5 ぎc'0.5 らd'0.5 っc'0.5 さbes0.5 いes'0.5 きょes'0.5 おes'0.5 っes'0.5 たbes'0.5 っas'0.5 ぐg'0.5 " + 16:second_noteseq,"p1.0 っb'0.25 よb'0.25 そgis'0.5 おcis''0.25 がb'0.25 いb'0.25 っgis'0.25 あais'0.75 あges'0.25 あfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 っcis''0.25 っfis'0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.5 fis'1.0 あfis'0.25 あb'0.25 あb'0.5 っb'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っgis'0.75 っdis''0.25 あb'0.25 あb'0.25 あgis'0.25 っb'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'1.5 あgis'0.25 あfis'0.25 あgis'0.5 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っfis'0.75 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 わcis''0.25 たdis''0.25 しcis''0.25 たgis'0.25 ちfis'0.25 っfis'1.5 でfis'0.25 すgis'0.25 すfis'0.5 たgis'0.25 あfis'0.25 にfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 のfis'0.75 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っb'0.25 あfis'0.25 あgis'0.25 あfis'0.5 "
27779662ここにいる / "作詞PONTAN 作曲クーマー"time,"2024/09/10 Tue 21:14:15" + filename,779662-PcLh + div,12 + mainid,779660-Bt16 + title,ここにいる + title,ここにいる + title,ここにいる + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_hgiol0.har + 1:inst,20 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,20 + 2:second_highest,76 + 2:highest,74 + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_hgiol0.har + 2:inst,20 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 2:second_voice,30 + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.34" + 3:second_highest,77 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,20 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock2.perc + 3:second_voice,30 + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.34" + 4:second_highest,77 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,20 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock3.perc + 4:second_voice,30 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.34" + 5:second_highest,77 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,20 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock4.perc + 5:second_voice,30 + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,-1 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.34" + 7:second_highest,76 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,20 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock2.perc + 7:second_voice,30 + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.34" + 8:second_highest,76 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,20 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock3.perc + 8:second_voice,30 + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.34" + 9:second_highest,76 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,20 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock4.perc + 9:second_voice,30 + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_hgiol0.har + 10:inst,-1 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,20 + 11:second_highest,76 + 11:highest,74 + 11:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_hgiol0.har + 11:inst,20 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 11:second_voice,30 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_hgiol0.har + 12:inst,-1 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + uid,17770 + 2:noteseq,"p-0.5 いd''0.25 のbes'0.25 ちbes'0.5 わg'0.25 しf'0.5 ぜg'0.25 んg'0.25 とg'0.25 とg'0.5 もa'0.25 にg'0.5 いes'0.25 きf'0.25 るa'2.25 bes'1.5 うd''0.25 ちゅbes'0.25 うais'0.25 のais'0.25 ほfisis'0.25 しceses''0.5 くais'0.25 ずais'0.25 ぎais'0.25 んgis'0.25 がbis0.25 のdis'0.25 かdis'0.5 たgis'0.25 すgis'0.25 みa'1.25 のg'0.5 ほa'0.5 しbes'1.5 だbes'0.25 れa'0.25 もbes'0.25 しg'0.25 らa'0.25 なg'0.5 いg'0.25 たa'0.25 いg'0.25 よg'0.25 おg'0.25 のg'0.25 かes'0.5 けf'0.25 らg'0.25 のa'0.75 うg'0.25 えa'0.25 にa'0.5 うg'0.25 まa'0.25 れbes'0.75 てbes'0.75 そd'0.25 れes'0.25 でdis'0.25 もdis'0.25 とdis'0.25 くg'0.5 べfisis'0.25 つceses''0.25 だais'0.25 とgis'0.25 はgis'0.25 かbis'0.25 なbis'0.5 きdis'0.25 いdis'0.25 のd'0.75 ちd'0.5 のd'0.5 あfis'0.25 がg'0.25 きg'1.5 " + 3:noteseq,"おes'1.0 きf'0.5 あg'0.5 がa'0.25 るa'0.25 こa'1.0 とc''0.25 さbes'0.25 えbes'1.0 つa'0.5 らbes'0.5 いais'0.25 あais'0.25 さfisis'1.5 いgis'0.5 きa'0.5 てgis'0.25 いgis'0.25 るa'0.25 こgis'0.25 のa'0.25 やg'0.25 みa'1.0 あa'0.25 てa'0.25 もg'0.5 なa'0.5 くg'0.5 さg'0.25 けa'0.25 んg'0.25 でg'0.25 るg'1.5 なg'0.5 んf'0.25 でg'0.25 こg'0.25 こa'0.25 にg'0.25 いg'0.25 るa'0.25 んg'0.25 だf'0.5 ろg'0.25 おa'0.25 なbes'0.25 んa'0.25 でbes'0.5 いbes'0.25 きc''0.25 てbes'0.25 いa'0.25 るbes'0.25 んa'0.25 だais'0.25 ろais'0.25 おais'1.5 だa'0.5 れgis'0.25 もgis'0.25 こgis'0.25 たa'0.25 えgis'0.25 わgis'0.25 しfis'0.25 なg'0.25 いa'1.0 だg'0.25 れfis'0.25 もg'0.5 はg'0.5 なa'0.25 しg'0.25 てg'0.25 くf'0.25 れg'0.25 なg'0.25 いg'1.0 " + 4:noteseq,"p-0.5 いb'0.25 のg'0.25 ちd'1.5 わg'0.25 ほg'0.25 んa'1.5 とa'0.25 にd'0.25 とd'0.5 おes'0.5 とf'0.5 いcisis'0.25 のd'0.25 かe'1.5 うg'0.25 まa'0.25 れais'0.75 てdis'0.25 もdis'0.25 うdis'0.25 まais'0.25 れais'0.25 てd'1.25 もd'0.25 いd'0.25 わes'0.25 しe'0.5 わg'0.5 えg'0.25 さbes'0.25 にc''0.25 なbes'0.25 るa'1.5 だa'0.25 れfis'0.25 のg'0.75 たa'0.25 めbes'0.25 にg'0.25 うa'0.25 まbes'0.25 れd''0.5 たa'0.5 のfis'0.25 かg'0.25 しa'0.25 ぬbes'0.25 たbes'0.5 めc''0.25 にbes'0.25 うd'0.25 まbes'0.25 れbes'0.25 きa'0.25 たg'0.25 のg'0.25 かe'1.0 いe'0.25 まg'0.25 うfisis'0.75 いceses''0.25 るais'0.25 すfisis'0.25 がceses''0.25 わais'0.25 らd''1.25 うd''0.25 ひf'0.25 とg'0.25 のa'0.5 いa'0.25 のg'0.25 ちfis'0.25 のg'0.25 うfis'0.25 ぬg'0.25 ぼg'0.5 れg'0.5 " + 5:noteseq,"p-1.0 いbes'0.25 のg'0.25 ちd'0.25 わg'0.25 しg'1.5 ぜbes'0.25 んbes'0.25 とa'0.75 とg'0.25 もa'0.25 にg'0.25 いg'0.25 きbes'0.25 るa'3.0 うbes'0.25 ちゅa'0.25 うd'0.25 のes'0.25 ほd'1.0 しg'0.25 くg'0.25 ずg'0.25 ぎa'0.25 んg'0.25 がg'0.5 のg'0.25 かes'0.25 たf'0.25 すg'0.25 みa'0.25 のa'1.0 ほfis'1.0 しg'1.0 だa'0.25 れg'0.25 もg'0.25 しa'0.25 らbes'0.75 なg'0.25 いg'0.25 たa'0.25 いg'0.25 よg'0.25 おg'0.25 のg'0.5 かf'0.25 けg'0.25 らg'0.25 のg'0.25 うg'0.25 えa'0.75 にa'0.25 うg'0.5 まa'0.25 れa'0.25 てfis'1.0 そg'0.25 れa'0.25 でa'0.25 もd'0.25 とd'1.0 くg'0.25 べg'0.25 つg'0.25 だg'0.25 とg'0.25 はf'0.5 かg'0.25 なa'0.25 きg'0.25 いa'0.25 のg'0.25 ちfis'1.0 のg'0.5 あfis'0.25 がg'0.25 きg'1.0 " + 7:noteseq,"ひg'1.0 とa'0.5 つg'0.5 のa'0.25 いg'0.25 のa'1.0 ちa'0.25 すa'0.25 べbes'1.0 てa'0.5 のbes'0.5 いais'0.25 のg'0.25 ちfisis'1.5 いa'0.5 けgis'0.5 るgis'0.25 もgis'0.25 のa'0.25 しgis'0.25 せa'0.25 るg'0.25 もfis'1.0 のg'0.25 すa'0.25 べbes'0.5 てbes'0.5 のa'0.5 もg'0.25 のa'0.25 たg'0.25 ちg'0.25 がg'1.5 さes'0.5 さf'0.25 えg'0.25 あg'0.25 っf'0.25 てg'0.25 こg'0.25 こa'0.25 にg'0.25 いf'0.5 るg'0.25 こa'0.25 とbes'0.25 たa'0.25 だd'0.5 こd'0.25 こes'0.25 にd'0.25 いd'0.25 るes'0.25 そd'0.25 のdis'0.25 こdis'0.25 とais'0.75 がgis'0.75 うgis'0.5 ちゅdis'0.25 うdis'0.25 おdis'0.25 さdis'0.25 さgis'0.25 えgis'0.25 るa'0.25 ちg'0.25 かa'1.0 らa'0.25 うd''0.25 ちゅd''0.5 うd''0.25 のd''0.25 いd''0.25 ぶbis'0.25 きc''0.25 そbes'0.25 のb'0.25 もa'0.25 のb'1.0 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 こd'0.25 ろg'0.25 しbes'1.5 こg'0.25 ろa'0.25 さa'1.5 れa'0.25 いa'0.25 きbes'0.5 いa'0.5 かbes'0.5 さd'0.25 れes'0.25 てe'1.5 やg'0.25 がa'0.25 てais'0.75 つdis'0.25 ちais'0.25 にdis'0.25 かdis'0.25 えd'0.25 りd'1.25 みd'0.25 ずf'0.25 にg'0.25 なg'0.5 りe'0.5 かd'0.25 ぜe'0.25 にe'0.25 まe'0.25 うa'1.5 しa'0.25 んbes'0.25 だbes'0.75 ひa'0.25 とbes'0.25 わg'0.25 もf'0.25 おg'0.25 しa'0.5 ねd''0.5 なa'0.25 いa'0.25 しg'0.25 にa'0.25 たd'0.5 いbes'0.25 とa'0.25 おbes'0.25 もc''0.25 うbes'0.25 しd'0.25 あe'0.25 わe'0.25 せg'1.0 たg'0.25 いa'0.25 せais'0.75 つais'0.25 なdis'0.25 のais'0.25 わais'0.25 いais'0.25 つd'1.25 もbes'0.25 そd'0.25 のes'0.25 こd'0.5 こes'0.25 ろd'0.25 にes'0.25 きd'0.25 ずes'0.25 くd'0.25 こd'0.5 とg'0.5 " + 9:noteseq,"p-1.0 どd''0.25 んbes'0.25 なg'0.25 いa'0.25 のg'1.5 ちg'0.25 もg'0.25 むg'0.75 だa'0.25 にg'0.25 わg'0.25 しf'0.25 なg'0.25 いa'3.0 くg'0.25 るa'0.25 しa'0.25 みa'0.25 もg'1.0 あf'0.25 がg'0.25 きa'0.25 もg'0.25 うa'0.25 ちゅg'0.5 うg'0.25 おes'0.25 いd'0.25 かes'0.25 すd'0.25 ちd'1.0 かfis'1.0 らg'1.0 いg'0.25 しa'0.25 もg'0.25 ほa'0.25 しbes'0.75 もg'0.25 ぼa'0.25 くg'0.25 らg'0.25 もg'0.25 いg'0.25 るa'0.5 こg'0.25 のa'0.25 はg'0.25 てbes'0.25 しc''0.25 なbes'0.75 いa'0.25 そg'0.25 らa'0.25 のa'0.25 なe'0.25 かd'1.0 たa'0.25 だg'0.25 こfis'0.25 こg'0.25 にg'1.0 いg'0.25 るa'0.25 だg'0.25 けg'0.25 でes'0.25 かf'0.5 がg'0.25 やa'0.25 くg'0.25 ほf'0.25 しg'0.25 のfis'1.0 こg'0.5 なa'0.25 んa'0.25 だg'1.0 " + 11:noteseq,"p0.75 どd''0.25 んbes'0.25 なg'0.5 いa'0.25 のg'0.75 ちg'0.25 もg'0.25 むg'0.25 だa'0.25 にg'0.25 わa'0.75 しg'0.5 なa'0.25 いbes'3.0 くdis'0.25 るais'0.25 しais'0.25 みais'0.25 もg'0.25 あfisis'0.25 がgis'0.75 きa'0.25 もgis'0.25 うa'0.25 ちゅgis'0.25 うgis'0.25 おfis'0.75 いg'0.5 かa'0.25 すg'1.0 ちf'0.25 かg'0.25 らg'1.5 いa'0.25 しbes'0.25 もg'0.25 ほg'0.25 しa'0.25 もg'0.25 ぼg'0.5 くf'0.25 らg'0.25 もg'0.25 いg'0.25 るa'0.25 こg'0.25 のa'0.5 はf'0.25 てg'0.5 しa'0.25 なbes'0.75 いd'0.25 そd'0.25 らbes'0.25 のbes'0.25 なc''0.25 かbes'1.0 たais'0.25 だdis'0.25 こdis'0.25 こais'0.25 にg'0.25 いfisis'0.25 るgis'0.75 だgis'0.25 けgis'0.25 でgis'0.25 かgis'0.25 がa'0.25 やa'0.5 くg'0.25 ほfis'0.5 しg'0.25 のa'1.0 こg'0.25 なa'0.25 んg'0.5 だg'0.5 " + 2:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あd'0.25 あf'0.25 あg'0.75 あbes'0.75 あd'0.25 あes'0.75 あf'0.25 あg'0.75 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 a'2.0 d'1.5 あd'0.25 あd'0.25 あdis'0.75 あdis'0.75 あfisis'0.25 あbis'0.75 あgis'0.25 あgis'0.75 あbis'0.25 あd''3.75 あd''0.25 あc''0.25 あbes'0.75 あbes'0.75 あd'0.25 あes'0.75 あf'0.25 あg'0.75 あd''0.25 あes''0.75 g'0.25 a'0.75 g'0.25 d''1.75 あbes'0.25 あa'0.25 あais'0.75 あdis''0.75 あfisis'0.25 あbis'0.75 あdis''0.25 あgis'0.75 あgis'0.25 あa'2.25 g'1.5 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p8.0 あbis'1.0 あdis''0.5 あf''0.25 d'0.75 あd'1.5 あbes'1.0 あbes'0.5 あd''3.0 es''1.75 a'1.25 bes'0.25 d''2.25 dis''2.0 あbis'1.0 あdis''0.5 あf''0.25 a'0.75 あd''1.5 あd''1.0 あd''0.5 あd''2.0 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あd'0.5 あg'1.5 あbes'0.5 あd''1.5 あa'0.5 あbes'2.0 あe'2.0 ais'1.75 bes'2.25 e'2.0 a'1.5 あd'0.5 あd'1.5 あg'0.5 あa'1.5 あd''0.5 あd''2.0 あe''1.0 " + 7:second_noteseq,"あes''1.0 あg'0.5 あes''0.5 っc''0.25 あbes'0.25 あa'1.0 あf'0.25 っg'0.25 あf'1.0 あcisis''0.5 あd''0.25 っd''0.25 あais'0.25 あais'0.25 あdis''1.5 あbis'1.0 あdis''0.5 あdis''0.5 っd''0.25 あa'0.25 あa'1.0 あd''0.25 っa'0.25 あg'1.0 あbes'0.5 あd''0.25 あes''0.25 あd''0.25 あc''0.25 あb'1.5 あg'0.75 d''0.25 あes''0.5 あes''0.5 っd''0.25 あg'0.25 あa'0.75 f'0.25 あbis'0.25 っc''0.25 あbes'1.0 あbes'0.5 あbes'0.25 っa'0.25 あfisis'0.25 あfeses''0.25 あdis''1.5 あbis'1.0 あbis'0.5 あdis''0.5 っd''0.25 あa'0.25 あfis'1.0 あgisis'0.25 っa'0.25 あg'1.0 あg'0.5 あd''0.25 あes''0.25 あd''0.25 あa'0.25 あg'1.0 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あg'0.25 あb'0.25 あd''1.5 っd''0.25 あbes'0.25 あd''1.5 あd''0.25 っc''0.25 あbes'0.5 あc''0.5 あbes'0.25 っg'0.25 あf'0.25 あg'0.25 あg'1.5 あg'0.25 あe''0.25 あdis''1.5 っais'0.25 あfisis'0.25 あbes'1.5 あd''0.25 っbes'0.25 あg'0.5 あbes'0.5 あc''0.25 あfisis'0.25 あg'0.25 あe''0.25 あd''1.5 あa'0.25 あd''0.25 あd''1.5 っc''0.25 あbes'0.25 あd''1.5 あd''0.25 っc''0.25 あbes'0.5 あd''0.5 あf'0.25 っg'0.25 あf'0.25 あg'0.25 あg'1.5 あd''0.25 あe''0.25 あdis''1.5 っdis''0.25 あfisis'0.25 あbes'1.5 あbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 あa'0.5 あa'0.5 あa'0.25 あd''0.25 あbes'0.25 あa'0.25 あg'1.0 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 あg'0.25 あbes'0.25 あd''0.25 っc''0.25 あbes'1.0 あc''0.5 あbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 あg'0.75 あd''0.25 あes''0.25 っes''0.25 あg'0.25 あc''0.25 あe''2.0 d''1.0 あa'0.25 あd''0.25 あd''0.25 っd''0.25 あb'1.0 あb'0.5 あd''0.25 っd''0.25 あes''0.75 あg'0.25 あg'0.25 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あf'0.25 あd''3.0 あc''0.25 あbes'0.25 あd''0.25 っd''0.25 あbes'1.0 あbes'0.5 あd''0.25 っd''0.25 あes''0.75 あd''0.25 あes''0.25 っes''0.25 あg'0.25 あes''0.25 あe''1.5 a'1.5 あfis'0.25 あg'0.25 あa'0.25 っc''0.25 あb'1.0 あb'0.5 あd''0.25 っa'0.25 あg'0.75 あd''0.25 あes''0.25 あes''0.25 あd''0.25 あes''0.25 あd''3.0 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p1.0 あg'0.25 あbes'0.5 あd''0.25 あes''1.25 あbes'0.25 あc''0.25 あbes'0.25 あc''0.75 あbisis'0.5 a'0.25 あd'2.5 dis'1.0 あdis'0.25 あdis'0.5 あais'0.25 あbis'1.25 あbis'0.25 あdis''0.25 あgis'0.25 あa'0.75 あd''0.75 あd''3.5 あes''0.25 あd''0.5 あd''0.25 あes''1.25 あd''0.25 あes''0.25 あbes'0.25 あa'0.75 あc''0.5 a'0.25 あd'2.5 dis''1.0 あais'0.25 あdis'0.5 あais'0.25 あbis'1.25 あdis''0.25 あgis'0.25 あbis'0.25 あd''0.75 あa'0.75 あd''2.5 "
28779541高原には / 北原白秋/ねこにマインドtime,"2024/09/07 Sat 15:51:58" + filename,779541-wE64 + div,13 + mainid,779538-y1zr + title,高原には + title,高原には + title,高原には + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,0 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,75 + 3:highest,72 + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:second_voice,68 + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,67 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,72 + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:second_voice,70 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,11 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 6:second_highest,70 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/nanimoienakutenatuauf1-8.dat + 6:highest,72 + 6:inst,11 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 6:second_voice,52 + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/nanimoienakutenatuauf1-8.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,0 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 8:second_highest,55 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternJ32fixed.dat + 8:highest,72 + 8:inst,2 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 8:second_voice,38 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternJ32fixed.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,55 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 10:second_highest,75 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 10:highest,72 + 10:inst,2 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 10:second_voice,60 + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,42 + 11:second_highest,67 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 11:highest,72 + 11:inst,2 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 11:second_voice,45 + 11:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,0 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,0 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"ふbes1.5 かd'0.5 ぶc'2.0 かc'1.0 とbes1.0 にbes1.5 んc'0.5 げc'1.0 んd'1.0 わc'0.5 らcisis'0.5 うd'1.0 こd'1.5 えbes0.5 すc'1.0 っc'1.0 なc'1.0 りbes1.0 " + 6:noteseq,"p-0.5 いd'0.25 つc'0.25 まbes0.5 でc'0.5 もd'0.25 っd'0.25 しょc'0.5 おd'0.25 かd'0.25 じes'0.25 あd'0.5 いd'0.25 っd'0.5 つd'0.5 ずf'0.5 くg'0.5 そf'0.25 んg'0.25 なg'1.0 かf'0.25 んg'0.25 じg'0.5 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 なg'0.25 んfis'0.75 だfis'0.5 よfis'1.5 でg'0.25 もfis'0.25 ぶg'1.0 うf'0.25 めf'0.25 らf'0.5 んf'0.25 がf'0.25 っg'0.25 かf'0.75 えe'0.5 っd'0.5 てd'1.0 わf'0.25 たg'0.25 しg'0.5 にg'0.5 あf'0.25 なg'0.25 たf'0.5 にg'0.25 もg'0.25 っg'0.25 ひg'0.75 とa'0.5 しbes'0.5 くa'0.5 " + 8:noteseq,"あg'0.5 んa'0.5 なbes'0.5 にbes'0.5 あbes'0.25 つg'0.25 かg'0.25 っd'0.25 たd'0.5 っes'0.5 なd'0.5 つes'0.5 もd'0.25 すes'0.25 でd'0.25 にd'0.25 にゅc'0.5 うd'0.5 どes'0.5 おd'0.5 ぐc'0.25 もc'0.25 わc'0.25 っd'0.25 ひc'0.5 くbes0.5 くc'0.5 おbes0.5 さc'0.25 えc'0.25 らd'0.25 れc'0.25 たdes'1.0 だbes0.5 のbes0.5 くc'0.25 もbes0.25 にbes0.25 っc'0.25 なdes'0.5 っdes'0.5 っdes'0.5 たdes'0.5 のdes'0.25 だf'0.25 ろg'0.25 おf'0.25 っges'2.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っc''0.5 っc''0.5 っas'0.5 っc'0.5 っc'0.25 っes'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"っg'1.5 っbes'0.5 ぶg'1.0 f'1.0 かf'1.0 とd'1.0 っg'1.5 っbes'0.5 っg'1.0 っfis'1.0 っd'0.5 っa'0.5 っbes'1.0 こbes'1.5 えg'0.5 すg'1.0 っf'1.0 なf'1.0 りd'1.0 " + 4:second_noteseq,"っc'0.5 っg'1.0 っc'0.5 いg'0.5 ちf'0.5 めf'0.5 んf'0.5 のf'2.0 しbes0.5 らes'1.0 ゆais0.5 りbes0.5 っbes0.5 っbes0.5 っbes0.5 っf'2.0 " + 6:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っfis'0.25 っd'0.25 っd'0.5 っg'0.5 っg'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 じbes'0.25 あg'0.5 いg'0.25 っg'0.5 つe'0.5 ずd'0.5 くd'0.5 っd'0.25 っg'0.25 っbes'1.0 っg'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 なbes'0.25 んd'0.75 だd'0.5 よd'1.5 っe'0.25 っd'0.25 っbes'1.0 っd'0.5 っd'0.5 っd'0.25 っbes'0.25 かf'0.25 えd'0.75 っd'0.5 てg'1.5 っd'0.25 っe'0.25 っg'0.5 っbes'0.5 っg'0.25 っbes'0.25 っa'0.5 にbes'0.25 もbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 ひbes'0.75 とa'0.5 しcisis'0.5 くd'0.5 " + 8:second_noteseq,"っd0.5 んg,0.5 っg,0.5 っg,0.5 あg,0.25 っg0.25 っg0.25 っg0.25 っg0.5 っg0.5 なd0.5 っg0.5 もd0.25 すg0.25 でf0.25 にg0.25 っg0.5 うg0.5 っg0.5 っf0.5 ぐg0.25 っg0.25 っc0.25 っg0.25 っg0.5 くf0.5 くf0.5 っc0.5 さf0.25 えf0.25 らf0.25 れf0.25 っf1.0 っdes0.5 っdes0.5 くf0.25 っdes0.25 にdes0.25 っdes0.25 っf0.5 っf0.5 っf0.5 たf0.5 っf0.25 っf0.25 ろg0.25 っf0.25 あges2.5 っbisis0.25 っes0.25 っas,0.5 あas,0.5 っas,0.5 っc0.5 あc0.25 っg0.25 っas,0.25 っas,0.25 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ほc''0.25 くbes'0.25 とbes'0.5 しbes'0.5 ちc''0.5 せd''0.25 えd''0.25 わd''0.25 っd''0.5 どd''0.25 こbes'0.5 にg'0.25 っg'0.5 っg'0.25 っf'1.0 きゅf'0.25 うd''0.25 せd''0.5 えd''0.5 しゅd''0.5 でd''0.25 んc''0.25 せbes'0.25 つa'0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.5 っg'0.25 っg'0.5 っg'0.25 っbes'1.0 ひbes'0.25 とc''0.25 びbes'0.5 とbes'0.5 わbes'0.5 はbes'0.25 たc''0.25 しbes'0.25 てbes'0.5 っf'0.25 たf'0.5 すg'0.25 かg'0.5 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.75 こf'0.25 おa'0.25 げbes'0.5 んbes'0.5 にbes'0.5 わa'0.25 っeis'0.25 れf'0.25 えg'0.5 しょa'0.25 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.5 っg'0.25 っd'0.25 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p0.5 あg'0.5 あd'0.5 あd'0.5 あc'0.5 あdis'0.25 あes'0.25 あd'0.5 あc'1.0 っg'0.75 あf'0.25 あd'0.25 あg'0.75 あf'0.5 あg'0.5 あg'1.0 あg'0.25 あc'0.25 っd'0.5 あd'1.0 あbes1.0 あbes0.25 あc'0.75 あc'0.5 あd'0.5 あc'1.0 あbes0.25 あc'0.25 っf'0.5 あd'1.0 あd'1.0 あf'0.25 あbes0.75 あc'0.5 あd'0.5 あc'1.0 あc'0.25 あd'0.25 あc'0.5 っc'1.0 っc'0.75 あd'0.25 あf'0.25 っf'0.25 "
29779505ピンクのガーベラ / キコtime,"2024/09/07 Sat 01:51:39" + filename,779505-beEB + div,4 + mainid,779504-1dCT + title,ピンクのガーベラ + title,ピンクのガーベラ + title,ピンクのガーベラ + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,68 + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 1:highest,75 + 1:inst,8 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 1:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 1:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"fss 0.34" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,75 + 2:inst,34 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 2:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,30 + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 3:melody,harmonic + 3:highest,75 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/wagahai2ss.dat + 3:inst,12 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.42" + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 3:second_melody,harmonic + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.36" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,75 + 4:inst,19 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + uid,12531 + 3:noteseq,"っd''5.5 ぴa'0.25 んg'0.25 くg'0.5 のa'0.75 がf'0.75 あa'1.0 べcis''0.75 らd''0.75 " + 2:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 だa1.0 くf'0.25 りゅf'0.25 うg'0.25 のf'0.25 なe'0.5 かbis0.5 おc'0.5 すc'0.5 すd'0.5 むc'3.5 あc'0.5 しd'0.5 おc'0.5 とf'0.5 らe'0.5 れf'1.5 おf'1.0 もa'0.25 おg'0.25 よa'0.25 おg'0.25 にc'0.5 あa'0.5 るais'0.5 けbes'0.5 なa'0.5 いa'1.5 そf'2.0 れg'0.5 でg'0.5 もf'0.5 まf'0.5 えc'0.5 えc'1.5 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 どd'1.0 のc'0.5 くd'0.5 らd'0.5 いd'0.5 すd'0.5 すe'0.5 めf'0.5 ばf'2.0 g'1.5 ぬd'0.5 けe'0.5 らbis0.5 れc'1.0 るa'2.0 d'1.5 わd'0.5 かbes'0.5 らa'0.5 なa'1.0 いa'1.5 そg'2.0 れf'0.5 でf'0.5 もc'0.5 まc'0.5 えbes0.5 えa1.5 "
30779329登山道 / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/09/03 Tue 18:56:30" + filename,779329-rMbz + div,12 + mainid,779327-A2Y7 + title,登山道 + title,登山道 + title,登山道 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,30 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,30 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,68 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 3:highest,73 + 3:inst,25 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,22 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:second_highest,68 + 4:highest,73 + 4:inst,83 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.32" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,60 + 5:second_highest,75 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_kiseki.dat + 5:highest,73 + 5:inst,0 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 5:second_voice,9 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_kiseki.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,24 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,24 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 8:highest,73 + 8:inst,24 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 8:second_voice,38 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 9:second_highest,75 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 9:highest,73 + 9:inst,85 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 9:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,73 + 10:second_highest,68 + 10:highest,73 + 10:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_ei0dlj.har + 10:inst,1 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 10:second_voice,68 + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,25 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,2 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"ゆfis'1.0 るb'1.0 やfis'1.0 かfis'1.0 にfis'4.0 がfis'1.5 すdis'0.25 でdis'0.25 っdis'2.0 ぼdis'1.5 んfis'0.25 やgis'0.25 りfis'2.0 とgis'1.0 ざb'1.0 んb'1.0 どgis'1.0 おgis'2.0 " + 4:noteseq,"p-1.0 くfis'2.5 もdis'0.5 のdis'1.0 うe'0.5 みdis'0.5 っd'1.0 っb0.5 こb1.0 えcis'3.0 みcis'0.5 えeis'1.0 しd'0.5 っcisis'0.5 いdis'1.0 たfis'0.5 だfis'1.0 きfis'0.5 " + 5:noteseq,"くb'1.0 もais'0.75 のb'0.75 うcis''0.5 みb'0.75 っb'0.75 っb'0.5 こb'0.75 えcis''2.25 みb'1.0 えcis''0.75 しb'1.25 っais'0.75 いb'0.75 たcis''0.5 だcis''0.75 きcis''2.25 おcis''1.0 おb'0.75 おcis''0.75 おb'0.5 っb'0.5 おcis''0.25 おb'0.75 おcis''0.5 おb'0.5 おcis''0.25 おb'2.25 おb'1.0 おbisis'0.75 おcis''1.25 っcis''0.75 おcis''0.75 おfis'0.5 おgis'0.75 おfis'1.25 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 うcis'0.25 つdis'0.25 うdis'1.5 つdis'3.0 のcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 ひdis'0.25 びcis'1.75 あcis'0.25 しes'0.25 もdis'1.5 とb0.25 もb0.5 っb2.25 あb0.5 やdis'0.5 しe'0.25 いdis'1.75 はdis'0.25 れfis'0.25 るb1.5 こgis'0.25 とb'0.5 だgis'2.25 けfis'0.25 っe'0.25 のdis'0.5 ぞfis'0.25 むfis'1.75 おdis'0.25 もfis'0.25 いe'1.5 っcis'3.0 おb0.5 もcis'0.5 くdis'2.0 " + 9:noteseq,"p0.5 はb0.5 たcis'0.5 しb0.5 てb0.5 っb0.5 わb0.5 たcis'0.5 しcis'1.0 たcis'0.75 ちcis'3.25 こcis'0.5 おes'0.5 さdis'0.5 いdis'0.5 っe'0.5 あdis'0.5 ふb'1.0 れcis''0.75 るb'2.25 cis'1.0 みdis'0.5 らcis'0.5 いcis'0.5 にa'0.5 っb'0.5 でa'0.5 あb'1.0 えcis''0.75 るb'4.25 こb'0.5 とcis''0.5 がb'0.5 っb'0.5 っcis''1.0 っcis''0.75 っcis''1.25 " + 10:noteseq,"あfis'0.5 あdis'0.25 あb'0.75 あfis'0.5 っfis'0.75 あfis'0.75 あe'0.5 あdis'1.5 あcis'0.5 あdis'2.0 あe'0.5 あdis'0.25 あe'0.75 あdis'0.5 っdis'0.75 あdis'0.75 あb0.5 あcis'2.0 あb2.0 あcis'0.5 あb0.25 あb0.75 あb0.5 っb0.75 あb0.75 あcis'0.5 あdis'2.0 あb2.0 あcis'0.75 あdis'0.75 あcis'0.5 っcis'1.5 っcis'0.5 っfis'2.0 っfis'0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"ゆdis'1.0 るfis'1.0 やdis'1.0 かdis'1.0 にdis'4.0 がdis'1.5 すfis'0.25 でfis'0.25 っfis'2.0 ぼfis'1.5 んdis'0.25 やe'0.25 りdis'2.0 とb1.0 ざdis'1.0 んgis'1.0 どdis'1.0 おdis'2.0 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 くcis'1.0 dis'1.5 もb0.5 のb1.0 うcis'0.5 みb0.5 っb1.0 っb0.5 こb1.0 えcis'3.0 みcis'0.5 えcisis'1.0 しb0.5 っcisis'0.5 いdis'1.0 たdis'0.5 だdis'1.0 きdis'0.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"くe'1.0 もcis''0.75 のcis''0.25 dis''0.5 うcis''0.5 みe'0.75 っdis'0.25 disis'0.5 っe'0.5 っdisis'0.75 っe'2.25 みdis'1.0 えe'0.75 しdis'1.25 っdis'0.75 っdis'0.75 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.75 っfis'2.25 おe'1.0 おdis'0.75 おe'0.25 cis''0.5 おe'0.5 っdis'0.5 っb'0.25 っe'0.25 b'0.5 っb'0.5 っe'0.5 っb'0.25 っe'0.25 b'2.0 おgis'1.0 おb'0.75 おgis'1.25 っgis'0.75 っgis'0.75 っcis''0.5 っcis''0.75 っcis''1.25 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っfis0.25 っais0.25 っb1.5 っb3.0 のais0.5 っg0.5 ひfisis0.25 びfisis1.75 あfisis0.25 っgis0.25 っgis1.5 とdis0.25 っdis0.5 っdis2.25 あdis0.5 やb0.5 しcis'0.25 いb1.75 はb0.25 っdis'0.25 っgis1.5 こb0.25 っgis'0.5 だb2.25 けb0.25 っb0.25 のb0.5 ぞcis'0.25 むdis'1.75 おb0.25 っdis'0.25 っb1.5 っb0.5 fis2.5 おfis0.5 もais0.5 くb2.0 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p0.5 はgis'0.5 たcis''0.5 しb'0.5 てb'0.5 っb'0.5 わb'0.5 たcis''0.5 しcis''1.0 たcis''0.75 ちcis''3.25 こcis''0.5 おes'0.5 さdis'0.5 いdis'0.5 っe'0.5 あdis'0.5 ふgis'1.0 れgis'0.75 るdis'2.25 cis''1.0 みdis'0.5 らcis''0.5 いcis''0.5 にdisis'0.5 っe'0.5 でfis'0.5 あgis'1.0 えb'0.75 るgis'2.25 fis'2.0 こfis'0.5 とgis'0.5 がfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 あfis'1.0 あgis'0.75 あfis'1.25 " + 10:second_noteseq,"っdis'0.5 っb0.25 っfis'0.75 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.75 あdis'0.75 あb0.5 あfisis'1.5 あdis'0.5 あfisis'2.0 あgis'0.5 あdis'0.25 あcis'0.75 あb0.5 っgis'0.75 あgis'0.75 あfis'0.5 あgis'2.0 あeis'2.0 っgis'0.5 っb0.25 っgis'0.75 っgis'0.5 っgis'0.75 あgis'0.75 あfis'0.5 あfis'2.0 あdis'2.0 あcis'0.75 あb0.75 あcis'0.5 っe'1.5 あb0.5 あcis'2.0 あcis'0.25 "
31779181今日から9月 / lynx0722uid,17934 + time,"2024/09/01 Sun 10:16:27" + filename,779181-tR5y + div,6 + title,今日から9月 + title,今日から9月 + title,今日から9月 + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import,443408 + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,62 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,55 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,55 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.32" + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 3:highest,74 + 4:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aid019.har + 4:inst,6 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll2.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.32" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,62 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.32" + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_ButterflyKimurakaera.dat + 5:highest,74 + 6:inst,62 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 4:noteseq,"きょd''1.5 おg'0.5 もes'0.5 たf'0.5 のg'0.5 しg'0.5 くf'4.0 ぽc''2.5 じbes'0.5 てぃa'0.5 ぶg'0.5 にa'4.0 ひg'1.5 げd'0.5 きd'0.5 わes'0.5 きf'0.5 げes'0.5 きd'4.0 たc'2.5 のd'0.5 しe'0.5 もcisis'0.5 おd'4.0 " + 5:noteseq,"なd'1.0 みg'1.0 だg'2.0 そa'2.0 らa'2.0 りょd'1.0 おe'1.0 てe'1.0 でe'1.0 おd'1.0 おfis'1.0 っg'1.0 てg'1.0 あg'1.0 きf'0.5 かg'0.5 ぜg'1.0 あg'0.25 びa'0.25 てg'0.25 ゆg'0.25 っa'1.0 くc''1.0 りbes'1.0 ねa'0.25 むais'0.25 ろbes'0.25 おbes'0.25 あbes'1.0 すc''0.5 わbes'0.5 きa'1.0 っg'0.5 とg'0.5 いa'1.0 いfis'1.0 ひg'1.0 にbes'0.25 なa'0.25 るg'0.5 "
32779115先のこと / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/08/29 Thu 19:37:05" + filename,779115-NVgG + div,16 + mainid,779114-VaYx + title,先のこと + title,先のこと + title,先のこと + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,50 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,16 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_0oq7iq.har + 3:inst,16 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"fss 0.39" + 4:second_highest,76 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,16 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:second_voice,99 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.39" + 5:second_highest,69 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 5:highest,74 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_syhijt.har + 5:inst,20 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 5:second_voice,12 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_syhijt.har + 6:inst,16 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,18 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,16 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,19 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"mmi 0.52" + 10:second_highest,77 + 10:highest,68 + 10:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_lj2hit.har + 10:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_lj2hit.har + 10:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_lj2hit.har + 10:inst,2 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 10:second_voice,102 + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 11:second_highest,46 + 11:highest,68 + 11:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_1i5avt.har + 11:inst,2 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 11:second_voice,38 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,4 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 13:second_highest,65 + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 13:highest,68 + 13:inst,2 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 13:second_voice,85 + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,2 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,2 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + 16:voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:second_highest,71 + 16:highest,74 + 16:inst,2 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 16:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 5:noteseq,"p-0.5 いe'0.5 ずg'0.5 れc''1.0 のg'1.0 っa'0.75 みg'1.25 ちgisis'0.5 にa'2.5 まd'0.5 がe'0.5 りd'1.0 てc'1.0 っc'0.75 ゆc'1.25 かd'0.5 んc'2.5 っg'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'2.0 っg'2.0 っa'3.0 " + 10:noteseq,"p-0.5 っf'0.25 なes'0.25 かas'1.5 まf'0.5 たes'0.25 ちdes'0.25 がdes'0.25 っdes'0.75 つdes'0.5 どes'0.5 おdes'1.0 よc'0.25 かdes'0.25 んes'1.5 っes'0.25 さges'0.25 いf'0.25 ごes'0.25 のes'0.25 ばbes0.75 んc'0.5 さdis'0.5 んes'1.0 っbis0.25 やc'0.25 がdes'1.5 てdes'0.75 っes'0.25 わdes'0.25 かf'0.75 れes'0.5 がdes'1.5 うc'0.25 ごdes'0.25 めes'1.5 くbes0.5 っbes0.25 きes'0.25 んdes'0.25 のes'0.75 まf'0.5 りょes'0.5 くes'0.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っc''0.25 っa'0.25 っf''1.5 っas'0.25 っas'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.75 つf'0.5 どges'0.5 おf'1.0 っf'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'1.5 っbes'0.25 さbes'0.25 いas'0.25 ごges'0.25 のf'0.25 ばges'0.25 bes'0.5 んas'0.5 さas'0.5 んas'1.0 っas'0.25 やas'0.25 がas'1.5 てbes'0.75 っbes'0.25 わas'0.25 かdes''0.75 れbes'0.5 がbes'1.5 うas'0.25 ごais'0.25 めbes'1.5 くas'0.5 っbes'0.25 きbes'0.25 んas'0.25 のbes'0.75 まc''0.5 りょgis'0.5 くas'0.5 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っas,0.5 bes,1.5 as,0.5 しas,0.5 てas,0.5 っfis,0.5 くfis,0.5 だfis,0.5 るfis,0.5 わfis,0.5 っfis,0.5 bes,1.0 っbes,0.5 as,0.5 ごas,0.5 のas,0.5 っfis,0.5 しfis,0.5 んfis,0.5 ぱfis,0.5 んfis,0.5 っfis,0.5 bes,1.0 なbes,0.5 as,0.5 たas,0.5 わas,0.5 っfis,0.5 どfis,0.5 ちfis,0.5 らfis,0.5 えfis,0.5 っfis,0.5 bes,1.0 っbes,0.5 as,0.5 しas,0.5 もas,0.5 っfis,0.5 どfis,0.5 ちfis,0.5 らfis,0.5 かfis,0.5 "
33778941私立筑摩学園高等学校 校歌 / 作詞:自動作詞(ChatGPT)/作曲:tao_hirotime,"2024/08/27 Tue 23:58:36" + proto,proto/@shamisen + filename,778941-HeUk + div,7 + mainid,778940-hbNs + title,私立筑摩学園高等学校 校歌 + title,私立筑摩学園高等学校 校歌 + title,私立筑摩学園高等学校 校歌 + name,作詞:自動作詞(ChatGPT)/作曲:tao_hiro + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,0 + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,0 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,0 + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"fss 0.5" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,0 + 2:second_melody,harmonic + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"fss 0.5" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:second_voice,0 + 4:second_melody,harmonic + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,0 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"fss 0.5" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,0 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:second_voice,0 + 6:second_melody,harmonic + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,0 + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,0 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:second_voice,0 + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + uid,10011 + 4:noteseq,"ゆc'0.25 うe'0.25 じょg'0.25 おg'0.25 のg'0.5 みg'0.25 ちa'0.25 しb'0.5 るc''0.25 べd''0.25 っc''0.25 とa'0.25 もg'0.25 にa'0.25 すc'0.5 すd'0.25 みe'0.25 っg'1.0 とg'0.25 りgisis'0.25 ごa'0.25 えa'0.25 のg'0.5 みg'0.25 ねa'0.25 にg'0.5 っe'0.5 ゆb'0.25 めc''0.25 おa'0.25 えg'0.25 がa'0.5 きe'0.5 っe'1.0 かe'0.25 ぜf'0.25 のe'0.25 さd'0.25 さe'0.5 やe'0.25 きe'0.25 っe'0.5 ちょe'0.5 おd'0.25 わc'0.25 おc'0.25 まb0.25 なc'0.5 びe'0.5 っe'1.0 なe'0.25 かc''0.25 まc''0.25 とb'0.25 とc''0.5 もd''0.25 にg'0.25 っg'0.25 きょd'0.25 おe'0.25 ちょg'0.25 おa'0.25 のc''0.25 はb'0.25 なc''0.25 さc''0.5 かc''0.25 さd''0.25 んc''1.0 " + 2:second_noteseq,"けg'0.25 えe'0.25 てc'0.25 んg0.25 のg0.75 こg0.25 こe'0.75 ろe'0.25 っa0.25 むa0.25 ねa0.25 にc'0.25 いa0.5 だc'0.25 きg0.25 っg1.0 しg0.25 らd'0.25 ふc'0.25 じg0.25 のg0.75 なe'0.25 がg'0.75 れg'0.25 っc'0.25 きa0.25 よf'0.25 らbis0.25 かc'0.75 にc'0.25 っg'1.0 みg'0.25 らe'0.25 いe'0.25 おe'0.25 ひe'0.75 らg'0.25 くe'0.75 っd'0.25 ちa0.25 かc'0.25 らa'0.25 おc'0.25 えc'0.75 てg0.25 っe'1.0 わe'0.25 かc'0.25 きc'0.25 こc'0.25 こd'0.75 ろg0.25 よg0.75 っd'0.25 じb0.25 りc'0.25 つc'0.25 おc'0.25 ちc'0.5 かe'0.25 わg'0.25 んc'1.0 " + 4:second_noteseq,"ゆa0.25 うc'0.25 じょe'0.25 おe'0.25 のe'0.5 みe'0.25 ちg'0.25 しg'0.75 るg'0.25 べa'0.25 っc'0.25 とc'0.25 もa0.25 にa0.5 すg0.25 すc'0.25 みc'0.5 っc'0.5 とc'0.25 りe'0.25 ごe'0.25 えe'0.25 のe'0.75 みe'0.25 ねg'0.75 にe'0.25 っd'0.25 ゆc'0.25 めf'0.25 おbis0.25 えc'0.5 がd'0.25 きc'0.25 っc'1.0 かc'0.25 ぜg'0.25 のg'0.25 さe'0.25 さg'0.75 やg'0.25 きg'0.75 っg'0.25 ちょa'0.25 おc'0.25 わa0.25 おa0.25 まa0.5 なc'0.25 びc'0.25 っc'1.0 なc'0.25 かe'0.25 まg'0.25 とe'0.25 とe'0.5 もg'0.25 にe'0.25 っg0.25 きょg0.5 おe'0.25 ちょg'0.25 おa'0.25 のd'0.25 はc'0.25 なdisis'0.5 さe'0.25 かg'0.25 さg'0.5 んc'0.5 "
34778804らいちゃんの尺八人生2 / らいちゃんuid,3855 + time,"2024/08/26 Mon 13:40:38" + filename,778804-3QSL + div,9 + title,らいちゃんの尺八人生2 + title,らいちゃんの尺八人生2 + title,らいちゃんの尺八人生2 + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,25 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,25 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,18 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero7.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:inst,18 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero7.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:inst,25 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kimionosete1ss.rhy + 6:highest,74 + 7:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_pivl4x.har + 7:inst,25 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz1.perc + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_pivl4x.har + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz2.perc + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 8:highest,74 + 9:inst,25 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst
35778775君と / kanzotime,"2024/08/25 Sun 23:06:14" + filename,778775-FywL + div,8 + title,君と + title,君と + title,君と + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import,280944 + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,6 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,6 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,6 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 3:highest,74 + 4:inst,6 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 4:highest,74 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_hb1wxi.har + 5:inst,6 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 5:highest,74 + 6:inst,6 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 6:highest,74 + 7:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_hb1wxi.har + 7:inst,6 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 7:highest,74 + 8:inst,6 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + uid,17561
36778768一足先に漢を終えた友の為に / kanzotime,"2024/08/25 Sun 22:23:00" + filename,778768-AQJp + div,8 + title,一足先に漢を終えた友の為に + title,一足先に漢を終えた友の為に + title,一足先に漢を終えた友の為に + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import,733211 + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,52 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,42 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.52" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,112 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"mmi 0.52" + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 3:highest,74 + 4:inst,33 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.52" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,34 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"mmi 0.52" + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 5:highest,74 + 6:inst,35 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.52" + 6:highest,74 + 7:inst,47 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"mmi 0.52" + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 7:highest,74 + 8:inst,2 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + uid,17561
37778667惑星スカイ / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/08/24 Sat 15:41:20" + filename,778667-x0pn + div,13 + mainid,778666-KGXV + title,惑星スカイ + title,惑星スカイ + title,惑星スカイ + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,50 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,19 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 3:second_highest,67 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 3:highest,69 + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz1.perc + 3:second_voice,55 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 4:second_highest,67 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,69 + 4:inst,4 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 4:second_voice,54 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,103 + 5:second_highest,58 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/namidasoso.dat + 5:highest,69 + 5:inst,4 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 5:second_voice,125 + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,1 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 7:second_highest,77 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternK32fixed.dat + 7:highest,73 + 7:inst,1 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 7:second_voice,73 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternK32fixed.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.39" + 8:second_highest,73 + 8:highest,73 + 8:inst,102 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 8:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_qhpwi8.har + 9:inst,1 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 10:second_highest,73 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 10:highest,73 + 10:inst,2 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 10:second_voice,42 + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,40 + 11:second_highest,53 + 11:highest,73 + 11:inst,0 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 11:second_voice,66 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,1 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_sdoral.har + 13:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_sdoral.har + 13:inst,0 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 4:noteseq,"そd'0.5 おc'0.5 ほbes0.5 おbes0.5 にbes0.25 っc'0.25 おd'0.25 おc'0.25 きc'0.5 なc'0.5 だd'0.5 めc'0.5 えc'0.5 じbes0.5 しbes0.5 れc'0.5 つd'0.5 おes'0.5 きd'0.25 わes'0.25 めd'0.25 るc'0.25 っc'0.5 あc'0.5 らd'0.5 そd'0.5 いd'1.0 けbes0.5 えc'0.5 せbes0.5 えbes0.5 がbes0.25 っc'0.25 きbes0.25 まc'0.25 りd'0.5 かd'0.5 けc'0.5 てbes0.5 くc'0.5 るbes0.5 やbes0.5 がbis0.5 てc'0.5 っd'0.5 そc'0.25 のd'0.25 とc'0.25 きc'0.25 がbes0.5 っbes0.5 っd'0.5 っbes0.5 っbes1.0 " + 7:noteseq,"たf'1.0 おg'0.5 さas'1.0 れf'1.0 たas'0.5 っc''1.0 もas'1.0 のc''2.0 なc''1.0 んbes'0.5 おc''1.0 もdes''0.5 っc''0.5 てc''0.5 っc''1.0 いc''1.0 るdes''1.0 のc''0.5 かc''0.5 のbes'1.0 こc''0.5 さc''1.0 れbes'1.0 たg'0.5 っas'1.0 もf'1.0 のas'2.0 なbes'1.0 んas'0.5 おbes'1.0 もdes''0.5 っeis'0.5 てf'0.5 っf'1.0 いf'1.0 るg'1.0 のdisis'0.5 かe'0.5 " + 11:noteseq,"あf'0.5 あas'0.25 あbes'0.75 っbes'0.5 あbes'1.5 あf'0.5 あbes'2.0 あes'2.0 あes'0.5 あf'0.25 あg'0.75 っbis'0.5 あc''1.5 あg'0.5 あas'2.0 あf'2.0 あc''0.5 あbes'0.25 あc''0.75 あbes'0.5 あc''0.75 あbes'0.75 っas'0.5 あbes'1.5 あes'0.5 あes'0.25 " + 5:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あf0.5 あbes1.5 あbes1.5 あg0.5 あg0.25 あg0.75 あg0.25 あfis0.5 あfis0.25 っfis0.5 っbes1.5 っbes1.5 あf0.5 あg0.25 あf0.75 あf0.25 あbes0.5 あbes0.25 あbes0.5 あbes1.5 あg1.5 あf0.5 あg0.25 あf0.75 あes0.25 あd0.75 " + 7:second_noteseq,"たas'1.0 おc''0.5 さc''1.0 れas'1.0 たas'0.5 もf'2.0 のas'2.0 っas'1.0 っf'0.5 っf'1.0 っas'1.0 っf'0.5 っf'1.0 いf'1.0 るas'1.0 のg'0.5 かas'0.5 のg'1.0 こdis''0.5 さes''1.0 れc''1.0 たc''0.5 もc''2.0 のf''2.0 っf''1.0 っbes'0.5 っf'1.0 っbes'1.0 っf'0.5 っc''1.0 いc''1.0 るe''1.0 のdes''0.5 かc''0.5 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p4.5 っes0.5 っes0.5 っes0.25 あes0.25 あes0.5 あes0.5 あes1.5 f0.25 c3.25 f,0.5 あf,0.5 あf,0.5 あf,0.25 あf,0.25 あf0.5 あf0.5 あbisis1.0 bes,3.5 っbes,0.5 es0.5 っes0.25 っes0.25 あes0.5 あes0.25 あes0.25 あf0.5 あes0.5 あes1.0 "
38778294赤い蝋燭 / "作新美南吉 作曲クーマー"time,"2024/08/20 Tue 16:58:37" + filename,778294-7teb + div,24 + mainid,778286-D4J7 + title,赤い蝋燭 + title,赤い蝋燭 + title,赤い蝋燭 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,91 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,110 + 2:second_highest,74 + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,25 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 2:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,110 + 3:second_highest,74 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,25 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 3:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,110 + 4:second_highest,74 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,25 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 4:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,110 + 5:second_highest,74 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 5:melody,harmonic + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 5:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,110 + 6:second_highest,74 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 6:melody,harmonic + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,25 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll2.perc + 6:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,110 + 7:second_highest,74 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:melody,harmonic + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,25 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 7:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,110 + 8:second_highest,74 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,91 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk2.perc + 8:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,110 + 9:second_highest,74 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,25 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 9:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,110 + 10:second_highest,74 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,25 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 10:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,110 + 11:second_highest,74 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,25 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 11:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,110 + 12:second_highest,74 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 12:melody,harmonic + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,25 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 12:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,110 + 13:second_highest,74 + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 13:melody,harmonic + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,25 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll2.perc + 13:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,110 + 14:second_highest,74 + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 14:melody,harmonic + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,25 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 14:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 14:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 14:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 14:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:voice,110 + 15:second_highest,74 + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,91 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk3.perc + 15:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 15:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 15:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 15:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,110 + 16:second_highest,74 + 16:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 16:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 16:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 16:highest,74 + 16:inst,25 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 16:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 16:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 16:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 16:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:voice,110 + 17:second_highest,74 + 17:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 17:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 17:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 17:highest,74 + 17:inst,25 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 17:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 17:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 17:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 17:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 18:voice,110 + 18:second_highest,74 + 18:highest,74 + 18:inst,25 + 18:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 18:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 18:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 19:voice,110 + 19:second_highest,74 + 19:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 19:melody,harmonic + 19:highest,74 + 19:inst,25 + 19:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 19:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 19:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 19:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 20:voice,110 + 20:second_highest,74 + 20:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 20:melody,harmonic + 20:highest,74 + 20:inst,25 + 20:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll2.perc + 20:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 20:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 20:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 21:voice,110 + 21:second_highest,74 + 21:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 21:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 21:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 21:melody,harmonic + 21:highest,74 + 21:inst,25 + 21:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 21:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 21:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 21:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 21:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 21:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 22:voice,110 + 22:second_highest,74 + 22:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 22:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 22:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 22:highest,74 + 22:inst,91 + 22:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 22:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 22:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk2.perc + 22:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 22:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 22:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 22:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 22:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 23:voice,110 + 23:second_highest,74 + 23:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 23:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 23:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 23:highest,74 + 23:inst,25 + 23:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 23:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 23:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 23:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 23:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 23:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 24:voice,"fss 0.35" + 24:second_highest,71 + 24:highest,74 + 24:inst,25 + 24:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 24:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 24:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 24:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 24:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 24:mode,inst + uid,17770 + 2:noteseq,"やgis'0.25 まb'0.5 かgis'0.25 らe'0.75 さe'0.75 とfis'0.5 のe'0.25 ほfis'0.5 おe'0.25 えe'2.0 あe'0.25 そfis'0.5 びgis'0.25 にgis'0.75 いe'0.75 っfis'0.5 たe'0.25 さcis''0.5 るb'0.25 がcis''2.0 いb'0.25 っcis''0.5 ぽb'0.25 んgis'0.75 のe'0.5 あfis'0.25 かgis'0.5 いcis''0.25 ろb'0.5 おcis''0.25 そcis''1.0 くb'0.5 おcis''0.5 ひe'0.75 ろfis'0.25 いfis'1.5 まfis'0.5 しfis'1.0 たfis'2.0 " + 3:noteseq,"あe'0.25 かfis'0.5 いgis'0.25 ろgis'0.75 おb'0.75 そb'0.5 くa'0.25 わgis'0.5 たfis'0.25 くgis'1.0 さa'0.5 んgis'0.5 あa'0.25 るgis'0.5 もfis'0.25 のgis'0.75 でfis'0.75 わgis'0.5 あa'0.25 りgis'0.5 まfis'0.25 せfis'1.0 んe'1.0 そe'0.25 れfis'0.5 でe'0.25 さfis'0.5 るe'0.25 わfis'0.5 あe'0.25 かfis'0.5 いgis'0.25 ろfis'0.5 おgis'0.25 そgis'1.0 くfis'0.5 おgis'0.5 はa'0.25 なgis'0.25 びfis'0.25 だgis'0.25 とfis'0.5 おe'0.25 もfis'0.5 いfis'0.25 こgis'0.5 んfis'0.25 でfis'0.25 しe'0.25 まfis'0.25 いfis'1.0 まfis'0.25 しgis'0.25 たfis'0.5 " + 4:noteseq,"さe'0.25 るdis'0.25 わe'0.25 ひdis'0.25 ろe'0.75 っfis'0.25 たe'0.5 あfis'0.5 かgis'0.25 いgis'0.25 ろfis'0.25 おgis'0.25 そa'0.5 くgis'0.5 おgis'1.0 だgis'0.25 いb'0.25 じcis''0.25 にcis''0.25 やb'0.5 まcis''0.25 えb'0.25 もcis''0.5 っb'0.5 てais'0.25 かgis'0.25 えfis'0.25 りfis'0.25 まfis'0.5 しfis'0.5 たfis'1.0 やfis'0.25 まgis'0.25 でfis'0.25 わfis'0.25 たe'0.5 いfis'0.25 へgis'0.25 んa'0.5 なgis'0.25 さa'0.25 わgis'0.25 ぎgis'0.25 にgis'0.25 なa'0.25 りgis'0.5 まgis'0.25 しgis'0.25 たgis'1.0 なfis'0.25 にe'0.25 しe'0.25 ろe'0.25 はe'0.75 なcis'0.25 びcis'0.5 なcis'0.5 どdis'0.25 とe'0.25 ゆfis'0.25 うgis'0.25 もfis'0.5 のgis'0.5 わfis'1.0 " + 5:noteseq,"しe'0.25 かgis'0.25 にb'0.25 しgis'0.25 てb'0.5 もfis'0.25 しb'0.25 しfis'0.5 にb'0.25 しfis'0.25 てb'0.25 もgis'0.25 うcis'0.25 さe'0.25 ぎgis'0.5 にb'0.5 しgis'0.5 てb'0.25 もgis'0.25 かe'0.5 めcis'0.5 にe'0.5 しgis'0.5 てb'0.5 もfis'0.5 いfis'0.25 たcis''0.25 ちcis''0.25 にfis'0.25 しcis'0.5 てgis'0.5 もfis'1.0 たgis'0.5 ぬe'0.25 きe'0.25 にb'0.5 しfis'0.5 てb'0.5 もfis'0.5 きe'0.25 つgis'0.25 ねb'0.25 にgis'0.25 しe'0.5 てb'0.5 もgis'1.0 まe'0.25 だcis'0.25 いfis'0.25 ちcis''0.25 どfis'0.5 もfis'0.5 みb'0.5 たfis'0.5 こgis'0.25 とb'0.25 がgis'0.25 あb'0.25 りgis'0.5 まe'0.5 せgis'0.5 んe'0.5 " + 6:noteseq,"そe'1.0 のgis'0.5 はb'0.5 なfis'0.5 びfis'0.5 おb'0.5 さgis'0.25 るe'0.25 がgis'2.0 ひcis'0.25 ろe'0.25 っcis''0.25 てe'0.25 きcis''0.5 たb'0.5 とgis'0.5 ゆgis'0.5 うcis''0.25 のfis'0.25 でcis''0.25 あa'0.25 りgis'0.5 まfis'0.5 すb'1.0 ほgis'1.0 おb'1.0 すfis'0.5 ばgis'0.5 らgis'0.5 しb'0.5 いgis'2.0 こe'1.0 れgis'0.5 わfis'0.5 すfis'0.5 てb'0.5 きb'0.5 なgis'0.25 もe'0.25 のgis'1.0 だe'1.0 " + 7:noteseq,"しgis'0.25 かb'0.5 やgis'0.25 しb'0.75 しfis'0.75 やb'0.5 うe'0.25 さgis'0.5 ぎb'0.25 やgis'2.0 かe'0.25 めcis'0.5 やa'0.25 いgis'0.75 たb'0.75 ちb'0.5 やcis''0.25 たa'0.5 ぬgis'0.25 きfis'1.0 やb'1.0 きgis'0.25 つb'0.5 ねb'0.25 がgis'0.5 おb'0.25 しfis'0.5 あb'0.25 いb'0.5 えe'0.25 しcis'0.5 あgis'0.25 いb'1.0 しgis'0.5 てb'0.5 あe'0.25 かb'0.5 いcis''0.25 ろe'0.5 おgis'0.25 そa'0.5 くgis'0.25 おfis'0.5 のe'0.25 ぞgis'0.5 きb'0.25 まgis'1.0 しb'0.5 たe'0.5 " + 8:noteseq,"すe'0.25 るe'0.5 とe'0.25 さe'0.5 るe'0.25 がe'0.5 あfis'0.25 ぶgis'0.5 なgis'0.25 いgis'0.5 あfis'0.25 ぶgis'1.0 なgis'0.5 いgis'0.5 そgis'0.25 んb'0.5 なb'0.25 にa'0.5 ちgis'0.25 かb'0.5 よb'0.25 っb'0.5 てa'0.25 わgis'0.5 いfis'0.25 けgis'1.0 なgis'0.5 いgis'0.5 ばgis'0.25 くb'0.5 はb'0.25 つb'0.5 すb'0.25 るcis''0.5 かb'0.25 らb'0.5 とb'0.25 いgis'0.5 いa'0.25 まgis'1.0 しgis'0.5 たfis'0.5 みe'0.25 んfis'0.25 なgis'0.25 わe'0.25 おfis'0.5 どgis'0.25 ろb'0.5 いa'0.25 てgis'0.5 しfis'0.25 りgis'0.25 ごa'0.25 みgis'0.25 しe'1.0 まgis'0.25 しgis'0.25 たe'0.5 " + 9:noteseq,"そgis'0.25 こb'0.25 でgis'0.25 さb'0.25 るa'0.5 わgis'0.25 はa'0.5 なgis'0.25 びfis'0.5 とe'0.25 ゆe'0.5 うfis'0.25 もe'1.0 のfis'0.5 がe'0.5 どgis'0.25 んe'0.25 なe'0.25 にe'0.25 おb'0.25 おa'0.25 きgis'0.25 なgis'0.5 おfis'0.25 とgis'0.5 おe'0.25 しdis'0.25 てe'0.25 とdis'0.25 びe'1.0 だfis'0.25 すe'0.25 かfis'0.5 そe'0.25 しfis'0.25 てgis'0.25 どgis'0.25 んe'0.25 なe'0.25 にe'0.25 うfis'0.5 つgis'0.25 くgis'0.25 しgis'0.25 くfis'0.25 そe'0.25 らfis'0.25 にe'0.25 ひcis'1.0 ろdis'0.25 がe'0.25 るfis'0.25 かe'0.25 みe'0.25 んfis'0.5 なgis'0.25 にfis'0.5 はfis'0.25 なgis'0.5 しfis'0.25 てgis'0.5 きfis'0.25 かgis'0.5 せfis'0.25 まb'1.0 しb'0.5 たb'0.5 " + 10:noteseq,"そcis'0.25 んdis'0.25 なe'0.25 にe'0.25 うdis'0.5 つe'0.25 くe'0.25 しfis'0.25 いe'0.25 もdis'0.25 のe'0.25 なcis'0.25 らbis0.25 みcis'0.25 たbis0.25 いbis0.5 もbis0.25 のcis'0.25 だbis0.5 とbis0.5 みcis'0.75 んdis'0.25 なe'1.0 わcis'1.0 おe'0.25 もfis'0.25 いe'0.25 まfis'0.25 しfis'1.0 たfis'1.0 そfis'0.25 れgis'0.25 なfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 こe'0.5 んfis'0.25 ばfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 やfis'0.25 まgis'0.25 のa'0.25 てgis'0.25 っb'0.25 ぺb'0.25 んa'0.25 にgis'0.5 いgis'0.25 っa'0.25 てgis'1.0 あcis'0.25 そdis'0.25 こe'0.25 でe'0.25 うdis'0.5 ちe'0.25 あe'0.25 げfis'0.25 てe'0.25 みfis'0.25 よe'0.25 おdis'0.25 とe'0.25 さfis'0.25 るe'0.25 がfis'0.25 いe'0.25 いfis'0.25 まfis'0.25 しgis'0.5 たfis'0.5 " + 11:noteseq,"みcis'0.25 んdis'0.25 なe'0.25 わcis'0.25 たcis'0.75 いdis'0.25 へe'0.5 んe'0.5 よfis'0.25 ろgis'0.25 こgis'0.25 びfis'0.25 まgis'0.5 しgis'0.5 たgis'1.0 よgis'0.25 るfis'0.25 のgis'0.25 そfis'0.25 らgis'0.5 にgis'0.25 ほfis'0.25 しgis'0.5 おgis'0.5 ふfis'0.25 りgis'0.25 まais'0.25 くgis'0.25 よais'0.5 おgis'0.5 にais'1.0 ぱa'0.25 あbisis'0.25 っcis''0.25 とcis''0.25 ひb'0.5 ろcis''0.25 がcis''0.25 るcis''0.5 はb'0.25 なa'0.25 びgis'0.25 おgis'0.25 めgis'0.25 にfis'0.25 うgis'0.5 かb'0.25 べb'0.25 てb'1.0 みa'0.5 んbisis'0.25 なcis''0.25 わe'1.0 うe'0.5 っfis'0.5 とfis'0.25 りe'0.25 しdis'0.25 まe'0.25 しfis'1.0 たfis'1.0 " + 12:noteseq,"さb'1.0 てgis'0.5 よb'0.5 るfis'0.5 にb'0.5 なe'0.5 りcis'0.25 まgis'0.25 しb'1.0 たgis'1.0 みcis'1.0 んe'0.5 なb'0.5 わgis'0.5 むgis'0.5 ねcis''0.25 おfis'0.25 おcis'0.25 どfis'0.25 らgis'0.5 せfis'0.5 てb'1.0 やgis'0.25 まb'0.25 のgis'0.25 てe'0.25 っgis'0.5 ぺb'0.5 んfis'0.5 にb'0.5 やe'0.25 っb'0.25 てgis'0.25 きb'0.25 まgis'0.5 しgis'0.5 たgis'1.0 " + 13:noteseq,"さb'0.5 るgis'0.5 わb'0.5 もfis'0.5 おb'0.5 あfis'0.5 かgis'0.25 いb'0.25 ろe'0.25 おgis'0.25 そb'0.5 くgis'0.5 おb'1.0 きe'1.0 のcis'0.5 えgis'0.5 だb'0.5 にgis'0.5 くe'0.5 くges'0.25 りfis'0.25 つfis'0.5 けfis'0.5 てdis'1.0 みe'0.25 んgis'0.25 なb'0.25 のgis'0.25 くb'0.5 るfis'0.5 のb'0.5 おfis'0.5 まb'0.25 っgis'0.25 てb'0.25 いe'0.25 まgis'0.5 しb'0.5 たgis'1.0 " + 14:noteseq,"いgis'0.25 よb'0.5 いgis'0.25 よfis'0.75 こfis'0.75 れb'0.5 かe'0.25 らgis'0.5 はb'0.25 なgis'1.0 びgis'0.5 おgis'0.5 うcis'0.25 ちe'0.5 あe'0.25 げgis'0.75 るb'0.5 こgis'0.25 とb'0.5 にe'0.25 なe'0.5 りcis'0.25 まfis'1.0 しfis'0.5 たb'0.5 しgis'0.25 かb'0.25 しgis'0.25 こe'0.25 まb'0.5 っfis'0.25 たb'0.5 こfis'0.25 とb'0.5 がe'0.25 でgis'0.5 きb'0.25 まgis'1.0 しgis'0.5 たgis'0.5 " + 15:noteseq,"とgis'0.25 もe'0.25 おgis'0.25 しe'0.25 まfis'0.5 すgis'0.25 のgis'0.5 わgis'0.25 だa'0.5 れgis'0.25 もgis'0.5 はa'0.25 なgis'1.0 びgis'0.5 にgis'0.5 ひe'0.25 おgis'0.25 つgis'0.25 けa'0.25 よgis'0.5 おgis'0.25 とgis'0.5 しfis'0.25 なgis'0.5 かgis'0.25 っb'0.25 たe'0.25 かe'0.25 らe'1.0 でe'0.5 すfis'0.5 みe'0.25 んfis'0.25 なgis'0.25 はgis'0.25 なgis'0.25 びgis'0.25 おb'0.25 みa'0.5 るgis'0.25 こfis'0.5 とgis'0.25 わfis'0.25 すgis'0.25 きa'0.25 でgis'1.0 しfis'0.25 たe'0.25 がgis'0.5 ひgis'0.25 おa'0.25 つgis'0.25 けa'0.25 にgis'0.25 いgis'0.25 くb'0.25 こb'0.25 とcis''0.25 わb'0.25 すgis'0.25 きa'0.25 でgis'0.25 なa'0.25 かgis'0.25 っe'0.25 たe'0.25 のfis'0.25 でgis'0.5 あgis'0.25 りfis'0.25 まe'0.25 すe'0.25 " + 16:noteseq,"こe'0.25 れgis'0.5 でb'0.25 わgis'0.5 はfis'0.25 なgis'0.5 びfis'0.25 わe'0.5 あdis'0.25 がe'0.5 りfis'0.25 まe'1.0 せe'0.5 んa'0.5 そgis'0.25 こb'0.25 でgis'0.25 くfis'0.25 じe'0.25 おgis'0.25 ひgis'0.25 いa'0.5 てgis'0.25 ひfis'0.25 おgis'0.25 つe'0.25 けfis'0.25 にe'0.25 いdis'0.25 くe'1.0 もe'0.25 のfis'0.25 おe'0.5 きe'0.25 めfis'0.5 るgis'0.25 こgis'0.75 とa'0.75 にgis'0.5 なfis'0.25 りe'0.5 まe'0.25 しe'1.0 たe'1.0 だe'0.25 いfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 ちgis'0.25 にfis'0.25 あe'0.25 たfis'0.25 っgis'0.5 たfis'0.25 もe'0.25 のfis'0.25 わfis'0.25 かb'0.25 めb'0.25 でfis'0.25 あfis'1.0 りe'0.25 まfis'0.25 しb'0.25 たb'0.25 " + 17:noteseq,"かgis'0.25 めfis'0.5 わgis'0.25 げgis'0.75 んfis'0.75 きe'0.5 おfis'0.25 だgis'0.5 しfis'0.25 てgis'2.0 はgis'0.25 なfis'0.25 びe'0.25 のe'0.25 ほfis'0.5 おe'0.25 えdis'0.5 やe'0.25 っfis'0.5 てfis'0.25 いgis'0.5 きa'0.25 まgis'1.0 しgis'0.5 たfis'0.5 だe'0.25 がe'0.5 うdis'0.25 まe'0.75 くdis'0.5 ひe'0.25 おfis'0.5 つgis'0.25 けa'0.5 るgis'0.25 こgis'1.0 とb'0.5 がfis'0.5 でfis'0.75 きgis'0.25 たfis'1.5 でfis'0.5 しょfis'0.75 おgis'0.25 かfis'2.0 " + 18:noteseq,"いcis'1.0 えe'2.0 いbis1.0 えgis'2.0 かgis'0.25 めfis'0.25 わgis'0.25 はa'0.25 なgis'1.0 びgis'0.5 のgis'0.5 そais'0.25 ばgis'0.25 まfis'0.25 でfis'0.25 くgis'0.5 るfis'0.5 とfis'1.0 くfis'0.25 びgis'0.25 がfis'0.25 しfis'0.25 ぜgis'0.5 んa'0.25 にgis'0.25 ひfis'0.5 っgis'0.5 こgis'0.25 んfis'0.25 でgis'0.25 しfis'0.25 まgis'0.5 っgis'0.5 てgis'1.0 でfis'0.25 てe'0.25 こfis'0.25 なe'0.25 かe'1.0 っe'0.5 たe'0.5 のdis'0.25 でe'0.25 あfis'0.25 りe'0.25 まfis'0.5 しfis'0.5 たfis'1.0 " + 19:noteseq,"そgis'1.0 こb'0.5 でfis'0.5 くb'0.5 じfis'0.5 がb'0.25 まgis'0.25 たb'0.25 ひgis'0.25 かb'0.5 れgis'0.5 てb'1.0 こe'0.25 んcis''0.25 どe'0.25 わcis''0.25 いe'0.5 たb'0.5 ちgis'0.5 がb'0.25 いgis'0.25 くcis''0.25 こfis'0.25 とcis''0.25 にfis'0.25 なcis''0.5 りb'0.5 まfis'0.5 しfis'0.25 たb'0.25 " + 20:noteseq,"いe'0.25 たgis'0.25 ちgis'0.25 わgis'0.25 かb'0.5 めfis'0.5 よfis'0.5 りb'0.25 わfis'0.25 いe'0.25 くgis'0.25 ぶgis'0.25 んb'0.25 まgis'0.5 しb'0.5 でgis'0.5 しb'0.25 たgis'0.25 とe'0.5 ゆcis'0.5 うe'0.5 のgis'0.5 わb'0.5 くgis'0.5 びcis''0.25 おfis'0.25 ひcis'0.25 っfis'0.25 こfis'0.5 めfis'0.5 てdis'1.0 しe'0.5 まgis'0.25 わb'0.25 なgis'0.5 かb'0.5 っb'0.5 たfis'0.5 かgis'0.25 らb'0.25 でgis'0.25 あb'0.25 りgis'0.5 まgis'0.5 すgis'1.0 " + 21:noteseq,"しgis'0.25 かb'0.25 しgis'0.25 いe'0.25 たgis'0.25 ちgis'0.25 わb'0.25 ひfis'0.5 どb'0.25 いfis'0.25 きfis'0.25 んb'0.25 がgis'0.25 んe'0.25 でgis'0.25 あb'1.0 りgis'0.25 まgis'0.25 しb'0.25 たgis'0.25 だe'0.25 かcis'0.25 らe'0.25 ろcis'0.25 おe'0.5 そb'0.25 くgis'0.5 のb'0.25 まgis'0.5 わcis''0.25 りcis''0.25 おfis'0.25 きょcis''0.25 ろfis'1.0 きょfis'0.25 ろfis'0.25 とdis'0.5 うe'0.25 ろgis'0.25 つgis'0.25 いb'0.25 てgis'0.5 いfis'0.25 るb'0.5 ばfis'0.25 かfis'0.5 りb'0.25 でgis'0.25 あb'0.25 りe'0.25 まgis'1.0 しb'0.5 たgis'0.5 とcis''0.25 おa'0.5 とgis'0.25 おfis'0.5 しa'0.25 しgis'0.5 がfis'0.25 とdis'0.5 びe'0.25 だgis'0.5 しe'0.25 まgis'1.0 しb'0.5 たe'0.5 " + 22:noteseq,"しgis'0.25 しe'0.25 わgis'0.25 まe'0.25 っfis'0.25 たgis'0.25 くgis'0.25 いfis'0.5 さgis'0.25 まgis'0.25 しgis'0.25 いe'0.25 けfis'0.25 だgis'0.25 もb'0.25 のb'1.0 でgis'0.25 しgis'0.25 たgis'0.5 しe'0.25 しfis'0.5 わgis'0.25 ほa'0.5 んgis'0.25 とgis'0.5 おgis'0.25 にe'0.5 やe'0.25 っfis'0.5 てe'0.25 いe'1.0 っfis'0.5 てe'0.5 ひe'0.25 おgis'0.5 つfis'0.25 けgis'0.75 てfis'0.75 しe'0.5 まfis'0.25 いgis'0.5 まgis'0.25 しgis'1.0 たgis'1.0 みe'0.25 んfis'0.25 なgis'0.25 わe'0.25 びe'0.25 っfis'0.25 くgis'0.25 りfis'0.5 しe'0.25 てfis'0.25 くe'0.25 さfis'0.25 むgis'0.25 らgis'0.25 にe'0.25 とe'1.0 びfis'0.25 こgis'0.25 みe'0.5 " + 23:noteseq,"みgis'0.25 みb'0.5 おgis'0.25 かe'0.75 たfis'0.75 くgis'0.5 ふb'0.25 さcis''0.5 ぎcis''0.25 まcis''1.0 しcis''0.5 たcis''0.5 みgis'0.25 みa'0.25 ばgis'0.25 かe'0.25 りe'0.25 でe'0.25 なa'0.25 くgis'0.5 めfis'0.25 もe'0.25 ふdis'0.25 さe'0.25 いcis''0.25 でe'0.25 しe'0.25 まcis''1.0 いcis''0.25 まe'0.25 しe'0.25 たfis'0.25 しgis'0.25 かa'0.25 しgis'0.25 ろgis'0.25 おb'0.5 そb'0.25 くa'0.5 わgis'0.25 ぽfis'0.5 んe'0.25 とfis'0.25 もe'0.25 いe'0.25 わcis''1.0 ずcis''0.5 にa'0.5 しgis'0.25 ずfis'0.25 かfis'0.25 にfis'0.25 もe'0.5 えfis'0.25 てgis'0.5 いfis'0.25 るgis'0.5 ばfis'0.25 かfis'0.5 りgis'0.25 でfis'1.0 しfis'0.5 たb'0.5 " + 2:second_noteseq,"やb'0.25 まcis''0.5 かb'0.25 らb'0.75 さb'0.75 とcis''0.5 のcis''0.25 ほcis''0.5 おb'0.25 えcis''2.0 あb'0.25 そcis''0.5 びb'0.25 にb'0.75 いb'0.75 っcis''0.5 たcis''0.25 さe'0.5 るdis'0.25 がe'2.0 いe'0.25 っgis'0.5 ぽe'0.25 んe'0.75 のe'0.5 あdis'0.25 かe'0.5 いe'0.25 ろdis'0.5 おe'0.25 そe'1.0 くdis'0.5 おe'0.5 ひb'0.75 ろcis''0.25 いb'1.5 まb'0.5 しb'1.0 たb'2.0 " + 3:second_noteseq,"あgis'0.25 かb'0.5 いb'0.25 ろe'0.75 おfis'0.75 そgis'0.5 くfis'0.25 わgis'0.5 たb'0.25 くb'1.0 さcis''0.5 んb'0.5 あfis'0.25 るe'0.5 もe'0.25 のcis''0.75 でgis'0.75 わcis''0.5 あcis''0.25 りb'0.5 まb'0.25 せb'1.0 んgis'1.0 そcis'0.25 れe'0.5 でcis''0.25 さcis''0.5 るb'0.25 わcis''0.5 あb'0.25 かcis''0.5 いb'0.25 ろgis'0.5 おb'0.25 そb'1.0 くa'0.5 おgis'0.5 はcis''0.25 なb'0.25 びcis''0.25 だcis''0.25 とcis''0.5 おb'0.25 もcis''0.5 いcis''0.25 こcis''0.5 んcis''0.25 でb'0.25 しb'0.25 まcis''0.25 いb'1.0 まb'0.25 しb'0.25 たb'0.5 " + 4:second_noteseq,"さcis''0.25 るe'0.25 わcis''0.25 ひb'0.25 ろcis''0.75 っcis''0.25 たcis''0.5 あb'0.5 かbis'0.25 いbis'0.25 ろbis'0.25 おcis''0.25 そbis'0.5 くe'0.5 おdis'1.0 だe'0.25 いgis'0.25 じgis'0.25 にgis'0.25 やfis'0.5 まgis'0.25 えfis'0.25 もgis'0.5 っfis'0.5 てfis'0.25 かfis'0.25 えcis'0.25 りcis'0.25 まcis'0.5 しcis'0.5 たcis'1.0 やfis'0.25 まcis''0.25 でgisis'0.25 わa'0.25 たgis'0.5 いa'0.25 へbisis'0.25 んcis''0.5 なcis''0.25 さcis''0.25 わb'0.25 ぎb'0.25 にb'0.25 なcis''0.25 りb'0.5 まb'0.25 しb'0.25 たb'1.0 なcis''0.25 にb'0.25 しcis''0.25 ろcis''0.25 はcis''0.75 なe'0.25 びe'0.5 なfis'0.5 どfis'0.25 とe'0.25 ゆdis'0.25 うe'0.25 もdis'0.5 のe'0.5 わdis'1.0 " + 5:second_noteseq,"しgis'0.25 かb'0.25 にe'0.25 しe'0.25 てfis'0.5 もfis'0.25 しgis'0.25 しfis'0.5 にfis'0.25 しfis'0.25 てgis'0.25 もgis'0.25 うfis'0.25 さgis'0.25 ぎgis'0.5 にgis'0.5 しb'0.5 てcis''0.25 もb'0.25 かa'0.5 めdes'0.5 にcis'0.5 しcis'0.5 てdis'0.5 もdes'0.5 いcis'0.25 たe'0.25 ちe'0.25 にe'0.25 しe'0.5 てfis'0.5 もb'1.0 たa'0.5 ぬgis'0.25 きfis'0.25 にe'0.5 しe'0.5 てfis'0.5 もfis'0.5 きcis'0.25 つdis'0.25 ねe'0.25 にe'0.25 しe'0.5 てfis'0.5 もfis'1.0 まgis'0.25 だfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 ちgis'0.25 どfis'0.5 もa'0.5 みgis'0.5 たfis'0.5 こe'0.25 とfis'0.25 がe'0.25 あfis'0.25 りe'0.5 まe'0.5 せe'0.5 んe'0.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"そgis'1.0 のb'0.5 はcis''0.5 なb'0.5 びb'0.5 おcis''0.5 さcis''0.25 るb'0.25 がb'2.0 ひa'0.25 ろbisis'0.25 っcis''0.25 てcis''0.25 きgis'0.5 たfis'0.5 とfis'0.5 ゆe'0.5 うfis'0.25 のfis'0.25 でfis'0.25 あfis'0.25 りe'0.5 まe'0.5 すfis'1.0 ほe'1.0 おfis'1.0 すfis'0.5 ばb'0.5 らcis''0.5 しcis''0.5 いb'2.0 こcis''1.0 れb'0.5 わb'0.5 すfis'0.5 てgis'0.5 きgis'0.5 なgis'0.25 もgis'0.25 のb'1.0 だgis'1.0 " + 7:second_noteseq,"しe'0.25 かgis'0.5 やgis'0.25 しgis'0.75 しfis'0.75 やfis'0.5 うgis'0.25 さb'0.5 ぎb'0.25 やb'2.0 かb'0.25 めa'0.5 やdisis'0.25 いe'0.75 たfis'0.75 ちfis'0.5 やfis'0.25 たfis'0.5 ぬe'0.25 きcis'1.0 やdis'1.0 きe'0.25 つgis'0.5 ねb'0.25 がb'0.5 おfis'0.25 しe'0.5 あfis'0.25 いcis'0.5 えcis'0.25 しcis'0.5 あdis'0.25 いe'1.0 しdis'0.5 てe'0.5 あe'0.25 かges'0.5 いfis'0.25 ろe'0.5 おb'0.25 そcis''0.5 くb'0.25 おb'0.5 のb'0.25 ぞcis''0.5 きb'0.25 まe'1.0 しe'0.5 たe'0.5 " + 8:second_noteseq,"すgis'0.25 るgis'0.5 とgis'0.25 さgis'0.5 るgis'0.25 がgis'0.5 あdis'0.25 ぶe'0.5 なe'0.25 いe'0.5 あdis'0.25 ぶe'1.0 なe'0.5 いe'0.5 そe'0.25 んgis'0.5 なgis'0.25 にfis'0.5 ちe'0.25 かgis'0.5 よgis'0.25 っgis'0.5 てfis'0.25 わe'0.5 いdis'0.25 けe'1.0 なe'0.5 いe'0.5 ばe'0.25 くfis'0.5 はgis'0.25 つgis'0.5 すgis'0.25 るa'0.5 かgis'0.25 らgis'0.5 とgis'0.25 いb'0.5 いcis''0.25 まb'1.0 しb'0.5 たb'0.5 みb'0.25 んcis''0.25 なb'0.25 わe'0.25 おdis'0.5 どe'0.25 ろfis'0.5 いe'0.25 てe'0.5 しdis'0.25 りe'0.25 ごfis'0.25 みe'0.25 しgis'1.0 まb'0.25 しb'0.25 たb'0.5 " + 9:second_noteseq,"そe'0.25 こgis'0.25 でgis'0.25 さgis'0.25 るfis'0.5 わe'0.25 はfis'0.5 なe'0.25 びcis'0.5 とcis'0.25 ゆcis'0.5 うcis'0.25 もcis'1.0 のa'0.5 がgis'0.5 どgis'0.25 んgis'0.25 なgis'0.25 にgis'0.25 おgis'0.25 おfis'0.25 きe'0.25 なe'0.5 おdis'0.25 とe'0.5 おcis'0.25 しe'0.25 てcis''0.25 とb'0.25 びcis''1.0 だcis''0.25 すb'0.25 かcis''0.5 そb'0.25 しcis''0.25 てb'0.25 どb'0.25 んgis'0.25 なgis'0.25 にgis'0.25 うgis'0.5 つb'0.25 くb'0.25 しb'0.25 くa'0.25 そgis'0.25 らa'0.25 にdisis'0.25 ひe'1.0 ろb'0.25 がcis''0.25 るcis''0.25 かcis''0.25 みb'0.25 んcis''0.5 なb'0.25 にfis'0.5 はdis'0.25 なe'0.5 しdis'0.25 てe'0.5 きdis'0.25 かe'0.5 せfis'0.25 まfis'1.0 しfis'0.5 たfis'0.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"そe'0.25 んcis''0.25 なcis''0.25 にcis''0.25 うb'0.5 つcis''0.25 くcis''0.25 しcis''0.25 いe'0.25 もb'0.25 のcis''0.25 なgis'0.25 らgis'0.25 みa'0.25 たgis'0.25 いgis'0.5 もgis'0.25 のa'0.25 だgis'0.5 とgis'0.5 みe'0.75 んfis'0.25 なgis'1.0 わe'1.0 おfis'0.25 もais'0.25 いgis'0.25 まfis'0.25 しcis''1.0 たcis''1.0 そa'0.25 れbisis'0.25 なcis''0.25 らcis''0.25 こb'0.5 んcis''0.25 ばcis''0.25 んcis''0.25 やcis''0.25 まcis''0.25 のe'0.25 てdis'0.25 っas'0.25 ぺgis'0.25 んfis'0.25 にgis'0.5 いb'0.25 っcis''0.25 てb'1.0 あa'0.25 そbisis'0.25 こcis''0.25 でcis''0.25 うb'0.5 ちcis''0.25 あcis''0.25 げcis''0.25 てcis''0.25 みcis''0.25 よb'0.25 おb'0.25 とb'0.25 さcis''0.25 るb'0.25 がb'0.25 いb'0.25 いcis''0.25 まb'0.25 しb'0.5 たb'0.5 " + 11:second_noteseq,"みe'0.25 んcis''0.25 なcis''0.25 わe'0.25 たe'0.75 いfis'0.25 へe'0.5 んgis'0.5 よgis'0.25 ろbis'0.25 こcis''0.25 びbis'0.25 まbis'0.5 しbis'0.5 たbis'1.0 よe'0.25 るcis'0.25 のcis'0.25 そcis'0.25 らe'0.5 にe'0.25 ほdis'0.25 しe'0.5 おe'0.5 ふfis'0.25 りcis''0.25 まcis''0.25 くb'0.25 よcis''0.5 おb'0.5 にais'1.0 ぱfis'0.25 あa'0.25 っgis'0.25 とfis'0.25 ひfis'0.5 ろgis'0.25 がfis'0.25 るa'0.5 はgis'0.25 なfis'0.25 びe'0.25 おdis'0.25 めe'0.25 にdis'0.25 うe'0.5 かdis'0.25 べas'0.25 てgis'1.0 みcis'0.5 んe'0.25 なe'0.25 わcis'1.0 うe'0.5 っb'0.5 とb'0.25 りfis'0.25 しfis'0.25 まb'0.25 しb'1.0 たb'1.0 " + 12:second_noteseq,"さgis'1.0 てe'0.5 よgis'0.5 るfis'0.5 にfis'0.5 なfis'0.5 りe'0.25 まe'0.25 しfis'1.0 たfis'1.0 みe'1.0 んfis'0.5 なgis'0.5 わdis'0.5 むe'0.5 ねfis'0.25 おe'0.25 おe'0.25 どfis'0.25 らb'0.5 せb'0.5 てb'1.0 やb'0.25 まcis''0.25 のb'0.25 てgis'0.25 っb'0.5 ぺcis''0.5 んb'0.5 にb'0.5 やb'0.25 っbisis'0.25 てcis''0.25 きcis''0.25 まb'0.5 しb'0.5 たb'1.0 " + 13:second_noteseq,"さgis'0.5 るe'0.5 わe'0.5 もe'0.5 おfis'0.5 あfis'0.5 かb'0.25 いb'0.25 ろb'0.25 おbisis'0.25 そcis''0.5 くb'0.5 おb'1.0 きcis''1.0 のb'0.5 えb'0.5 だcis''0.5 にb'0.5 くb'0.5 くcis''0.25 りcis''0.25 つcis''0.5 けb'0.5 てa'1.0 みgis'0.25 んa'0.25 なgis'0.25 のfis'0.25 くgis'0.5 るfis'0.5 のfis'0.5 おfis'0.5 まgis'0.25 っfis'0.25 てgis'0.25 いgis'0.25 まa'0.5 しgis'0.5 たgis'1.0 " + 14:second_noteseq,"いb'0.25 よcis''0.5 いb'0.25 よb'0.75 こb'0.75 れcis''0.5 かcis''0.25 らcis''0.5 はcis''0.25 なb'1.0 びb'0.5 おb'0.5 うa'0.25 ちbisis'0.5 あcis''0.25 げe'0.75 るfis'0.5 こe'0.25 とfis'0.5 にe'0.25 なgis'0.5 りfis'0.25 まcis'1.0 しdis'0.5 たe'0.5 しe'0.25 かfis'0.25 しe'0.25 こfis'0.25 まgis'0.5 っfis'0.25 たfis'0.5 こe'0.25 とfis'0.5 がe'0.25 でb'0.5 きcis''0.25 まb'1.0 しb'0.5 たb'0.5 " + 15:second_noteseq,"とe'0.25 もe'0.25 おb'0.25 しb'0.25 まcis''0.5 すb'0.25 のb'0.5 わb'0.25 だcis''0.5 れb'0.25 もb'0.5 はcis''0.25 なb'1.0 びe'0.5 にe'0.5 ひgis'0.25 おb'0.25 つb'0.25 けcis''0.25 よb'0.5 おfis'0.25 とe'0.5 しdis'0.25 なe'0.5 かe'0.25 っgis'0.25 たgis'0.25 かgis'0.25 らgis'1.0 でgis'0.5 すb'0.5 みb'0.25 んcis''0.25 なb'0.25 はb'0.25 なb'0.25 びb'0.25 おgis'0.25 みfis'0.5 るe'0.25 こdis'0.5 とe'0.25 わdis'0.25 すe'0.25 きfis'0.25 でe'1.0 しdis'0.25 たe'0.25 がe'0.5 ひe'0.25 おfis'0.25 つe'0.25 けfis'0.25 にe'0.25 いe'0.25 くgis'0.25 こgis'0.25 とa'0.25 わgis'0.25 すb'0.25 きcis''0.25 でb'0.25 なcis''0.25 かb'0.25 っb'0.25 たb'0.25 のb'0.25 でb'0.5 あb'0.25 りa'0.25 まgis'0.25 すgis'0.25 " + 16:second_noteseq,"こgis'0.25 れb'0.5 でe'0.25 わe'0.5 はdis'0.25 なe'0.5 びcis''0.25 わb'0.5 あb'0.25 がcis''0.5 りcis''0.25 まcis''1.0 せcis''0.5 んe'0.5 そe'0.25 こgis'0.25 でgis'0.25 くa'0.25 じgis'0.25 おe'0.25 ひe'0.25 いfis'0.5 てe'0.25 ひdis'0.25 おe'0.25 つb'0.25 けcis''0.25 にe'0.25 いb'0.25 くcis''1.0 もb'0.25 のcis''0.25 おb'0.5 きb'0.25 めcis''0.5 るb'0.25 こb'0.75 とcis''0.75 にb'0.5 なcis''0.25 りb'0.5 まcis''0.25 しcis''1.0 たcis''1.0 だb'0.25 いb'0.25 いdis'0.25 ちe'0.25 にdis'0.25 あe'0.25 たb'0.25 っb'0.5 たb'0.25 もb'0.25 のcis''0.25 わb'0.25 かfis'0.25 めfis'0.25 でb'0.25 あb'1.0 りgis'0.25 まfis'0.25 しfis'0.25 たfis'0.25 " + 17:second_noteseq,"かb'0.25 めgis'0.5 わb'0.25 げb'0.75 んa'0.75 きgis'0.5 おgis'0.25 だb'0.5 しgis'0.25 てb'2.0 はcis''0.25 なa'0.25 びgis'0.25 のgis'0.25 ほcis''0.5 おgis'0.25 えfis'0.5 やgis'0.25 っb'0.5 てb'0.25 いb'0.5 きcis''0.25 まb'1.0 しb'0.5 たb'0.5 だcis''0.25 がcis''0.5 うb'0.25 まcis''0.75 くfis'0.5 ひe'0.25 おb'0.5 つb'0.25 けcis''0.5 るb'0.25 こb'1.0 とcis''0.5 がb'0.5 でa'0.75 きbisis'0.25 たcis''1.5 でb'0.5 しょb'0.75 おb'0.25 かb'2.0 " + 18:second_noteseq,"いe'1.0 えcis''2.0 いgis'1.0 えbis'2.0 かcis''0.25 めa'0.25 わgis'0.25 はfis'0.25 なe'1.0 びe'0.5 のe'0.5 そfis'0.25 ばe'0.25 まfis'0.25 でcis''0.25 くcis''0.5 るfis'0.5 とcis'1.0 くcis'0.25 びe'0.25 がfis'0.25 しcis'0.25 ぜe'0.5 んfis'0.25 にcis'0.25 ひcis'0.5 っfis'0.5 こe'0.25 んdis'0.25 でe'0.25 しdis'0.25 まces''0.5 っb'0.5 てb'1.0 でcis''0.25 てb'0.25 こcis''0.25 なb'0.25 かcis''1.0 っcis''0.5 たcis''0.5 のb'0.25 でb'0.25 あcis''0.25 りb'0.25 まb'0.5 しb'0.5 たb'1.0 " + 19:second_noteseq,"そe'1.0 こgis'0.5 でgis'0.5 くfis'0.5 じe'0.5 がe'0.25 まe'0.25 たfis'0.25 ひe'0.25 かfis'0.5 れfis'0.5 てfis'1.0 こe'0.25 んfis'0.25 どe'0.25 わfis'0.25 いe'0.5 たgis'0.5 ちfis'0.5 がfis'0.25 いe'0.25 くfis'0.25 こfis'0.25 とgis'0.25 にfis'0.25 なfis'0.5 りdis'0.5 まces''0.5 しb'0.25 たb'0.25 " + 20:second_noteseq,"いgis'0.25 たb'0.25 ちb'0.25 わb'0.25 かcis''0.5 めb'0.5 よb'0.5 りb'0.25 わb'0.25 いb'0.25 くbisis'0.25 ぶcis''0.25 んcis''0.25 まb'0.5 しcis''0.5 でb'0.5 しb'0.25 たdisis'0.25 とe'0.5 ゆe'0.5 うgis'0.5 のfis'0.5 わfis'0.5 くe'0.5 びfis'0.25 おfis'0.25 ひfis'0.25 っcis''0.25 こcis''0.5 めb'0.5 てa'1.0 しgis'0.5 まa'0.25 わgis'0.25 なfis'0.5 かfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 たfis'0.5 かe'0.25 らgis'0.25 でgis'0.25 あfis'0.25 りe'0.5 まe'0.5 すfis'1.0 " + 21:second_noteseq,"しe'0.25 かgis'0.25 しe'0.25 いb'0.25 たcis''0.25 ちb'0.25 わb'0.25 ひb'0.5 どcis''0.25 いb'0.25 きb'0.25 んcis''0.25 がb'0.25 んb'0.25 でgis'0.25 あgis'1.0 りdis'0.25 まe'0.25 しfis'0.25 たe'0.25 だe'0.25 かe'0.25 らe'0.25 ろe'0.25 おfis'0.5 そgis'0.25 くfis'0.5 のfis'0.25 まe'0.5 わfis'0.25 りfis'0.25 おcis''0.25 きょcis''0.25 ろb'1.0 きょb'0.25 ろb'0.25 とb'0.5 うb'0.25 ろcis''0.25 つb'0.25 いb'0.25 てb'0.5 いb'0.25 るcis''0.5 ばb'0.25 かb'0.5 りcis''0.25 でcis''0.25 あcis''0.25 りb'0.25 まb'1.0 しb'0.5 たb'0.5 とfis'0.25 おe'0.5 とe'0.25 おe'0.5 しe'0.25 しdis'0.5 がges'0.25 とfis'0.5 びgis'0.25 だa'0.5 しgis'0.25 まe'1.0 しe'0.5 たe'0.5 " + 22:second_noteseq,"しb'0.25 しgis'0.25 わgis'0.25 まb'0.25 っcis''0.25 たb'0.25 くb'0.25 いgis'0.5 さb'0.25 まb'0.25 しb'0.25 いe'0.25 けdis'0.25 だe'0.25 もe'0.25 のe'1.0 でe'0.25 しe'0.25 たe'0.5 しe'0.25 しdis'0.5 わe'0.25 ほfis'0.5 んe'0.25 とe'0.5 おe'0.25 にgis'0.5 やgis'0.25 っa'0.5 てgis'0.25 いgis'1.0 っa'0.5 てgis'0.5 ひgis'0.25 おb'0.5 つgis'0.25 けb'0.75 てa'0.75 しgis'0.5 まb'0.25 いb'0.5 まb'0.25 しb'1.0 たb'1.0 みb'0.25 んcis''0.25 なb'0.25 わgis'0.25 びgis'0.25 っb'0.25 くb'0.25 りa'0.5 しgis'0.25 てa'0.25 くgis'0.25 さb'0.25 むb'0.25 らb'0.25 にb'0.25 とb'1.0 びcis''0.25 こb'0.25 みgis'0.5 " + 23:second_noteseq,"みe'0.25 みgis'0.5 おe'0.25 かgis'0.75 たa'0.75 くgis'0.5 ふdis'0.25 さe'0.5 ぎe'0.25 まe'1.0 しe'0.5 たe'0.5 みe'0.25 みfis'0.25 ばe'0.25 かgis'0.25 りgis'0.25 でgis'0.25 なcis''0.25 くb'0.5 めcis''0.25 もb'0.25 ふb'0.25 さcis''0.25 いe'0.25 でcis'0.25 しcis'0.25 まe'1.0 いe'0.25 まcis'0.25 しcis'0.25 たdis'0.25 しe'0.25 かfis'0.25 しe'0.25 ろe'0.25 おgis'0.5 そgis'0.25 くfis'0.5 わe'0.25 ぽe'0.5 んcis'0.25 とcis'0.25 もcis'0.25 いcis'0.25 わe'1.0 ずe'0.5 にe'0.5 しe'0.25 ずdis'0.25 かe'0.25 にdis'0.25 もe'0.5 えb'0.25 てe'0.5 いe'0.25 るb'0.5 ばb'0.25 かb'0.5 りb'0.25 でb'1.0 しb'0.5 たb'0.5 "
39778276浜辺  / 詩:萩原朔太郎 作曲:ねこにマインドtime,"2024/08/20 Tue 13:41:08" + filename,778276-vanc + div,18 + mainid,778274-UhmF + title,浜辺  + title,浜辺  + title,浜辺  + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,0 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aid019.har + 2:inst,-1 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aid019.har + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,74 + 4:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aid019.har + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:mode,inst + 5:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 5:second_highest,70 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 5:highest,70 + 5:inst,0 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 5:second_voice,76 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 6:second_highest,66 + 6:highest,66 + 6:inst,0 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero4.perc + 6:second_voice,85 + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,0 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 8:second_highest,57 + 8:highest,66 + 8:inst,0 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero4.perc + 8:second_voice,2 + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,0 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 10:second_highest,73 + 10:highest,70 + 10:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aid019.har + 10:inst,2 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz1.perc + 10:second_voice,99 + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 11:second_highest,66 + 11:highest,70 + 11:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_aid019.har + 11:inst,2 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz2.perc + 11:second_voice,88 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,0 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,0 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 14:second_highest,73 + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/namidasoso.dat + 14:highest,70 + 14:inst,4 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 14:second_voice,56 + 14:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/namidasoso.dat + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:voice,1 + 15:second_highest,58 + 15:highest,66 + 15:inst,1 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 15:second_voice,54 + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:second_highest,71 + 16:highest,74 + 16:inst,6 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero4.perc + 16:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:mode,inst + 17:voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:second_highest,71 + 17:highest,74 + 17:inst,0 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 17:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:mode,inst + 18:voice,"fss 0.35" + 18:second_highest,71 + 18:highest,74 + 18:inst,0 + 18:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 18:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 18:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 18:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 8:noteseq,"こes'1.5 のges'0.5 みf'0.5 のes'1.0 かes'0.25 げais0.25 にbes0.5 っbes0.5 さbes0.5 きdes'1.0 いes'0.5 ずdes'0.5 るbis0.5 とc'1.5 きdes'0.5 なes'0.5 しes'1.0 ぐes'0.25 っes'0.25 さf'0.5 もes'0.5 っes'0.5 うes'1.0 ちf'0.25 ふes'0.25 るes'0.5 えdes'0.5 わes'1.5 かces'0.5 きes'0.5 ひf'0.5 のes'0.5 なdes'0.25 げes'0.25 きes'0.5 わdes'0.5 っdes'0.5 かbes1.0 いc'0.25 がdes'0.25 らdes'0.5 おbes0.5 もes'1.5 てc'0.5 すdes'0.5 くes'1.0 うes'0.5 っes'0.5 よes'0.5 しdes'0.5 もes'1.0 っes'0.5 なes'0.5 しc'0.5 " + 14:noteseq,"わges'0.5 かf'0.5 けes'0.25 れes'0.75 ばes'0.5 ひes'0.25 とf'0.25 りes'0.25 っes'0.25 はdes'0.5 まes'0.5 べf'0.5 にes'0.5 うdes'0.25 ちes'0.25 っes'1.0 いes'0.5 でf'0.25 てes'0.25 おes'0.5 とf'0.5 もes'0.25 たes'0.25 てf'0.5 ずes'0.5 っdes'0.25 よes'0.25 おes'0.25 しas'0.25 おas'0.5 っas'0.5 きges'0.5 りf'0.5 てges'0.25 もf'0.25 てges'1.0 あf'0.5 そes'0.25 ぶdes'0.25 こdes'0.5 のes'0.5 やdes'0.25 るes'0.75 せdes'1.0 なes'0.25 きdes'0.25 ひes'0.5 のf'0.5 っf'0.5 たdes'0.5 わes'0.25 むdes'0.25 れdes'1.0 にf'1.0 かf'0.5 もas'0.5 めas'0.25 どges'0.75 りf'0.5 っes'0.25 はd'0.25 てes'0.25 なd'0.25 きais0.5 ちbes0.5 へdes'0.5 えes'0.5 おes'0.25 すdes'0.25 ぎes'1.0 ゆes'0.5 けf'0.25 りes'0.25 " + 15:noteseq,"おes'0.5 おes'0.5 おes'0.5 おes'0.25 おes'2.0 おes'0.25 っes'1.0 おes'0.5 おeis'0.25 おf'2.25 おes'0.5 おdes'0.5 おdes'0.5 っes'0.25 おdes'1.75 おdes'0.25 おes'0.25 おdes'0.5 おdes'0.25 っes'0.25 おdes'0.5 おes'0.25 おf'2.25 おes'0.5 おdes'0.5 おces'0.5 おais0.25 おbes2.0 おbes0.25 っbes1.0 おbes0.5 おc'0.25 おdes'2.25 おes'0.5 おes'0.5 おes'0.5 っes'0.25 おes'1.75 おes'0.25 おes'0.25 おes'0.5 おes'0.25 っes'0.25 おes'0.5 おf'0.25 おf'2.25 " + 5:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 わf'0.25 かdes'0.25 けas'0.5 れges'0.5 ばf'0.5 そges'0.5 のf'0.5 ひes'0.5 とf'0.5 みes'0.5 もf'0.5 っf'0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っdes'0.25 っdes'1.75 ひdes'0.25 とbes'0.25 りas'0.5 はas'0.5 なbes'0.5 れas'0.5 てas'0.5 さdes'0.5 きゅes'0.5 うas'0.5 おas'0.5 っas'0.5 っes'0.25 っas'0.25 っes'0.25 っas'1.75 けas'0.25 えes'0.25 しゃes'0.5 おdes'0.5 すes'0.5 べas'0.5 るges'0.5 わf'0.5 がes'0.5 あes'0.5 しbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'1.75 くdes'0.25 ずgis'0.25 れas'0.5 しf'0.5 すes'0.5 なas'0.5 わes'0.5 しas'0.5 んbes'0.5 しas'0.5 んas'0.25 とes'0.25 っas'0.25 っes'0.25 っas'0.25 っes'0.25 っas'0.25 っes'1.25 " + 8:second_noteseq,"こges1.5 のges0.5 みfis0.5 のges1.0 かes0.5 げdes0.5 にdes0.5 っdes0.5 っf1.0 っfis0.5 っges0.5 っdis0.5 とes1.5 きas0.5 なas0.5 しas1.0 ぐas0.25 っas0.25 さas0.5 もas0.5 うes0.5 ちas1.0 ふas0.5 るas0.5 えg0.5 わes1.5 かes0.5 きes0.5 ひgis0.5 ges0.5 のf0.25 なes0.25 げges0.5 きf0.5 わdes0.5 っdes1.0 っdes0.25 っges0.25 っdes0.5 っdes0.5 もas1.5 てes0.5 すes0.5 くas1.0 うas0.5 よas0.5 しes0.5 もas0.5 なas1.0 しas1.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p0.25 ひes'0.25 るbes'0.25 すbes'0.25 ぎes'0.75 てbes'0.25 っes'0.25 そges'0.25 らf'0.25 わes'0.25 さas'0.25 あbes'0.25 おbes'0.25 にdes''0.5 すbes'0.25 みdes''0.25 わdes''0.25 たbes'0.5 りas'0.75 うc''0.25 みgis'0.25 わas'0.25 なas'1.0 みes'0.25 だas'0.25 にas'0.25 しas'0.25 めc''0.25 りdes''0.25 たdes''0.25 りas'2.5 しas'0.25 めbes'0.25 りbes'0.25 たbes'0.75 るf'0.25 なes'0.25 みf'0.25 のes'0.25 うes'0.25 ちbes'0.25 かbes'0.25 えas'0.25 すbes'2.5 かas'0.25 のf'0.25 とes'0.25 おas'0.75 きas'0.25 なas'0.25 ぎbes'0.25 さas'0.25 にbes'0.25 ひas'0.25 かbes'0.25 るas'0.25 わf'1.25 " + 14:second_noteseq,"わces''0.5 かfis'0.5 けges'0.25 れf'0.75 ばges'0.5 b'0.25 ひces''0.25 とdes''0.25 りces''0.25 はdes''0.5 まces''0.5 べfis'0.5 にges'0.5 うf'0.25 ちes'0.25 いces''1.0 でdes''0.5 てces''0.25 gis'0.25 おas'0.5 とces''0.5 もgis'0.25 たas'0.75 てbes'0.5 ずas'0.25 っes'0.25 よas'0.25 おas'0.25 しes'0.5 おes'0.5 きes'0.5 りdes'0.5 てes'0.25 もdes'0.25 てes'1.0 あes'0.5 そces''0.25 ぶais'0.25 こbes'0.5 のdes''0.5 やas'0.25 るbes'0.75 せbes'1.0 なbes'0.25 きas'0.25 ひbes'0.5 のces''0.5 っdes''0.5 たf'0.5 わges'0.25 むf'0.25 れf'1.0 にf'1.0 かd'0.5 もes'0.5 めf'0.25 どes'0.75 りd'0.75 はf'0.25 てges'0.25 なf'0.25 きes'0.5 ちes'0.5 へf'0.5 えes'0.5 おbes'0.25 すas'0.25 ぎbes'1.0 ゆbes'0.5 けbes'0.25 りes'0.25 " + 15:second_noteseq,"p3.5 おbes1.0 おas0.25 おas0.25 おas0.5 おas0.25 おas0.25 おas0.5 おbes0.5 おas1.5 bes3.0 おbes1.0 おas0.25 おas0.25 おas0.5 おas0.25 おas0.25 おas0.5 おas0.5 おas0.25 おbes0.25 おas1.0 es3.0 おes1.0 おdes0.25 おdes0.25 おdes0.5 おdes0.25 おf0.25 おges0.5 おf0.5 おges1.0 as3.5 おas0.5 bes0.5 おbes0.25 おbes0.25 おbes0.5 おbes0.25 おbes0.25 おas0.5 おas0.5 おas0.25 おais0.25 おbes0.5 "
40778059砂山の雨 / 詩:室生犀星 曲:ねこにマインドtime,"2024/08/18 Sun 14:14:41" + filename,778059-tXbM + div,15 + mainid,778058-eKdy + title,砂山の雨 + title,砂山の雨 + title,砂山の雨 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,95 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 4:highest,72 + 4:inst,2 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 4:second_voice,49 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,2 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 6:second_highest,70 + 6:highest,66 + 6:inst,0 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 6:second_voice,73 + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 7:second_highest,58 + 7:highest,66 + 7:inst,2 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-jazz1.perc + 7:second_voice,102 + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,0 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,2 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 10:second_highest,78 + 10:highest,73 + 10:inst,2 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 10:second_voice,91 + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,54 + 11:second_highest,74 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 11:highest,73 + 11:inst,2 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 11:second_voice,65 + 11:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 12:second_highest,55 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 12:highest,67 + 12:inst,2 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 12:second_voice,38 + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,97 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll2.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,97 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,103 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 4:noteseq,"p0.5 っdes'0.5 すdes'0.5 なes'0.5 やf'0.5 まf'0.5 にdes'0.5 っf'0.5 あbes'1.0 めas'0.75 のbes'3.75 っas'0.5 きas'0.5 えais'0.5 ゆbes'0.5 くas'0.5 っf'1.0 おd'0.75 とf'3.25 っf'0.5 くf'0.5 さges'0.5 もf'0.5 っdes'0.5 しdes'0.5 んf'1.0 しf'0.75 んf'3.25 っf'0.5 うf'0.5 みes'0.5 もdes'0.5 っes'0.5 しdes'0.5 んes'1.0 しeis'0.75 んf'1.25 " + 6:noteseq,"こdes'1.5 まf'0.5 やes'0.5 かdes'1.0 なes'0.25 るdes'0.25 っdes'0.5 なc'0.5 つdes'0.5 のes'1.0 おdes'0.25 もes'0.25 いdes'0.5 もc'0.5 わdes'1.5 がbes0.5 みbes0.5 なdes'1.0 うdes'0.25 ちes'0.25 にdes'0.5 っes'0.5 かf'0.5 すdes'1.0 かdes'0.5 なbis0.5 りc'0.5 " + 10:noteseq,"p-0.5 すcis'0.5 なd'1.0 やfis'0.5 まa'0.5 にa'0.5 っa'0.5 うa'1.0 ずb'0.25 めb'0.25 さb'0.5 るa'0.25 もfis'0.25 のg'0.5 わfis'2.0 きe'1.0 みfis'0.5 がe'0.5 なd'1.0 かe'1.0 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'1.5 かg'0.5 いfis'1.0 なd'0.5 くfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 すa'0.5 ぐb'1.0 るa'0.5 なfis'0.5 つg'0.5 のfis'0.5 っfis'2.0 おe'1.0 もfis'0.5 いe'0.5 かe'1.0 っe'1.0 っe'0.5 っa'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'1.0 " + 11:noteseq,"p0.5 あfis'0.5 あe'0.5 あfis'1.5 あe'0.25 あfis'0.25 っa'0.5 あfis'0.5 あa'1.0 あa'1.5 あg'0.5 あfis'1.0 あe'0.5 あd'0.5 あe'2.0 あb0.5 あd'0.5 っb'1.0 あe'1.5 あges'0.5 あfis'1.0 あg'0.5 あfis'0.5 あb'1.5 あfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 あfis'0.5 あd'0.5 あfis'1.0 あe'1.5 あe'0.5 あd'1.0 あe'0.5 あd'0.5 あa'2.0 あe'0.5 っd'0.5 あg'1.0 あfis'1.5 あe'0.5 あd'0.5 " + 12:noteseq,"いb0.5 そd'1.0 くcis'0.5 さd'0.5 むd'0.5 らb0.5 わd'0.5 っeisis'0.5 うcisis'0.5 れges'0.5 えeisis'0.5 のd'0.5 すcisis'1.5 かd'0.5 もfis'1.0 めfis'0.5 のfis'0.5 っg'0.5 たfis'0.5 まg'0.5 ごfis'0.5 かe'0.5 えfis'0.5 らfis'0.5 ずe'0.5 しdis'0.5 てb1.0 あb0.5 かd'1.0 るe'0.5 きd'1.0 なe'0.5 かd'0.5 にd'0.5 っd'0.5 っd'0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'1.5 くe'0.5 さg'1.0 りfis'0.5 けe'1.0 りdes'0.5 っcis'0.5 っd'0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っd'2.0 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 すa'0.5 なb'1.0 やd''0.5 まd''0.5 にd''0.5 うcis''0.5 ずd''1.0 めd''0.25 さe''0.25 るd''0.5 もd''0.5 のe''0.5 わd''2.0 きb'2.0 みb'1.0 がb'1.0 っa'0.5 っe''0.5 あe''0.5 あfis''0.5 あe''2.0 かd''1.0 いb'0.5 なd''0.5 くd''1.0 すd''1.0 ぐfis''0.5 るa'0.5 なa'0.5 つces''0.5 のb'2.0 おb'2.0 もb'1.0 いg'1.0 っfis'0.5 あe'0.5 あb'0.5 あa'0.5 あa'1.0 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p0.5 っa'0.5 っfis'0.5 っd''1.5 っcis''0.25 っd''0.25 っd''0.5 あc''0.5 あd''1.0 あfis'1.5 あb'0.5 あb'1.0 っb'0.5 っe'0.5 っb'2.0 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っg'1.0 あais'1.5 あcis''0.5 あd''1.0 っd''0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'1.75 っd'0.25 あb'0.5 あa'0.5 あd''1.0 あb'1.5 あd''0.5 あb'1.0 っb'0.5 っd'0.5 っd'0.5 a'1.5 っa'0.5 あb'0.5 あa'1.0 あa'1.5 あfis'1.0 " + 12:second_noteseq,"っd0.5 そfis1.0 くd0.5 っfis0.5 むfis0.5 っfis0.5 わfis0.5 っeisis0.5 うeisis0.5 っg0.5 えeisis0.5 っeisis0.5 すeisis1.5 っfis0.5 もfis1.0 めbisis0.5 っfis0.5 っg0.5 っfis0.5 まg0.5 っfis0.5 かfis0.5 っbisis0.5 らfis0.5 っfis0.5 しfis0.5 っfis1.0 っd0.5 かg1.0 るfis0.5 っd1.0 っg0.5 かfis0.5 っfis0.5 あfis1.0 あg0.5 っfis2.0 っg0.5 さg1.0 りfis0.5 っe1.0 っe0.5 あe0.5 っfis0.5 あfis1.0 っbisis0.5 っd2.0 "
41778042LookBack / Dr.キーマンtime,"2024/08/18 Sun 12:01:56" + filename,778042-q4Fc + div,10 + title,LookBack + title,LookBack + title,LookBack + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import,395328 + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,-1 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,48 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock2.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.34" + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,48 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"mmi 0.34" + 3:highest,74 + 4:inst,48 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.34" + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,48 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:highest,74 + 6:inst,55 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:highest,74 + 7:inst,55 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:highest,74 + 8:inst,55 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:highest,74 + 9:inst,55 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:highest,74 + 10:inst,-1 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + uid,18489
42777552海の向こう(拍子とドラム音量テスト) / "北原白秋 + SS【開発メンバー】"uid,10 + time,"2024/08/15 Thu 13:54:54" + filename,777552-m4za + div,7 + title,海の向こう(拍子とドラム音量テスト) + title,海の向こう(拍子とドラム音量テスト) + title,海の向こう(拍子とドラム音量テスト) + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,24 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,24 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,28 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:highest,74 + 4:inst,24 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:mode,inst + 5:inst,24 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:highest,74 + 6:inst,24 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:highest,74 + 7:inst,24 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 2:noteseq,"p-0.5 さfis'0.5 んe'1.5 ごe'0.25 じゅfis'0.25 のe'0.5 はe'0.5 なfis'0.5 がe'1.0 さd'0.5 いe'0.5 たfis'0.5 らfis'1.5 さfis'0.5 いcis''1.5 たcis''0.25 らcis''0.25 とe'0.5 いfis'0.5 つe'0.5 かfisis'1.0 おfisis'0.5 もgisis'0.5 っfisis'0.5 たfisis'1.5 さfisis'0.5 んe'1.5 ごe'0.25 じゅfis'0.25 のe'0.5 はe'0.5 なfis'0.5 がe'1.0 さd'0.5 いe'0.5 たfis'0.5 よfis'1.5 " + 3:noteseq,"p-0.5 あdisis'0.5 のg'1.5 しe'0.25 まg'0.25 えf'0.5 こe'0.5 いd'0.5 でd'1.0 いc'0.5 けd'0.5 たe'0.5 らe'1.5 いe'0.5 けa'1.5 たa'0.25 らa'0.25 とfis'0.5 いe'0.5 つd'0.5 かd'1.0 おc'0.5 もd'0.5 っc'0.5 たd'1.5 そd'0.5 のg'1.5 しg'0.25 まa'0.25 えg'0.5 きょa'0.5 おg'0.5 わg'1.0 きa'0.5 てg'0.5 るg'0.5 よf'1.5 " + 5:noteseq,"あe'0.5 のb'0.25 しe'0.75 らb'0.5 ほb'0.75 どb'0.75 こa'0.5 えgis'0.25 ゆfis'0.5 くgis'0.25 だfis'0.5 ろfis'0.5 あe'0.5 のfis'0.25 こe'0.75 とcis''0.5 りcis''0.75 どbis'0.75 こfisis'0.5 えfisis'0.25 ゆfisis'0.5 くgisis'0.25 だfisis'0.5 ろfisis'0.5 あe'0.5 のb'0.25 そb'0.75 らe'0.5 わe'0.5 どfis'0.25 こe'0.75 にfis'0.5 なgis'0.25 るfis'0.5 だgis'0.25 ろa'0.5 " + 6:noteseq,"p-0.5 いdisis'0.5 きg'0.75 たe'0.25 いa'0.25 なa'0.25 あg'0.25 んa'0.75 なa'0.5 とb'0.25 おc''0.25 くd''0.5 えc''1.5 あc''0.5 のd''0.75 うc''0.25 みb'0.25 のc''0.25 そa'0.25 らg'0.75 のa'0.5 むg'0.25 こa'0.25 おg'0.5 えg'1.5 こg'0.5 んf'0.75 どe'0.25 こg'0.25 そg'0.25 とc'0.25 おd'0.75 くd'0.5 いd'0.25 こe'0.25 おe'0.5 よf'1.5 "
43777117あの日の影 / らいたろすuid,18477 + time,"2024/08/12 Mon 00:11:23" + filename,777117-6d4t + div,9 + title,あの日の影 + title,あの日の影 + title,あの日の影 + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,2 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,29 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,27 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 3:highest,74 + 4:inst,102 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,29 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 5:highest,74 + 6:inst,29 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 6:highest,74 + 7:inst,102 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 7:highest,74 + 8:inst,102 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 8:highest,74 + 9:inst,29 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst
44776632らいちゃんのスイミング / らいちゃんuid,3855 + time,"2024/08/08 Thu 16:25:44" + filename,776632-StcP + div,5 + title,らいちゃんのスイミング + title,らいちゃんのスイミング + title,らいちゃんのスイミング + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_9is5rb.har + 1:inst,91 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_9is5rb.har + 2:inst,91 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 2:highest,74 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_9is5rb.har + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,0 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 2:noteseq,"らes'0.5 いf'0.5 ちゃes'0.5 んes'0.5 まd'0.5 いes'0.5 にf'0.5 ちg'0.5 すg'0.5 いg'0.5 みg'0.5 んf'0.5 ぐes'2.0 まc'0.5 いd'0.5 にes'0.5 ちf'0.5 まf'0.5 いf'0.5 にf'0.5 ちf'0.5 すg'0.5 いg'0.5 みg'0.5 んg'0.5 ぐes'2.0 らes'0.5 いf'0.5 ちゃes'0.5 んes'0.5 すd'0.5 いes'0.5 えf'0.5 えg'0.5 せg'0.5 んf'0.5 しゅes'0.5 かf'0.5 なes'2.0 がc'0.5 んd'0.5 ばes'0.5 れcisis'0.5 がd'0.5 んes'0.5 ばf'0.5 れes'0.5 がes'0.5 んf'0.5 ばg'0.5 れes'2.5 "
45776316ひかり / "作詞としちゃん 作曲クーマー"time,"2024/08/05 Mon 19:01:19" + filename,776316-G3a2 + div,8 + mainid,776315-tqMC + title,ひかり + title,ひかり + title,ひかり + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,0 + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_LionheartSmap.dat + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,0 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 1:second_voice,0 + 1:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_LionheartSmap.dat + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 2:second_highest,74 + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 2:second_voice,52 + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/nanimoienakutenatuauf1-8.dat + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 3:second_highest,74 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 3:second_voice,52 + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:mode,inst + 5:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 5:second_highest,74 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,0 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 5:second_voice,52 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 6:second_highest,74 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,0 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 6:second_voice,52 + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/namidasoso.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,0 + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_LionheartSmap.dat + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,0 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 7:second_voice,0 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_LionheartSmap.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,0 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + uid,17770 + 1:noteseq,"p0.5 あb'0.25 あa'0.25 あb'1.25 っg'1.5 あb'0.25 あg'1.0 あe'1.25 っe'2.0 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 っfis'0.25 あg'0.75 あe'0.5 あg'1.0 あe'0.25 っe'0.25 あe'0.25 あd'0.75 あe'0.25 あd'0.75 っd'0.5 あd'2.0 あg'0.25 あfis'0.25 あg'0.25 っfis'0.75 あg'0.5 あb'0.75 っa'0.25 あb'0.25 っa'0.25 あb'0.25 あc''0.5 あb'0.25 あb'0.25 あa'0.75 あb'0.5 あg'2.0 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あa'0.25 あg'1.25 あfis'1.0 あd''0.25 あc''0.25 あb'0.25 あa'1.0 あg'0.75 あa'0.5 あd'1.75 " + 2:noteseq,"つg'0.25 かa'0.25 のb'0.25 まb'0.25 のa'0.25 そg'0.25 らfis'0.25 おg'0.25 みg'0.5 あa'0.5 げb'0.5 ほa'0.5 しb'0.5 ぞb'0.5 らb'0.5 おa'0.5 みg'0.5 あa'0.5 げb'0.5 たa'0.5 あg'0.25 のa'0.25 ひg'0.25 にa'0.25 もg'0.25 どb'0.25 れc''0.25 るb'0.25 よc''0.25 おb'0.25 なc''0.25 きb'0.25 がc''0.25 しb'0.25 てc''0.25 ぼb'0.25 くa'0.25 らa'0.25 わg'0.5 あfis'0.5 るg'0.5 きfis'0.5 だg'0.5 しfis'0.5 たg'0.5 ふg'0.5 りa'0.5 かb'0.5 えa'0.5 るg'0.5 こfis'0.5 とg'0.5 もfis'0.5 でg'0.5 きa'0.5 なg'0.5 いfis'0.5 けg'0.5 れg'0.5 どg'1.0 いg'0.25 つfis'0.25 のg'0.25 まfis'0.25 にg'0.5 かfis'0.5 ふg'0.5 とa'0.5 おg'0.5 もa'0.5 いa'0.5 だa'0.5 しg'0.5 てa'0.5 しa'0.5 まd''0.5 っd''0.5 たd''0.5 " + 3:noteseq,"やg'0.75 ねfis'0.25 のg'0.75 うd'0.25 えg'0.25 かfis'0.25 らg'0.5 のfis'0.25 ぞg'0.25 いg'0.5 たg'0.5 さfis'0.5 くg'0.25 らa'0.25 なb'0.5 みg'0.25 きg'0.25 のe'0.5 しd'0.5 たe'0.5 あe'0.5 のg'0.25 ひfis'0.25 かg'0.5 りg'0.25 がfis'0.25 にg'0.25 じa'0.25 んg'0.5 でg'0.25 きfis'0.25 えg'0.5 てd'0.25 しd'0.25 まfis'0.25 わg'0.25 なa'0.25 いa'0.25 よg'0.5 おfis'0.25 にg'0.25 なfis'0.5 がg'0.25 めa'0.25 たg'0.5 きg'1.0 みd''0.75 わb'0.25 どb'0.5 こg'0.5 でg'0.5 なa'0.5 にg'0.5 おe'0.5 しfis'0.5 てg'0.5 いe'0.5 るfis'0.5 のg'0.5 かfis'0.5 むg'0.75 ねa'0.25 のg'0.75 おa'0.25 くg'0.25 にg'0.25 かe'0.5 くg'0.25 しe'0.25 てe'0.5 いd'0.5 るa'0.5 なb'0.25 みa'0.25 だg'0.5 おfis'0.25 かg'0.25 くa'0.5 しd'0.5 たd'0.5 " + 5:noteseq,"なg'0.25 つa'0.25 のg'0.25 ひfis'0.25 おg'0.25 わfis'0.25 すg'0.25 れg'0.25 てg'0.5 いfis'0.5 たg'0.5 さfis'0.5 くg'0.5 らg'0.5 なa'0.5 みg'0.5 きg'0.5 のg'0.5 しfis'0.5 たg'0.5 いg'0.25 つfis'0.25 のg'0.25 まfis'0.25 にg'0.25 かg'0.25 まfis'0.25 たg'0.25 あg'0.25 るa'0.25 いg'0.25 てg'0.25 きa'0.25 たg'0.25 きe'0.5 みfis'0.5 おg'0.5 さfis'0.5 がg'0.5 しa'0.5 てa'0.5 いg'0.5 たa'0.5 すg'0.5 こa'0.5 しg'0.5 おfis'0.5 とg'0.5 なg'0.5 にa'0.5 なb'0.5 っa'0.5 てg'0.5 しfis'0.5 まg'0.5 っg'0.5 たg'0.5 よg'1.0 わe'0.25 すfis'0.25 れg'0.25 らfis'0.25 れg'0.25 なfis'0.25 いg'0.25 よa'0.25 おg'0.25 にfis'0.25 ぼg'0.5 くfis'0.5 らg'0.5 わfis'0.5 あg'0.5 るa'0.5 きg'0.5 だa'0.5 しg'0.5 たfis'0.5 " + 6:noteseq,"p-0.5 あd'0.25 おe'0.25 いd'0.5 そb'0.25 らg'0.25 おg'0.25 みfis'0.25 あg'0.25 げg'2.0 てg'0.25 あg'0.5 かa'0.25 ねb'0.5 いb'0.25 ろb'0.25 にb'0.5 そa'0.25 まb'0.25 っb'0.25 たe'0.5 あd'0.25 のe'0.25 ひe'0.25 にg'0.25 もfis'0.25 どg'0.25 れa'0.25 るg'0.25 よa'0.25 おg'2.0 なg'0.25 きd'0.25 がe'0.25 しfis'0.25 てg'0.25 ぼa'0.25 くg'0.25 らfis'0.25 わg'0.25 あa'0.25 るb'0.25 きa'0.25 だa'0.25 しd'0.25 たa'0.25 むa'0.25 ねc''0.25 のb'1.5 おb'0.25 くg'2.0 にd'0.25 かe'0.5 くg'0.25 しfis'0.5 てg'0.25 しfis'0.25 まg'0.5 っg'0.25 たg'0.5 よfis'0.5 あg'0.25 のb'0.25 ひe'0.5 にg'0.25 もfis'0.25 どg'0.25 れg'0.25 るfis'0.25 よg'2.0 おe'0.25 にd'0.5 ぼe'0.25 くd'0.5 らe'0.25 わd'0.25 あd'0.5 るe'0.25 きd'0.25 だe'0.25 すd'0.5 " + 7:noteseq,"p0.5 あb'0.25 あa'0.25 あb'1.25 っg'1.5 あb'0.25 あg'1.0 あe'1.25 っe'2.0 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 っfis'0.25 あg'0.75 あe'0.5 あg'1.0 あe'0.25 っe'0.25 あe'0.25 あd'0.75 あe'0.25 あd'0.75 っd'0.5 あd'2.0 あg'0.25 あfis'0.25 あg'0.25 っfis'0.75 あg'0.5 あb'0.75 っa'0.25 あb'0.25 っa'0.25 あb'0.25 あc''0.5 あb'0.25 あb'0.25 あa'0.75 あb'0.5 あg'2.0 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あa'0.25 あg'1.25 あfis'1.0 あd''0.25 あc''0.25 あb'0.25 あa'1.0 あg'0.75 あa'0.5 あd'1.75 " + 1:second_noteseq,"p0.5 あg'0.25 あfis'0.25 あg'1.25 っd'1.5 あg'0.25 あb1.0 あg1.25 っg2.0 あe'0.25 あe'0.25 っd'0.25 あe'0.75 あg0.5 あe'1.0 あg0.25 っg0.25 あg0.25 あfis0.75 あg0.25 あa0.75 っa0.5 あa2.0 あg0.25 あa0.25 あb0.25 っa0.75 あb0.5 あg'0.75 っfis'0.25 あg'0.25 っfis'0.25 あg'0.25 あa'0.5 あg'0.25 あg'0.25 あfis'0.75 あg'0.5 あe'2.0 あg'0.25 あe'0.25 あg'0.25 あe'1.25 あe'1.0 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あges'0.25 あfis'1.0 あcisis'0.75 あd'0.5 あa1.25 " + 2:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 つd'0.25 かe'0.25 のd'0.5 まd'0.5 のd'0.25 そe'0.25 らd'0.5 おd'0.5 みd'0.25 あe'0.25 げd'0.5 ほd'0.25 しe'0.5 ぞe'0.25 らe'0.5 おe'0.25 みd'0.25 あe'0.5 げe'0.5 たe'1.0 あfis'0.25 のg'0.25 ひe'0.25 にg'0.25 もe'0.5 どg'0.25 れg'0.25 るe'0.5 よe'0.25 おd'0.25 なe'0.25 きfis'0.25 がg'0.5 しfis'0.25 てg'0.5 ぼfis'0.25 くcisis'0.5 らd'0.25 わd'0.25 あd'0.25 るb'0.25 きa'0.5 だb'0.25 しa'0.25 たa'0.5 ふa'0.5 りb'0.5 かa'0.5 えg'0.25 るg'0.25 こa'0.5 とb'0.5 もa'0.5 でb'0.5 きc''0.25 なb'0.75 いe'0.5 けe'0.5 れb'0.5 どb'1.5 いb'0.5 つe'0.5 のe'0.5 まd'0.25 にe'0.25 かe'0.5 ふe'0.5 とg'0.25 おd'0.25 もe'0.5 いe'0.25 だe'0.5 しd'0.25 てd'0.5 しd'0.5 まa'0.5 っd''0.5 たd''0.5 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 やd''0.5 ねc''0.5 のb'0.5 うb'0.75 えc''0.25 かb'0.5 らb'0.5 のa'0.5 ぞb'0.5 いb'0.25 たdisis'0.25 さe'0.5 くg'0.25 らb'0.25 なb'0.25 みa'0.25 きg'0.5 のe'0.5 しfis'0.25 たg'0.25 あfis'0.5 のg'0.25 ひfis'0.25 かg'0.5 りe'0.5 がe'0.25 にd'0.25 じe'0.5 んe'0.25 でe'0.25 きd'0.25 えe'0.25 てe'0.5 しd'0.25 まe'0.25 わfis'0.25 なg'0.25 いa'0.25 よb'0.25 おa'0.25 にfis'0.25 なg'0.5 がa'0.5 めa'0.25 たd'0.25 きd'0.5 みe'0.5 わd'1.5 どg'0.5 こe'0.5 でd'0.5 なe'0.5 にd'0.25 おd'0.25 しg'0.75 てa'0.25 いg'0.5 るb'0.5 のb'0.5 かa'0.5 むg'0.5 ねa'0.5 のg'0.5 おe'0.75 くd'0.25 にe'0.5 かe'0.5 くa'0.5 しg'0.5 てg'0.25 いg'0.25 るd''0.5 なd''0.25 みa'0.25 だges'0.25 おfis'0.25 かg'0.5 くa'0.5 しe'0.25 たd'0.25 " + 5:second_noteseq,"なd'0.25 つe'0.25 のd'0.25 ひd'0.5 おe'0.25 わd'0.5 すe'0.5 れd'0.25 てd'0.5 いd'0.25 たe'0.5 さe'0.5 くb'0.25 らb'0.5 なe'0.25 みd'0.5 きe'1.0 のe'0.25 しd'0.25 たe'0.5 いe'0.25 つd'0.25 のe'0.25 まe'0.5 にg'0.25 かd'0.25 まe'0.25 たg'0.25 あfis'0.25 るg'0.25 いe'0.5 てe'0.25 きe'0.5 たd'0.25 きd'0.25 みe'0.25 おd'0.5 さd'0.25 がe'0.5 しd'1.0 てd'0.25 いd'0.25 たe'0.5 すd'0.5 こg'0.25 しd'0.75 おa'0.5 とb'0.75 なb'0.5 にc''0.25 なb'0.5 っe'0.5 てe'0.25 しe'0.75 まb'0.5 っb'1.0 たb'0.5 よg'0.5 わg'0.25 すc''0.25 れdisis'0.25 らe'0.5 れe'0.25 なe'0.5 いe'0.5 よe'0.25 おe'0.5 にd'0.25 ぼe'0.5 くd'0.5 らd'0.25 わd'0.5 あd'0.25 るa'0.5 きd'1.0 だe'0.25 しd'0.25 たd'0.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"あb'0.5 おd''0.5 いb'0.25 そe'0.25 らd'0.5 おd'0.5 みd'0.25 あe'0.25 げd'0.25 てd'0.25 あd'0.5 かe'0.5 ねe'0.5 いe'0.5 ろe'0.25 にe'0.25 そe'1.0 まg'0.5 っg'0.25 たg'0.25 あe'0.5 のg'0.25 ひd'0.25 にe'0.25 もe'0.25 どfis'0.25 れg'0.25 るe'0.5 よe'0.25 おd'0.25 なe'0.25 きd'0.25 がe'0.5 しa'0.5 てd''0.25 ぼa'0.25 くd'0.5 らa'0.25 わa'0.25 あd''0.5 るd''0.5 きa'0.25 だg'0.25 しfis'0.25 たg'0.25 むg'0.5 ねa'0.5 のg'0.25 おg'0.75 くd'1.0 にb'0.25 かb'0.25 くd''0.5 しc''0.5 てb'0.5 しe'0.5 まg'0.25 っe'0.25 たe'1.0 よe'1.0 あe'0.5 のe'0.5 ひd'0.25 にe'0.25 もe'0.5 どg'0.5 れc''0.25 るdisis'0.25 よe'0.25 おd'0.25 にe'0.5 ぼb'0.5 くa'0.5 らa'0.5 わa'0.25 あd'0.25 るa'1.0 きd'0.5 だe'0.25 すd'0.25 " + 7:second_noteseq,"p0.5 あg'0.25 あfis'0.25 あg'1.25 っd'1.5 あg'0.25 あb1.0 あg1.25 っg2.0 あe'0.25 あe'0.25 っd'0.25 あe'0.75 あg0.5 あe'1.0 あg0.25 っg0.25 あg0.25 あfis0.75 あg0.25 あa0.75 っa0.5 あa2.0 あg0.25 あa0.25 あb0.25 っa0.75 あb0.5 あg'0.75 っfis'0.25 あg'0.25 っfis'0.25 あg'0.25 あa'0.5 あg'0.25 あg'0.25 あfis'0.75 あg'0.5 あe'2.0 あg'0.25 あe'0.25 あg'0.25 あe'1.25 あe'1.0 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あges'0.25 あfis'1.0 あcisis'0.75 あd'0.5 あa1.75 "
46776174らいちゃんの挑戦 / らいちゃんuid,3855 + time,"2024/08/04 Sun 13:34:23" + filename,776174-rPpb + div,5 + title,らいちゃんの挑戦 + title,らいちゃんの挑戦 + title,らいちゃんの挑戦 + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,26 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,26 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,25 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:inst,25 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.39" + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 2:noteseq,"らc''0.5 いd''0.25 ちゃc''0.25 んa'0.5 もc''0.25 おd''1.75 すg'0.25 ぐf'0.25 はe'0.5 ちg'0.25 じゅf'0.25 うe'0.5 さe'0.25 いc'2.25 しゃc'0.5 くa'0.5 はa'0.5 ちa'0.25 はg'1.75 じd''0.25 めc''0.25 てc''0.5 ごe'0.25 じゅg'0.25 うe'0.5 ねe'0.25 んg'2.25 いa'0.5 まc'0.5 わc'0.5 ぎa'0.25 たg'1.75 あg'0.25 とf'0.25 きょe'0.5 おgis'0.25 えgis'0.25 んa'0.5 ちゅb'0.25 うc''2.25 じゃa'0.5 ずg'0.5 やa'0.5 ろd''0.25 っc''1.75 くc''0.25 にa'0.25 ちょc'0.5 おd'0.25 せg'0.25 んg'0.5 ちゅg'0.25 うg'2.25 "
47776131雨の山行 / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/08/04 Sun 11:01:21" + filename,776131-ga3d + div,13 + mainid,776130-e2Ls + title,雨の山行 + title,雨の山行 + title,雨の山行 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,97 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,11 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.37" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,11 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk3.perc + 3:second_voice,126 + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.37" + 4:second_highest,39 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,12 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk2.perc + 4:second_voice,38 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,76 + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,122 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 5:second_voice,120 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,122 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,47 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk3.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"fss 0.37" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 8:highest,74 + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_8itqhs.har + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_8itqhs.har + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_8itqhs.har + 8:inst,117 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk3.perc + 8:second_voice,99 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.37" + 9:second_highest,76 + 9:highest,76 + 9:inst,0 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 9:second_voice,54 + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.37" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,48 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 10:second_voice,6 + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,60 + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,40 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 11:second_voice,45 + 11:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,-1 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,0 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 4:noteseq,"あges'0.5 たas'0.5 まbes'0.5 のbes'0.25 っbes'2.0 なdes''0.25 かces''0.5 にbes'0.5 あces''0.5 っdis'0.25 たes'2.25 てes'0.5 んf'0.5 きges'0.5 よes'0.25 ほdes'1.75 おdes'0.25 がdes'0.25 っes'0.5 うes'0.25 らas'0.25 めbes'0.5 しces''0.25 いa'2.25 ひges'0.5 つas'0.25 よbes'0.25 おbes'0.5 っces''0.25 さbes'1.75 いbes'0.25 しょdes''0.25 おces''0.5 げbes'0.25 んas'0.25 なbes'0.5 のas'0.25 にa'2.25 ざbes'0.5 っas'0.5 くges'0.5 わges'0.25 っbes'2.0 おdes'0.25 もes'1.0 いes'0.5 もes'0.25 のes'2.25 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 くg'0.5 もfis'0.5 のfis'0.5 っa'0.5 すfis'0.25 きa'1.75 まa'0.25 かa'0.25 らb'0.5 っb'0.25 っa'0.5 っb'0.25 っa'2.0 あe'0.5 おd'1.0 がb'0.5 っd''0.25 のfis'1.75 ぞa'0.25 くb'0.75 っb'0.25 っd'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'2.0 あe'0.5 たd'0.5 りd'0.5 のe'0.5 かd'0.25 がe'0.25 やe'0.5 きe'1.0 っd'0.25 こe'0.25 こfis'0.5 ろe'0.25 もfis'0.5 つfis'0.25 らg'0.25 れfis'1.75 あa'0.5 わb'0.5 てb'0.5 てd'0.5 っe'0.25 かa'1.75 めfis'0.25 らe'0.25 っe'0.5 とd'0.25 りdisis'0.5 だe'0.25 すe'2.0 " + 9:noteseq,"p3.5 にa'1.0 じb'0.25 のa'0.25 っa'0.5 なa'0.25 かg'0.25 にfis'0.5 いe'0.5 るfis'3.0 e'1.5 さe'1.0 っa'0.25 かa'0.25 くa'0.5 っe''0.25 しa'0.25 てb'0.5 いb'0.5 るd''0.5 っd''4.0 そa'1.0 れb'0.25 がa'0.25 っa'0.5 うcis''0.25 れd''0.25 しe''0.5 くd''0.5 てcis''0.5 っd''3.25 しゃd''0.25 っb'0.5 たb'0.75 あa'0.25 がa'0.25 っa'0.25 れa'0.5 んcis''0.25 ぞd''0.25 くd''0.5 っd''0.5 " + 10:noteseq,"p-1.0 あfis'0.5 ざg'0.5 やfis'1.5 かd'0.5 なfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 ぎゃfis'0.5 くa'1.0 てa'0.5 んa'1.5 うe'0.5 れfis'0.5 しfis'1.5 さe'0.5 がa'1.0 っa'0.5 とa'0.5 まb'1.0 らb'0.5 なb'1.0 いb'0.5 " + 11:noteseq,"おb'0.5 おa'0.5 おb'0.5 おd''0.5 おb'0.5 おb'0.5 おa'0.5 おb'0.5 おb'4.0 おa'0.5 おa'0.5 おa'0.5 おa'0.5 おa'0.5 おe'0.5 おfis'0.5 おd''4.5 " + 3:second_noteseq,"っbes'0.5 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.5 っes'0.25 っes'1.75 っes'0.25 っges'0.25 っes'0.5 っes'0.25 っges'0.25 っes'0.5 っges'0.25 っges'1.25 っbes'1.0 がas'0.5 すces''0.5 がdis'0.5 すes'0.25 のes'2.0 っas'0.25 っas'1.0 っas'0.5 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 as'2.0 っes'0.5 っges'0.25 っes'0.25 っges'0.5 っbes'0.25 っes'1.75 っes'0.25 っes'0.25 っas'0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 as'1.0 っf'1.0 あges'0.5 しces''0.5 もbes'0.5 とas'0.25 しges'1.75 かges'0.25 っges'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'2.25 " + 4:second_noteseq,"っes,0.5 たes,0.5 っes,0.5 のes,0.25 っes,0.25 dis,1.75 なdis,0.25 かdis,0.5 にdis,0.5 あdis,0.5 っdis,0.25 たdis,2.25 っes,0.5 んes,0.5 っes,0.5 よes,0.25 っes,0.25 dis,1.5 おdis,0.25 っdis,0.25 っdis,0.5 うdis,0.25 らdis,0.25 めdis,0.5 しdis,0.25 いdis,2.25 っes,0.5 つes,0.25 っes,0.25 おes,0.5 っes,0.25 っes,0.25 dis,1.5 いdis,0.25 っdis,0.25 おdis,0.5 げdis,0.25 んdis,0.25 なdis,0.5 のdis,0.25 にdis,2.25 っes,0.5 っes,0.5 っes,0.5 わes,0.25 っes,0.25 dis,1.75 おdis,0.25 もdis,1.0 いdis,0.5 もdis,0.25 のdis,2.25 " + 5:second_noteseq,"っbes'0.5 っf'0.5 っeis'0.5 っf'0.5 っges'0.5 あf'0.5 あdis'0.5 あes'0.5 あf'0.5 あges'0.5 あf'1.0 es'2.0 っbes'0.5 っf'0.5 っeis'0.5 っf'0.5 っges'0.5 っas'0.5 っes'0.5 あf'0.5 あges'0.5 あas'0.5 あges'0.5 あes'2.5 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 くe'0.5 もd'0.5 のd'0.5 っd'0.5 すd'0.25 きe'1.75 まe'0.25 かe'0.25 らfis'0.5 っg'0.25 おfis'0.5 おg'0.25 おfis'2.0 あa'0.5 おb'1.0 がb'0.5 っb'0.25 のb'0.25 e'1.5 ぞfis'0.25 くe'0.75 っe'0.25 っd'0.5 っg'0.25 っa'2.0 あa'0.5 たfis'0.5 りfis'0.5 のfis'0.5 かfis'0.25 がa'0.25 やa'0.5 きa'1.0 っfis'0.25 こe'0.25 こa'0.5 ろg'0.25 もfis'0.5 つa'0.25 らb'0.25 れa'1.75 あe'0.5 わg'0.5 てfis'0.5 てg'0.5 っfis'0.25 かfis'1.75 めe'0.25 らb'0.25 っb'0.5 とe'0.25 っfisis'0.5 っg'0.25 っa'2.0 " + 9:second_noteseq,"にfis'1.0 じg'0.75 のfis'0.25 っb'0.5 なd''0.5 かb'0.5 っb'0.5 っe''2.0 っais'2.0 さd''1.0 っe''0.75 かd''0.25 くb'0.5 っb'0.5 しb'0.5 っcis''0.5 っe''2.0 っe''0.5 b'0.5 っb'1.0 そa'1.0 れb'0.75 がa'0.25 っb'0.5 うb'0.5 れd''0.5 っe''0.5 っe''2.0 っfis'1.0 っfis'1.0 しゃb'1.0 っa'0.75 たb'0.25 あb'0.5 がb'0.5 っd''0.5 れd''0.5 っe''1.0 っa'1.0 っa'0.5 っd''0.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 あd'0.5 ざe'0.5 やd'1.5 かd'0.5 なd'1.0 っd'0.5 ぎゃfis'0.5 くe'1.0 てe'0.5 んe'1.5 うe'0.5 れa'0.5 しa'1.5 さfis'0.5 がfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 とe'0.5 まfis'1.0 らfis'0.5 なfis'1.0 いfis'0.5 " + 11:second_noteseq,"おe'0.5 っe'0.5 おe'0.5 っe'0.5 おe'0.5 おe'0.5 おe'0.5 おfis'0.5 おe'4.0 おe'0.5 っges'0.5 おfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 おfis'0.5 おfis'0.5 おa'0.5 おa'4.5 "
48776034寂しいと口に出したことはないけれど / "作詞キコ 作曲クーマー"time,"2024/08/03 Sat 10:31:39" + filename,776034-c0Xv + div,6 + mainid,776033-7Lhp + title,寂しいと口に出したことはないけれど + title,寂しいと口に出したことはないけれど + title,寂しいと口に出したことはないけれど + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,52 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,52 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_TentoumushinosanbaCherish.dat + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,52 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_ButterflyKimurakaera.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,52 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/nanimoienakutenatuauf1-8.dat + 5:highest,74 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_gd6mi1.har + 5:inst,52 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/nanimoienakutenatuauf1-8.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,78 + 6:second_highest,74 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/nanimoienakutenatuauf1-8.dat + 6:highest,74 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_zbufif.har + 6:inst,52 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:second_voice,78 + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/manatunokajitu-himeno-auf1-2.dat + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/manatunokajitu-himeno-auf1-2.dat + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/manatunokajitu-himeno-auf1-2.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + uid,17770 + 2:noteseq,"p0.5 ひcis''0.5 うb'0.5 ひa'0.5 うgis'0.5 とfis'0.5 かe'0.5 ぜfis'0.5 がe'1.0 なe'0.75 りfis'2.25 あcis'0.5 まdis'0.5 おe'0.5 とe'0.5 がcis''0.5 まb'0.5 どfis'0.5 おgis'0.5 たgis'1.0 たcis''0.75 くb'1.25 " + 3:noteseq,"まcis'1.0 よcis'1.0 なe'0.75 かgis'1.25 のcis'0.5 しdis'0.5 んe'0.5 しfis'0.5 つfis'0.75 わfis'1.25 さe'1.0 びgis'1.0 しa'0.75 さgis'1.25 でa'0.5 みgis'0.5 たa'1.0 さgis'0.75 れfis'1.25 " + 4:noteseq,"つcis'0.75 かdis'0.25 のe'0.75 まgis'0.25 のdis'0.5 ぬe'0.5 くfis'1.0 もcis''0.75 りcis''0.25 おcis''0.5 もe'0.25 とfis'0.25 めgis'2.0 べgis'0.75 っfis'0.25 どe'0.75 にe'0.25 もb'1.0 ぐdis'1.0 りe'1.0 こe'1.0 むgis'1.5 " + 5:noteseq,"p-0.5 さbis'0.5 びcis''1.0 しcis''0.5 いgis'1.0 とgis'1.0 くfis'1.0 ちgis'0.5 にfis'2.5 だfis'0.5 しcis'1.0 たdis'0.5 こe'0.5 とa'0.5 わgis'0.5 なa'0.5 いgis'1.0 けfis'0.5 れgis'0.5 どgis'2.0 " + 6:noteseq,"p-0.5 あbis'0.5 あcis''1.0 あcis''0.5 あfis'1.0 あfis'1.0 あfis'1.0 あgis'0.5 あfis'1.0 gis'1.5 あgis'0.5 あe'1.0 あfis'0.5 あe'0.5 あcis''0.5 あb'0.5 あcis''0.5 あfis'1.0 あfis'0.5 あb'0.5 あcis''2.0 " + 2:second_noteseq,"p1.0 ひe'0.5 うcis'0.5 ひb0.5 うfis'0.5 とb0.5 かb0.25 ぜcis'0.25 がcis'0.75 なcis'0.25 りd'0.75 b2.75 cis'0.5 あcis'0.5 まfis'0.5 おfis'0.5 とfis'0.25 がfis'0.25 まfis'0.5 どe'0.25 おdis'0.25 たe'0.75 たfis'0.25 くe'1.0 b'2.0 " + 3:second_noteseq,"まgis1.0 よfis0.5 なgis0.5 かcis'1.0 のb0.5 しcis'0.5 んe'1.0 しcis'1.0 つb1.0 わb1.0 さgis1.0 びe'0.5 しe'0.5 さcis'1.0 でcis'1.0 みcis'1.0 たe'1.0 さb1.0 れb1.0 " + 4:second_noteseq,"つgis0.5 かa0.25 のgis0.75 まgis0.5 のb0.75 ぬb0.75 くdis'0.5 もe'0.75 りe'0.75 おcis'0.5 もbis1.0 とdis'0.25 めe'0.75 べe'0.5 っcis'0.25 どgis0.75 にgis0.5 もb0.75 ぐfis'0.75 りfis'0.5 こcis'2.0 むdis'0.25 " + 5:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 さdis'0.5 びe'1.0 しfis'0.5 いe'1.0 とe'1.0 っb1.0 くfis'0.5 ちb'0.5 にb'2.0 だb'0.5 しe'1.0 たe'0.5 こb0.5 とcis'0.5 わb0.5 なcis'0.5 いbis1.0 けbis0.5 れcis'0.5 どdis'0.5 "
49775920"らいちゃんの戦い 3" / らいちゃんuid,3855 + time,"2024/08/02 Fri 14:46:16" + filename,775920-F7MD + div,5 + title,"らいちゃんの戦い 3" + title,"らいちゃんの戦い 3" + title,"らいちゃんの戦い 3" + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_31tzri.har + 1:inst,0 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_31tzri.har + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 2:highest,74 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/Pachelbel-Kanon-Ending.dat + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:harmony,pat/harmony/Pachelbel-Kanon-Ending.dat + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,74 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/Pachelbel-Kanon-Ending.dat + 5:inst,51 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 2:noteseq,"らf'0.5 いg'0.5 ちゃf'0.5 んf'0.5 もf'0.5 おg'0.5 すf'0.5 ぐd'0.5 はc'0.5 ちd'0.5 じゅc'0.5 っc'0.5 さc'1.0 いc'1.0 たd'0.5 くe'0.5 さf'0.5 んf'0.5 びょe'0.5 おf'0.5 きg'0.5 おg'0.5 もa'0.5 っg'0.5 てf'0.5 いg'0.5 るa'2.0 しゅa'0.5 みg'0.5 もf'0.5 たg'0.5 くa'0.5 さa'0.5 んc''0.5 もd''0.5 っc''0.5 てa'1.0 いg'0.5 るa'2.0 びょa'0.5 おais'0.5 きbes'0.5 とa'0.5 しゅa'0.5 みg'0.5 のf'0.5 たe'0.5 たf'0.5 かf'1.0 いg'0.5 だf'2.0 " + 4:noteseq,"いa'0.5 まg'0.5 わa'0.5 しゅa'0.5 みg'0.5 がg'0.5 かg'0.5 っf'0.5 てf'1.5 いf'0.5 るc''2.0 そf'0.5 のg'0.5 うf'0.5 ちg'0.5 びょa'0.5 おg'0.5 きf'0.5 がg'0.5 かf'0.5 つe'0.5 だf'0.5 ろg'0.5 おg'2.0 がf'0.5 んg'0.5 ばa'0.5 れdisis'0.5 がe'0.5 んf'0.5 ばg'0.5 れf'0.5 がf'0.5 んa'1.0 ばbes'0.5 れa'2.0 さc''0.5 いbes'0.5 ごa'0.5 のbes'0.5 じa'0.5 んg'0.5 せg'0.5 いf'0.5 たe'0.5 のf'0.5 しg'0.5 んf'0.5 でf'2.0 "
50775699"らいちゃんの戦い NEW" / らいちゃんtime,"2024/07/30 Tue 13:06:46" + filename,775699-KbZf + div,5 + mainid,775698-WdGf + title,"らいちゃんの戦い NEW" + title,"らいちゃんの戦い NEW" + title,"らいちゃんの戦い NEW" + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_31tzri.har + 1:inst,0 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_31tzri.har + 2:inst,0 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/Pachelbel-Kanon-Ending.dat + 3:inst,0 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,74 + 4:harmony,pat/harmony/Pachelbel-Kanon-Ending.dat + 4:inst,0 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/Pachelbel-Kanon-Ending.dat + 5:inst,51 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + uid,3855 + 2:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 らc'0.25 いd'0.25 ちゃc'0.25 んa0.25 もd'1.5 おf'0.25 すg'0.25 ぐf'1.0 はf'0.25 ちg'0.25 じゅf'0.25 っd'0.25 さc'0.25 いc'2.75 たg0.25 くa0.25 さc'0.25 んd'0.25 びょd'1.5 おf'0.25 きc'0.25 おc'1.25 もc'0.25 っa0.25 てg0.25 いe'0.25 るf'2.75 しゅf'0.25 みc'0.25 もc'0.25 たg0.25 くa1.5 さd'0.25 んd'0.25 もd'1.25 っa0.25 てa0.25 いa0.25 るc'3.0 びょc'0.25 おdisis'0.25 きe'0.25 とcisis'0.25 しゅd'1.5 みa0.25 のa0.25 たg1.25 たc'0.25 かc'0.25 いc'0.25 だc'0.5 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 いf'0.25 まe'0.25 わf'0.25 しゅf'0.25 みc'1.5 がc'0.25 かc'0.25 っc'1.25 てc'0.25 いe'0.25 るf'2.25 c'1.0 そc'0.25 のdisis'0.25 うe'0.25 ちf'0.25 びょf'1.5 おd'0.25 きc'0.25 がc'1.25 かc'0.25 つbes0.25 だa0.25 ろbes0.25 おa1.75 c'1.0 がc'0.25 んd'0.25 ばe'0.25 れbis0.25 がc'1.5 んa'0.25 ばa'0.25 れc'1.25 がc'0.25 んd'0.25 ばc'0.25 れa3.0 さbes0.25 いa0.25 ごa0.25 のc'0.25 じd'1.5 んbes0.25 せa0.25 えg1.25 たg0.25 のd'0.25 しg'0.25 んd'0.25 でc'0.25 "
51775589小さな星Ⅱ / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/07/29 Mon 13:23:52" + filename,775589-M7R6 + div,13 + mainid,775588-V7Jw + title,小さな星Ⅱ + title,小さな星Ⅱ + title,小さな星Ⅱ + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,85 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,11 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,75 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,96 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:second_voice,75 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,79 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,60 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 4:second_voice,40 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,73 + 5:second_highest,68 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,60 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 5:second_voice,9 + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 6:second_highest,62 + 6:highest,74 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_9diayq.har + 6:inst,103 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 6:second_voice,38 + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,89 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,95 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 9:second_highest,78 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,103 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 9:second_voice,0 + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 10:second_highest,74 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,50 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 10:second_voice,114 + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,54 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 11:highest,74 + 11:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_9is5rb.har + 11:inst,50 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 11:second_voice,122 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_vjicu3.har + 12:inst,50 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,11 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"p3.5 どg'1.0 っg'0.25 こes'0.25 かc'0.5 っc'0.25 にc'0.25 っc'0.5 っc'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'2.5 c'1.5 ちg'1.0 っas'0.25 いg'0.25 さes'0.5 っc'0.25 なc'0.25 ほc'0.5 っd'0.5 しes'0.5 っes'2.5 f'1.5 とf'1.0 てfisis'0.25 もg'0.25 っb'0.5 ちb'0.25 いg'0.25 さg'0.5 っf'0.5 なes'0.5 っes'2.5 f'1.5 すf'0.5 es'0.5 なf'0.25 はg'0.25 まg'0.5 っg'0.25 がg'0.25 あg'0.5 っas'0.5 るg'0.5 っg'0.5 " + 4:noteseq,"p3.5 そg'1.0 っbes'0.25 ぼbes'0.25 くbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 なbes'0.25 っbes'0.5 っbes'0.5 っc''0.5 っc''2.5 bes'1.5 うbes'1.0 っc''0.25 みbes'0.25 がes'0.5 っg'0.25 あg'0.25 るf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.25 っas'0.25 っes'2.5 g'1.5 みg'1.0 わbes'0.25 くbes'0.25 っbes'0.5 すbes'0.25 るbis'0.25 っc''0.5 っbes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'2.5 f'1.0 くf'0.5 もes'1.0 がes'0.25 っf'0.25 うes'0.5 かg'0.25 っg'0.25 ぶg'0.5 っg'0.5 っg'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.5 " + 6:noteseq,"どg'1.5 っg'0.5 こf'1.0 かbes'1.0 のes'1.0 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っg'1.0 っg'1.0 ぎas'1.0 んg'0.5 がf'0.5 っes'1.0 のes'0.5 はes'0.5 ずf'0.5 れf'0.5 っc''0.5 っf'0.5 っc'1.0 っc'1.0 たes'1.5 っes'0.5 しd'1.0 かcis'1.0 なc'1.0 っc'0.5 っc'0.5 っg'1.0 っg'1.0 そf'1.0 おg'0.5 ぞf'0.5 っf'1.0 おf'0.5 がf'0.5 あf'0.5 るes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っc''1.0 っc''1.0 " + 9:noteseq,"まfis'1.5 っfis'0.5 ぶa'1.0 しcis''1.0 いfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っa'1.0 っa'1.0 たgis'1.0 いdisis'0.5 よe'0.5 っe'1.0 おe'0.5 がe'0.5 あb'0.5 るa'0.5 っcis'0.5 っe'0.5 っeis'1.0 っeis'1.0 すfis'1.5 っfis'0.5 てa'1.0 きa'1.0 なa'1.0 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っfis'1.0 っfis'1.0 ほe'1.5 しb'0.5 がgis'1.0 っa'0.5 なgis'0.5 らa'0.5 ぶa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 " + 10:noteseq,"p-0.5 だa'0.5 れfis'2.5 かfis'2.0 のfis'3.0 ちfis'0.5 いe'0.5 さe'2.0 なe'2.0 ほb'0.5 しcis''2.5 とb'0.5 てcis''0.5 もcis''1.0 ちcis''1.0 いfis'2.0 さfis'0.5 なfis'2.5 すfis'0.5 なgis'0.5 はa'1.0 まe'1.0 がe'2.0 あd'0.5 るcis'2.5 " + 11:noteseq,"うfis'0.5 うgis'0.5 うa'0.5 うfis'0.5 うgis'0.5 うces''0.5 っb'0.5 うgis'0.5 うa'0.5 うa'3.5 うfis'0.5 うgis'0.5 うa'0.5 うa'0.5 うe'0.5 うfis'0.5 うe'0.5 っe'0.5 うe'0.5 うfis'0.5 うe'3.0 " + 3:second_noteseq,"どes'0.5 っf'0.5 こes'0.5 かf'0.5 っf'0.5 にf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っes'2.0 っg'2.0 ちc''0.5 っbes'0.5 いas'0.5 さeis'0.5 っf'0.5 なf'0.5 ほf'0.5 っf'0.5 しes'2.0 っg'2.0 とc''0.5 てes''0.5 もc''0.5 っc''0.5 ちc''0.5 いbes'0.5 さbes'0.5 っb'0.5 なb'0.75 g'1.25 っc''2.0 すc''0.5 なes''0.5 はc''0.5 まc''0.5 っc''0.5 がbes'0.5 あbes'0.5 っc''0.5 るc''2.0 っc''2.0 " + 9:second_noteseq,"まcis''1.5 っcis''0.5 ぶfis''1.0 しfis''1.0 いa'1.0 っa'0.5 うa'0.5 うfis''1.0 うfis''1.0 たe''1.0 いcis''0.5 よb'0.5 っb'1.0 おb'0.5 がb'0.5 あd''0.5 るcis''0.5 っa'0.5 うa'0.5 うb'1.0 うb'1.0 すa'1.5 っa'0.5 てcis''1.0 きcis''1.0 なfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 うfis'0.5 うa'1.0 うfis''1.0 ほb'1.5 しe''0.5 がe''1.0 っe''0.5 なb'0.5 らd''0.5 ぶcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 うcis''0.5 うa'1.0 うa'0.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 だcis''0.5 れa'2.5 かa'2.0 のa'3.0 っfis'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'2.0 っb'2.0 っa'0.5 っa'1.0 b'1.5 とgis'0.5 てa'0.5 もa'1.0 ちa'1.0 いa'2.0 さa'0.5 なa'2.5 っfis'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'1.0 っb'1.0 っb'2.0 っcis''0.5 っa'1.0 cis''1.5 " + 11:second_noteseq,"っd0.5 うd0.25 っd0.75 うfis0.5 っe0.75 うe0.75 っe0.5 っfis,1.5 うfis,0.5 っa,2.0 っfis0.5 うd0.25 っd0.75 うd0.5 っe0.5 fis0.25 うfis0.25 e0.5 うbisis0.5 っe0.5 fis0.25 うfis0.25 e0.5 うbisis0.5 っe0.25 "
52775419カタカムナウタヒ / カタカムナ人uid,18456 + time,"2024/07/27 Sat 11:03:17" + filename,775419-GebK + div,7 + import,446074 + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + title,カタカムナウタヒ + title,カタカムナウタヒ + title,カタカムナウタヒ + score,"vocal 1inst" + 1:inst,124 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,27 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,22 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 3:highest,74 + 4:inst,22 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,6 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero7.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 5:highest,74 + 6:inst,122 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternI32fixed.dat + 6:highest,74 + 6:melody,harmonic + 7:inst,27 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 2:noteseq,"かfis'0.5 たe'0.5 かfis'0.5 むfis'0.25 なa'0.25 ひa'0.25 びgis'0.25 きfis'0.25 まgis'0.25 のa'0.25 すb'0.25 べa'0.25 しa'0.25 っgis'0.5 あgis'0.5 しgis'0.5 あgis'0.5 とgis'0.5 うgis'0.5 あgis'0.5 んgis'0.5 うfis'0.25 つgis'0.25 しa'0.25 まgis'0.25 つa'0.25 るgis'0.25 かfis'0.25 たgis'0.25 かa'0.25 むcis''0.25 なcis''0.25 うa'0.25 たa'0.25 ひfis'0.25 やfis'0.25 たfis'0.25 のgis'0.25 かfis'0.25 がgis'0.5 みgis'0.5 かgis'0.25 たgis'0.25 かgis'0.25 むfis'0.25 なgis'0.5 かcis''0.5 みgis'0.5 ふfis'0.5 とa'0.5 だa'0.5 まa'0.5 のa'0.5 みcis''0.5 みd''0.5 こcis''0.5 とcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 ふcis''0.5 とcis''0.5 まcis''0.5 にcis''0.5 にcis''1.0 " + 3:noteseq,"いfis'0.5 わgis'0.5 とa'0.5 わfis'0.5 にgis'0.5 かgis'0.5 みcis'0.5 なd'0.5 りcisis'0.5 てcisis'0.5 かgisis'0.5 たgisis'0.5 かcis''0.5 むcis''0.5 なcis''1.0 よgis'0.5 そfis'0.5 やd'0.5 こfis'0.5 とgis'0.5 ほfis'0.5 ぐa'0.5 しgis'0.5 うgis'0.5 たa'0.5 ひgis'0.5 ふgis'0.5 みgis'0.5 よgis'0.5 いe'1.0 まfis'0.5 わa'1.0 りcis''0.5 てcis''1.0 めgis'0.5 ぐa'0.5 るgisis'0.5 むgisis'0.5 なfis'0.5 やeisis'0.5 こcis'0.5 とa'1.5 " + 4:noteseq,"あa'0.5 うgis'0.5 のa'0.5 すfis'0.25 べcis'0.25 しcis'0.25 れe'0.25 かfis'0.5 たgis'0.5 ちa'0.5 さgisis'0.25 きgisis'0.25 そcisis''0.5 らcisis''0.5 にcisis''0.5 もb'0.5 ろa'0.5 けe'0.5 せfis'0.5 ゆfis'0.5 えgis'0.5 ぬfis'0.5 おd'0.5 おcis'0.25 はcis'0.25 えfis'0.5 つcis''0.5 いa'0.5 ねgis'0.5 ほdis'0.5 んgis'0.5 かgis'0.5 たe'0.5 かfis'0.5 むgis'0.5 なgis'0.5 まfis'0.5 がa'1.0 たa'0.5 まa'0.5 のgis'0.5 あfis'0.5 まe'0.5 のcisis'0.5 みcisis'0.5 なgisis'0.5 かeisis'0.5 ぬb'0.5 しa'1.5 たd'0.5 かe'0.5 みfis'0.5 むgis'0.25 すfis'0.25 びfis'0.25 かfis'0.25 むcis'0.5 みfis'0.5 むfis'0.5 すgis'0.25 びgis'0.25 みgis'0.5 すgis'0.5 まgis'0.5 るa'0.5 のfis'0.5 たcis'0.5 まfis'0.5 " + 5:noteseq,"うcis''0.5 まb'0.5 しa'0.5 たe'0.25 かcis''0.25 かb'0.25 むb'0.25 あb'0.5 しb'0.5 かb'0.5 びfis'0.25 ひfis'0.25 こcis'0.25 とcis'0.25 こcis'0.5 ろcis'0.5 ちcis'0.5 まe'0.5 たfis'0.5 のe'0.5 とf'0.5 きa'0.5 おgis'0.5 かa'0.5 しa'0.25 あe'0.25 めcis'0.5 のa'0.5 とa'0.5 こd''0.25 たcis''0.25 ちb'0.5 くa'0.5 にb'0.5 とd''0.5 こcis''0.5 たb'0.5 ちb'0.5 あa'0.5 めb'0.5 くa'0.5 にgis'0.5 かg'0.5 そa'0.5 こb'0.5 そb'0.5 ぎfis'0.5 たa'0.5 ちa'0.5 かfis'0.5 たeis'0.5 かfis'0.5 むgis'0.5 なa'0.5 まa'0.5 のfis'1.0 とfis'0.5 きa'1.0 とb'0.5 こa'0.5 ろfis'0.5 とfis'0.5 こe'0.5 たd'0.5 ちcis'2.0 " + 6:noteseq,"めfis'0.5 ぐb'0.5 るb'0.5 まfis'0.5 のa'0.5 みfis'0.5 なa'0.5 かfis'0.5 ぬb'1.5 しg'0.5 fis'2.0 たcis'0.5 かfis'0.5 みais'0.5 むcis''0.5 すb'0.5 びfis'0.5 かb'0.5 むfis'0.5 みb'0.5 むfis'0.5 すg'0.5 びa'2.5 おfis'0.5 のb'0.5 こfis'0.5 ろgis'0.5 しa'0.5 まcis''0.5 かd''0.5 むcis''0.5 なb'0.5 ほb'1.0 ぐa'2.5 あfis'0.5 めais'1.0 つfis'0.5 ちfis'0.5 ねfis'0.5 はfis'0.5 じe'0.5 まd'1.5 りa'2.5 "
53775293"Sunshine Vibes" / クーマーtime,"2024/07/25 Thu 14:42:50" + filename,775293-Qv9C + div,17 + mainid,775290-gyeV + title,"Sunshine Vibes" + title,"Sunshine Vibes" + title,"Sunshine Vibes" + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,5 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,2 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,64 + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/konyatukinomieruokaniauf1-8.dat + 3:highest,76 + 3:inst,4 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk3.perc + 3:second_voice,66 + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,64 + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,76 + 4:inst,32 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 4:second_voice,66 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:harmony,pat/harmony/wagahai2ss.dat + 5:inst,-1 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,4 + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_LionheartSmap.dat + 6:highest,76 + 6:inst,32 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 6:second_voice,4 + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,2 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,4 + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,76 + 8:inst,2 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 8:second_voice,4 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_StoryAi.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,71 + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 9:highest,76 + 9:inst,5 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk3.perc + 9:second_voice,70 + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,71 + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,76 + 10:inst,32 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 10:second_voice,70 + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:harmony,pat/harmony/wagahai2ss.dat + 11:inst,-1 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,0 + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_LionheartSmap.dat + 12:highest,76 + 12:harmony,pat/harmony/wagahai2ss.dat + 12:inst,5 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 12:second_voice,0 + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/TakiRentaro-Hana-110815ss.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,2 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,0 + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,76 + 14:inst,32 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 14:second_voice,0 + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:voice,64 + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,76 + 15:inst,2 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk3.perc + 15:second_voice,66 + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,64 + 16:second_highest,71 + 16:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_LionheartSmap.dat + 16:highest,76 + 16:inst,32 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 16:second_voice,66 + 16:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:second_highest,71 + 17:highest,74 + 17:inst,32 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 17:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:mode,inst + uid,17770 + 12:noteseq,"p0.25 あas'0.25 あg'0.25 あas'0.25 あg'0.75 あf'0.5 あd'1.0 あes'0.25 あd'0.25 あes'0.25 っes''1.0 あes''0.75 あc''0.5 っc''2.0 あc''0.25 あbes'0.25 あas'0.25 あg'0.5 あf'0.25 あc''0.5 あbes'0.5 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あfis'0.25 あcisis'0.25 っd'0.25 あes'0.5 あf'0.25 あes'0.25 あf'0.5 あes'0.25 あb'0.5 っg'2.0 あg'0.25 あf'0.25 あes'0.25 あes'1.25 っc'1.25 あc'0.25 あes'0.25 あf'1.0 あc''0.75 あes''0.5 あc''2.0 あbes'0.25 あas'0.25 っg'0.25 あas'0.75 あg'0.5 あas'0.75 あg'0.25 あas'0.25 あg'0.25 あas'0.25 あg'0.5 あas'0.25 あg'0.25 あf'0.75 っes'0.5 あes'1.75 " + 14:noteseq,"p-1.0 あes''0.5 あd''0.25 あes''0.25 っc''1.5 あes''0.5 あd''1.0 あais'0.5 っbes'3.5 あbes'0.25 あas'0.25 っg'0.25 あas'0.25 あg'1.5 あg'0.25 あf'0.25 っf'0.75 あf'0.25 あes'0.25 あf'0.25 あcisis'0.25 っd'0.25 あes'3.0 あf'0.25 あes'0.25 あes'0.25 っd'0.25 あes'1.0 あc''0.5 っbes'0.25 あc''0.25 っbes'0.75 あf'0.25 あg'0.25 あf'0.25 あg'0.25 あf'0.25 あf'2.0 あes'1.0 あf'0.25 あes'0.25 あf'0.25 あes'0.25 あc'1.5 あas'0.25 あg'0.25 あf'1.0 あg'0.25 あf'0.25 あf'0.5 あes'3.0 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あd'0.25 っbis0.25 あc'1.5 あes'0.5 あes'1.5 あc'0.5 あbes0.5 あes'0.5 あd'0.5 あais'0.5 あbes'1.5 あbes'0.25 あg'0.25 あbes'1.5 あbes'0.5 あbes'1.5 っas'0.25 あg'0.25 あbes0.5 あf'0.5 あes'0.5 あf'0.25 あes'0.25 あbes'1.5 あbes'0.5 あg'1.5 っf'0.5 あg'1.5 っes'0.5 あf'1.0 あbes0.5 あc'0.5 あbes1.5 あf'0.5 あbes1.5 あf'0.5 あbes1.5 あg0.5 っg0.5 あg0.5 あc'0.5 あd'0.5 あes'1.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"あes'0.5 っc'0.25 あg0.75 あais0.5 あbes0.75 あc'0.75 あbes0.5 あas0.75 あg0.75 あbes0.5 あbes2.0 あc'0.5 あbes0.25 あc'0.75 あbes0.25 es'0.25 あbes0.75 っbes0.75 あbes0.5 あg0.75 あbes0.75 あes'0.5 あbes1.0 あas0.25 あg0.75 あc'0.5 あes'0.25 っc'0.75 あc'0.5 っbes0.75 あf'0.75 あf'0.5 あbes2.0 あc'2.0 あc'0.5 あbes0.25 あc'0.75 あc'0.5 あbes0.75 っbes0.75 あbes0.5 あes'1.5 あf'0.5 あes'0.25 " + 12:second_noteseq,"あf'0.75 あcis'0.25 あdes'0.75 あais0.25 あbes0.5 あbes0.25 あc'0.25 あbes1.0 あg'0.75 っes'0.25 あbes'0.5 あg'0.5 っg'2.0 あf'0.5 あc'0.25 あc'0.25 あbes0.5 あc'0.25 あas'0.25 あg'0.25 あfis'0.25 あd'0.25 あes'0.25 あd'0.25 fis0.75 っas0.25 あg0.25 あas0.25 あg0.25 あes'0.5 あc'0.5 あf'1.0 っd'1.0 あes'0.75 あc'0.25 あbes0.75 あc'0.25 っg0.75 あg0.25 あg1.0 あc'0.75 あes'0.25 あf'1.0 あg'2.0 あf'0.75 あc'0.25 っf'0.75 あf'0.25 あc'0.25 あf'0.25 あes'0.25 あf'0.25 あes'1.0 あes'0.25 あd'0.25 あes'0.25 あd'0.25 あces'0.5 っb0.5 あc'2.0 " + 15:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 あbes'0.5 っes'0.5 あes'1.5 あes'0.5 あes'1.0 あf'0.5 あes'0.5 あbes'1.0 あg'0.5 あbes'1.0 あbes'0.5 あbes'0.5 あf'0.5 あbes'1.5 あbes'0.5 あbes'1.0 っbes'0.5 あbes'0.5 あg'0.75 あas'0.25 あg'0.5 あbes'0.5 あas'0.5 あg'0.5 あg'2.5 あbes0.5 っg1.0 あes'0.5 っcisis'0.5 あd'1.0 あais0.5 あbes1.0 あf'0.5 あf'0.5 あf'0.5 あbes'1.5 あg'0.5 あbes1.0 っbes0.5 あbes0.5 あg'1.0 あas'0.5 あg'1.0 "
54775252忘れた頃に / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/07/24 Wed 20:19:29" + filename,775252-KHRU + div,14 + mainid,775246-SmDn + title,忘れた頃に + title,忘れた頃に + title,忘れた頃に + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_59xi4a.har + 1:inst,50 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,50 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.39" + 3:second_highest,74 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 3:highest,71 + 3:inst,11 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:second_voice,73 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,11 + 4:second_highest,75 + 4:highest,71 + 4:inst,11 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:second_voice,74 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.39" + 5:second_highest,69 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 5:highest,71 + 5:inst,12 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 5:second_voice,25 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,12 + 6:second_highest,59 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_kiseki.dat + 6:highest,71 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_f8ij6p.har + 6:inst,12 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 6:second_voice,38 + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_kiseki.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.39" + 7:second_highest,78 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 7:highest,71 + 7:inst,8 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 7:second_voice,64 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,8 + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 8:highest,71 + 8:inst,8 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 8:second_voice,70 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,8 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"fss 0.39" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,73 + 10:inst,6 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 10:second_voice,61 + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,6 + 11:second_highest,60 + 11:highest,73 + 11:inst,6 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 11:second_voice,36 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,6 + 12:second_highest,70 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 12:highest,73 + 12:inst,6 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:second_voice,66 + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,0 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,0 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"p-0.5 うe'0.5 たfis'0.5 おe'0.5 わfis'0.5 すa'0.5 れa'0.5 たgis'0.5 っa'0.5 なb'0.5 んa'1.0 とgis'0.75 かa'2.75 どa'0.5 おfis'0.5 なe'0.5 っe'0.5 たe'0.5 のb'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'1.0 っa'0.75 っa'1.75 すa'0.25 うfis'0.25 ぱfis'0.5 あfis'0.5 でfis'0.5 っa'0.5 つgis'0.5 めa'0.5 わgis'0.5 すa'0.5 れa'0.5 たfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っa'0.25 っfis'0.25 a'2.5 どa'0.5 おfis'0.5 なe'0.5 っe'0.5 てgis'0.5 しa'0.5 まb'0.5 うa'1.0 っa'0.75 っa'1.25 " + 4:noteseq,"あfis'0.75 あgis'0.25 あa'0.5 あa'0.5 あfis'0.5 あe'0.25 あfis'0.25 あfis'0.5 あfis'0.5 あe'0.5 っe'0.25 あb'0.25 あa'0.5 あgis'0.25 あa'0.25 あa'0.5 あa'0.5 あe'1.0 あfis'0.75 あgis'0.25 あa'0.5 あb'0.5 あa'1.0 っgis'0.5 あa'0.5 あgis'0.5 あa'0.25 あb'0.25 あb'0.5 っb'0.25 あb'0.25 あa'0.5 あb'0.5 あa'1.0 " + 5:noteseq,"しゃa'0.5 かfis'0.25 いfis'0.75 のe'0.5 っe'0.75 みe'0.5 かgis'0.25 いa'0.5 けa'0.75 つa'0.75 っa'0.5 っa'1.0 っb'0.5 っa'0.5 そa'0.75 のb'0.75 まa'0.5 まa'0.75 っb'0.75 わa'0.5 すb'0.75 れfisis'0.75 っg'0.5 っeis'1.0 っgis'0.5 っgis'0.5 まa'0.75 だgis'0.75 すa'0.5 んgis'0.75 でa'0.75 なb'0.5 いa'0.75 っgis'0.75 そa'0.5 おfis'1.0 じfis'0.5 っgis'0.5 やa'0.5 すb'0.25 んa'0.75 でa'0.5 っfis'0.75 わe'0.5 すa'0.25 れa'0.5 っb'0.5 っg'0.25 っb'0.75 っb'0.5 っb'1.0 っgis'0.5 " + 6:noteseq,"あfis'1.0 あgis'0.5 あa'0.25 あfis'0.75 あe'0.25 っe'0.25 あb'0.5 あe'0.25 あfis'0.5 あgis'0.25 あa'0.5 あb'0.25 あa'0.25 あb'0.25 あa'1.75 あe'0.25 あfis'0.25 あfis'0.75 あa'0.25 あfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 あfis'0.5 あgis'0.25 あa'0.25 あb'0.25 あa'0.5 っfis'0.25 あfis'0.5 あe'0.25 あfis'0.5 あgis'0.25 あa'0.25 あgis'0.25 あeis'1.25 " + 7:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼb'0.5 おa'0.5 ぼfis'0.5 おfis'0.5 っgis'0.25 みa'0.25 だfis'0.5 りfis'0.25 はe'0.75 かfis'0.25 りfis'0.25 ごgis'0.5 とa'0.25 ぼgis'0.5 おf'0.25 ぼeis'0.25 おeis'1.75 えgis'0.5 んa'1.0 じょa'0.5 おa'0.25 っa'1.75 しa'0.25 てb'0.75 いa'0.25 るb'0.5 っfis'0.25 っb'2.0 ぼfis'0.5 おb'0.5 ぼb'0.5 おfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 のfis'0.25 ぞb'1.5 みb'0.25 かgis'0.25 おa'0.5 ぼb'0.25 おa'0.5 ぼgis'0.25 おa'2.0 とe'0.5 りfis'1.0 がfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 なfis'1.75 いgis'0.25 てb'0.75 いa'0.25 るb'0.5 っfis'0.25 っb'2.0 " + 8:noteseq,"あfis'1.0 あa'0.75 あb'0.25 あb'0.5 あfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 あb'0.5 あfis'0.5 あe'0.5 あgis'0.5 あa'0.5 あb'0.5 あa'0.5 あb'0.5 あa'0.5 あfis'0.75 あas'0.25 あgis'0.75 あa'0.25 あgis'0.25 っges'0.25 あfis'0.5 あas'0.25 あgis'0.25 あa'0.5 あgis'0.5 っeis'0.5 あf'0.5 あe'0.5 あeis'0.25 あfis'0.25 あgis'0.5 あa'0.5 あgis'0.5 " + 10:noteseq,"p-1.0 わa'0.5 すbes'0.5 れbes'1.5 たbes'0.5 こg'0.5 ろf'0.5 にf'0.5 っg'0.25 やf'0.25 っg'0.75 てf'0.25 くg'0.5 るf'0.5 っf'0.5 っc''0.25 っf'0.25 こa'0.5 おfisis'0.5 かg'1.5 ふg'0.5 こbes'1.0 おa'0.5 かbes'0.5 っc''0.75 っc''0.25 っc''0.5 っc''0.5 っbes'0.5 っg'0.5 わa'0.5 すbes'0.5 れbes'1.5 たg'0.5 こg'0.5 ろf'0.5 にg'0.5 っa'0.25 やbes'0.25 っc''0.75 てbes'0.25 くg'0.5 るf'0.5 っf'0.5 っbes'0.25 っf'0.25 そf'0.5 のbes'0.5 まc''1.5 まc''0.5 わg'1.0 すc''0.5 れbes'0.5 てc''1.0 っc''0.5 っf'0.5 っc''0.5 っf'0.5 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 うcis''0.5 たd''0.5 おcis''0.5 わa'0.5 すcis''0.5 れcis''0.5 たcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 なcis''0.5 んfis'1.0 とfis'0.75 かcis''2.75 っfis'0.5 っa'0.5 っfis'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 おd''0.5 おcis''1.0 おcis''0.75 おcis''1.75 すcis''0.25 うb'0.25 ぱa'0.5 あa'0.5 でa'0.5 っfis'0.5 つgis'0.5 めdes''0.5 わcis''0.5 すcis''0.5 れb'0.5 たa'0.5 っa'0.5 っd''0.25 っcis''2.75 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っfis'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 しb'0.5 まd''0.5 うcis''1.0 おcis''0.75 おcis''1.25 " + 4:second_noteseq,"あa'0.75 あb'0.25 あcis''0.5 あb'0.5 あa'0.5 あgis'0.25 あa'0.25 あa'0.5 あb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 あb'0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.5 あcis''0.5 っa'1.0 あa'0.75 あb'0.25 あcis''0.5 あa'0.5 あfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 あfis'0.5 っb'0.5 あb'0.25 っd''0.25 っas'0.5 っgis'0.25 あb'0.25 っcis''0.5 あcis''0.5 っcis''1.0 " + 5:second_noteseq,"しゃa'0.5 かa'0.25 いa'0.75 のa'0.5 っa'0.75 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.75 っe'0.75 っa'0.5 おfis'1.0 おa'0.5 おfis'0.5 そfis'0.75 のgis'0.75 まa'0.5 まe'0.75 っfis'0.75 わe'0.5 すg'0.75 れcisis'0.75 っd'0.5 おeis'1.0 おeis'0.5 おfis'0.5 まfis'0.75 だe'0.75 すfis'0.5 んe'0.75 っe'0.75 っe'0.5 っe'0.75 っe'0.75 そa'0.5 おa'1.0 じa'0.5 っfis'0.5 やfis'0.5 すa'0.25 んfis'0.75 でfis'0.5 っa'0.75 わe'0.5 すfis'0.25 れe'0.5 っe'0.5 おd'0.25 おfisis'0.75 おg'0.5 おeis'1.0 おeis'0.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"あa1.0 っb0.5 あa0.25 あb0.75 あb0.25 っb0.25 っb0.5 あb0.25 あa0.5 あb0.25 あa0.5 っb0.25 あa0.25 あb0.25 あa1.75 っa0.25 あa0.25 あa0.75 あb0.25 っa0.5 っa0.25 あa0.5 あb0.25 あa0.25 あb0.25 っa0.5 っa0.25 あa0.5 あgis0.25 あgis0.5 っb0.25 あa0.25 あgis0.25 あb1.25 " + 7:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼb'0.5 おfis'0.5 ぼfis'0.5 おa'0.5 っb'0.25 みcis''0.25 だb'0.5 りa'0.25 はb'0.75 かcis''0.25 りcis''0.25 ごcis''0.5 とcis''0.25 ぼd''0.5 おcis''0.25 ぼb'0.25 おcis''1.75 っeis''0.5 っfis''1.0 っfis''0.5 っfis''0.25 っfis''1.75 っe''0.25 っfis''0.75 いfis''0.25 るfis''0.5 うe''0.25 うfis''2.0 ぼdis''0.5 おfis''0.5 ぼcis''0.5 おb'0.5 っb'0.25 のb'0.25 ぞfis''1.5 みfis''0.25 かb'0.25 おcis''0.5 ぼd''0.25 おcis''0.5 ぼb'0.25 おcis''2.0 っa'0.5 っbis'1.0 っbis'0.5 っbis'0.25 っbis'1.75 っdis''0.25 っfis'0.75 いfis'0.25 るas'0.5 うgis'0.25 うeis''2.0 " + 8:second_noteseq,"あb1.0 あfis'0.75 っfis'0.25 あfis'0.5 っb0.5 っb0.5 っd'0.5 あcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 あe'0.5 っe'0.5 あe'0.5 っcis'0.5 あcis'0.5 っc'0.5 あbis0.75 っcis'0.25 あdis'0.75 っcis'0.25 あbis0.25 っbis0.25 っbis0.5 あdis'0.25 っc'0.25 っbis0.5 っb0.5 っb0.5 あb0.5 っa0.5 あgis0.25 っdes'0.25 っcis'0.5 あcis'0.5 っb0.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 わf'0.5 すg'0.5 れf'1.5 たbes'0.5 こbes'0.5 ろa'0.5 にbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っf'0.75 っa'0.25 っgisis'0.5 っa'0.5 あbes'0.5 あa'0.25 あeis'0.25 こf'0.5 おais'0.5 かbes'1.5 ふbes'0.5 こg'1.0 おf'0.5 かg'0.5 っg'0.75 あfis'0.25 あfis'0.5 あg'0.5 あfis'0.5 あg'0.5 わfis'0.5 すg'0.5 れg'1.5 たbes'0.5 こbes'0.5 ろa'0.5 にbes'0.5 っbes'0.25 っg'0.25 っbes'0.75 っf'0.25 っf'0.5 っbes'0.5 あf'0.5 あg'0.25 あf'0.25 そa'0.5 のbes'0.5 まg'1.5 まg'0.5 わg'1.0 すg'0.5 れf'0.5 てf'1.0 っf'0.5 あf'0.5 あg'0.5 あf'0.5 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あf0.5 あbes1.0 っbes0.25 あbes0.25 あf0.5 っf0.25 あbes0.25 あbes0.5 っbes1.0 あbes0.25 あa0.25 あbis0.25 っc'0.25 っc'0.25 あc'0.25 あc'0.25 あc'0.25 あc'1.5 あc'0.5 あbes1.0 っbes0.25 あc'0.25 あbes0.5 っbes0.25 あbes0.25 あc'0.5 っbes1.0 あc'0.25 あc'0.25 っc'0.5 っc'0.25 あc'0.25 あc'0.5 あc'1.0 " + 12:second_noteseq,"p0.5 あg'0.5 っf'0.25 あg'0.25 あg'0.5 あes'1.0 っd'0.25 あes'0.25 あd'0.5 あd'0.25 あbes'0.25 っbes'0.75 あbes'0.25 あf'1.0 あf'0.5 っa'0.25 あbes'0.25 あbes'0.25 あd'0.75 あg'0.5 っf'0.5 あg'0.5 あg'1.0 っf'0.25 っdisis'0.25 あe'0.5 あf'0.5 あf'0.75 あg'0.25 あf'1.0 あa'0.5 っgis'0.5 あbes'0.25 あa'0.25 "
55774928群生 / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/07/19 Fri 22:28:56" + filename,774928-TdsS + div,14 + mainid,774927-7e9H + title,群生 + title,群生 + title,群生 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,97 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,18 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 3:highest,69 + 3:inst,16 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:second_voice,61 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,38 + 4:second_highest,62 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternI32fixed.dat + 4:highest,62 + 4:inst,16 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:second_voice,91 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternI32fixed.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 5:second_highest,66 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 5:highest,69 + 5:inst,16 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + AIに聞いてみる。 + 5:second_voice,92 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternJ32fixed.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,36 + 6:second_highest,62 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 6:highest,62 + 6:inst,16 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 6:second_voice,120 + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,18 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,38 + 8:second_highest,69 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 8:highest,69 + 8:inst,18 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 8:second_voice,99 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 9:second_highest,73 + 9:highest,69 + 9:inst,18 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 9:second_voice,40 + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,36 + 10:second_highest,69 + 10:highest,69 + 10:inst,0 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 10:second_voice,37 + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,42 + 11:second_highest,54 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 11:highest,69 + 11:inst,0 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 11:second_voice,32 + 11:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,18 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:highest,74 + 13:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_ig03bx.har + 13:inst,16 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:mode,inst + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,16 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + uid,6364 + AIに聞いてみる。 + 3:noteseq,"けcis'0.5 えcis'0.5 ざcis'0.5 いcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 しb0.5 じょcis'0.5 おcis'0.5 っd'1.5 しゅc'0.5 ぎb2.0 ひb0.5 とcis'0.5 びb0.5 とb0.5 にe'0.5 っe'0.5 そcis'0.5 のe'0.5 ひfis'0.5 とfis'0.5 とfis'0.5 なf'0.5 りeis'1.0 にeis'1.0 みe'0.5 よges'0.5 しfis'0.5 たe'0.5 つd'0.5 じcis'0.5 のcis'0.5 っd'0.5 ゆc'0.5 きcisis'0.5 のd'0.5 よc'0.5 おb1.0 さb1.0 ふb0.5 りe'0.5 つfis'0.5 ずfis'0.5 けfis'0.5 るe'0.5 っe'0.5 ふe'0.5 りfis'0.5 つe'0.5 ずfis'0.5 けfis'0.5 るeis'2.0 " + 4:noteseq,"あa0.5 あb0.5 あcis'0.5 あd'0.5 あcis'0.5 あb0.5 あcis'0.5 あcis'0.5 あc'0.5 っb0.5 あa0.5 っeis2.5 あfis0.5 あb0.5 あcis'0.5 あd'0.5 あcis'0.5 あb0.5 あa0.5 あa0.5 あb0.5 っb0.5 あfis0.5 っeis2.5 " + 5:noteseq,"やe'0.5 まfis'1.0 にe'0.5 っcis'1.0 いe'0.5 くges'0.5 こfis'0.5 とfis'0.5 にe'0.5 しfis'0.5 たfis'2.0 えfis'0.5 えa'1.0 あa'0.5 いfis'1.0 にa'0.5 っa'0.5 きeis'0.5 いfis'0.5 てeis'0.5 みeis'0.5 るeis'2.0 はe'1.5 なfis'0.5 のfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 さe'0.5 くfis'0.5 やfis'1.0 まfis'0.5 おcis'2.0 てa'0.5 んfis'1.0 きe'0.5 がfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 きd'0.5 にdis'0.5 なcis'1.0 るb0.5 なcis'2.0 " + 6:noteseq,"っe2.0 あfis0.5 っgis0.5 あa0.5 っgis0.5 あais0.5 っb0.5 あcis'0.5 あb0.5 あais0.5 あais0.5 あfis1.0 っfis2.0 あa0.5 っa0.5 あa0.5 っas0.5 あgis0.5 っf0.5 あeis0.5 あfis0.5 あgis0.5 あa0.5 あgis1.0 " + 8:noteseq,"っcis'0.5 あe'0.5 あe'0.5 あcis'0.5 っa0.5 あa0.5 あb0.5 あcis'0.5 っd'0.5 あcis'0.5 あd'0.5 あcis'2.5 っb0.5 あe'0.5 あe'0.5 あe'0.5 っb0.5 あd'0.5 あcis'0.5 あb0.5 っe'0.5 あe'0.5 あd'0.5 あcis'2.5 っb0.5 あfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 あfis'0.5 っb0.5 あb0.5 っfis'0.5 あfis'0.5 っcis'0.5 あb0.5 あcis'0.5 あb2.5 っa0.5 あb0.5 っcis'0.5 あd'0.5 っcis'0.5 あb0.5 っa0.5 あb0.5 っe'0.5 あe'0.5 あfis'0.5 あe'2.0 " + 9:noteseq,"p-0.5 よgis'0.5 んa'1.5 けa'0.25 えe'0.25 にcis'0.25 っd'0.25 ひcis'0.5 ろe'0.5 がe'1.0 るfis'0.5 ぱe'0.25 のfis'0.25 らe'0.5 まe'1.5 たgis'0.5 しe'1.5 かe'0.25 にe'0.25 はe'0.5 なfis'0.5 のe'0.5 ぐcis'1.0 んe'0.5 せe'0.5 えe'0.5 がe'1.5 なe'0.5 んfis'1.5 もfis'0.25 なfis'0.25 かd'0.5 っcis'0.5 たe'0.5 かfis'1.0 のe'0.5 っe'0.25 よfis'0.25 おe'0.5 にfis'1.5 ちfis'0.5 じょa'1.5 おa'0.25 のa'0.25 っa'0.5 しfis'0.5 んa'0.5 ぱfis'1.0 いe'0.5 ごe'0.25 とe'0.25 なfis'0.5 どe'1.5 " + 10:noteseq,"っcis'0.5 あe'0.25 っe'0.75 あcis'0.5 っa0.75 あa0.75 っb0.5 あcis'0.75 っd'0.75 あcis'0.5 あcis'1.0 あais1.0 っa0.5 あb0.25 っb0.75 あfis'0.5 っe'0.75 あe'0.75 っb0.5 あa0.75 っb0.75 あcis'0.5 あcis'1.0 あa0.25 " + 11:noteseq,"p0.5 っa0.5 あfis'0.5 あfis'1.5 あfis'0.25 っb0.25 あa0.5 あe'0.5 あe'1.0 っe'1.0 あcis'0.5 あcis'0.5 あb1.0 っa0.5 あb0.5 あb1.5 あd'0.25 っcis'0.25 あd'0.5 あcis'0.5 あb1.0 っe'1.0 あe'0.5 あfis'0.5 あe'0.5 " + 3:second_noteseq,"けe'0.5 えe'0.5 ざe'0.5 いe'0.5 っe'0.5 しe'0.5 じょe'0.5 おe'0.5 っfis'1.5 しゅfis'0.5 ぎeis'2.0 っfis'0.5 っb'0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っe'0.5 っa'0.5 っfis'0.5 っb'0.5 とb'0.5 なa'0.5 りgis'1.0 にa'1.0 っfis'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 ゆfis'0.5 きa'0.5 のfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っeis'1.0 っeis'1.0 ふfis'0.5 りb'0.5 つb'0.5 ずa'0.5 けa'0.5 るa'0.5 っa'0.5 ふe'0.5 りb'0.5 つb'0.5 ずb'0.5 けa'0.5 るgis'2.0 " + 4:second_noteseq,"あfis0.5 あgis0.5 あa0.5 っa0.5 っe0.5 っe0.5 っe0.5 っe0.5 っa0.5 っfis0.5 っfis0.5 っb2.5 あb0.5 あd'0.5 あces'0.5 あb0.5 っe0.5 っa0.5 っe0.5 っe0.5 っfis0.5 っfis0.5 っfis0.5 っcis'2.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"っcis'1.5 e'1.5 っfis'0.5 っcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 いcis'0.5 くe'0.5 こdis'0.5 とcis'0.5 にb0.5 しcis'0.5 たdis'0.5 っfis'3.0 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っeis'0.5 っcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 きcis'0.5 いdis'0.5 てcis'0.5 みcis'0.5 るcis'0.5 はcis'4.0 なdis'0.5 のcis'0.5 っdis'0.5 さcis'0.5 くfis'0.5 やfis'0.5 まe'0.5 おdis'0.5 っfis'1.5 e'0.5 fis'1.5 っfis'0.5 っeis'0.5 っeis'0.5 っeis'0.5 っeis'0.5 っfis'0.5 なeis'0.5 るcis'0.5 なeis'0.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"っa2.0 あcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 あcis'0.5 っfis0.5 っfis0.5 っcis'0.5 っais0.5 っcis'0.5 っfis0.5 っfis0.5 っfis1.0 っa2.0 あd'0.5 っcis'0.5 あd'0.5 っces'0.5 あb0.5 っb0.5 っb0.5 っcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 っb1.0 " + 8:second_noteseq,"っa0.5 あcis'0.5 あcis'0.5 あa'0.5 っe'0.5 あe'0.5 あgis'0.5 あa'0.5 っa'0.5 っgis'0.5 っa'0.5 っe'2.5 っe'0.5 あg'0.5 あces'0.5 あb0.5 っe'0.5 あb0.5 あa0.5 あb0.5 っcis'0.5 っe'0.5 っfis'0.5 っe'2.5 っb0.5 あd'0.5 っcis'0.5 あb0.5 っfis'0.5 あb0.5 っcis'0.5 あb0.5 っb0.5 あfis'0.5 あfis'0.5 あfis'2.5 っfis'0.5 あa'0.5 っa'0.5 あfis'0.5 っe'0.5 あd'0.5 っcis'0.5 あb0.5 っcis'0.5 あb0.5 あcis'0.5 あb2.0 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っb'0.5 っcis''1.5 っcis''0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 ひa'0.5 ろb'0.5 がcis''1.0 るcis''0.5 ぱb'0.25 のcis''0.25 らcis''0.5 まcis''1.5 たcis''0.5 しb'1.5 かb'0.25 にb'0.25 はb'0.5 なcis''0.5 のb'0.5 ぐais'1.0 んb'0.5 せais'0.5 えais'0.5 がais'1.5 っais'0.5 っb'1.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っb'0.5 かb'1.0 のais'0.5 っais'0.25 よb'0.25 おais'0.5 にais'1.5 ちais'0.5 じょfis'1.5 おfis'0.25 のfis'0.25 っcis''0.5 しb'0.5 んcis''0.5 ぱb'1.0 いb'0.5 ごb'0.25 とb'0.25 なa'0.5 どgis'1.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"っa0.5 あcis'0.25 っcis'0.75 あa'0.5 っe'0.75 あe'0.75 っgis'0.5 あa'0.75 っa'0.75 っe'0.5 っfis'1.0 っe'1.0 っfis'0.5 あa'0.25 っgis'0.75 あa'0.5 っe'0.75 あgis'0.75 っdisis'0.5 あe'0.75 っa'0.75 っa'0.5 っa'1.0 っe'0.25 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p0.5 っfis0.5 あfis0.5 っbisis0.5 fis1.0 あfis0.25 っe0.25 あfis0.5 っfis0.5 あe1.0 っbisis0.5 fis0.5 あe0.5 あe0.5 あfis1.0 っe0.5 あfis0.5 っfis1.5 あfis0.25 っe0.25 あfis0.5 っe0.5 あe1.0 っfis0.5 e0.5 あe0.5 あbisis0.5 あe0.5 "
56774663ワスレテラス / ナミタミオuid,18438 + time,"2024/07/16 Tue 20:38:32" + filename,774663-PMQE + div,5 + title,ワスレテラス + title,ワスレテラス + title,ワスレテラス + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import,761039 + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,34 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,34 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,34 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:highest,74 + 4:inst,34 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,-1 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:highest,74 + 3:noteseq,"p2.75 あc''0.25 あbes'0.5 きc''0.75 っf'0.25 とf'0.25 いg'0.25 まf'0.5 もg'0.25 そf'0.25 こg'0.5 でg'0.5 ねf'0.25 むg'0.25 るg'3.25 わf'0.25 たa'0.5 くbes'0.75 しbes'0.25 だa'0.25 けbes'0.25 がa'0.5 しbes'0.25 るc''0.25 はd''0.5 るc''0.5 のbes'0.25 あc''0.25 めbes'3.25 あa'0.25 あeis'0.5 きf'0.75 みg'0.25 がf'0.25 しg'0.25 らa'0.5 ぬbes'0.25 すc''0.25 がbes'0.5 たbes'0.5 でd''0.25 いc''0.25 まbes'2.5 c''1.5 そc''1.0 おg'0.25 ふc'0.25 みd'0.5 だg'0.25 しf'0.25 てg'0.5 いf'0.5 くg'1.0 " + 4:noteseq,"あd'0.5 らdis'0.5 げes'0.5 なd'0.5 がc'0.5 らc'0.5 やd'0.5 さc'0.5 しc'0.5 なcisis'0.5 がd'0.5 らd'2.5 めd'0.5 ぐdis'0.5 るes'0.5 かd'0.5 ぜc'0.5 まc'0.5 とd'0.5 いc'0.5 すd'0.5 すf'0.5 むf'3.0 はg'0.5 なa'0.5 びbes'0.5 らgisis'0.5 おa'0.5 おbes'0.5 くc''0.5 るc''0.5 とd''0.5 もc''0.5 よd''2.0 "
57774636カルタ / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/07/16 Tue 14:55:54" + filename,774636-6DfV + div,17 + mainid,774629-ax94 + title,カルタ + title,カルタ + title,カルタ + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,30 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,30 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,26 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,80 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,68 + 4:inst,26 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 4:second_voice,103 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.39" + 5:second_highest,56 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:highest,68 + 5:inst,26 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 5:second_voice,36 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/doremi1ss.rhy + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_s7ihzz.har + 6:inst,25 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,2 + 7:second_highest,65 + 7:highest,68 + 7:inst,2 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 7:second_voice,33 + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,0 + 8:second_highest,65 + 8:highest,68 + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 8:second_voice,32 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_kiseki.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,26 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock3.perc + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_c2p1ih.har + 10:inst,30 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 11:second_highest,73 + 11:highest,68 + 11:inst,30 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 11:second_voice,90 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 12:second_highest,58 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 12:highest,68 + 12:inst,29 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:second_voice,42 + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_GlassnoshounenKinkikids.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,27 + 13:second_highest,53 + 13:highest,73 + 13:inst,26 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:second_voice,38 + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,26 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,26 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + 16:voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:second_highest,71 + 16:highest,74 + 16:inst,94 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 16:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:mode,inst + 17:voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:second_highest,71 + 17:highest,74 + 17:inst,26 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 4:noteseq,"そes'0.5 おf'0.5 いg'0.5 かas'0.5 らg'0.5 っf'0.5 そg'0.5 おf'0.5 いes'0.5 わes'0.5 うd'0.5 まes'0.5 れes'2.0 あf'0.5 いes'0.5 かes'0.5 らes'0.5 っc'0.5 ぞf'0.5 おes'0.5 おes'0.5 わg'0.5 うf'1.0 まg'0.5 れf'2.0 でf'0.5 あfisis'0.5 いg'0.5 わf'0.5 っf'0.5 ぐd'0.5 うes'0.5 ぜf'0.5 んf'0.5 かf'0.5 らfisis'0.5 っg'0.5 っf'0.5 っg'0.5 っf'1.0 わes'0.5 かf'0.5 れg'0.5 わes'0.5 っes'0.5 すes'0.5 れg'0.5 ちf'0.5 がfis'0.5 いfis'0.5 かfis'0.5 らfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っd'0.5 っcisis'0.5 っd'0.5 " + 5:noteseq,"もc'0.75 んd'0.25 だes'0.75 いg'0.25 かes'0.5 らes'0.5 っf'0.75 かes'0.25 いf'0.75 けes'0.25 つes'0.25 わf'0.25 うes'0.25 まf'0.25 れes'2.0 ごf'0.75 おg'0.25 いas'0.75 わbis0.25 っc'0.5 こc'0.5 おf'1.0 しょf'0.75 おf'0.25 かes'0.25 らf'0.25 うes'0.25 まf'0.25 れf'2.0 よes'0.75 ろg'0.25 こg'0.75 びg'0.25 わg'0.5 っg'0.5 ちg'1.0 いf'0.75 さes'0.25 なf'0.25 こes'0.25 とf'0.25 かes'0.25 らd'2.0 かes'0.75 なf'0.25 しg'0.75 みg'0.25 わes'0.5 っes'0.5 とes'1.0 きg'0.75 にfis'0.25 ふg'0.5 かfis'0.5 くd'2.0 " + 7:noteseq,"けg'1.0 えf'0.5 ざf'0.5 いes'1.0 っc'1.0 しc'0.5 じょd'0.5 おes'0.5 しゅes'0.5 ぎd'2.0 ちes'1.0 きゅf'0.5 うg'0.5 かf'0.5 んg'0.5 きょf'1.0 おf'0.5 っf'0.5 はd'0.5 かbis0.5 いc'1.0 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 っc'0.5 わc'1.0 きd'0.5 あfisis'0.5 がg'0.5 るf'0.5 くg'1.0 もes'0.5 っes'0.5 っc'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'1.5 だes'0.5 まg'1.0 りg'0.5 こas'0.5 むg'0.5 っes'0.5 そg'1.0 らfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っd'0.5 っfis'0.5 っd'1.0 " + 11:noteseq,"p-0.5 っes'0.25 いes'0.25 くf'0.5 かdes'0.5 わf'0.25 のf'0.5 なes'0.25 がf'0.5 れf'1.0 わdes'0.5 っdes'0.5 たdes'0.5 えc'0.25 ずdes'0.25 しdes'1.0 てf'1.0 しdes'0.5 かf'0.5 もes'0.5 っes'0.25 もges'0.5 とes'0.75 のes'1.0 みdes'0.5 ずes'0.5 にes'0.5 あf'0.5 らes'1.0 ずes'1.0 よc'0.5 どdes'0.5 みf'0.5 にes'0.25 うdes'0.5 かes'0.25 ぶdes'0.5 っdes'1.0 っdes'0.5 うc'0.5 たdes'0.5 かes'0.5 たes'1.0 わc'1.0 かdes'0.25 つc'0.25 きdes'0.5 えf'0.5 っf'0.25 かf'0.5 つdes'0.25 むdes'0.5 すf'1.0 びf'0.5 てe'0.5 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 っg'0.5 bis0.5 っc'1.0 " + 4:second_noteseq,"そc''0.5 おd''0.5 いes''0.5 かf''0.5 らes''0.5 っd''0.5 そes''0.5 おc''0.5 いc''0.5 わc''0.5 っc''0.5 っc''0.5 っc''2.0 あes''0.5 いc''0.5 かc''0.5 らc''0.5 っc''0.5 ぞc''0.5 おc''0.5 おc''0.5 わes''0.5 っc''1.0 っes''0.5 っc''2.0 でes''0.5 あd''0.5 いes''0.5 わd''0.5 っcisis''0.5 ぐd''0.5 うbis'0.5 ぜc''0.5 んd''0.5 っcisis''0.5 っd''0.5 っes''0.5 おd''0.5 おes''0.5 おf''1.0 わc''0.5 かd''0.5 れes''0.5 わc''0.5 っc''0.5 すc''0.5 れes''0.5 ちc''0.5 がc''0.5 いc''0.5 っc''0.5 っc''0.5 っc''0.5 おc''0.5 おcisis''0.5 おd''0.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"もes0.75 んf0.25 だg0.75 いg0.25 かg0.5 らg0.5 っas0.75 かg0.25 いas0.75 けg0.25 つg0.25 わas0.25 うg0.25 まas0.25 れg2.0 ごas0.75 おbisis0.25 いgis0.75 わas0.25 っg0.5 こf0.5 おf1.0 しょas0.75 おg0.25 かas0.25 らg0.25 うas0.25 まbisis0.25 れf2.0 よas0.75 ろg0.25 こg0.75 びg0.25 わg0.5 っg0.5 ちg1.0 いas0.75 さg0.25 なg0.25 こg0.25 とas0.25 かg0.25 らg2.0 かg0.75 なas0.25 しg0.75 みg0.25 わg0.5 っg0.5 とg1.0 きg0.75 にfis0.25 ふbisis0.5 かfis0.5 くfis2.0 " + 7:second_noteseq,"けd'1.0 えces'0.5 ざb0.5 いc'1.0 っes'1.0 しes'0.5 じょf'0.5 おc'0.5 しゅes'0.5 ぎf'2.0 ちc'1.0 きゅd'0.5 うes'0.5 かc'0.5 んd'0.5 きょes'1.0 おd'0.5 っeis'0.5 はf'0.5 かes'0.5 いes'1.0 " + 12:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っg0.5 さa0.5 しa0.5 っf0.5 っa0.5 っf0.5 どa0.5 っbes0.5 るa0.5 こa1.0 っbes0.5 なa0.25 っa1.75 よa0.25 っbes0.25 なbes0.5 っf0.5 にf0.5 っbes0.5 っges0.5 ひf0.5 っbes0.5 とbes0.5 っbes0.5 すbes0.5 っges0.5 かf0.25 っbes3.25 まes0.5 たbes0.5 っbes0.5 かges0.5 っdis0.5 のes0.5 ごbes1.0 とas0.75 しbes2.25 as1.0 っas0.5 あas0.5 っas0.5 っbes0.5 あas0.5 っas0.5 あas1.0 っas0.75 っas1.25 " + 13:second_noteseq,"っdes0.5 くbes,0.25 っf0.25 わbes,0.5 っf0.25 っes1.75 がes0.25 っf0.25 っes0.5 っes0.25 たes0.25 えf0.5 ずes0.25 っf1.25 てdes1.0 っes0.5 かf0.5 もes0.5 っes0.25 っes1.75 とes0.25 っes0.25 っes0.5 ずf0.25 っf0.25 あf0.5 らes0.25 っf2.25 っf0.5 のbes,0.25 っf0.25 かf0.5 っf0.25 っf0.25 es1.5 るes0.25 っf0.25 っes0.5 とais,0.25 っais,0.25 すais,0.5 みes0.25 かf1.25 っf1.0 っf0.5 たes0.5 っais,0.5 かais,0.25 っes1.75 のes0.25 っc0.25 っf0.5 しf0.25 っbisis0.25 あes0.5 あf0.25 あbisis0.25 f2.0 "
58774462らいちゃんの戦い / らいちゃんuid,3855 + time,"2024/07/14 Sun 15:55:41" + filename,774462-hJPY + div,5 + title,らいちゃんの戦い + title,らいちゃんの戦い + title,らいちゃんの戦い + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import, + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,85 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_i3jt09.har + 2:inst,85 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 2:highest,74 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_i3jt09.har + 3:inst,85 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_i3jt09.har + 4:inst,85 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,85 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 4:noteseq,"いa'0.5 まg'0.5 わa'0.5 しゅc''0.5 みe'0.5 がf'0.5 かe'0.5 っd'0.5 てd'1.5 いd'0.5 るa'2.0 そg'0.5 のa'0.5 うb'0.5 ちc''0.5 びょd''0.5 おc''0.5 きb'0.5 がdisis'0.5 かe'0.5 つd'0.5 だc'0.5 ろc'0.5 おc'2.0 がc'0.5 んd'0.5 ばe'0.5 れd'0.5 がc'0.5 んd'0.5 ばe'0.5 れd'0.5 がd'0.5 んa'1.0 ばa'0.5 れf'2.0 さe'0.5 いd'0.5 ごd'0.5 のd'0.5 じe'0.5 んd'0.5 せd'0.5 えd'0.5 たc'0.5 のd'0.5 しe'0.5 んc'0.5 でc'2.0 "
59774242Gazpacho / "AIサッキョク + クーマー"time,"2024/07/12 Fri 11:16:02" + filename,774242-vFXe + div,17 + mainid,774241-e1xP + title,Gazpacho + title,Gazpacho + title,Gazpacho + name,"AIサッキョク + クーマー" + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,4 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,4 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,3 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:mode,inst + 4:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,3 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 4:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 5:melody,harmonic + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,3 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 5:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 5:second_melody,harmonic + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,3 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 6:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,3 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 7:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,3 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock4.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,3 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 9:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 10:highest,76 + 10:inst,3 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 10:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,3 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,3 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 12:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 13:second_highest,71 + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,3 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 13:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,3 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 14:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 14:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 15:highest,74 + 15:harmony,pat/harmony/Pachelbel-Kanon-Ending.dat + 15:inst,3 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 15:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 15:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,"mmi 0.38" + 16:second_highest,71 + 16:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 16:highest,74 + 16:harmony,pat/harmony/Pachelbel-Kanon-Ending.dat + 16:inst,3 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock4.perc + 16:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 16:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:voice,48 + 17:second_highest,71 + 17:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 17:highest,75 + 17:harmony,pat/harmony/Pachelbel-Kanon-Ending.dat + 17:inst,3 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 17:second_voice,48 + 17:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_RiverAkb48.dat + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + uid,17770 + 4:noteseq,"p-0.5 くa'0.25 あfis'0.25 んg'1.0 どg'0.75 てd''0.75 ぽd''1.5 るb'1.0 べb'0.75 すb'1.75 みb'0.5 g'1.0 こfis'1.0 d''0.5 らb'1.5 そa'1.0 んe'1.5 せd'1.0 えd'0.25 らe'0.25 すd'1.0 むe'0.75 へd'0.75 るfis'1.0 まg'0.5 すg'1.0 えg'0.5 るe'0.25 もd'0.75 さd'1.0 けe'0.25 はd'0.25 まe'1.0 すe'1.0 b'0.5 あb'1.5 びa'1.0 あa'1.5 " + 6:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぺd''3.0 ろa'1.5 じょg'1.0 のe'1.5 めd'1.0 てg'4.5 せe'2.5 ぎd'1.5 いd'4.0 b'3.5 せfis'0.25 でぃg'0.25 すg'1.0 てg'0.75 いd''0.75 あb'1.5 さa'1.0 りb'0.75 るa'0.75 " + 7:noteseq,"p1.0 えb'0.5 すa'0.5 たa'0.5 もfis'0.5 すd''0.5 ふd''0.5 んb'0.75 とb'0.25 すb'3.0 g'1.0 いc''1.0 そb'1.0 もg'1.0 すe'0.75 むe'0.25 いe'1.0 d''3.0 のc''0.5 すb'0.5 えa'0.5 んa'0.25 かa'0.25 んa'0.5 たfis'0.25 ふd''0.25 んb'0.75 とb'0.25 すb'3.0 g'1.0 いd''0.5 こc''0.5 んb'1.0 ぱb'1.0 るa'0.75 てぃa'0.25 るa'3.0 " + 9:noteseq,"p-0.5 とぅd''0.25 えc''0.25 れb'1.0 すb'1.5 るa'1.5 すg'1.0 でg'0.75 みb'1.75 いb'0.25 のa'0.25 せg'1.0 けe'0.75 あd'0.25 c''0.5 りb'1.0 あb'0.5 しa'1.0 んg'0.75 てぃa'1.75 てd''0.25 あc''0.25 もb'1.0 まg'0.5 すc''0.25 けb'0.75 あa'1.0 なg'0.25 だa'0.25 えg'0.75 んg'0.25 えg'0.5 るe'0.25 むd'0.75 んd'0.5 どd'0.5 いe'0.25 しd'0.25 えe'1.0 んe'0.5 ぷe'0.25 れd'0.75 えd'1.0 すc'0.25 たdisis'0.25 れe'0.75 あe'0.25 きe'0.5 ぱe'0.25 らd'0.75 てぃd'1.0 " + 12:noteseq,"p-0.5 えd''0.25 すc''0.25 たb'1.0 もb'0.75 すa'0.75 ふa'1.5 んe'1.0 とe'0.75 すd'1.75 いg'1.5 そfis'1.0 d''0.5 もb'1.5 すa'1.0 むa'1.5 いa'1.0 のb'0.25 すa'0.25 えg'1.0 んg'0.75 かg'0.75 んfis'1.0 たdisis'0.5 ふe'1.0 んe'0.75 とd'0.75 すd'1.0 いb'0.25 こa'0.25 んg'1.0 ぱe'1.0 b'0.5 るb'1.5 てぃa'1.0 るa'1.5 " + 13:noteseq,"p-0.5 とぅd''0.25 えc''0.25 れb'1.0 すb'1.5 るa'1.5 すg'1.0 でg'0.75 みb'1.75 いb'0.25 のa'0.25 せg'1.0 けe'0.75 あd'0.25 c''0.5 りb'1.0 あb'0.5 しa'1.0 んg'0.75 てぃa'1.75 てd''0.25 あc''0.25 もb'1.0 まg'0.5 すc''0.25 けb'0.75 あa'1.0 なg'0.25 だa'0.25 えg'0.75 んg'0.25 えg'0.5 るe'0.25 むd'0.75 んd'0.5 どd'0.5 いe'0.25 しd'0.25 えe'1.0 んe'0.5 ぷe'0.25 れd'0.75 えd'1.0 すc'0.25 たdisis'0.25 れe'0.75 あe'0.25 きe'0.5 ぱe'0.25 らd'0.75 てぃd'1.0 " + 14:noteseq,"p-0.5 がfis'0.25 すg'0.25 ぱg'1.0 ちょd''1.5 がd''1.5 すb'1.0 ぱb'0.75 ちょb'1.75 けb'0.25 りa'0.25 こg'1.0 えg'1.5 すb'1.5 たa'1.0 すa'2.5 がa'0.25 すb'0.25 ぱb'1.0 ちょd''1.5 がd''1.5 すb'1.0 ぱb'0.75 ちょb'1.75 えb'0.25 れa'0.25 すg'1.0 みe'1.0 c''0.5 あb'1.5 もa'1.0 るa'1.5 " + 15:noteseq,"p-0.5 がa'0.25 すb'0.25 ぱb'1.0 ちょd''1.5 がd''1.5 すb'1.0 ぱb'0.75 ちょb'1.75 けb'0.25 りa'0.25 こg'1.0 えg'1.5 すg'1.5 たg'1.0 すfis'1.0 a'1.5 がa'0.25 すb'0.25 ぱb'1.0 ちょd''1.5 がd''1.5 すg'1.0 ぱg'0.75 ちょg'1.75 えg'0.25 れdisis'0.25 すe'1.0 みe'1.5 あe'1.5 もd'1.0 るd'1.5 " + 16:noteseq,"p-0.5 がg'0.25 すa'0.25 ぱb'1.0 ちょd''1.5 がd''1.5 すb'1.0 ぱb'0.75 ちょb'1.75 けb'0.25 りa'0.25 こg'1.0 えg'1.5 すg'1.5 たg'1.0 すe'1.0 a'1.5 がa'0.25 すb'0.25 ぱb'1.0 ちょd''1.5 がd''1.5 すg'1.0 ぱg'0.75 ちょg'1.75 えg'0.25 れdisis'0.25 すe'1.0 みe'1.5 あd'1.5 もa'1.0 るd''1.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ぺg'3.0 ろa1.5 じょe'1.0 のb1.5 めb1.0 てe'2.5 b2.0 せa2.5 ぎfis1.5 いg2.0 d'2.0 b'2.0 d'1.5 せd'0.25 でぃe'0.25 すe'1.0 てe'0.75 いb'0.75 あg'1.5 さe'1.0 りa'0.75 るd'0.75 " + 7:second_noteseq,"p1.0 えg'0.5 すe'0.5 たd'0.5 もd'0.5 すa'0.5 ふa'0.5 んg'0.75 とg'0.25 すfis'1.0 b'2.0 e'1.0 いe'1.0 そd'1.0 もb1.0 すa0.75 むa0.25 いa1.0 d'3.0 のe'0.5 すd'0.5 えd'0.5 んd'0.25 かd'0.25 んd'0.5 たd'0.25 ふe'0.25 んe'0.75 とe'0.25 すd'1.0 b'2.0 e'1.0 いg'0.5 こe'0.5 んd'1.0 ぱd'1.0 るd'0.75 てぃc'0.25 るb1.0 a'2.0 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 とぅa'0.25 えe'0.25 れd'1.0 すd'1.5 るd'1.5 すb1.0 でb0.75 みd'1.75 いfis'0.25 のdisis'0.25 せe'1.0 けc'0.75 あb0.25 a'0.5 りg'1.0 あg'0.5 しe'1.0 んe'0.75 てぃd'1.75 てa'0.25 あe'0.25 もd'1.0 まb0.5 すe'0.25 けd'0.75 あd'1.0 なa0.25 だc'0.25 えb0.75 んb0.25 えb0.5 るb0.25 むb0.75 んb0.5 どb0.5 いb0.25 しa0.25 えg1.0 んg0.5 ぷg0.25 れg0.75 えb1.0 すa0.25 たg0.25 れa0.75 あa0.25 きa0.5 ぱa0.25 らa0.75 てぃa1.0 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 がfis'0.25 すg'0.25 ぱg'1.0 ちょb'1.5 がa'1.5 すg'1.0 ぱe'0.75 ちょd'1.75 けd'0.25 りbis0.25 こc'1.0 えb1.0 d'0.5 すb1.5 たe'1.0 すc'1.0 d'1.5 がd'0.25 すfis'0.25 ぱg'1.0 ちょb'1.5 がa'1.5 すg'1.0 ぱe'0.75 ちょd'1.75 えfis'0.25 れdisis'0.25 すe'1.0 みg'1.5 あd'1.5 もc'1.0 るb1.0 a'0.5 " + 12:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 えa'0.25 すg'0.25 たg'1.0 もd'0.75 すd'0.75 ふd'1.5 んb1.0 とb0.75 すb1.75 いb0.5 e'1.0 そd'1.0 g'0.5 もd'1.5 すe'1.0 むe'1.5 いd'1.0 のd'0.25 すc'0.25 えb1.0 んb0.75 かb0.75 んa1.0 たa0.5 ふg1.0 んg0.75 とb0.75 すb1.0 いd'0.25 こbis0.25 んc'1.0 ぱb1.0 d'0.5 るd'1.5 てぃc'1.0 るb1.0 a'0.5 " + 13:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 とぅa'0.25 えe'0.25 れd'1.0 すd'1.5 るd'1.5 すb1.0 でb0.75 みd'1.75 いfis'0.25 のdisis'0.25 せe'1.0 けc'0.75 あb0.25 a'0.5 りg'1.0 あg'0.5 しe'1.0 んe'0.75 てぃd'1.75 てa'0.25 あe'0.25 もd'1.0 まb0.5 すe'0.25 けd'0.75 あd'1.0 なa0.25 だc'0.25 えb0.75 んb0.25 えb0.5 るb0.25 むb0.75 んb0.5 どb0.5 いb0.25 しa0.25 えg1.0 んg0.5 ぷg0.25 れg0.75 えb1.0 すa0.25 たg0.25 れa0.75 あa0.25 きa0.5 ぱa0.25 らa0.75 てぃa1.0 " + 14:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 がd'0.25 すe'0.25 ぱd'1.0 ちょb'1.5 がa'1.5 すg'1.0 ぱe'0.75 ちょd'1.75 けfis'0.25 りdisis'0.25 こe'1.0 えe'1.5 すd'1.5 たc'1.0 すb1.0 d'1.5 がd'0.25 すfis'0.25 ぱg'1.0 ちょb'1.5 がa'1.5 すg'1.0 ぱe'0.75 ちょd'1.75 えd'0.25 れbis0.25 すc'1.0 みb1.0 g'0.5 あd'1.5 もc'1.0 るb1.0 a'0.5 " + 15:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 がfis'0.25 すg'0.25 ぱg'1.0 ちょb'1.5 がa'1.5 すg'1.0 ぱe'0.75 ちょd'1.75 けfis'0.25 りdisis'0.25 こe'1.0 えe'1.5 すd'1.5 たc'1.0 すgisis1.0 d'1.5 がd'0.25 すfis'0.25 ぱg'1.0 ちょb'1.5 がa'1.5 すe'1.0 ぱe'0.75 ちょd'1.75 えd'0.25 れg0.25 すg1.0 みg1.5 あa1.5 もfis1.0 るg1.0 d'0.5 " + 16:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 がd'0.25 すe'0.25 ぱd'1.0 ちょb'1.5 がa'1.5 すg'1.0 ぱe'0.75 ちょd'1.75 けfis'0.25 りdisis'0.25 こe'1.0 えe'1.5 すd'1.5 たc'1.0 すb1.0 d'1.5 がd'0.25 すfis'0.25 ぱg'1.0 ちょb'1.5 がa'1.5 すe'1.0 ぱe'0.75 ちょd'1.75 えd'0.25 れg0.25 すg1.0 みg1.5 あa1.5 もfis'1.0 るg'1.0 d'0.5 " + 17:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 がg'0.25 すgis'0.25 ぱas'1.0 ちょas'1.5 がg'1.5 すas'1.0 ぱf'0.75 ちょes'1.75 けes'0.25 りes'0.25 こas1.0 えf'1.5 すes'1.5 たf'1.0 すdes'1.0 bes1.5 がg0.25 すas0.25 ぱas1.0 ちょc'1.5 がbes1.5 すc'1.0 ぱc'0.75 ちょc'1.75 えc'0.25 れas0.25 すas1.0 みas1.5 あbes1.5 もg1.0 るas1.0 es'0.5 "
60774209Polaris / "作詞AIサッキョク 作曲クーマー"time,"2024/07/11 Thu 15:54:12" + proto,random/m0r92k10h19u6l3t1v3i79p27j109q31d4 + proto,random/m0r92k10h19u6l3t1v3i79p27j109q31d4 + proto,random/m0r92k10h19u6l3t1v3i79p27j109q31d4 + proto,random/m0r92k10h19u6l3t1v3i79p27j109q31d4 + filename,774209-RQpk + div,12 + mainid,774208-4XrF + title,Polaris + title,Polaris + title,Polaris + name,"作詞AIサッキョク 作曲クーマー" + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,4 + 1:second_highest,79 + 1:highest,79 + 1:inst,-1 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:prosody,"あ[c4]あ[c5]あ[bes4]あ[a4]あ[fis4]あ[g4]あ[d5] /;あ[e4]あ[e5]あ[d5]あ[c5]あ[b4]あ[c5]あ[f5] " + 1:second_voice,4 + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:second_prosody,"あ[c4]あ[c5]あ[bes4]あ[a4]あ[fis4]あ[g4]あ[d5] /;あ[e4]あ[e5]あ[d5]あ[c5]あ[b4]あ[c5]あ[f5] " + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,-1 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,49 + 3:second_highest,82 + 3:highest,74 + 3:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_cls6io.har + 3:inst,2 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 3:second_voice,98 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 4:second_highest,69 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,2 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:second_voice,40 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 5:second_highest,69 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,2 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 5:second_voice,40 + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_cls6io.har + 6:inst,2 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 6:text,"Polaris、北極星 + 6:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:second_text,"Polaris、北極星 + 7:voice,48 + 7:second_highest,82 + 7:highest,74 + 7:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_cls6io.har + 7:inst,2 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 7:second_voice,98 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_ButterflyKimurakaera.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:highest,74 + 8:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_cls6io.har + 8:inst,-1 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 8:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:mode,inst + 9:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 9:second_highest,69 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,2 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 9:second_voice,40 + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,22 + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,2 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 10:second_voice,22 + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_cls6io.har + 11:inst,2 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 11:text,"Polaris、北極星 + 11:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:second_text,"Polaris、北極星 + 12:voice,4 + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,4 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:second_voice,4 + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + uid,17770 + Polaris、北極星 + Polaris、北極星 + Polaris、北極星 + Polaris、北極星 + 1:noteseq,"p1.0 あc'0.75 あc''2.25 あbes'1.0 あa'0.75 あfis'1.25 あg'0.75 あd''1.25 あe'0.75 あe''1.25 あd''1.0 あc''1.0 あb'0.75 あc''1.25 あf''0.75 っf''0.25 " + 3:noteseq,"p-0.5 あc''0.5 あa'1.5 あa'0.5 っc'1.5 あf'0.5 あe'1.0 あd''1.0 っcis''1.5 あcis''0.25 あa'0.25 っg'1.5 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あf'1.5 あd'0.25 っd'0.25 あd'0.5 あc'0.5 あd'0.5 あc'0.25 っc'0.25 あg'1.5 あg'0.25 あf'0.25 あf'1.25 っd'0.25 あd'0.25 あf'0.25 っd'1.5 あd'0.25 っc'0.25 あc'0.5 あa'0.5 あg'0.25 あd''0.25 あc''0.25 あbes'0.25 あa'1.5 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あg'1.5 あf'0.5 あfes'1.5 あfes'0.25 あdes'0.25 あc'0.5 あg'0.5 あf'0.5 あg'0.5 あf'1.5 " + 4:noteseq,"p-0.5 よa'0.25 ぞg'0.25 らf'1.5 にa'0.25 むg'0.25 すa'1.5 うf'0.25 のf'0.25 ほg'0.5 しa'0.5 がg'0.25 かg'0.25 がa'0.25 やb'0.25 きa'1.5 どa'0.25 こg'0.25 おf'1.5 みa'0.25 てg'0.25 もa'1.5 おc''0.25 なcisis''0.25 じd''0.5 よd''0.5 おc''0.25 にd''0.25 みc''0.25 えd''0.25 るc''1.5 でg'0.25 もg'0.25 ひa'1.25 とc''0.25 つa'0.25 だg'0.25 けa'1.25 ちg'0.25 がgisis'0.25 うa'0.25 ほa'0.5 しbes'0.5 がa'0.25 あg'0.25 るf'0.25 はf'0.25 ずg'1.5 そf'0.25 れg'0.25 わd'1.25 ほd'0.25 っe'0.25 きょf'0.25 くa'1.25 せf'0.25 いf'0.25 でf'0.25 んf'0.5 せf'0.5 つf'0.25 のf'0.25 ひe'0.25 かf'0.25 りf'1.5 " + 5:noteseq,"p-0.5 いa'0.5 にc''1.25 しc''0.25 えc''0.25 のa'0.25 ふg'0.25 なa'0.25 のg'0.5 りg'0.5 わf'0.75 そg'0.25 れa'0.5 おg'0.25 たf'0.25 よc'0.25 りc'0.25 にf'1.5 はd'0.5 てf'1.25 しf'0.25 なa'0.25 いg'0.25 うf'0.25 みe'0.25 おf'0.5 こg'0.5 おf'0.75 かf'0.25 いd'0.5 しd'0.25 たg'0.25 とg'0.25 いf'0.25 うg'1.5 いg'0.25 まf'0.25 もf'1.25 かf'0.25 わg'0.25 らa'0.25 ずa'0.25 そg'0.25 のa'0.5 ばa'0.5 しょd''0.75 にd''0.25 あf'0.5 るe'0.25 はf'0.25 ずg'0.25 なf'0.25 のf'0.75 にf'0.75 どg'0.5 おf'1.5 しf'0.25 てg'0.25 みg'0.25 つa'0.25 けbes'0.5 らfisis'0.5 れg'1.0 なf'0.5 いa'0.25 のf'0.25 だf'0.25 ろf'0.25 おf'1.5 " + 6:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぽc''0.5 らa'1.5 りa'0.5 すa'1.5 ほa'0.5 っa'0.5 きょa'0.5 くa'0.5 せa'0.5 いg'1.5 どg'0.25 こf'0.25 にg'1.5 あg'0.5 るf'1.5 のf'0.25 おf'0.25 しg'0.5 えg'0.5 てg'0.5 ほf'0.25 しg'0.25 いf'1.5 まd'0.25 よe'0.25 いf'1.5 こf'0.5 んd'1.5 だd'0.25 こd'0.25 のg'0.5 よa'0.5 ぞg'0.5 らg'0.5 でfis'1.5 きfis'0.25 みg'0.25 だf'1.5 けf'0.25 がf'0.25 わfes'1.5 たg'0.25 くg'0.25 しg'0.5 のg'0.5 みf'0.25 ちg'0.25 しa'0.25 るg'0.25 べf'1.5 " + 7:noteseq,"p-0.5 あa'0.25 っg'0.25 あf'1.5 あa'0.5 あc''1.5 あc''0.5 あbes'0.5 あa'0.5 あg'0.5 あa'0.5 あa'1.5 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あa'1.5 あg'0.5 あd''1.5 っc''0.25 あa'0.25 あg'0.5 あa'0.5 あg'0.5 あa'0.25 あg'0.25 あf'1.5 あg'0.5 あf'1.5 っd'0.5 あf'1.5 っd'0.5 あg'1.0 あf'0.5 あg'0.5 あfis'1.5 あfis'0.5 あf'1.5 あf'0.5 あfes'1.5 あdes'0.5 っc'0.5 あc'0.5 あd'0.5 あe'0.5 あf'1.5 " + 9:noteseq,"p-0.5 くf'0.25 もg'0.25 まa'0.75 かf'0.25 らa'0.25 とg'0.25 きa'0.25 おa'0.25 りa'1.25 かa'0.25 おbes'0.25 おa'0.25 のg'0.5 ぞa'0.5 かb'0.25 せfisis'0.25 るg'0.25 つg'0.25 きa'1.5 そa'0.25 れbes'0.25 わa'1.5 もa'0.25 おc''0.25 ひc''1.5 とd''0.25 つc''0.25 のd''0.5 みc''0.5 ちd''0.5 しd''0.25 るc''0.25 べc''1.5 でc''0.25 もg'0.25 こf'0.75 こg'0.25 ろf'0.25 わg'0.25 ほf'0.25 っg'0.25 きょa'1.25 くa'0.25 せg'0.25 いg'0.25 おf'0.5 もd'0.5 とa'0.25 めa'0.25 てf'0.25 いf'0.25 るg'1.5 きg'0.25 っf'0.25 とd'1.0 みd'0.25 つf'0.25 けg'0.25 らf'0.25 れf'1.25 るf'0.25 はf'0.25 ずg'0.25 そf'0.5 おe'0.5 しf'0.25 んd''0.25 じd''0.25 てf'0.25 るf'1.5 " + 1:second_noteseq,"p1.0 あc'0.75 あc''2.25 あbes'1.0 あa'0.75 あfis'1.25 あg'0.75 あd''1.25 あe'0.75 あe''1.25 あd''1.0 あc''1.0 あb'0.75 あc''1.25 あf''0.75 っf''0.25 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 よf'0.25 ぞg'0.25 らa'1.5 にa'0.25 むe'0.25 すf'1.5 うf'0.25 のd'0.25 ほd'0.5 しe'0.5 がf'0.25 かe'0.25 がf'0.25 やg'0.25 きa'1.5 どe'0.25 こcisis'0.25 おd'1.5 みf'0.25 てe'0.25 もf'1.5 おd'0.25 なf'0.25 じf'0.5 よf'0.5 おe'0.25 にf'0.25 みf'0.25 えa'0.25 るg'1.5 でe'0.25 もf'0.25 ひf'1.25 とa'0.25 つf'0.25 だf'0.25 けg'1.25 ちe'0.25 がf'0.25 うg'0.25 ほf'0.5 しg'0.5 がf'0.25 あf'0.25 るd'0.25 はd'0.25 ずd'1.5 そd'0.25 れe'0.25 わf'1.25 ほf'0.25 っg'0.25 きょf'0.25 くf'1.25 せa'0.25 いa'0.25 でd'0.25 んd'0.5 せd'0.5 つd'0.25 のd'0.25 ひd'0.25 かa'0.25 りa'1.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 いf'0.25 にg'0.25 しa'1.25 えa'0.25 のf'0.25 ふf'0.25 なg'0.25 a'0.25 g'0.75 のdisis'0.25 りe'0.25 わgisis'0.25 そa'0.5 れf'0.5 おf'0.25 たa'0.25 よg'0.25 りf'0.25 にd'1.5 はf'0.25 てg'0.25 しa'1.25 なa'0.25 いf'0.25 うf'0.25 みd'1.25 おd'0.25 こf'0.25 おd'0.25 かd'0.5 いe'0.5 しf'0.25 たg'0.25 とd'0.25 いd'0.25 うe'1.5 いg'0.25 まa'0.25 もa'0.75 かg'0.25 わa'0.25 らa'0.25 ずa'0.25 そe'0.25 のf'1.25 ばf'0.25 しょg'0.25 にf'0.25 あf'0.5 るd'0.5 はd'0.25 ずd'0.25 なd'0.25 のd'0.25 にf'1.5 どe'0.25 おf'0.25 しa'1.5 てa'0.25 みd'0.25 つe'0.25 g'1.25 けdisis'0.25 らe'0.25 れf'0.5 なa'0.5 いa'0.25 のa'0.25 だa'0.25 ろa'0.25 おa'1.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ぽa'0.5 らf'1.5 りf'0.5 すf'1.5 ほf'0.5 っf'0.5 きょe'0.5 くcisis'0.5 せd'0.5 いcis'1.5 どe'0.25 こcisis'0.25 にd'1.5 あd'0.5 るc'1.5 のa0.25 おa0.25 しc'0.5 えc'0.5 てc'0.5 ほc'0.25 しd'0.25 いd'1.5 まg0.25 よc'0.25 いd'1.5 こd'0.5 んbes1.5 だbes0.25 こa0.25 のg0.5 よe'0.5 ぞbis0.5 らc'0.5 でc'1.5 きc'0.25 みcisis'0.25 だd'1.5 けd'0.25 がd'0.25 わdes'1.5 たfes'0.25 くfes'0.25 しd'0.5 のc'0.5 みc'0.25 ちd'0.25 しc'0.25 るbes0.25 べa1.5 " + 7:second_noteseq,"あc''1.0 っbes'0.5 あa'0.5 あf''1.0 あf''0.5 あf''0.5 あd''1.0 あd''1.0 あcis''1.0 あd''0.5 あcis''0.5 あd''1.0 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あa'1.0 あf''0.5 っd''0.5 あd''1.0 あd''1.0 あd''1.0 あc''0.25 あd''0.25 あc''0.25 あb'0.25 あd''1.0 あd''0.5 っc''0.5 あd''1.0 っd''1.0 あc''1.0 あc''1.0 あc''1.0 あd''1.0 あd''1.0 あc''0.5 あd''0.5 あbes'1.0 あfisis'0.5 っg'0.5 あg'1.0 あg'1.0 あa'1.0 あf''1.0 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 くf'0.25 もe'0.25 まf'0.75 かf'0.25 らf'0.25 とe'0.25 きf'0.25 おf'0.25 りf'1.25 かf'0.25 おg'0.25 おf'0.25 のd'0.5 ぞdisis'0.5 かe'0.25 せcisis'0.25 るd'0.25 つd'0.25 きe'1.5 そe'0.25 れf'0.25 わf'1.5 もf'0.25 おg'0.25 ひf'1.5 とa'0.25 つf'0.25 のf'0.5 みe'0.5 ちf'0.5 しf'0.25 るd'0.25 べg'1.5 でg'0.25 もe'0.25 こf'0.75 こe'0.25 ろf'0.25 わe'0.25 ほf'0.25 っdisis'0.25 きょe'1.25 くf'0.25 せe'0.25 いcisis'0.25 おd'0.5 もd'0.5 とf'0.25 めf'0.25 てd'0.25 いd'0.25 るd'1.5 きd'0.25 っf'0.25 とf'1.0 みf'0.25 つd'0.25 けe'0.25 らf'0.25 れa'1.25 るa'0.25 はa'0.25 ずd'0.25 そd'0.5 おd'0.5 しd'0.25 んf'0.25 じg'0.25 てf'0.25 るa'1.5 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あa'0.5 あf'1.5 あf'0.5 っc'1.5 あg'0.5 あf'1.0 あc'1.0 っd'1.5 あbes'0.25 あeis'0.25 っf'1.5 あf'0.25 あd'0.25 あd'1.5 あc'0.25 っa0.25 あa0.5 あg0.5 あd'0.5 あbes0.25 っa0.25 あg'1.5 あg'0.25 あf'0.25 あf'1.25 っc'0.25 あc'0.25 あf'0.25 っc'1.5 あc'0.25 っa0.25 あc'0.5 あbes0.5 あa0.25 あbes0.25 あa0.25 あf'0.25 あdes'1.5 あbes'0.25 あa'0.25 あa'1.5 あf'0.5 あc'1.5 あg'0.25 あd'0.25 あc'0.5 あa'0.5 あf'0.5 あf'0.5 あc'1.5 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ぽa'0.5 らf'1.5 りf'0.5 すf'1.5 ほf'0.5 っf'0.5 きょe'0.5 くcisis'0.5 せd'0.5 いcis'1.5 いe'0.25 つcisis'0.25 かd'1.5 かd'0.25 なe'0.25 らf'1.5 ずf'0.25 きf'0.25 みg'0.5 にg'0.5 あg'0.5 いd'0.25 たd'0.25 いd'1.5 そd'0.25 のf'0.25 ひbes1.25 まc'0.25 でd'0.25 わc'0.25 たd'1.25 くd'0.25 しd'0.25 わd'0.25 さc'0.5 がd'0.5 しc'0.25 つc'0.25 ずd'0.25 けe'0.25 るfis'1.5 よfis'0.25 ぞd'0.25 らd'1.5 にd'0.5 かdes'1.5 がfes'0.5 やe'0.5 くbis0.5 きc'0.5 みd'0.5 おc'1.5 "
61774196単純接触効果 / 傘間りうとuid,18433 + time,"2024/07/11 Thu 13:20:30" + filename,774196-w4rs + div,18 + title,単純接触効果 + title,単純接触効果 + title,単純接触効果 + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import,281956 + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,33 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,33 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:inst,33 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.32" + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 3:highest,76 + 4:inst,33 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.32" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 4:highest,76 + 5:inst,33 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:inst,33 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll2.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.32" + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 6:highest,76 + 7:inst,33 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero4.perc + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.32" + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 7:highest,76 + 8:inst,33 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.32" + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 8:highest,76 + 9:inst,33 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock2.perc + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:inst,33 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.32" + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 10:highest,76 + 11:inst,33 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.32" + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 11:highest,76 + 12:inst,33 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:inst,33 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll2.perc + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"fss 0.32" + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 13:highest,76 + 14:inst,33 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"fss 0.32" + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 14:highest,76 + 15:inst,33 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:voice,"fss 0.32" + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 15:highest,76 + 16:inst,33 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,"fss 0.32" + 16:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 16:highest,76 + 17:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_zslio3.har + 17:inst,33 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:voice,"fss 0.32" + 17:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 17:highest,76 + 18:inst,33 + 18:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 18:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 18:mode,inst + 6:noteseq,"わa'0.5 たbes'0.5 しc''0.5 っa'0.5 てd''0.5 たc''0.5 んd''0.5 じゅd''0.5 んd''0.5 じゃc''0.5 なc''0.5 いbes'0.5 わc''2.0 きc''0.5 みd''0.5 にe''0.5 あe''0.5 うd''0.5 たd''0.5 びe''0.5 みd''0.5 だe''0.5 れd''0.5 るc''0.5 こbes'0.5 こc''1.0 ろbes'1.0 くc''0.5 りd''0.5 かe''0.5 えe''0.5 しe''0.5 のgis'0.5 まgis'0.5 ほb'0.5 おc''2.0 でc''2.0 こc''0.5 いbes'0.5 がc''0.5 めc''0.5 ばd''0.5 えd''0.5 るc''0.5 けb'0.5 みc''0.5 かc''0.5 るe''0.5 らd''0.5 ぶc''2.0 " + 7:noteseq,"きg'0.25 みas'0.25 のbes'0.25 こd''0.25 えbes'0.25 がas'0.25 ひbes'0.25 びc''0.25 くbes'0.25 たas'0.25 びbes'0.25 にas'0.25 こbes'0.25 こc''0.25 ろbes'0.25 のg'0.25 なfis'0.25 かd'0.25 でa'0.5 かbes'0.5 がc''0.5 くc''0.5 へd''0.5 んes''0.5 かd''0.5 "
62774132"Baby BOY" / Kazutime,"2024/07/11 Thu 01:19:38" + filename,774132-6wMJ + div,27 + mainid,774131-yE0k + title,"Baby BOY" + title,"Baby BOY" + title,"Baby BOY" + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst drums" + 1:voice,"mmi 0.40" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,77 + 1:inst,33 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,123 + 2:voice,"mmi 0.40" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 2:highest,77 + 2:inst,33 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.23" + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 3:voice,"mmi 0.40" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:highest,76 + 3:inst,30 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:second_voice,123 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 4:voice,"mmi 0.40" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 4:highest,76 + 4:inst,30 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.23" + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 5:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 5:second_highest,67 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 5:highest,77 + 5:inst,33 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 5:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 6:second_highest,79 + 6:melody,harmonic + 6:highest,67 + 6:inst,34 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 6:second_melody,harmonic + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 7:second_highest,72 + 7:highest,69 + 7:inst,34 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ +                   (always crying)" + 7:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 8:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 8:second_highest,76 + 8:melody,harmonic + 8:highest,69 + 8:inst,58 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:second_voice,3 + 8:second_melody,harmonic + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 9:second_highest,76 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 9:highest,77 + 9:inst,33 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero7.perc + 9:text,"Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + 9:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 10:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 10:second_highest,81 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 10:highest,77 + 10:inst,33 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero7.perc + 10:text,"Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + 10:text,"Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + 10:text,"Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + 10:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 10:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 10:second_melody,harmonic + 10:second_text,"Sleeping Baby BOY + Smiling Baby BOY + Dancing Baby BOY + 11:voice,"mmi 0.40" + 11:second_highest,74 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 11:melody,harmonic + 11:highest,72 + 11:inst,0 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk2.perc + 11:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 11:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternL32fixed.dat + 12:voice,"mmi 0.42" + 12:second_highest,75 + 12:highest,72 + 12:inst,30 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero4.perc + 12:text,"夏空の下 (walking) そよ風の中 (singing) + 緑のテーブル (eating) いつか必ず" + 12:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 12:second_melody,harmonic + 12:second_text,"walking singing + eating" + 13:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 13:second_highest,79 + 13:melody,harmonic + 13:highest,67 + 13:inst,34 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 13:second_melody,harmonic + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 14:second_highest,72 + 14:highest,69 + 14:inst,34 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ +                   (always crying)" + 14:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 14:second_text,"Born born born born born BOY   always crying" + 15:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 15:second_highest,83 + 15:melody,harmonic + 15:highest,69 + 15:inst,58 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:second_voice,3 + 15:second_melody,harmonic + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 16:second_highest,76 + 16:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 16:highest,77 + 16:inst,33 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero7.perc + 16:text,"Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + 16:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 16:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 17:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 17:second_highest,81 + 17:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 17:highest,77 + 17:inst,33 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero7.perc + 17:text,"Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + 17:text,"Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + 17:text,"Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + 17:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 17:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 17:second_melody,harmonic + 17:second_text,"Sleeping Baby BOY + Smiling Baby BOY + Dancing Baby BOY + 18:voice,55 + 18:second_highest,71 + 18:highest,81 + 18:inst,30 + 18:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 18:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 19:voice,55 + 19:second_highest,71 + 19:highest,81 + 19:inst,30 + 19:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 19:second_melody,harmonic + 20:voice,55 + 20:second_highest,71 + 20:highest,81 + 20:inst,30 + 20:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 20:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 21:voice,55 + 21:second_highest,71 + 21:highest,81 + 21:inst,30 + 21:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 21:second_voice,"mmi 0.48" + 21:second_melody,harmonic + 22:voice,55 + 22:second_highest,55 + 22:highest,81 + 22:inst,-1 + 22:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 22:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 22:second_voice,58 + 23:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 23:second_highest,81 + 23:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 23:highest,77 + 23:inst,33 + 23:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero7.perc + 23:text,"Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + 23:text,"Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + 23:text,"Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + 23:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 23:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 23:second_melody,harmonic + 23:second_text,"Sleeping Baby BOY + Smiling Baby BOY + Dancing Baby BOY + 24:voice,"mmi 0.40" + 24:second_highest,71 + 24:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 24:highest,74 + 24:inst,30 + 24:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 24:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 24:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 24:text,"Hey, Alright 今日も Cry Cry Cry (All night) + Hey, Alright 何故か Cry Cry Cry (All night)" + 24:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 24:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 24:second_text,"Hey, Alright 今日も Cry Cry Cry All night + Hey, Alright 何故か Cry Cry Cry All night" + 25:voice,"mmi 0.40" + 25:second_highest,71 + 25:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 25:highest,74 + 25:inst,30 + 25:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 25:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 25:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 25:text,"Hey, Alright まだまだ Cry Cry Cry" + 25:second_voice,"mmi 0.42" + 25:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 25:second_melody,harmonic + 25:second_text,"Hey, Alright まだまだ Cry Cry Cry" + 26:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 26:second_highest,76 + 26:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 26:highest,77 + 26:inst,33 + 26:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 26:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 26:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 26:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 26:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero7.perc + 26:text,"Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + 26:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 26:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternC32fixed.dat + 27:voice,"mmi 0.48" + 27:second_highest,72 + 27:highest,67 + 27:inst,58 + 27:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 27:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 27:second_voice,"mmi 0.38" + 27:second_melody,harmonic + 27:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + uid,15887 +                   (always crying) + Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + 夏空の下 (walking) そよ風の中 (singing) + 緑のテーブル (eating) いつか必ず +                   (always crying) + Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop moving (Sleeping Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop talking (Smiling Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Don't stop the music (Dancing Baby BOY) + Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + Hey, Alright 今日も Cry Cry Cry (All night) + Hey, Alright 何故か Cry Cry Cry (All night) + Hey, Alright まだまだ Cry Cry Cry + Will we meet someday? someday? someday? + Sleeping Baby BOY + Smiling Baby BOY + Dancing Baby BOY + walking singing + eating + Born born born born born BOY   always crying + Sleeping Baby BOY + Smiling Baby BOY + Dancing Baby BOY + Sleeping Baby BOY + Smiling Baby BOY + Dancing Baby BOY + Hey, Alright 今日も Cry Cry Cry All night + Hey, Alright 何故か Cry Cry Cry All night + Hey, Alright まだまだ Cry Cry Cry + 1:noteseq,"p-1.5 っfis'0.25 すe'0.25 っe'0.25 まa'0.25 ほcis''0.25 っb'0.25 ごcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 しcis''0.25 のb'0.25 でa'0.25 びゅa'0.25 うa'0.25 っa'0.25 っfis'0.25 " + 2:noteseq,"p-1.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 あcis''0.25 じe''0.5 っe''0.5 けe''0.25 っe''0.25 なe''0.25 いe''0.25 っe''0.25 けe''0.25 どe''0.25 っe''0.25 " + 3:noteseq,"p-1.5 っb'0.25 まb'0.25 だb'0.25 っb'0.25 みb'0.25 ぬb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 みcis''0.25 んcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 なcis''0.25 がcis''0.25 っcis''0.5 " + 4:noteseq,"p-1.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 いb'0.25 わb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 てcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 くcis''0.25 れcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 たcis''0.25 はd''0.25 ずcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 " + 5:noteseq,"p-1.5 なb'0.5 んa'0.5 とb'0.5 よfis'0.5 べa'0.5 ばa'0.5 いb'0.25 いa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 どa'0.5 んfis'0.5 なfis'0.5 ゆb'0.25 めcis''0.25 みb'0.5 っb'0.5 てe'0.5 るe'0.25 っe'0.25 しe'0.5 んgis'0.25 っa'0.25 ぱb'0.5 いcis''0.5 なb'0.5 んcis''0.5 だb'0.25 きcis''0.25 みcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 のcis''0.5 こb'0.5 とcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 きa'0.25 みb'0.25 のa'0.5 っa'0.5 こa'0.25 とcis''0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 " + 6:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼfis'0.25 んe'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 うfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んe'0.25 っe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 っe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 んe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 んe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 うe'0.25 いe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 " + 7:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼgis'0.25 んges'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 うfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んa'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 うfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼa'0.25 んfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 おe'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 いa'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 " + 9:noteseq,"p-1.5 うぃb'0.5 るe''0.5 うぃe''0.5 みb'0.5 いa'0.5 とぅgis'0.5 さa'0.25 んb'0.25 でa'0.25 いgis'0.25 さa'0.5 んb'0.5 でa'0.5 いa'0.5 さb'0.5 んcis''0.5 でb'0.5 いa'0.5 " + 10:noteseq,"p-1.5 どcis''0.5 んb'0.25 すcis''0.25 とe''0.5 っcis''0.5 ぷcis''0.25 むd''0.25 うcis''0.5 びd''0.25 んcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 どb'0.5 んa'0.25 すb'0.25 とcis''0.5 っb'0.5 ぷb'0.25 とfis'0.25 おe'0.5 きcis''0.25 んb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 どa'0.5 んas'0.25 すgis'0.25 とgisis'0.5 っa'0.5 ぷa'0.25 ざgis'0.25 みa'0.5 ゆfis'0.25 うe'0.25 じfis'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 うぃb'0.5 るdes''0.5 うぃcis''0.5 みb'0.5 いa'0.5 とぅgis'0.5 さa'0.25 んb'0.25 でa'0.25 いgis'0.25 さa'0.5 んb'0.5 でa'0.5 いa'0.5 さb'0.5 んcis''0.5 でb'0.5 いa'0.5 " + 11:noteseq,"けa'0.25 じb'0.25 めgis'0.25 のa'0.25 っa'0.5 せb'0.25 かa'0.25 いa'0.25 にa'0.25 いgis'0.25 るa'0.25 おgis'0.25 とa'0.25 なa'0.25 っb'0.25 ぼb'0.25 くa'0.25 にb'0.5 わgis'0.5 っa'0.25 りb'0.25 かa'0.25 いgis'0.25 でa'0.25 きb'0.25 なa'0.25 いgis'0.25 けa'0.25 どb'0.25 いb'0.25 つa'0.25 もb'0.25 しgis'0.25 んa'0.5 ぱb'0.25 いb'0.25 っb'0.25 かb'0.25 けb'0.25 てa'0.25 るgis'0.25 あa'0.25 なgis'0.25 たa'0.25 のa'0.25 っa'0.25 みb'0.25 らa'0.25 いa'0.25 わa'0.25 きa'0.25 っgis'0.25 とa'0.25 ぼb'0.25 くa'0.25 がa'0.25 まa'0.25 もb'0.25 るa'0.25 よa'0.25 " + 12:noteseq,"p1.75 なa'0.5 つb'0.25 ぞgis'0.25 らa'0.25 のa'0.5 しa'0.25 たb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 そb'0.25 よb'0.25 かa'0.25 ぜgis'0.25 のa'0.25 なgis'0.25 かb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っgis'0.5 g'1.25 みa'0.5 どgis'0.25 a'0.25 りgis'0.25 のgis'0.25 っa'0.25 てgis'0.25 えa'0.25 ぶgis'0.25 るa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 いa'0.25 つgis'0.25 かa'0.25 かa'0.25 なb'0.25 らa'0.25 ずa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 " + 13:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼfis'0.25 んe'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 うfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んe'0.25 っe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 っe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 んe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 んe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 うe'0.25 いe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 " + 14:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼgis'0.25 んges'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 うfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んa'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 うfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 " + 15:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼa'0.25 んfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 おe'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 いa'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 " + 16:noteseq,"p-1.5 うぃb'0.5 るe''0.5 うぃe''0.5 みb'0.5 いa'0.5 とぅgis'0.5 さa'0.25 んb'0.25 でa'0.25 いgis'0.25 さa'0.5 んb'0.5 でa'0.5 いa'0.5 さb'0.5 んcis''0.5 でb'0.5 いa'0.5 " + 17:noteseq,"p-1.5 どcis''0.5 んb'0.25 すcis''0.25 とe''0.5 っcis''0.5 ぷcis''0.25 むd''0.25 うcis''0.5 びd''0.25 んcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 どb'0.5 んa'0.25 すb'0.25 とcis''0.5 っb'0.5 ぷb'0.25 とfis'0.25 おe'0.5 きcis''0.25 んb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 どa'0.5 んas'0.25 すgis'0.25 とgisis'0.5 っa'0.5 ぷa'0.25 ざgis'0.25 みa'0.5 ゆfis'0.25 うe'0.25 じfis'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 うぃb'0.5 るdes''0.5 うぃcis''0.5 みb'0.5 いa'0.5 とぅgis'0.5 さa'0.25 んb'0.25 でa'0.25 いgis'0.25 さa'0.5 んb'0.5 でa'0.5 いa'0.5 さb'0.5 んcis''0.5 でb'0.5 いa'0.5 " + 18:noteseq,"p-0.5 っe''0.25 ぱe''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.5 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.5 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っe''0.5 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.75 っe''0.25 ぱe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.5 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.5 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 fis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.75 " + 19:noteseq,"p-0.5 っfis''0.25 ぱfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.5 っfis''0.25 " + 20:noteseq,"p-0.5 っfis''0.25 ぱdisis''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.5 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.5 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 ぱe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.5 " + 21:noteseq,"p-0.5 っcis''0.25 ぱcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っa''0.25 っa''0.25 っa''0.25 っa''0.25 っa''0.25 たa''0.25 たa''0.25 っa''0.25 っa''0.25 たa''0.25 たfis''0.25 たcis''0.25 " + 22:noteseq,"p-0.5 っfis''0.25 ぱfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 " + 23:noteseq,"p-1.5 どfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 んa'0.5 っcis''0.5 すcis''0.25 とe''0.25 っd''0.5 ぷcis''0.25 むd''0.25 うcis''0.25 びd''0.25 んcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 どb'0.5 んa'0.25 すb'0.25 とcis''0.5 っb'0.5 ぷb'0.25 とfis'0.25 おe'0.5 きcis''0.25 んb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 どa'0.5 んas'0.25 すgis'0.25 とgisis'0.5 っa'0.5 ぷa'0.25 ざgis'0.25 みa'0.5 ゆfis'0.25 うe'0.25 じfis'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 うぃb'0.5 るdes''0.5 うぃcis''0.5 みb'0.5 いa'0.5 とぅgis'0.5 さa'0.25 んb'0.25 でa'0.25 いgis'0.25 さa'0.5 んb'0.5 でa'0.5 いa'0.5 さb'0.5 んcis''0.5 でb'0.5 いa'0.5 " + 24:noteseq,"へd''0.25 いgisis'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 おa'0.25 うgis'0.25 らa'0.25 いa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 きょa'0.25 おa'0.25 もb'0.25 くcis''0.25 らcis''0.25 いcis''0.25 くcis''0.25 らcis''0.25 いcis''0.25 くcis''0.25 らcis''0.25 いcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.5 へcis''0.25 いa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 おa'0.25 うgis'0.25 らa'0.25 いa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っd''0.25 なcis''0.25 ぜcis''0.25 かb'0.25 くb'0.25 らb'0.25 いb'0.25 くb'0.25 らb'0.25 いb'0.25 くb'0.25 らb'0.25 いb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 " + 25:noteseq,"へd''0.25 いces''0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 おb'0.25 うa'0.25 らb'0.25 いb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っcis''0.25 まb'0.25 だb'0.25 まb'0.25 だa'0.25 くa'0.25 らa'0.25 いa'0.25 くa'0.25 らa'0.25 いb'0.25 くa'0.25 らb'0.25 いb'0.25 " + 26:noteseq,"p-1.5 うぃb'0.5 るe''0.5 うぃe''0.5 みb'0.5 いa'0.5 とぅgis'0.5 さa'0.25 んb'0.25 でa'0.25 いgis'0.25 さa'0.5 んb'0.5 でa'0.5 いa'0.5 さb'0.5 んcis''0.5 でb'0.5 いa'0.5 " + 27:noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼe'0.25 んcis'0.25 っcis'0.25 ぼcis'0.25 ぼcis'0.25 っcis'0.25 ぼcis'0.25 んcis'0.25 っcis'0.25 ぼcis'0.25 んfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 うfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 " + 1:second_noteseq,"p-1.5 ぱcis'1.0 んe'0.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"p1.5 っfis'1.0 a1.5 e'1.0 b1.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼcis'0.25 んcis'0.25 っd'0.25 ぼcis'0.25 ぼd'0.25 っcis'0.25 ぼd'0.25 んcis'0.25 ぼd'0.25 んcis'0.25 ぼd'0.25 うcis'0.25 いd'0.25 っcis'0.25 っcisis'0.25 っd'0.25 ぼcis'0.25 んd'0.25 っcis'0.25 ぼe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 っe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 んe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 んe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 うe'0.25 いe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 " + 7:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼe'0.25 んe'0.25 っd'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 うfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 おd'0.25 るfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 うぇfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 ずfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っcis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 ぼd''0.25 んces''0.25 っb'0.25 ぼe''0.25 ぼb'0.25 っb'0.25 ぼb'0.25 んe'0.25 ぼb'0.25 んb'0.25 ぼb'0.25 いe'0.25 " + 9:second_noteseq,"p-1.5 っe''0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っcis''0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 ほa'0.25 おb'0.25 ぷa'0.25 そa'0.25 うa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 ざa'0.25 っa'0.25 " + 10:second_noteseq,"p-1.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 すa'0.25 りas'0.25 いgis'0.25 ぴa'0.25 んgis'0.25 べa'0.25 いgis'0.5 びa'0.25 ぼgis'0.25 おa'0.25 いgis'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.5 っas'0.5 っgis'0.25 っfis''0.25 っe''0.5 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.5 すgis'0.25 まa'0.25 いa'0.25 りa'0.25 んa'0.25 べa'0.25 いa'0.5 びa'0.25 ぼa'0.25 おa'0.25 いa'0.25 っa'0.5 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgisis'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.5 っfis''0.25 っe''0.25 っfis''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.5 っe''0.5 っe''0.25 だe''0.25 んe''0.25 しe''0.25 んe''0.25 べe''0.25 いe''0.5 びe''0.25 ぼe''0.25 おe''0.25 いe''0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.5 っgis'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 ほa'0.25 おgis'0.25 ぷgisis'0.25 そa'0.25 うgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 ざa'0.25 っa'0.25 " + 11:second_noteseq,"っcis''0.25 っb'0.25 っgis'0.25 a'0.25 っa'0.5 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 a'0.25 っa'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.5 っgis'0.5 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 gis'0.25 おa'0.25 ふb'0.25 こa'0.25 gis'0.25 おa'0.25 すas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 gis'0.25 っa'0.5 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 as'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 a'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 a'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 b'0.25 っa'0.25 りa'0.25 あa'0.25 b'0.25 りa'0.25 いa'0.25 " + 12:second_noteseq,"p1.75 っd''0.25 a'0.25 っb'0.25 っd''0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 うa'0.25 おb'0.5 おb'0.25 きb'0.25 んb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 しa'0.25 んb'0.25 っb'0.25 ぎb'0.25 んb'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 cis''1.25 a'0.5 っcis''0.25 a'0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っa'0.25 っcis''0.25 a'0.25 っcis''0.25 いa'0.5 いa'0.25 てぃa'0.25 んa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 a'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 " + 13:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼcis'0.25 んcis'0.25 っd'0.25 ぼcis'0.25 ぼd'0.25 っcis'0.25 ぼd'0.25 んcis'0.25 ぼd'0.25 んcis'0.25 ぼd'0.25 うcis'0.25 いd'0.25 っcis'0.25 っcisis'0.25 っd'0.25 ぼcis'0.25 んd'0.25 っcis'0.25 ぼe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 っe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 んe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 んe'0.25 ぼe'0.25 うe'0.25 いe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 " + 14:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼe'0.25 んe'0.25 っd'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 ぼfis'0.25 うfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 おd'0.25 るfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 うぇfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 ずfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 んfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 " + 15:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っcisis''0.25 っd''0.25 っcisis''0.25 っd''0.25 っcisis''0.25 っd''0.25 っcisis''0.25 っd''0.25 っcisis''0.25 っd''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 ぼfis''0.25 んd''0.25 っe''0.25 ぼe''0.25 ぼe''0.25 っe''0.25 ぼe''0.25 んe''0.25 ぼe''0.25 んe''0.25 ぼe''0.25 いe''0.25 " + 16:second_noteseq,"p-1.5 っe''0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っcis''0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 ほa'0.25 おb'0.25 ぷa'0.25 そa'0.25 うa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 ざa'0.25 っa'0.25 " + 17:second_noteseq,"p-1.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 すa'0.25 りas'0.25 いgis'0.25 ぴa'0.25 んgis'0.25 べa'0.25 いgis'0.5 びa'0.25 ぼgis'0.25 おa'0.25 いgis'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.5 っas'0.5 っgis'0.25 っfis''0.25 っe''0.5 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.5 すgis'0.25 まa'0.25 いa'0.25 りa'0.25 んa'0.25 べa'0.25 いa'0.5 びa'0.25 ぼa'0.25 おa'0.25 いa'0.25 っa'0.5 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgisis'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.5 っfis''0.25 っe''0.25 っfis''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.5 っe''0.5 っe''0.25 だe''0.25 んe''0.25 しe''0.25 んe''0.25 べe''0.25 いe''0.5 びe''0.25 ぼe''0.25 おe''0.25 いe''0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.5 っgis'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 ほa'0.25 おgis'0.25 ぷgisis'0.25 そa'0.25 うgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 ざa'0.25 っa'0.25 " + 20:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 んa'0.25 っb'0.25 ぼb'0.25 んb'0.25 っb'0.25 ぼb'0.25 んb'0.25 っb'0.25 ぼb'0.25 んb'0.25 っb'0.25 ぼb'0.25 んb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 ぼb'0.25 んb'0.25 っb'0.25 っe'0.25 っgis'0.25 っe'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っfis'0.25 らgis'0.25 " + 21:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 らe'0.25 っe'0.25 っfis'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 ぼa'0.25 おbisis'0.25 いa'0.25 っbisis'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 らa'0.25 らbisis'0.25 らfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 " + 22:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 っcis0.25 ぱfis0.25 っd0.25 っd0.25 っd0.25 っd0.25 っd0.25 っd0.25 っd0.25 っd0.25 っd0.25 っd0.25 " + 23:second_noteseq,"p-1.5 っd''0.5 っfis''0.25 っfis''0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.5 すa'0.25 りas'0.25 いgis'0.25 ぴa'0.25 んgis'0.25 べa'0.25 いgis'0.5 びa'0.25 ぼgis'0.25 おa'0.25 いgis'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.5 っas'0.5 っgis'0.25 っfis''0.25 っe''0.5 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.5 すgis'0.25 まa'0.25 いa'0.25 りa'0.25 んa'0.25 べa'0.25 いa'0.5 びa'0.25 ぼa'0.25 おa'0.25 いa'0.25 っa'0.5 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgisis'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.5 っfis''0.25 っe''0.25 っfis''0.25 っe''0.25 っe''0.5 っe''0.5 っe''0.25 だe''0.25 んe''0.25 しe''0.25 んe''0.25 べe''0.25 いe''0.5 びe''0.25 ぼe''0.25 おe''0.25 いe''0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.25 っgis'0.25 っas'0.5 っgis'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 ほa'0.25 おgis'0.25 ぷgisis'0.25 そa'0.25 うgis'0.25 っa'0.25 っgis'0.25 ざa'0.25 っa'0.25 " + 24:second_noteseq,"へa'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 おfis'0.25 うe'0.25 らfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っa'0.25 きょfis'0.25 おfis'0.25 もe'0.25 くeis'0.25 らeis'0.25 いeis'0.25 くeis'0.25 らeis'0.25 いeis'0.25 くeis'0.25 らeis'0.25 いeis'0.25 っeis'0.25 っeis'0.25 おgis'0.25 るf'0.25 なeis'0.25 いgis'0.25 っges'0.25 へfis'0.25 いe'0.25 っges'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 おfis'0.25 うe'0.25 らe'0.25 いe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.25 っfis'0.25 なe'0.25 ぜe'0.25 かfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 おfis'0.25 るe'0.25 なfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 " + 25:second_noteseq,"へb'0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 おd'0.25 うcis'0.25 らb0.25 いfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っfis'0.25 っb'0.25 まfis'0.25 だfis'0.25 まfis'0.25 だfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 くfis'0.25 らfis'0.25 いfis'0.25 くa0.25 らe'0.25 いe'0.25 " + 26:second_noteseq,"p-1.5 っe''0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っcis''0.25 っcis''0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 っa'0.25 っcis''0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 ほa'0.25 おb'0.25 ぷa'0.25 そa'0.25 うa'0.25 っa'0.25 っb'0.25 ざa'0.25 っa'0.25 " + 27:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ぼcis'0.25 んa0.25 っa0.25 ぼa0.25 ぼa0.25 っa0.25 ぼa0.25 んa0.25 っa0.25 ぼa0.25 んcis'0.25 っcis'0.25 ぼcis'0.25 うcis'0.25 いcis'0.25 っa0.25 "
63774128雨のあいま / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/07/10 Wed 23:41:27" + filename,774128-1gwG + div,11 + mainid,774127-tHxp + title,雨のあいま + title,雨のあいま + title,雨のあいま + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,4 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,4 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"fss 0.39" + 3:second_highest,77 + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,4 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 3:second_voice,40 + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.39" + 4:second_highest,70 + 4:highest,74 + 4:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_wnbt1i.har + 4:inst,4 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 4:second_voice,41 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,4 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:highest,74 + 6:inst,4 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:mode,inst + 7:voice,"fss 0.31" + 7:second_highest,78 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/TakiRentaro-Hana-110815ss.dat + 7:highest,75 + 7:inst,4 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 7:second_voice,40 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/TakiRentaro-Hana-110815ss.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.31" + 8:second_highest,63 + 8:highest,75 + 8:inst,4 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 8:second_voice,42 + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,4 + 9:second_highest,72 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 9:highest,75 + 9:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_syhijt.har + 9:inst,4 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 9:second_voice,123 + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,4 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,4 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 7:noteseq,"あb'0.75 めais'0.25 のb'1.0 あfis'2.0 いb'2.0 まb'2.0 かa'0.75 えb'0.25 りcis''1.0 みgis'2.0 ちgis'2.0 っgis'2.0 わgis'0.75 らb'0.25 いcis''1.0 ごdis''0.75 えcis''0.25 がgis'1.0 っbis'0.75 はbis'0.25 しcis''1.0 るgis'2.0 っgis'0.75 っb'0.25 っb'1.0 っcis''0.75 っb'0.25 っb'1.0 っcis''0.75 っfis'0.25 っcis''1.0 っfis'1.5 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 さcis''0.5 わdis''1.5 やb'0.5 かfis'0.5 なb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'1.0 っcis''0.5 っb'0.5 っb'0.5 っb'1.5 っb'0.5 あcis''1.5 めfis'1.0 のfis'0.5 っais'0.5 あgis'1.0 いais'0.5 まb'1.0 っb'1.5 ちb'0.5 いgis'1.5 さgis'1.0 くgis'0.5 っgis'0.5 はb'1.0 ずcis''0.5 んdis''1.0 でdis''1.5 っdis''0.5 っb'1.5 っb'1.0 っb'0.5 っb'1.5 っcis''1.5 っcis''1.5 " + 9:noteseq,"さfis'0.5 わgis'0.5 やfis'0.5 かdis'0.5 なfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っdis''0.5 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 っgis'3.0 っgis'0.5 あgis'0.5 めfis'0.5 のgis'0.5 っgis'0.5 あgis'0.5 いb'0.5 まb'0.5 っb'4.0 ちgis'0.5 いfis'0.5 さfis'0.5 くfis'0.5 っfis'0.5 はfis'0.5 ずgis'0.5 んais'0.5 でbis'2.0 cis''2.0 っb'0.5 っg'0.5 っg'0.5 っg'0.5 っfis'0.5 っcis''0.5 っcis''1.0 b'4.0 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あd''0.5 めbes'1.5 のbes'1.0 あa'0.5 いbes'1.5 まbes'3.0 おbes'0.5 もf''1.5 いf''1.0 こc''0.5 こf''1.5 ろes''1.5 fis'1.5 さd''0.5 っg'1.5 とg'0.5 かbes'0.5 ぜc''0.5 がbes'0.5 っg'1.0 つg'0.5 れg'0.5 さbes'0.5 るg'1.5 っg'0.5 っc''1.5 っc''0.5 おa'0.5 おbes'0.5 おa'0.5 っbes'1.0 っbes'0.5 っd''1.0 っd''1.5 " + 4:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 あbes'0.5 めd'1.5 のd'1.0 あf'0.5 いg'1.5 まg'3.0 っd'0.5 っg'1.5 っg'1.0 っg'0.5 っg'1.5 っg'3.0 かg'0.5 がfis'1.5 やfis'0.5 くd'0.5 ひd'0.5 がfis'0.5 っfis'1.0 いd'0.5 きfis'1.0 るfis'1.5 っfis'0.5 っbes'1.5 っbes'0.5 おd'0.5 おd'0.5 おg'0.5 っg'1.0 おg'0.5 おbes'1.0 っd'1.5 " + 7:second_noteseq,"あdis''0.75 めcis''0.25 のb'1.0 あb'2.0 いdis''2.0 まdis''2.0 かcis''0.75 えdis''0.25 りcis''1.0 みcis''2.0 ちbis'2.0 っbis'2.0 わcis''0.75 らdis''0.25 いcis''1.0 ごgis'0.75 えgis'0.25 がgis'1.0 っgis'0.75 はgis'0.25 しcis''1.0 るbis'2.0 っgis'0.75 っgis'0.25 っgis'1.0 おgis'0.75 おfis'0.25 おgis'1.0 っcis''0.75 おcis''0.25 おfis''1.0 っcis''1.5 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 さais0.5 わdis'1.5 やdis'0.5 かdis'0.5 なdis'0.5 っdis'0.5 っdis'1.0 っcis'0.5 っb0.5 っb0.5 っb1.5 っb0.5 あcis'1.5 めcis'1.0 のcis'0.5 っcis'0.5 あcis'1.0 いb0.5 まdis'1.0 っdis'1.5 ちb0.5 いb1.5 さb1.0 くb0.5 っais0.5 はdis'1.0 ずcis'0.5 んdis'1.0 でdis'1.5 っdis'0.5 っb1.5 っb1.0 っb0.5 おb1.0 dis'0.5 おcis'1.5 おcis'1.5 " + 9:second_noteseq,"さdis'0.5 わe'0.5 やdis'0.5 かfis'0.25 っdis'2.0 っfis'0.25 っgis'0.5 っbis'0.5 っdis'0.5 っdis'0.25 っdis'0.25 gis'2.0 っdisis'0.5 あe'0.5 めdis'0.5 のe'0.25 っb'0.75 gis'1.5 っgis'1.0 っb'0.5 っgis'0.25 っgis'0.25 b'2.0 ちe'0.5 いdis'0.5 さdis'0.5 くdis'0.25 っdis'2.25 っdis'1.0 っfis'0.5 っgis'0.25 っgis'2.25 おg'0.5 おg'0.5 おb'0.5 っb'0.25 っb'0.25 fis'2.0 っfis'1.5 っfis'2.5 "
64774054みずびたし遊星(プラネット) / 作詞:夜狩尾/作曲:tao_hirotime,"2024/07/10 Wed 16:50:22" + filename,774054-43eT + div,11 + mainid,774052-WfpR + title,みずびたし遊星(プラネット) + title,みずびたし遊星(プラネット) + title,みずびたし遊星(プラネット) + name,作詞:夜狩尾/作曲:tao_hiro + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,51 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 2:highest,79 + 2:inst,62 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,71 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 3:highest,79 + 3:inst,62 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 3:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,51 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:mode,inst + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternJ32fixed.dat + 5:highest,76 + 5:inst,62 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternJ32fixed.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,71 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternJ32fixed.dat + 6:highest,76 + 6:inst,62 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 6:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternJ32fixed.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 7:highest,78 + 7:inst,62 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 7:second_voice,56 + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.35" + 8:second_highest,71 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 8:highest,78 + 8:inst,62 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 8:second_voice,56 + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,56 + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,78 + 9:inst,51 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 9:second_voice,56 + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 10:highest,78 + 10:inst,62 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 10:second_voice,56 + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 11:highest,78 + 11:inst,62 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk1.perc + 11:second_voice,56 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + uid,10011 + 2:noteseq,"たc''0.5 いe''0.5 よf''0.5 おf''0.5 けf''0.5 えf''0.5 のd''0.5 みc''0.5 ずd''0.5 のc''0.5 まd''0.5 あc''0.5 ぶc''0.5 るc''0.5 にc''1.0 ひd''0.5 かe''0.5 りf''0.5 のd''0.5 かd''0.5 じゅe''0.5 うf''0.5 おf''0.5 ひe''0.5 とf''0.5 しe''0.5 ずbis'0.5 くc''2.0 むd''0.5 みe''0.5 むf''0.5 しゅd''0.5 うd''0.5 のd''0.5 うc''0.5 ちゅd''0.5 うe''0.5 くf''0.5 うe''0.5 かbis'0.5 んc''1.0 にc''1.0 とd''0.5 こg''0.5 なd''0.5 つd''0.5 のd''0.5 めg''0.5 もd''0.5 りd''0.5 いc''0.5 おd''0.5 なc''0.5 がd''0.5 すc''1.0 のc''1.0 " + 6:noteseq,"あd''1.5 ふa'0.5 れbes'0.5 つa'0.5 ずbes'0.5 けa'0.5 るa'0.5 みa'0.5 らc''0.5 くc''0.5 るc''0.5 りゅc''0.5 うd''0.5 しc''0.5 むc''3.5 げe''0.5 んa'0.5 のbes'0.5 ばa'0.5 ぶc''0.5 るc''0.5 うc''0.5 ちゅd''0.5 うc''0.5 とd''2.0 おd''1.0 めd''0.5 えd''0.5 なc''0.5 あd''0.5 いc''0.5 のc''0.5 ひc''0.5 しょd''0.5 ちc''0.5 でd''0.5 りe''1.0 んbis'0.5 のc''0.5 うd''0.5 ろe''0.5 こa'0.5 がbes'0.5 あa'0.5 らc''0.5 わc''0.5 れbes'0.5 てa'0.5 ゆa'0.5 きc''0.5 っc''0.5 " + 8:noteseq,"きd''0.5 ずf''1.0 のe''0.5 なf''0.5 いd''0.5 びc''0.5 いd''0.5 どe''0.5 ろf''0.5 だc''0.5 まd''0.5 かc''0.5 らc''1.5 みc''0.5 おf''1.0 ろf''0.5 しf''0.5 たc''0.5 せf''0.5 かd''0.5 いcis''0.5 わcis''0.5 ふぃd''0.5 くcis''0.5 しょcis''0.5 んcis''1.5 かd''0.5 がf''1.0 やf''0.5 くd''0.5 こe''0.5 わf''0.5 ねd''0.5 のc''0.5 きd''0.5 れc''0.5 えc''0.5 ごc''0.5 とc''1.5 だc''0.5 けc''1.0 どd''0.5 あc''0.5 なd''0.5 たc''0.5 わc''0.5 のd''0.5 んfis''0.5 ふぃfis''0.5 くd''0.5 しょd''0.5 んd''1.0 " + 10:noteseq,"あc''0.5 かe''0.5 いf''0.5 ろf''0.5 のc''0.5 かc''0.5 にf''0.5 くf''0.5 がf''0.5 みe''0.5 てbis'0.5 いc''0.5 るd''0.5 のc''0.5 わc''1.0 もd''0.5 ぎe''0.5 とf''0.5 らd''0.5 れd''0.5 たd''0.5 しe''0.5 とf''0.5 ろd''0.5 んc''0.5 のd''0.5 ゆc''0.5 めe''2.0 あf''0.5 まc''0.5 ずd''0.5 っd''0.5 ぱf''0.5 さe''0.5 がf''0.5 やd''0.5 るe''0.5 せf''0.5 なe''0.5 くbis'0.5 てc''2.0 にd''0.5 がe''0.5 いd''0.5 たc''0.5 ねbes'0.5 のd''0.5 なc''0.5 かd''0.5 みc''0.5 おd''0.5 なc''0.5 めd''0.5 たc''2.0 "
65773641それこそ・・・ / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/07/07 Sun 13:10:51" + filename,773641-EhVr + div,12 + mainid,773639-SQ2w + title,それこそ・・・ + title,それこそ・・・ + title,それこそ・・・ + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,97 + 1:second_highest,84 + 1:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 1:highest,66 + 1:inst,2 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 1:second_voice,9 + 1:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tight8.rhy + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,71 + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,2 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 2:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:mode,inst + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,75 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 3:highest,66 + 3:inst,2 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 3:second_voice,8 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 4:second_highest,46 + 4:highest,63 + 4:inst,2 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 4:second_voice,17 + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 4:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_Minnnasoranoshita.dat + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 5:second_highest,73 + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 5:highest,66 + 5:inst,2 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 5:second_voice,16 + 5:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,70 + 6:second_highest,66 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_StoryAi.dat + 6:highest,66 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_ig03bx.har + 6:inst,2 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock4.perc + 6:second_voice,18 + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_StoryAi.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:second_highest,71 + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,2 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 7:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:mode,inst + 8:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 8:second_highest,77 + 8:highest,73 + 8:inst,2 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 8:second_voice,103 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/yukinohanaauf1-8.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,54 + 9:second_highest,70 + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:highest,73 + 9:inst,2 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 9:second_voice,102 + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,2 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-8beat1.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,1 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero3.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,71 + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,4 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 3:noteseq,"p-0.5 もes'0.25 おdes'0.25 じゃdes'1.5 わbes0.25 っbes0.5 もbes2.25 がc'0.25 きdes'0.25 つdes'0.5 ずes'0.25 けdes'1.75 っdes'0.25 しdes'0.25 がe'1.5 みe'0.25 っe'0.5 つe'2.25 くe'0.25 っe'0.25 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っe'1.75 わe'0.25 れcis'0.25 さbes1.5 きbes0.25 にdes'0.5 っdes'2.0 けdes'0.25 おes'0.25 とf'0.25 しes'0.5 てdes'0.25 でes'0.25 もf'1.5 すf'0.25 べes'0.25 てes'1.5 わes'0.25 っes'0.5 きょes'2.25 もf'0.25 おges'0.25 なf'0.5 のes'0.25 にes'1.75 " + 6:noteseq,"p1.0 ひdes'0.5 とes'0.5 がdes'0.75 っdes'3.0 もes'0.25 おdes'0.5 じゃdes'0.5 なdis'0.75 らes'1.25 しゃf'0.5 かes'0.5 いes'0.75 もes'2.5 まes'0.25 たfis'0.25 っges'0.25 もf'0.5 おes'0.5 じゃc'0.75 さdes'1.25 かc'0.5 くdes'0.5 さdes'0.75 んdes'3.0 っdes'0.25 すbes0.5 るbes0.5 かf'0.75 らes'1.25 ぱf'0.5 んes'0.5 でes'0.75 みes'2.75 っes'0.25 くes'0.25 っes'0.5 なges'0.5 のf'0.75 さes'0.25 " + 9:noteseq,"っf'0.75 っas'0.75 っas'0.5 っdes''0.75 っf'0.75 っf'0.5 っes'0.75 っes'0.75 っes'0.5 っas'1.0 っas'0.5 っes'0.5 っdes'0.5 っbes0.25 っbes0.75 っbes0.5 っdes'0.75 っf'0.75 っas'0.5 っf'0.75 っf'0.75 っf'0.5 っes'1.0 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 ふdes'0.75 とes'0.75 そdes'0.5 こf'0.75 かes'0.75 らf'0.5 めes'0.75 ざf'0.75 めes'0.5 てdes'2.0 あdes'0.5 らdis'0.25 わes'0.75 れf'0.5 るes'0.75 っes'0.5 そdes'0.25 れes'0.5 こges'0.75 そf'0.75 っf'0.5 っf'1.0 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 " + 3:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 もces''0.25 おais'0.25 じゃbes'1.5 わbes'0.25 っg'0.25 bes'0.25 もbes'2.25 がas'0.25 きbes'0.25 つbes'0.5 ずdes''0.25 けbes'1.75 っbes'0.25 しdes''0.25 がa'1.5 みa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'2.25 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 うa'0.5 うbes'0.25 うa'1.75 わa'0.25 れgis'0.25 さbes'1.5 きbes'0.25 にbes'0.5 っbes'2.0 けbes'0.25 おc''0.25 とdes''0.25 しc''0.5 てdes''0.25 でc''0.25 もdes''1.5 すdes''0.25 べc''0.25 てes''1.5 わces''0.25 っdes''0.25 b'0.25 きょces''2.25 もdes''0.25 おes''0.25 なes''0.5 のb'0.25 にces''0.25 es''1.5 " + 4:second_noteseq,"っais,0.75 もbes,0.75 おbes,0.25 しゅbes,0.75 うbes,0.25 っbes,0.5 っbes,0.75 っbes,0.5 っbes,0.25 もbes,0.75 おbes,0.25 げbes,0.75 んais,0.25 っais,1.25 っais,0.75 っais,0.75 っais,0.25 っais,0.75 っais,0.25 っais,0.5 もais,0.75 おais,0.5 そais,0.25 おais,0.75 っais,0.25 っais,0.75 っais,0.25 っais,1.25 っbes,0.75 もbes,1.0 おbes,0.75 しbes,0.25 んbes,0.5 もbes,0.75 おais,0.5 せais,0.25 つais,0.75 っais,0.25 もais,0.75 おais,0.25 ごais,0.25 bes,1.0 っais,0.75 もais,1.0 おais,0.75 どais,0.25 おais,0.5 っais,0.75 っbes,0.5 っais,0.25 っais,0.75 っais,0.25 あais,0.75 あais,0.25 あais,1.25 " + 6:second_noteseq,"p1.0 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.75 っf'1.25 des'1.75 もes'0.25 おf'0.5 じゃes'0.5 なes'0.75 らfis'0.25 es'1.0 しゃdes'0.5 かes'0.5 いges'0.75 もf'1.25 es'1.25 まges'0.25 たdis'0.25 っes'0.25 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.75 っf'1.25 かdes'0.5 くf'0.5 さf'0.75 んf'1.25 des'1.75 っdes'0.25 っdes'0.5 っdes'0.5 っdes'0.75 っdes'0.25 es'1.0 ぱes'0.5 んfis'0.5 でges'0.75 みf'1.25 es'1.5 っges'0.25 くges'0.25 っf'0.5 なes'0.5 のdes'0.75 さes'0.25 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ひc''0.5 とdes''1.0 とdes''0.5 しゃes''0.25 かdes''1.75 いf'0.25 のf'0.25 っf'0.5 っf'0.25 っas'0.5 っdes''0.25 っas'2.0 あas'0.5 しges'0.5 きf'0.25 ges'0.25 ゆf'0.5 めges'0.25 っf'0.25 es''0.75 b'0.75 っces''0.25 っais'0.25 っbes'0.5 っf'0.25 あf'0.5 あbes'0.25 あbes'2.0 っbes'0.5 っbes'1.0 そbes'0.5 こes''0.25 かbes'1.75 らbes'0.25 っbes'0.75 っes''0.75 っbes'0.25 っbes'2.0 あges'0.5 らf'0.5 わbes'0.5 れdes''0.5 るbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 っbes'1.5 っdes''0.25 っbes'0.25 っas'0.5 っas'0.25 おas'0.5 おc''0.25 おdes''0.5 es''1.5 "
66772950吾輩ハ猫デアル / "夏目漱石 / 開発チームSS"uid,10 + time,"2024/07/02 Tue 16:50:26" + filename,772950-euks + div,42 + title,吾輩ハ猫デアル + title,吾輩ハ猫デアル + title,吾輩ハ猫デアル + score,"vocal 1inst 2inst drums" + import,104231 + item,voice + item,voice + item,voice + 1:inst,107 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:inst,107 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 2:voice,"fss 0.34" + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 2:highest,74 + 3:inst,107 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.34" + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 3:highest,74 + 4:inst,107 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.34" + 4:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 4:highest,74 + 5:inst,107 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.34" + 5:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 5:highest,74 + 6:inst,107 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"fss 0.34" + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 6:highest,74 + 7:inst,107 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,"fss 0.34" + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 7:highest,74 + 8:inst,107 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,"fss 0.34" + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 8:highest,74 + 9:inst,107 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.34" + 9:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 9:highest,74 + 10:inst,107 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:voice,"fss 0.34" + 10:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 10:highest,74 + 11:inst,107 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:voice,"fss 0.34" + 11:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 11:highest,74 + 12:inst,107 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:mode,inst + 13:inst,107 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,"fss 0.34" + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 13:highest,74 + 14:inst,107 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"fss 0.34" + 14:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 14:highest,74 + 15:inst,107 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:voice,"fss 0.34" + 15:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 15:highest,74 + 16:inst,107 + 16:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 16:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 16:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 16:voice,"fss 0.34" + 16:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 16:highest,74 + 17:inst,107 + 17:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 17:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 17:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 17:voice,"fss 0.34" + 17:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 17:highest,74 + 18:inst,107 + 18:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 18:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 18:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 18:voice,"fss 0.34" + 18:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 18:highest,74 + 19:inst,107 + 19:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 19:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 19:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 19:voice,"fss 0.34" + 19:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 19:highest,74 + 20:inst,107 + 20:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 20:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 20:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 20:mode,inst + 21:inst,107 + 21:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 21:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 21:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 21:voice,"fss 0.34" + 21:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 21:highest,74 + 22:inst,107 + 22:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 22:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 22:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 22:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 22:voice,"fss 0.34" + 22:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 22:highest,74 + 23:inst,107 + 23:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 23:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 23:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 23:voice,"fss 0.34" + 23:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 23:highest,74 + 24:inst,107 + 24:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 24:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 24:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 24:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 24:voice,"fss 0.34" + 24:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 24:highest,74 + 25:inst,107 + 25:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 25:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 25:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 25:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 25:voice,"fss 0.34" + 25:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 25:highest,74 + 26:inst,107 + 26:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 26:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 26:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 26:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 26:voice,"fss 0.34" + 26:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 26:highest,74 + 27:inst,107 + 27:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 27:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 27:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 27:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 27:voice,"fss 0.34" + 27:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 27:highest,74 + 28:inst,107 + 28:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 28:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 28:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 28:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 28:voice,"fss 0.34" + 28:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 28:highest,74 + 29:inst,107 + 29:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 29:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 29:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 29:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 29:voice,"fss 0.34" + 29:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 29:highest,74 + 30:inst,107 + 30:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 30:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 30:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 30:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 30:voice,"fss 0.34" + 30:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 30:highest,74 + 31:inst,107 + 31:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 31:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 31:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 31:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 31:voice,"fss 0.34" + 31:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 31:highest,74 + 32:inst,107 + 32:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 32:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 32:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 32:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 32:voice,"fss 0.34" + 32:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 32:highest,74 + 33:inst,107 + 33:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 33:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 33:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 33:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 33:voice,"fss 0.34" + 33:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 33:highest,74 + 34:inst,107 + 34:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 34:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 34:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 34:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 34:voice,"fss 0.34" + 34:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 34:highest,74 + 35:inst,107 + 35:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 35:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 35:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 35:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 35:voice,"fss 0.34" + 35:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 35:highest,74 + 36:inst,107 + 36:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 36:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 36:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 36:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 36:voice,"fss 0.34" + 36:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 36:highest,74 + 37:inst,107 + 37:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 37:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 37:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 37:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 37:voice,"fss 0.34" + 37:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 37:highest,74 + 38:inst,107 + 38:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 38:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 38:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 38:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 38:voice,"fss 0.34" + 38:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 38:highest,74 + 39:inst,107 + 39:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 39:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 39:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 39:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 39:voice,"fss 0.34" + 39:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 39:highest,74 + 40:inst,107 + 40:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 40:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 40:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 40:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 40:voice,"fss 0.34" + 40:rhythm,pat/rhythm/chijonohoshi1ss.rhy + 40:highest,74 + 41:inst,107 + 41:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 41:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 41:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 41:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 41:voice,"fss 0.34" + 41:rhythm,pat/rhythm/tokinosugiyukumamani-himeno-auf1-8.dat + 41:highest,74 + 42:inst,107 + 42:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 42:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 42:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 42:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 42:mode,inst + 2:noteseq,"p1.0 わe'0.5 がf'0.5 はg'0.5 いa'0.5 わb'0.5 ねc''0.25 こb'0.25 でc''0.75 あd''0.25 るc''3.0 eis'1.0 なeis'0.5 まas'0.5 えgis'1.0 わa'0.5 まb'0.5 だa'0.75 なb'0.25 いa'4.0 どa'0.5 こfisis'0.5 でg'1.0 うa'0.5 まb'0.5 れc''0.75 たd''0.25 かc''3.0 f'1.0 とg'0.5 んa'0.5 とa'0.5 けg'0.25 んa'0.25 とa'0.5 おg'0.25 がa'0.25 つb'0.75 かc''0.25 ぬb'3.0 " + 3:noteseq,"p1.0 なc''0.25 んb'0.25 でa'0.5 もa'0.25 っf'0.25 うg'0.25 すa'0.25 ぐb'0.25 らc''0.25 いb'0.25 じa'0.25 めg'0.75 じdisis'0.25 めe'0.75 しe'0.25 たe'0.25 とf'0.25 こg'0.25 ろa'0.25 でg'1.0 bis'1.0 にゃbis'0.25 あgisis'0.25 にゃas'0.5 あgis'0.25 なa'0.25 いb'0.25 てb'0.25 いa'0.25 たb'0.25 こb'0.25 とb'0.25 だa'0.75 けg'0.25 わa'4.0 きg'0.5 おa'0.5 くb'1.0 しb'1.0 てc''0.75 いb'0.25 るc''2.5 " + 4:noteseq,"p-0.5 わgis'0.25 がa'0.25 はa'0.25 いa'0.25 わa'0.5 こb'0.25 こc''0.25 でb'0.25 はc''0.25 じd''0.25 めc''0.25 てb'0.25 っfisis'0.25 にg'0.5 んa'0.25 げb'0.25 んc''0.25 とc''0.25 ゆb'0.25 うc''0.25 もc''0.25 のd''0.25 おc''0.25 みf'0.25 たe'1.5 しe'0.25 かg'0.25 もeis'0.25 あeis'0.25 とbis1.0 でbis0.25 きbis0.25 くe'0.25 とe'0.25 っe'1.5 そe'0.25 れg'0.25 わa'0.25 しょg'0.25 せa'0.25 えa'0.25 とa'0.25 ゆg'0.25 うa'1.5 にa'0.25 んb'0.25 げc''0.25 んc''0.25 ちゅc''0.5 うc''0.25 でc''0.25 いa'0.25 ちb'0.25 ばb'0.25 んb'0.25 どc''0.25 おb'0.25 あb'0.25 くa'0.25 なg'0.25 しゅa'0.25 ぞg'0.25 くdisis'0.25 でe'0.25 あe'0.25 っd'0.25 たc'0.25 そd'0.25 おc'0.25 だc'1.5 " + 5:noteseq,"p1.0 こe'0.5 のf'0.5 しょg'0.5 せa'0.25 えb'0.25 とb'0.5 っa'0.25 ゆb'0.25 うc''0.75 のd''0.25 わc''3.0 eis'1.0 とeis'0.25 きa'0.25 どgisis'0.5 きgis'0.25 わa'0.25 れb'0.25 わb'0.25 れb'0.25 おb'0.25 つa'0.25 かb'0.25 まc''0.75 えc''0.25 てc''4.0 にb'0.5 てc''0.5 くd''0.25 うc''0.25 とb'0.25 ゆa'0.25 うb'0.25 はb'0.25 なc''0.25 しd''0.25 でc''0.75 あd''0.25 るc''3.0 " + 6:noteseq,"p1.0 しa'0.5 かc''0.5 しb'0.5 っa'0.5 そb'0.5 のc''0.25 とd''0.25 おc''0.75 じb'0.25 わc''3.0 bis'1.0 なbis'0.25 んa'0.25 とgisis'0.5 ゆa'0.25 うgis'0.25 かa'0.25 んb'0.25 がc''0.25 えb'0.25 もb'0.25 っb'0.25 なb'0.75 かa'0.25 っa'1.0 たa'0.5 かg'0.5 らa'2.0 べg'0.25 つa'0.25 だa'0.5 んb'0.25 っfisis'0.25 おg'0.25 そa'0.25 ろb'0.25 しc''0.25 いb'0.25 とa'0.25 もg'0.75 っdisis'0.25 おe'0.75 もf'0.25 わg'0.25 なdisis'0.25 かe'0.25 っd'0.25 たc'0.5 " + 7:noteseq,"p-0.5 たb'0.25 だe'0.25 かd'0.25 れc'1.25 のc'0.25 てc'0.25 のe'0.25 ひd'1.75 らc'0.25 にc'0.25 っc'0.25 のc'0.25 せe'0.5 らe'0.25 れe'0.25 てe'1.5 すe'0.25 うc'0.25 とbis1.5 もbis0.25 ちe'0.5 あe'2.0 げa'0.25 らb'0.25 れa'0.25 たa'0.5 とb'0.25 きc''1.75 なc''0.25 んb'0.25 だa'0.25 かa'1.25 っa'0.25 ふa'0.25 わe'0.25 ふd'1.75 わc'0.25 しc'0.25 たe'0.25 っf'0.25 かg'0.5 んbis'0.25 じc''0.25 がc''1.5 あc''0.25 っb'0.25 たa'1.5 ばf'0.75 かe'2.25 りe'0.5 でe'0.5 あf'0.25 るe'1.75 " + 8:noteseq,"p-0.5 てb'0.25 のa'0.25 ひa'0.25 らa'1.25 のa'0.25 うa'0.25 えb'0.25 でb'1.75 っc''0.25 すc''0.25 こd''0.25 しc''0.25 おb'0.25 ちc''0.25 つc''0.25 いf'0.25 てe'1.5 しょe'0.25 せf'0.25 えeis'1.5 のeis'0.25 かe'0.5 おe'2.25 おe'0.25 みf'0.25 たe'0.5 のd'0.25 がc'1.75 いc'0.25 わe'0.25 ゆe'0.25 るd'0.25 にc'0.5 んe'0.25 げe'0.25 んe'0.25 とf'0.25 ゆg'0.25 うa'0.25 もb'0.25 のc''0.25 のb'1.0 っc''0.25 みc''0.25 はd''0.25 じc''0.25 めc''0.25 でc''0.25 あd''0.25 ろc''0.25 おc''1.5 こg'0.25 のa'0.25 とa'0.25 きa'0.25 みょb'0.25 おa'0.25 なg'0.25 もa'0.25 のb'0.25 だa'0.25 とa'0.25 おa'0.25 もb'0.25 っa'0.25 たa'0.25 かg'0.25 んa'0.25 じa'0.25 がb'0.25 いc''0.25 まb'0.25 でa'0.25 もgis'0.25 のa'0.25 こb'0.25 っa'0.25 てgis'0.75 いa'0.25 るb'0.5 " + 9:noteseq,"p1.0 だc''0.25 いb'0.25 いa'0.5 ちa'0.25 けg'0.25 おa'0.25 もb'0.25 っa'0.25 てg'0.25 そa'0.25 おb'0.25 しょc''0.75 くc''0.25 さb'0.25 れc''0.25 るc''0.25 べd''0.25 きc''0.25 はb'0.25 ずc''0.25 のc''0.25 かf'0.25 おg'0.25 がbis'1.5 つbis'0.5 るb'0.5 つb'0.25 るb'0.25 しa'0.25 てgis'0.25 まa'0.25 るb'0.25 でb'0.25 やb'0.25 かc''0.75 んc''0.25 だc''4.0 そb'0.25 のc''0.25 ごc''0.5 ねd''0.25 こc''0.25 にb'0.25 もb'0.25 だa'0.25 いb'0.25 ぶc''0.25 あd''0.25 っc''0.75 たc''0.25 がc''3.0 f'1.0 こf'0.25 んg'0.25 なa'0.5 かa'0.25 たb'0.25 わb'0.25 にa'0.25 わa'0.25 いg'0.25 ちa'0.25 どa'0.25 もb'0.75 でa'0.25 くb'0.25 わc''0.25 しb'0.25 たa'0.25 こgis'0.25 とa'0.25 がgis'0.25 なa'0.25 いgis'1.0 " + 10:noteseq,"p1.0 のc''0.5 みb'0.5 なb'0.25 らa'0.25 ずg'0.25 かa'0.25 おb'0.25 のb'0.25 まa'0.25 んb'0.25 なc''0.75 かc''0.25 がc''3.0 eis'1.0 あeis'0.5 まas'0.5 りgis'0.5 にa'0.25 とgis'0.25 っa'0.5 きb'0.25 しb'0.25 てc''0.75 いb'0.25 るc''4.0 そd''0.5 おc''0.5 しb'0.25 てa'0.25 そg'0.25 のa'0.25 あb'0.25 なb'0.25 のc''0.25 なd''0.25 かc''0.75 かc''0.25 らc''3.0 f'1.0 とg'0.25 きa'0.25 どb'0.5 きa'0.25 ぷb'0.25 うa'0.25 ぷa'0.25 うa'0.25 とa'0.25 けg'0.25 むa'0.25 りb'0.75 おb'0.25 ふb'2.0 くe'0.5 " + 11:noteseq,"p-0.5 どe'0.25 おd'0.25 もc'0.25 っc'1.25 むc'0.25 せe'0.25 ぽe'0.25 くd'1.75 てc'0.25 じe'0.25 つf'0.25 にe'0.25 よf'0.5 わg'0.25 っdisis'0.25 たe'1.5 こe'0.25 れf'0.25 がeis'0.25 にeis'1.25 んgisis'0.25 げb'0.25 んb'0.25 のb'1.75 のb'0.25 むa'0.25 たg'0.25 ばa'0.25 こb'0.5 とa'0.25 いg'0.25 うa'1.5 もa'0.25 のb'0.25 でa'0.25 あb'0.25 るa'1.0 こb'0.25 とc''0.25 わb'0.25 っa'0.25 よa'0.25 おb'1.25 やc''0.25 くc''0.25 こb'0.25 のc''0.25 ごc''0.25 ろb'0.25 しc''0.25 っd''0.25 たc''1.5 " + 13:noteseq,"p1.0 こa'0.25 のb'0.25 しょa'0.5 せb'0.25 えb'0.25 のb'0.25 っa'0.25 てb'0.25 のc''0.25 ひb'0.25 らd'0.25 のc'0.75 うc'0.25 ちe'2.0 でe'1.0 eis'1.0 しeis'0.25 ばbis'0.25 らb'0.5 くb'0.25 わa'0.25 よb'0.25 いa'0.25 こgis'0.25 こa'0.25 ろb'0.25 もb'0.25 ちc''0.75 にc''0.25 すb'0.5 わc''0.25 っc''0.25 てc''0.25 おc''0.25 っb'0.25 たa'0.25 がa'2.0 しb'0.25 ばc''0.25 らb'0.5 くb'0.25 すa'0.25 るb'0.25 とb'0.25 っfisis'0.25 ひg'0.25 じょa'0.25 おb'0.25 なc''0.75 そb'0.25 くc''1.0 りょa'0.5 くg'0.5 でfis'1.0 f'1.0 うg'0.5 んa'0.5 てa'0.5 んa'0.5 しg'0.5 はa'0.5 じb'0.75 めa'0.25 たb'3.0 " + 14:noteseq,"p1.0 しょe'0.25 せg'0.25 えa'0.5 がb'0.25 っa'0.25 うb'0.25 ごc''0.25 くb'0.25 のa'0.25 かg'0.25 っdisis'0.25 じe'0.75 ぶf'0.25 んg'0.25 だbis'0.25 けc''0.25 がb'0.25 うc''0.25 ごd''0.25 くc''0.25 のc''0.25 かb'1.0 eis'1.0 わeis'0.25 かa'0.25 らgisis'0.5 なf'0.25 いe'0.25 がe'0.25 っe'0.25 むgis'0.25 やdisis'0.25 みe'0.25 にe'0.25 めf'0.75 がe'0.25 まe'1.0 わa'1.0 るa'2.0 むb'0.5 ねc''0.5 がb'1.0 わc''0.5 るd''0.5 くc''0.75 なd''0.25 るc''2.5 " + 15:noteseq,"p-0.5 とgis'0.25 おa'0.25 てa'0.25 えa'1.25 たa'0.25 すb'0.25 かb'0.25 らc''0.25 なb'1.5 いe'0.25 とd'0.25 おc'0.25 もe'0.25 っd'0.25 てc'0.25 いc'0.25 るe'0.25 とe'1.5 どe'0.25 さg'0.25 りeis'0.25 とeis'1.25 おeis'0.25 とbis'0.25 がa'0.25 しgis'1.75 てa'0.25 っb'0.25 めc''0.25 かb'0.25 らa'0.25 ひb'0.25 がa'0.25 でb'0.25 たa'1.5 " + 16:noteseq,"p-0.5 そb'0.25 れc''0.25 まc''1.5 でa'0.25 わa'0.5 きg'2.0 おbis'0.25 くc''0.25 しb'0.25 てc''0.5 いc''0.25 るd''0.25 がc''1.5 あc''0.25 とg'0.25 わeis'1.5 なeis'0.25 んe'0.5 のe'2.25 こe'0.5 とf'0.5 やe'0.25 らe'1.75 いe'0.25 くd'0.25 らc'0.25 かg'0.25 んa'1.0 がb'0.25 えc''0.25 だd''0.25 そc''0.25 おb'0.25 とb'1.25 しc''0.25 てd''0.25 もc''0.25 っfisis'0.25 わg'0.25 かbis'0.25 らc''0.25 なb'0.25 いc''1.5 " + 17:noteseq,"p1.0 ふa'0.25 とb'0.25 きa'0.5 がb'0.25 つc''0.25 いb'0.25 てa'0.25 みb'0.25 るa'0.25 とg'0.25 っdisis'0.25 しょe'0.75 せf'0.25 えg'1.0 わa'0.25 いg'0.25 なbis'0.5 いc''1.0 eis'1.0 たeis'0.25 くbis'0.25 さbis'0.5 んa'0.25 おgis'0.25 っdisis'0.25 たe'0.25 きょf'0.25 おe'0.25 だe'0.25 いe'0.25 がe'0.75 っe'0.25 いe'0.5 っg'0.25 ぴa'0.25 きa'0.25 もa'0.25 みa'0.25 えb'0.25 ぬa'2.0 かg'0.5 んa'0.5 じb'0.5 んb'0.25 のb'0.25 はa'0.5 はb'0.25 おb'0.25 やc''0.75 さd''0.25 えc''3.0 a'1.0 すb'0.5 がa'0.5 たa'0.25 おg'0.25 かa'0.25 くb'0.25 しa'0.5 てa'0.25 しg'0.25 まgis'0.75 っa'0.25 たb'3.0 " + 18:noteseq,"p1.0 そa'0.25 のb'0.25 うc''0.5 えd''0.25 いc''0.25 まd''0.25 まc''0.25 でb'0.25 のb'0.25 とa'0.25 こb'0.25 ろc''0.75 とf'0.25 わe'1.0 ちe'0.25 がc''0.25 っc''0.5 てc''1.0 bis'1.0 むbis'0.5 やb'0.5 みb'1.0 にa'0.5 あgis'0.5 かa'0.75 るa'0.25 いa'4.0 めb'0.5 おa'0.5 あb'0.25 いc''0.25 てb'0.25 いa'0.25 らb'0.25 れb'0.25 ぬa'0.25 くb'0.25 らc''0.75 いc''0.25 だc''2.5 " + 19:noteseq,"p-0.5 はb'0.25 てa'0.25 なa'0.25 なc''1.25 んa'0.25 でa'0.25 もb'0.25 っb'1.75 よc''0.25 おd''0.25 すb'0.25 がc''0.25 おb'0.25 かc''0.25 しc''0.25 いb'0.25 とc''1.5 のc''0.25 そb'0.25 のgisis'0.25 そgeses'0.25 はeis'1.0 いa'0.25 だgisis'0.25 しf'0.25 てe'0.25 みf'0.25 るe'1.25 とe'0.25 っe'0.25 ひe'0.25 じょg'0.25 おa'0.25 にa'0.25 いa'0.25 たb'0.25 いa'1.5 わa'0.25 がb'0.25 はc''1.5 いc''0.25 わc''0.5 わb'2.0 らe'0.25 のe'0.25 うe'0.25 えf'0.5 かe'0.25 らe'1.75 きゅe'0.25 うf'0.25 にf'0.25 さg'0.25 さa'1.0 はa'0.25 らa'0.25 のa'0.25 なb'0.25 かa'0.25 えa'1.25 すgis'0.25 てa'0.25 らb'0.25 れb'0.25 たb'0.25 のa'0.25 でgis'0.25 あa'0.25 るgis'1.5 " + 21:noteseq,"p1.0 よe'0.25 おg'0.25 やa'0.5 くb'0.25 のb'0.25 おa'0.25 もb'0.25 いa'0.25 でg'0.25 さa'0.25 さb'0.25 はc''0.75 らc''0.25 おc''0.75 はb'0.25 いc''0.25 だd''0.25 すc''0.5 とb'1.0 eis'1.0 むeis'0.5 こgisis'0.5 おf'0.25 にe'0.25 おf'0.25 おe'0.25 きe'0.25 なe'0.25 いe'0.25 けf'0.25 がe'0.75 あf'0.25 るe'4.0 わg'0.25 がa'0.25 はa'0.5 いb'0.25 わb'0.25 っfisis'0.25 いg'0.25 けa'0.25 のb'0.25 まd''0.25 えc''0.25 にc''0.75 すb'0.25 わc''1.0 っc''1.0 てc''1.0 a'1.0 どb'0.25 おa'0.25 しg'0.5 たa'0.25 らg'0.25 よa'0.25 かb'0.25 ろb'0.25 おb'0.25 とa'0.25 かa'0.25 んb'0.75 がc''0.25 えb'1.0 てb'0.5 みa'0.5 たgis'0.5 " + 22:noteseq,"p-0.5 べgis'0.25 つa'0.25 にa'0.25 っa'1.25 こa'0.25 れb'0.25 とb'0.25 ゆb'1.75 うc''0.25 ふd''0.25 んc''0.25 べc''0.25 つc''0.25 もc''0.25 でd''0.25 なc''0.25 いc''1.5 しg'0.5 ばgisis'1.5 らb'3.0 くa'0.5 しg'0.5 てa'2.0 なa'0.25 いb'0.25 たc''0.25 らa'1.25 しょa'0.25 せb'0.25 えb'0.25 がb'2.0 っc'0.25 まc'0.25 たd'0.25 むc'0.5 かe'0.25 えe'0.25 にe'1.5 きg'0.25 てeis'0.25 くf'1.5 れa'0.25 るa'0.25 かa'0.25 とb'2.0 かa'0.25 んb'0.25 がb'0.25 えb'0.5 つb'0.25 いa'0.25 たgis'1.5 " + 23:noteseq,"p-0.5 にゃb'0.5 あa'1.5 にゃb'2.5 g'1.0 あdisis'0.5 とe'2.0 こe'0.25 こf'0.25 ろeis'1.5 みgisis'0.25 にb'0.5 やe'2.25 っg'0.25 てa'0.25 みb'0.5 たa'0.25 がa'1.75 だa'0.5 れe'1.5 もb'3.0 こd''0.5 なc''0.5 いc''2.0 " + 24:noteseq,"p-0.5 そgis'0.25 のa'0.25 うa'0.25 ちa'1.25 いa'0.25 けb'0.25 のb'0.25 うb'2.0 えe'0.25 おe'0.25 さf'0.25 らe'0.5 さe'0.25 らe'0.25 とe'1.5 かe'0.25 ぜf'0.25 がeis'1.5 わeis'0.25 たgisis'0.25 っb'0.25 てb'2.0 ひa'0.25 がb'0.25 くa'0.25 れb'0.5 かc''0.25 かc''0.25 るa'1.5 はa'0.25 らb'0.25 がa'1.5 ひa'0.25 じょb'0.5 おb'2.0 にc'0.25 へc'0.25 っe'0.25 てe'0.5 きf'0.25 たe'1.75 なe'0.25 きb'0.25 たa'1.5 くf'0.25 てe'0.5 もe'2.0 こf'0.25 えe'0.25 がe'0.25 でf'0.5 なe'0.25 いe'1.75 " + 25:noteseq,"p-0.5 しgis'0.25 かa'0.25 たa'0.25 がb'0.25 なc''1.0 いa'0.25 っc''0.25 なd''0.25 んc''0.25 でb'0.25 もb'1.25 よd''0.25 いc''0.25 かc''0.25 らc''0.25 くb'0.25 いc''0.25 もd''0.25 のc''0.25 のc''1.5 あc''0.25 るg'0.25 とeis'1.5 こeis'0.25 ろe'0.5 まb'2.0 でa'0.25 っg'0.25 あa'0.25 るb'0.5 こc''0.25 おa'1.75 とa'0.25 けc''0.25 っb'0.25 しa'1.25 んa'0.25 おa'0.25 しb'0.25 てd''1.75 っc''0.25 そc''0.25 ろd''0.25 りc''0.25 そb'0.5 ろc''0.25 りf'0.25 とe'1.5 いe'0.25 けb'0.25 おa'1.5 ひa'0.25 だb'0.25 りb'0.25 にb'2.0 まa'0.25 わb'0.25 りb'0.25 はa'0.5 じb'0.25 めa'0.25 たgis'1.5 " + 26:noteseq,"p-0.5 どb'0.25 おa'0.25 もa'1.5 ひa'0.25 じょb'0.5 おb'2.25 にc'0.25 くc'0.25 るe'0.5 しf'0.25 いe'1.75 そe'0.25 こg'0.25 おeis'0.25 がbis'0.25 まeis'1.0 んeis'0.25 しdisis'0.25 てe'0.25 っe'0.25 むe'0.25 りgis'1.25 やa'0.25 りa'0.25 にa'0.25 はa'0.25 っb'0.25 てa'0.25 いa'0.25 くa'0.25 とa'1.5 よa'0.25 おb'0.25 やc''0.25 くc''0.25 のc''0.25 こc''0.25 とc''0.25 でa'0.25 っg'0.25 なa'0.25 んb'0.25 とb'0.25 なb'0.25 くa'0.25 にg'0.25 んa'0.25 げb'0.25 んb'0.25 くc''0.25 さd''0.25 いc''0.25 とb'0.25 こc''0.25 ろd''0.25 えc''0.25 でd''0.25 たc''1.5 " + 27:noteseq,"p1.0 こa'0.5 こc''0.5 えb'1.0 はd''0.5 いc''0.5 っc''0.75 たc''0.25 らc''3.0 bis'1.0 どbis'0.5 おb'0.5 にb'0.5 かb'0.25 なc''0.25 るb'0.5 とa'0.25 おb'0.25 もc''0.75 っb'0.25 てa'4.0 たg'0.25 けa'0.25 がa'0.5 きb'0.25 のb'0.25 っa'0.25 くb'0.25 ずc''0.25 れd''0.25 たc''0.25 あb'0.25 なd''0.75 かc''0.25 らc''3.0 d''1.0 とc''0.25 あd''0.25 るc''0.5 てb'0.25 えa'0.25 なa'0.25 いa'0.25 にa'0.25 もg'0.25 ぐa'0.25 りa'0.25 こb'0.75 んb'0.25 だb'3.0 " + 28:noteseq,"p1.0 えc''0.25 んa'0.25 わfisis'0.5 ふg'0.25 しa'0.25 ぎb'0.25 なb'0.25 もb'0.25 のc''0.25 でb'0.25 っb'0.25 もc''0.75 しa'0.25 こg'0.75 のa'0.25 たg'0.25 けbis'0.25 がc''0.25 きc''0.25 がc''1.0 eis'1.0 やeis'0.25 ぶa'0.25 れgisis'0.5 てgis'0.25 いa'0.25 なb'0.25 かb'0.25 っc''0.25 たb'0.25 なa'0.25 らgis'0.25 っa'0.75 わa'0.25 がc''1.0 はc''0.5 いc''0.5 わc''2.0 つb'0.25 いa'0.25 にfisis'0.5 ろg'0.25 ぼa'0.25 おb'0.25 にb'0.25 がc''0.25 しb'0.25 しb'0.25 たa'0.25 かg'0.75 もdisis'0.25 しe'0.75 れf'0.25 んg'0.25 のa'0.25 でg'0.25 あa'0.25 るg'1.0 a'1.0 いa'0.25 ちb'0.25 じゅa'0.5 のa'0.25 かb'0.25 げa'0.25 とa'0.25 わg'0.25 よa'0.25 くg'0.25 いa'0.25 っb'0.75 たb'0.25 もe'1.0 のb'1.0 だe'0.5 " + 29:noteseq,"p-0.5 こgis'0.25 のa'0.25 かa'0.25 きc''1.25 ねc''0.25 のc''0.25 あb'0.25 なd''1.75 わc''0.25 きょf'0.25 おe'0.25 にe'0.25 いe'0.25 たf'0.25 るe'0.25 まe'0.25 でe'1.5 わe'0.25 がf'0.25 はeis'0.25 いeis'0.25 がeis'1.0 とeis'0.25 なas'0.25 りgis'0.25 のa'0.25 みb'0.25 けa'0.25 おgis'1.0 ほa'0.25 おb'0.25 もc''0.25 んc''0.25 すc''0.25 るc''0.25 とc''0.25 きd''0.25 のc''1.5 つc''0.25 うb'0.25 ろa'1.5 にa'0.75 なg'1.75 e'0.5 っd'0.5 てc'0.5 いc'0.25 るe'1.75 " + 30:noteseq,"p-0.5 さb'0.25 てa'0.25 やa'0.25 しc''1.25 きc''0.25 えc''0.25 わc''0.25 しb'1.75 のc''0.25 びc''0.25 こd''0.25 んc''0.25 だc''0.5 もb'0.25 のc''0.25 のc''1.5 こg'0.25 れa'0.25 かgisis'0.25 らdeses''0.25 さbis'1.0 きa'0.25 っgisis'0.25 どc''0.25 おb'0.25 しb'1.5 てa'0.25 いb'0.25 いa'0.25 かa'0.25 わg'0.25 かa'0.25 らb'0.25 なa'0.25 いa'1.5 そa'0.25 のb'0.25 うc''0.25 ちc''0.25 にc''0.5 くb'0.25 らc''0.25 くc''0.25 なc''0.25 るb'0.25 っa'0.25 はb'0.25 らc''0.25 わb'0.75 へb'0.25 るc''0.25 っfisis'0.25 さg'0.25 むbis'0.25 さc''0.25 わc''0.25 さd''0.25 むc''0.25 しc''1.5 あc''0.25 めb'0.25 がa'0.25 ふd''0.25 っgisis'0.25 てa'0.25 くb'0.25 るa'0.25 とa'0.25 ゆa'0.25 うa'0.25 しb'0.25 まa'0.25 つa'0.25 でa'0.25 もg'0.25 おa'0.25 いa'0.25 っb'0.25 こb'0.25 くb'0.25 のb'0.25 ゆc''0.25 うb'0.25 よb'0.25 がa'0.25 でb'0.25 きc''0.25 なb'0.25 くa'0.25 なb'0.25 っe'0.25 " + 31:noteseq,"p-0.5 しgis'0.25 かa'0.25 たa'1.5 がa'0.25 なb'0.5 いa'1.75 e'0.25 かe'0.25 らe'0.25 っe'0.25 とe'0.5 にd'0.25 かc'0.25 くc'1.5 あc'0.25 かg'0.25 るgisis'0.25 くgeses'0.25 てeis'0.5 あeis'0.25 たbis'0.25 たbis'0.25 かbis'0.25 そc''0.25 おb'0.25 なb'0.25 ほc''0.25 おb'0.5 えa'0.25 ほb'0.25 おa'0.25 えa'0.25 とg'0.25 あa'0.25 るb'0.25 いa'0.25 てa'0.25 いb'0.25 くc''1.5 いc''0.25 まb'0.25 かa'0.25 らa'1.25 かa'0.25 んc''0.25 がc''0.25 えb'1.75 るa'0.25 とg'0.25 っdisis'0.25 そe'0.25 のf'0.5 とe'0.25 きf'0.25 わe'1.5 すg'0.25 でeis'0.25 にf'0.25 いf'1.25 えa'0.25 のg'0.25 うa'0.25 ちb'0.25 にb'1.5 はc''0.25 いb'0.25 っb'0.25 てb'0.25 おb'0.25 っa'0.25 たgis'0.25 のdisis'0.25 だe'1.5 " + 32:noteseq,"p1.0 こe'0.5 こf'0.5 でg'1.0 わa'0.5 がb'0.5 はc''0.75 いc''0.25 わc''3.0 bis'1.0 かbis'0.25 のa'0.25 しょgisis'0.5 せb'0.25 えb'0.25 いc''0.25 がb'0.25 いb'0.25 のa'0.25 にgis'0.25 んa'0.25 げa'0.75 んa'0.25 おa'4.0 ふg'0.25 たa'0.25 たa'0.5 びb'0.25 みc''0.25 るb'0.25 べa'0.25 きg'0.25 きa'0.25 かb'0.25 いa'0.25 にg'0.75 っdisis'0.25 そe'0.25 おf'0.25 ぐg'0.25 うa'0.25 しg'0.25 たa'0.25 のg'0.25 でdisis'0.25 あe'0.25 るc'0.25 " + 33:noteseq,"p-0.5 だb'0.25 いa'0.25 いa'0.25 ちa'1.25 にa'0.25 あc''0.25 っb'0.25 たb'1.75 のe'0.25 がe'0.25 おe'0.25 さf'0.25 んe'0.5 でe'0.25 あf'0.25 るe'1.5 こe'0.25 れf'0.25 わeis'0.25 まeis'0.25 えbis0.5 のbis0.25 しょbis0.25 せeis'0.25 えeis'0.25 よf'0.25 りe'0.25 っe'0.25 いgis'0.25 っa'0.75 そb'0.25 おc''0.25 らb'0.25 んc''0.25 ぼc''0.25 おc''0.25 なc''0.25 ほb'0.25 おa'0.25 でa'1.5 わa'0.25 がb'0.25 はc''0.25 いc''1.25 おc''0.25 みc''0.25 るb'0.25 やb'2.0 いf'0.25 なe'0.25 やd'0.25 いc'0.5 きe'0.25 なe'0.25 りe'1.5 くe'0.25 びf'0.25 すf'0.25 じg'0.25 おa'1.0 つa'0.25 かb'0.25 んa'0.25 でa'0.25 っg'0.25 おa'1.25 もb'0.25 てb'0.25 えa'0.25 ほgis'0.25 おa'0.25 りb'0.25 だb'0.25 しa'0.25 たgis'1.5 " + 34:noteseq,"p-0.5 いb'0.25 やa'0.25 こa'0.25 れc''1.25 わc''0.25 だc''0.25 めd''0.25 だc''1.75 e'0.25 とe'0.25 おf'0.25 もg'0.25 っdisis'0.5 たe'0.25 かe'0.25 らe'1.5 めg'0.25 おeis'0.25 ねeis'0.25 ぶbis'0.25 っbis'1.0 てbis'0.25 っbis'0.25 うc''0.25 んb'0.25 おb'1.5 てc''0.25 んb'0.25 にa'0.25 まg'0.25 かa'0.25 せa'0.25 てa'0.25 いg'0.25 たa'1.5 " + 35:noteseq,"p1.0 しa'0.25 かb'0.25 しa'0.5 っb'0.25 ひb'0.25 もc''0.25 じd''0.25 いc''0.25 のb'0.25 とa'0.25 さb'0.25 むd''0.75 いc''0.25 のc''1.0 にc''1.0 わb'1.0 eis'1.0 どeis'0.5 おas'0.5 しgis'0.25 てa'0.25 もgis'0.25 っa'0.25 がb'0.25 まa'0.25 んgis'0.25 がdisis'0.25 でe'0.75 きf'0.25 んe'4.0 わg'0.25 がa'0.25 はa'0.5 いb'0.25 わb'0.25 っfisis'0.25 ふg'0.25 たa'0.25 たb'0.25 びb'0.25 おb'0.25 さd''0.75 んc''0.25 のc''0.75 すb'0.25 きc''0.25 おc''0.25 みc''0.5 てb'1.0 f'1.0 だg'0.5 いa'0.5 どa'0.25 こa'0.25 ろa'0.25 えa'0.25 はg'0.5 いa'0.25 あa'0.25 がb'0.75 っe'0.25 たe'2.5 " + 36:noteseq,"p-0.5 すgis'0.25 るa'0.25 とa'0.25 っa'1.25 まa'0.25 もb'0.25 なb'0.25 くb'1.75 まg'0.25 たa'0.25 なg'0.25 げbis'0.25 だc''0.5 さc''0.25 れf'0.25 たe'1.5 わe'0.25 がf'0.25 はeis'0.25 いeis'0.25 わeis'0.25 っeis'0.25 なeis'0.25 げbis'0.25 だbis'0.25 さbis'0.25 れf'0.25 てe'0.25 わe'0.25 はgis'0.25 いa'0.25 のb'0.25 ぼc''0.25 りb'0.25 っa'0.25 はa'0.25 いb'0.25 のc''0.25 ぼc''0.25 っc''0.25 てc''0.25 わb'0.25 なa'0.25 げb'0.25 だc''0.25 さd''0.25 れc''0.5 なb'0.25 んa'0.25 でa'0.25 もa'0.25 っg'0.5 おa'0.25 なb'0.25 じc''0.25 こa'0.25 とb'0.25 おa'0.25 しg'0.25 ごa'0.25 へb'1.0 んc''0.25 くb'0.25 りc''0.25 かc''0.25 えd''0.25 しc''0.25 たc''0.25 のc''0.25 おc''1.5 きc''0.25 おcisis''0.25 くd''1.5 しb'3.0 てb'0.5 いa'0.5 るb'2.0 " + 37:noteseq,"p-0.5 そb'0.25 のc''0.25 とc''0.25 きa'1.25 にa'0.25 っa'0.25 おb'0.25 さc''1.75 e'0.25 んf'0.25 とe'0.25 いe'0.25 うf'0.5 もe'0.25 のf'0.25 わe'1.5 つe'0.25 くf'0.25 ずeis'1.5 くbis0.25 いe'0.5 やb'2.25 にa'0.5 なa'0.5 っg'0.25 たa'1.75 こa'0.25 のb'0.25 あc''0.25 いc''0.25 だc''0.25 おb'0.25 さc''0.25 んb'0.25 のa'0.25 さa'0.25 んb'0.25 まb'0.25 おb'0.25 ぬa'0.25 すb'0.25 んa'0.25 でg'0.25 っbis0.25 こc'0.25 のd'0.25 へc'0.25 んe'0.25 ぽe'0.25 おe'0.25 おe'0.25 しc'0.25 てd'0.25 やc'0.25 っe'0.25 てe'0.25 かe'0.25 らf'0.25 やg'0.25 っa'0.25 とa'1.5 むa'0.25 ねb'0.5 のb'2.0 つa'0.25 かb'0.25 えb'0.25 がa'0.5 おgis'0.25 りa'0.25 たgis'1.5 " + 38:noteseq,"p1.0 わe'0.25 がg'0.25 はa'0.5 いb'0.25 がb'0.25 っc''0.25 さd''0.25 いc''0.25 ごb'0.25 にa'0.25 つb'0.25 まc''0.75 みc''0.25 だc''0.25 さc''0.25 れc''0.25 よd''0.25 おc''0.25 とc''0.25 しb'0.25 たc''0.25 とb'0.25 きc''0.25 にeis'1.5 こeis'0.5 のas'0.5 うgis'0.5 ちa'0.5 のb'0.5 しゅb'0.5 じa'0.75 んa'0.25 がa'4.0 そg'0.25 おa'0.25 ぞa'0.5 おb'0.25 しc''0.25 いb'0.25 っc''0.25 なd''0.25 んc''0.25 だb'0.25 とa'0.25 いg'0.75 いbis'0.25 なc''0.75 がc''0.25 らc''0.25 でd''0.25 てc''0.25 きd''0.25 たc''0.5 " + 39:noteseq,"p-0.5 げb'0.25 じょa'0.25 わa'0.25 わg'0.25 がa'0.5 はa'0.25 いa'0.25 おa'0.25 ぶa'0.25 らb'0.25 さb'0.25 げb'0.25 てb'0.25 っc''0.75 しゅd''0.25 じc''0.25 んc''0.25 のc''0.25 ほd''0.25 おc''0.25 えc''0.25 むb'0.25 けc''0.25 てc''1.5 こg'0.25 のa'0.25 やgisis'0.25 どdeses''0.25 なbis'0.5 しbis'0.25 のbis'0.25 こeis'0.25 ねbis'0.25 こa'0.25 がgis'0.25 っa'0.25 いb'0.25 くe'1.0 らe'0.25 だf'0.25 しe'0.25 てe'0.25 もe'0.25 だf'0.25 しe'0.25 てe'0.25 もe'1.5 おe'0.25 だf'0.25 いe'0.25 どe'0.25 こe'0.75 ろe'0.25 えe'0.25 あf'0.25 がg'0.25 っa'0.25 てb'0.25 きc''0.25 てb'1.0 っe'0.25 こe'0.25 まb'0.25 りc''0.25 まc''0.25 すd''0.25 とc''0.25 いb'0.25 うc''1.5 " + 40:noteseq,"p1.0 しゅc''0.25 じb'0.25 んa'0.5 わa'0.25 はg'0.25 なa'0.25 のb'0.25 しa'0.25 たb'0.25 のb'0.25 くb'0.25 ろc''0.75 いf'0.25 けe'0.5 おe'0.25 ひe'0.25 ねf'0.25 りe'0.25 なe'0.25 がd'0.25 らc'1.0 eis'1.0 わeis'0.25 がa'0.25 はgisis'0.5 いb'0.25 のb'0.25 かa'0.25 おb'0.25 おb'0.25 しb'0.25 ばc''0.25 らb'0.25 くa'0.75 なa'0.25 がb'0.75 めa'0.25 てa'0.25 おc''0.25 っb'0.25 たa'0.25 がa'1.0 やa'0.25 がb'0.25 てc''0.25 そb'0.25 んc''0.25 なb'0.25 らa'0.25 うa'0.25 ちb'0.25 えa'0.25 おg'0.25 いa'0.25 てb'0.25 やa'0.25 れb'0.25 とa'0.25 いg'0.25 っbis'0.25 たc''0.25 まc''0.25 まc''0.25 おd''0.25 くc''0.25 えc''0.25 はd''0.25 いc''0.25 っc''0.25 てc''0.25 しb'0.25 まc''0.25 っc''0.25 たa'1.25 しゅb'0.25 じa'0.25 んa'0.5 わa'0.25 あg'0.25 まa'0.25 りa'0.25 くg'0.25 ちa'0.25 おa'0.25 きg'0.25 かgis'0.75 ぬa'0.25 ひb'0.75 とc''0.25 とb'0.25 みb'0.25 えa'0.5 たgis'0.5 " + 41:noteseq,"p-0.5 げb'0.25 じょa'0.25 わa'0.25 くg'0.25 やa'0.5 しa'0.25 そb'0.25 おa'0.25 にfisis'0.25 わg'0.25 がa'0.25 はb'0.25 いb'0.25 おb'0.25 だa'0.25 いb'0.25 どb'0.25 こc''0.25 ろc''0.25 えc''0.25 ほb'0.25 おc''0.25 りc''0.25 だd''0.25 しc''0.25 たc''1.5 かc''0.25 くb'0.25 しgisis'1.5 てe'0.75 わe'2.25 がg'0.5 はa'0.5 いb'0.25 わc''1.75 つc''0.25 いb'0.25 にa'0.25 こa'1.25 のc''0.25 うa'0.25 ちb'0.25 おd'1.75 っc'0.25 じc'0.25 ぶe'0.25 んe'0.25 のe'0.25 すf'0.25 みe'0.25 かe'0.25 とe'1.5 きe'0.25 めf'0.25 るf'1.5 こf'0.25 とa'0.5 にe'2.0 っe'0.25 しe'0.25 たf'0.25 のe'0.5 でe'0.25 あf'0.25 るe'1.5 "
67772691ねこも前にりすも / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/06/30 Sun 11:49:15" + filename,772691-WeNV + div,15 + mainid,772690-DVTr + title,ねこも前にりすも + title,ねこも前にりすも + title,ねこも前にりすも + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,30 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,91 + 2:second_highest,77 + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,25 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:second_voice,73 + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternB32fixed.dat + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 3:second_highest,75 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternA32fixed.dat + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,25 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-funk3.perc + 3:second_voice,65 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/patternJ32fixed.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:second_highest,71 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,25 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 4:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:mode,inst + 5:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 5:second_highest,56 + 5:highest,72 + 5:inst,25 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 5:second_voice,38 + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 6:voice,"mmi 0.45" + 6:second_highest,68 + 6:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 6:highest,72 + 6:inst,25 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 6:second_voice,56 + 6:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_lovemachine.dat + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,60 + 7:second_highest,68 + 7:highest,74 + 7:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_wxm3gi.har + 7:inst,2 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock2.perc + 7:second_voice,2 + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,65 + 8:second_highest,72 + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,25 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 8:second_voice,4 + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:inst,25 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock1.perc + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,25 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,74 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,29 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 11:second_voice,83 + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 12:voice,"fss 0.35" + 12:second_highest,78 + 12:highest,74 + 12:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_1i5avt.har + 12:inst,25 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 12:second_voice,103 + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 13:voice,4 + 13:second_highest,54 + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 13:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 13:highest,74 + 13:inst,25 + 13:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 13:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rocknroll1.perc + 13:second_voice,88 + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 13:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 13:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:second_highest,71 + 14:highest,74 + 14:inst,25 + 14:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 14:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-tom.perc + 14:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 14:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 14:mode,inst + 15:voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:second_highest,71 + 15:highest,74 + 15:inst,25 + 15:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 15:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 15:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 15:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 15:mode,inst + uid,6364 + 6:noteseq,"せas'1.0 んbes'0.75 さc''0.25 くc''0.5 わas'0.5 いg'0.5 らas'0.5 なas'0.5 いas'0.5 っbes'0.5 そas'0.5 んbes'0.5 なas'0.5 もas'0.5 のas'0.5 たges'1.0 いas'0.75 くbes'0.25 つbes'0.5 とbes'0.5 っc''0.5 たbes'0.5 たc''0.5 かbes'0.5 うa'0.5 かbes'0.5 くa'0.5 ごa'0.5 だbes'0.5 けc''0.5 こbes'1.0 とc''0.75 ばbes'0.25 わf'0.5 いas'0.5 さbes'0.5 まbes'0.5 しc''0.5 いbes'0.5 っbes'1.0 しbes'0.5 かc''0.5 しbes'1.0 じas'1.0 ぶais'0.75 んbes'0.25 にf'0.25 あbes'0.25 るas'0.5 かf'0.5 っf'0.5 そg'0.5 んas'0.5 なbes'0.5 ちas'0.5 かbes'0.5 らes'0.5 " + 11:noteseq,"p-0.5 ねb'0.5 こa'1.5 もa'0.25 まcis''0.25 えb'0.5 にa'0.5 りb'0.5 すa'1.0 もa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っfis'0.5 っa'1.5 ねa'0.5 こe'1.5 もfis'0.25 まa'0.25 えgis'0.5 にa'0.5 りb'0.5 すa'1.0 もa'0.5 っa'0.25 っa'0.25 っfis'0.5 っe'1.5 " + 12:noteseq,"p-0.5 ねa'0.5 こfis'1.0 もgis'0.5 まa'0.5 えgis'0.5 にa'0.5 りb'1.0 すa'0.25 もa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っgis'0.5 っa'1.5 ねa'0.5 こfis'1.0 もgis'0.5 まa'0.5 えgis'0.5 にa'0.5 りb'1.0 すa'0.25 もa'0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 っgis'0.5 っa'1.0 " + 13:noteseq,"ねa'0.5 こgis'0.25 もa'0.75 まb'0.5 えa'0.75 にa'0.75 りb'0.5 すa'0.75 もa'0.75 っb'0.5 っb'1.0 っe'0.5 っgis'0.5 ねa'0.5 こgis'0.25 もa'0.75 まb'0.5 えa'0.75 にa'0.75 りb'0.5 すa'0.75 もa'0.75 っb'0.5 っb'1.0 っe'0.5 っe'0.5 " + 3:second_noteseq,"あes''1.0 っc''0.5 あc''0.5 っc''0.5 っes''0.5 っes''0.5 いes''0.5 つdes''0.5 もc''0.5 のc''0.5 こc''0.5 っes''0.5 とes''0.5 っes''0.5 かas'0.5 まas'1.0 たbes'0.5 こas'0.5 んges'0.5 どas'0.5 もges'0.5 っeis'0.5 かf'0.5 わg'0.5 りa'0.5 ばa'0.5 えa'0.5 しa'0.5 なc''0.5 いc''0.5 そbes'1.0 っf'0.5 んf'0.5 なf'0.5 っf'0.5 っbes'0.5 っf'0.5 おf'0.5 もg'0.5 いa'0.5 だf'0.5 っf'0.5 けbes'0.5 っes''0.5 がdes''0.5 なc''0.5 んbes'0.5 とc''0.5 かbes'0.5 しbes'0.5 たdes''0.5 いeis'0.5 もf'0.5 のas'0.5 だg'0.5 っas'0.5 しbes'0.5 なc''0.5 けbes'0.5 れbes'0.5 ばbes'0.5 " + 5:second_noteseq,"まes1.5 っas0.5 ねas0.5 っas1.0 っas,0.25 っas0.25 えas,0.5 っas0.5 こas,0.5 っas,0.5 f0.5 っf0.5 けf0.5 っf0.5 じbes,1.5 っf0.5 せas0.5 っf1.0 っf0.25 っf0.25 とf0.5 っbisis0.5 もbes,0.5 っbes,0.5 es0.5 っes0.5 なes0.5 っes0.5 きas1.5 っas,0.25 っas,0.25 らas,0.25 っas0.25 っas0.5 ひas0.5 っbisis0.25 っas0.25 っas0.5 っas0.25 うas0.25 しbisis0.5 ろas,0.5 f0.5 すf0.25 がf0.25 たf0.5 っg0.5 まas1.5 っbes,0.25 っbes,0.25 くes0.5 っes0.5 っes0.5 っes0.25 っes0.25 そes0.5 っas0.5 っas0.5 っas1.0 っas0.25 うas0.25 うas0.5 うas0.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"せc'1.0 んdes'0.75 さc'0.25 くes'0.5 わes'0.5 っc'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 そc'0.5 んdes'0.5 なc'0.5 もc'0.5 のcis'0.5 たdes'1.0 いes'0.75 くf'0.25 つf'0.5 とf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 かf'0.5 くes'0.5 ごes'0.5 だes'0.5 けes'0.5 こf'1.0 とf'0.75 ばf'0.25 わf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'0.5 っf'1.0 しf'0.5 かes'0.5 しf'1.0 じf'1.0 ぶg'0.75 んas'0.25 にas'0.25 っas'0.25 っf'0.5 っas'0.5 っas'0.5 そf'0.5 んes'0.5 なf'0.5 ちes'0.5 かf'0.5 らes'0.5 " + 7:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 きes'0.5 りf'0.5 ひes'1.5 らas'0.5 いc'1.0 たc'0.5 ひc'0.5 とdes'1.0 のg'0.5 っas'0.5 cis'0.5 っdes'0.5 うf'0.5 しg'0.5 ろas'1.5 っf'0.5 っc'1.0 っc'0.5 っc'0.5 っc'1.0 おc'0.5 おes'1.0 おes'1.5 f'1.5 まdes'0.5 ぶf'1.0 しf'0.5 くes'0.5 みf'1.0 えes'0.5 るf'1.0 っes'3.0 そes'0.5 れes'1.0 とes'0.5 もfisis'0.5 っg'1.0 おes'0.5 おes'1.0 おes'0.5 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 っes'0.5 っbes'0.5 っc''1.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 っes'0.5 おes'0.25 おbes'0.25 おf'0.75 おf'0.25 っf'0.5 しf'0.5 かg'0.5 しdis'0.5 っes'0.5 っc''0.5 っf'0.5 っf'1.0 っf'0.5 っbes'0.5 っf'0.5 っbes'0.5 っf'0.25 おf'0.25 おf'0.5 おes'0.25 おes'0.25 そes'0.25 んg'0.25 なas'0.5 ちg'0.5 かas'0.25 らg'0.25 " + 11:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ねb'0.5 こfis'1.5 もfis'0.25 まa'0.25 えgis'0.5 にdes''0.5 っcis''0.5 っfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 おd''0.25 おcis''0.5 おcis''1.5 ねcis''0.5 こa'1.5 もa'0.25 まcis''0.25 えb'0.5 にdes''0.5 っcis''0.5 っfis'1.0 っfis'0.5 っfis'0.25 おd''0.25 おcis''0.5 おcis''1.5 " + 12:second_noteseq,"p-0.5 ねe''0.5 こcis''1.5 もcis''0.25 まfis''2.0 えe''0.25 にe''0.5 りd''0.25 すcis''0.75 もcis''0.25 っe''0.5 っe''0.25 っcis''0.5 っcis''0.5 ねe''0.5 こcis''1.5 もcis''0.25 まe''2.0 えd''0.25 にcis''0.5 りd''0.25 すcis''0.75 もcis''0.25 っcis''0.5 っcis''0.25 っa'0.5 っa'0.5 " + 13:second_noteseq,"ねcis0.5 っfis,0.25 もfis,0.75 っfis,0.5 えfis,0.75 にfis,0.75 っfis,0.5 すd0.75 っd0.75 っd0.5 おe1.0 おe0.5 おbisis0.5 ねfis,0.5 っfis,0.25 もfis,0.75 っfis,0.5 えfis,0.75 にfis,0.75 っfis,0.5 すd0.75 っd0.75 っd0.5 おe1.0 おe0.5 おe0.5 "
68772320夜の雨 / ねこにマインドtime,"2024/06/25 Tue 19:39:26" + filename,772320-UuEN + div,12 + mainid,772319-Ap6g + title,夜の雨 + title,夜の雨 + title,夜の雨 + score,"vocal second 1inst 2inst" + 1:voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:second_highest,71 + 1:highest,74 + 1:inst,87 + 1:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 1:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 1:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 1:mode,inst + 2:voice,"fss 0.35" + 2:second_highest,77 + 2:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_ButterflyKimurakaera.dat + 2:highest,74 + 2:inst,84 + 2:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 2:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-ballade1.perc + 2:second_voice,65 + 2:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_ButterflyKimurakaera.dat + 2:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 3:voice,"fss 0.35" + 3:second_highest,70 + 3:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_ButterflyKimurakaera.dat + 3:highest,74 + 3:inst,97 + 3:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 3:second_voice,73 + 3:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_ButterflyKimurakaera.dat + 3:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 4:voice,1 + 4:second_highest,58 + 4:highest,74 + 4:inst,50 + 4:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 4:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-fusion1.perc + 4:second_voice,32 + 4:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:second_highest,71 + 5:highest,74 + 5:inst,97 + 5:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 5:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-rock3.perc + 5:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 5:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 5:mode,inst + 6:voice,"fss 0.35" + 6:second_highest,76 + 6:highest,74 + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_lj2hit.har + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_lj2hit.har + 6:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_lj2hit.har + 6:inst,88 + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 6:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-metal1.perc + 6:second_voice,90 + 6:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 7:voice,18 + 7:second_highest,72 + 7:rhythm,pat/rhythm/namidasoso.dat + 7:highest,74 + 7:inst,2 + 7:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 7:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 7:second_voice,70 + 7:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/namidasoso.dat + 7:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 8:voice,50 + 8:second_highest,48 + 8:rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 8:highest,74 + 8:inst,0 + 8:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 8:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero6.perc + 8:second_voice,33 + 8:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/kotobanidekinai2.dat + 8:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:second_highest,71 + 9:highest,74 + 9:harmony,pat/harmony/../user_harmony/user_hm_pat_9diayq.har + 9:inst,4 + 9:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 9:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 9:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 9:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 9:mode,inst + 10:voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:second_highest,71 + 10:highest,74 + 10:inst,4 + 10:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 10:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 10:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 10:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 10:mode,inst + 11:voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:second_highest,71 + 11:highest,74 + 11:inst,4 + 11:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 11:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 11:second_voice,"fss 0.35" + 11:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + 11:mode,inst + 12:voice,12 + 12:second_highest,52 + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 12:rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 12:highest,74 + 12:inst,4 + 12:instpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:subpat,pat/instpat/ + 12:perc,pat/perc/perc-hirata-amero2.perc + 12:second_voice,116 + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 12:second_rhythm,pat/rhythm/pattern_aitakute.dat + 12:sound,FluidR3_GM.sf2 + uid,6364 + 2:noteseq,"やdes'1.0 さes'0.25 しf'0.25 いf'0.25 あes'0.25 めdes'1.0 がdes'0.25 っes'0.25 なdes'0.25 つes'0.25 かf'1.0 しas'1.0 くf'1.0 おes'0.25 もf'0.25 えges'0.25 るf'0.25 つdes'1.0 よbes'0.5 いas'0.5 あas'1.0 めes'0.25 がes'0.25 っes'0.5 ふf'1.0 りas'1.0 つas'1.0 ずas'0.25 いas'0.25 たas'0.25 りes'0.25 なf'1.0 がges'0.25 いf'0.25 きゅdes'0.25 うes'0.25 ふf'1.0 にf'0.25 っges'0.25 わf'0.25 すgis'0.25 れas'1.0 そas'1.0 おges'0.75 にf'0.25 なf'0.25 っes'0.25 たf'0.25 りf'0.25 ふdes'1.0 るc'0.25 のdes'0.25 わdes'0.25 っes'0.25 あes'1.0 めdes'0.25 だes'0.25 けf'0.25 でes'0.25 もf'1.0 なas'1.0 いges'0.75 しf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っas'0.25 っdes''0.25 " + 3:noteseq,"よdes'1.0 ごes'0.5 れf'0.5 おes'1.0 っf'0.5 おes'0.5 とas'1.0 しges'1.0 っf'1.0 っf'0.25 っas'0.25 っas'0.5 さas'1.0 わbes'0.5 やas'0.5 かes'1.0 なes'0.25 っbes'0.25 ひdes'0.5 ざes'1.0 しes'1.0 にf'1.0 っf'0.25 っdes'0.25 っas'0.25 っas'0.25 よbes'1.0 ろc''0.5 こdes''0.5 びdes''1.0 がbes'0.25 っbes'0.25 かdes'0.25 んdis'0.25 じes'1.0 らes'1.0 れf'1.0 るf'0.25 よges'0.25 おf'0.25 なes'0.25 そdes'1.0 んes'0.5 なf'0.5 こes'1.0 こf'0.25 ろes'0.25 のes'0.5 っes'1.0 ゆes'1.0 とf'1.0 りges'0.25 もf'0.25 なf'0.25 くdes'0.25 " + 4:noteseq,"よbes'1.5 ろdes''0.5 こdes''0.5 びdes''1.0 がf'0.5 かeis'0.5 んa'1.0 じa'2.5 らf'1.5 れf'0.5 るf'0.5 よf'1.0 おes'0.5 なdes'0.5 っdes'0.5 っdes'0.5 っbes'1.0 っbes'1.5 そbes'1.5 んdes''0.5 なdes''0.5 こbes'1.0 こdes''0.5 ろbes'0.5 のas'1.0 っas'2.5 ゆges'1.5 とdes'0.5 りes'0.5 もas'1.0 なbes'0.5 くas'0.5 っas'0.5 っas'0.5 っdes''1.0 っdes''1.5 " + 6:noteseq,"ふe'1.0 りfis'0.5 やg'0.5 まb'1.0 ぬg'0.5 っfis'0.5 まg'0.5 ちa'0.25 わg'0.25 ふg'0.5 たa'0.5 しg'1.0 かg'1.0 よa'1.0 るg'0.5 のa'0.5 あc''1.0 めdisis'0.5 っe'0.5 かfis'0.5 らg'0.25 だa'0.25 わa'0.5 だb'0.5 るa'1.0 くa'1.0 じゃg'1.0 んe'0.5 ぬe'0.5 わe'1.0 っg'0.5 めg'0.5 ぐb'0.5 みb'0.5 のg'0.5 あa'0.5 めg'1.0 とg'1.0 おa'1.0 もb'0.5 おa'0.5 のa'1.0 だa'0.5 ろb'0.5 おa'0.5 かa'0.5 っd''0.5 っa'0.5 っa'1.0 っd''1.0 " + 7:noteseq,"ふe'1.0 りfis'0.25 やg'0.75 まb'1.0 ぬe'0.25 っe'0.25 まe'0.5 ちg'1.0 わfis'0.5 ふg'0.25 たa'0.25 しg'1.0 かg'1.0 よa'1.0 るg'0.25 のfis'0.75 あg'1.0 めe'0.25 っe'0.25 かe'0.5 らfis'1.0 だg'0.5 わa'0.25 だb'0.25 るa'1.0 くa'1.0 " + 8:noteseq,"p0.5 じゃe'0.5 んd'0.5 ぬd'1.5 わd'0.25 っd'0.25 めd'0.5 ぐe'0.5 みe'1.0 のe'1.0 あe'0.5 めd'0.5 とe'1.0 おfis'0.5 もg'0.5 おe'1.5 のe'0.25 だd'0.25 ろe'0.5 おd'0.5 かd'1.0 っd'1.0 っd'0.5 っd'0.5 っd'0.5 " + 12:noteseq,"っd'4.0 b'4.0 っg'4.0 a'4.0 っg'2.0 a'4.0 e'2.0 ふe'0.5 りfis'0.25 やg'0.75 まb'0.5 ぬa'0.75 っa'0.75 まd'0.5 ちe'0.75 わd'0.75 ふa'0.5 たb'1.0 しa'0.5 かg'0.5 " + 2:second_noteseq,"やbes'1.0 さc''0.25 しdes''0.25 いbes'0.5 っbes'1.0 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 っf'0.25 なf'0.25 つas'1.0 かas'1.0 しas'1.0 くf'0.25 っas'0.25 っf''0.25 っas'0.25 つas'1.0 よdes''0.5 いbis'0.5 あc''1.0 めgis'0.25 がas'0.25 っas'0.5 ふas'1.0 りf''1.0 つes''1.0 ずes''0.25 いes''0.25 たes''0.25 りdes''0.25 なdes''1.0 がes''0.25 いdes''0.25 っbes'0.25 っdes''0.25 っdes''1.0 っdes''0.25 っdes''0.25 わdes''0.25 すes''0.25 れf''1.0 そf''1.0 おas'0.75 にas'0.25 っas'0.25 っf'0.25 っas'0.25 っas'0.25 ふbes'1.0 るas'0.25 のas'0.25 わas'0.25 っbis'0.25 あc''1.0 めgis'0.25 だas'0.25 けas'0.25 でas'0.25 っas'1.0 っf''1.0 っdes''0.75 っdes''0.25 っdes''0.25 あdes''0.25 あes''0.25 あdes''0.25 " + 3:second_noteseq,"よas'1.0 ごais'0.5 れbes'0.5 おbes'1.0 っbes'0.5 っdes'0.5 っes'1.0 っes'1.0 っdes'1.0 おdes'0.25 おes'0.25 おf'0.5 さf'1.0 わges'0.5 やf'0.5 かges'1.0 なdis'0.25 っes'0.25 っdes'0.5 っas'1.0 っas'1.0 っas'1.0 っas'0.25 おf'0.25 おges'0.25 おf'0.25 よf'1.0 ろges'0.5 こf'0.5 びges'1.0 がcis'0.25 っdes'0.25 かes'0.25 んgis'0.25 じas'1.0 らas'1.0 れas'1.0 るas'0.25 よbes'0.25 おas'0.25 なas'0.25 そas'1.0 んais'0.5 なbes'0.5 こbes'1.0 こbes'0.25 ろes'0.25 のgis'0.5 っas'1.0 っas'1.0 っas'1.0 っas'0.25 っas'0.25 っas'0.25 っf'0.25 " + 4:second_noteseq,"よf1.5 っbes,0.5 こbes,0.5 っbes,1.0 っa0.5 かa0.5 っbes1.0 じa2.5 らas1.5 っas0.5 るas0.5 っas1.0 っf0.5 なf0.5 っf0.5 おf0.5 おbisis0.5 bes0.5 おbisis1.5 そbes1.5 っges0.5 なges0.5 っbes1.0 っges0.5 ろbes0.5 っas1.0 っas2.5 ゆbes1.5 っbes0.5 りas0.5 っas1.0 っbes0.5 くas0.5 っbisis0.5 おas0.5 おdes1.0 おdes1.5 " + 6:second_noteseq,"p-1.0 ふa'0.5 りces''0.5 やb'1.5 まe''0.5 ぬd''1.0 っd''0.5 まd''0.5 ちe''0.75 わd''0.25 ふd''0.5 たe''0.5 しd''0.5 かd''0.5 よe''0.5 るd''0.5 のe''1.5 あb'0.5 めa'1.0 っa'0.5 かa'0.5 らa'0.75 だd''0.25 わd''0.5 だd''0.5 るd''0.5 くd''0.5 じゃd''0.5 んc''0.5 ぬb'1.5 わb'0.5 っb'1.0 めb'0.5 ぐd''0.5 みe''1.0 のe''0.5 あe''0.5 めd''0.5 とd''0.5 おd''0.5 もdisis''0.5 おe''1.5 のe''0.5 だe''1.0 ろe''0.5 おd''0.5 かd''1.0 っd''0.5 っd''0.5 っd''0.5 っd''0.5 " + 7:second_noteseq,"ふg'1.0 りa'0.25 やb'0.75 まg'1.0 ぬe'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.5 っb'1.0 っe'0.5 っe'0.25 っg'0.25 っe'1.0 っe'1.0 よc''1.0 るb'0.25 のa'0.75 あc''1.0 めfisis'0.25 っg'0.25 っg'0.5 っa'1.0 っc''0.5 っges'0.25 っfis'0.25 っa'1.0 っfis'1.0 " + 8:second_noteseq,"p0.5 っg,0.5 んe,0.5 っe,1.5 わe,0.25 っe,0.25 めe,0.5 ぐe,0.5 みe,1.0 のe,1.0 あe,0.5 めe,0.5 とe,0.5 a,0.5 っa,0.5 もa,0.5 っa,1.5 のa,0.25 っa,0.25 っa,0.5 おdisis,0.5 っdisis,1.0 っdisis,1.0 うdisis,0.5 うdisis,0.5 うdisis,0.5 " + 12:second_noteseq,"っdisis4.0 e2.0 disis2.0 っdisis8.0 っdisis6.0 e2.0 っe0.5 りdisis0.25 っdisis0.75 まdisis0.5 っdisis0.75 っdisis0.75 まdisis0.5 っe0.75 っdisis0.75 ふdisis0.5 っdisis1.0 しdisis0.5 っdisis0.5 "
?? 【中断】すでに 69 曲で 10141 箇所以上見つかりました。もっと検索語を詳しく絞ってください。

●以上のように、公開作品中で「title,I can do it and I must do it」が 69 曲、10141箇所で見つかりました。